CF 4 Ever
Re: Worship of Breeding
November 22, 2005
Said the single man to the married woman sitting in a bar complaining about all the "losers" at the bar scene and how great her life is:

"Then, why are you here?"

Said the CF person to the childless, self-righteous, judgemental, condescending person at a CF board complaining about the CF rants:

"Then, why are you here?"
Re: Worship of Breeding
November 22, 2005
There doesn't seem to be any way to get through your dimwittedness. Maybe when you finish school and have more experience in the real world, you'll learn how to discuss things like an adult instead of resorting to childish crap.
CF 4 Ever
Re: Worship of Breeding
November 22, 2005
You still did not answer the question.

"Why are you here?"

What do you get out of reading all these childish, "dimwitted" (to use your word) posts, anyway? Yes, it may be silly, childish, and unproductive to vent our frustrations, but isn't that what this site is for? Even someone as "dimwitted" as me can read the header page of Bratfree.

"Welcome to the Bratfree Rant Room, the newest place for the childfree to rant about bratty kids, bad parenting, bingos, discrimination, and other issues the childfree face. If you're childfree, you usually have to bite your tongue when you experience these things in real life. Not here. This is the place to let it all out. You may also rave about good behavior/parenting."

The key words there are "let it all out." Or, can you not understand that? We can't change the world any more with our "childish" rants any more than you can by coming here insulting us.
CF Scorpio
Re: Worship of Breeding
November 22, 2005
Morganmad Wrote:
> As for forcing certain toys on a kid, it never has
> worked and never will.

Then why do you support forcing princess girly toys on girls? You think the parents aren't forcing those toys on the kids?

If a girl is unlucky enough to have only sisters, she may never get to play with other kinds of toys.

I may be CF, but I live on the same planet as people with kids, and their choices DO affect the society we live in.

And maybe this topic doesn't interest you, but apparently it interests a lot of other CF people. By your logic, CF people have no right to opinions on childrearing because we don't have kids. That sounds like the same argument breeders use against us! Plus, it's like saying that people who've never been in the military have no right to have an opinion on war, or that people who've never worked in a restaurant have no right to an opinion on restaurant food or service. It's just not logical.

Re: Worship of Breeding
November 22, 2005
I never said CF weren't effected by other people on the planet, not did I ever indicate in any way that I supported forcing princess things on a girl. And how do you know parents, and you seem to feel you can speak for all parents, are forcing any specific toy on their kids? Just because someone saw toys they didn't like in a store, you make the illogical leap that these toys are being forced on kids. And you obviously have no idea about logic. I never said that CF have no right to opinions on child-rearing. What I said, and you and your pal keep ignoring, is that it's hypocritical to demand that others resepct your choices when you refuse to respect theirs. It's a two-way street but you refuse to acknowledge that. Deliberately misquoting or misinterpreting what I say does not support your point.

And there aren't a "lot" of Cf who are terribly concerned with this, at least, not here. There have been only 6 people who have posted to this thread. That's not a lot.
CF 4 Ever
Re: Worship of Breeding
November 22, 2005
Amen to that, CF Scorpio. I was beginning to think I was at the wrong board. Is no place safe from breeders, breeder wannabes, trolls, CL, or direct flaming of the CF? (None of the rest of us resort to outright name-calling of EACH OTHER, as followssmiling smiley

Morganmad postings:
"There doesn't seem to be any way to get through your dimwittedness."
"Grow up, little girl."
"Half the complaints that the so-called CF ramble on about are either non-existent, exaggerated beyond reason or self-inflicted."

CF do not come here to be subjected to your name-calling. In many ways, that is more insulting than what the breeders subject us to. At least we SEE IT COMING from them. You, Morganmad, are a double-agent. Especially when you refer to us as "so-called CF", as if you don't want to be directly identified with us. In that case, get lost. You have now been exposed. Go away.

Re: Worship of Breeding
November 22, 2005
There's a story about this woman who comes home and finds that someone has robbed her home. She feels violated. Her family and friends say, "Well, at least you weren't home and you weren't hurt. You're lucky." She hears that over and over and it doesn't make her feel any better. If she heard one more time how lucky she was supposed to feel after being robbed, she was going to scream.
She finds a group of people who all have been robbed.
One person says, "They went through my most personal belongings. I felt so violated."
Another person says, "I feel scared in my own home, even after I installed a security system."
Someone else says, "My hand shakes every time I put the key in the lock. I finally moved, and I'm still not the same person."
In that group of people who went through what she went through, she finally felt validated. She didn't feel like a freak because everyone wasn't telling her how great she should feel that someone broke into her home, took all her shit and rifled through her underwear drawer looking for some good masturbation material.

I don't understand what that "so-called CF" comment is supposed to mean. Are you saying that the CF here are jealous of breeders? Or that if we CF here are truly at peace with our decision, we don't need a place to vent?
I am very grateful to have happened across this board. I don't agree with everything that is said here (no shit) but one thing that makes my heart glad is to know that other people have the same frustrations that I have; there are others like me!

CF 4 Ever
Re: Worship of Breeding
November 23, 2005
Nour, welcome to the CF board! Normally, we CF'ers come here to let off steam and support each other. Sometimes, you will read posts that seem contrary or condescending, because someone finds there way here and bashes/criticizes/critiques us. Being CF, we're used to that. Just overlook those inconsiderate posts. Those people should go back to the parent boards, of which there are many. Anyway, welcome!
Re: Worship of Breeding
November 23, 2005
CF4Ever, you seem completely incapable of understanding what is said to you. You behave in a dimwitted manner. That's the reason for the remark. Stating a different opinion about something is not bashing or trolling or any of the other nonsense noted. I feel that many of those who claim to be CF are CF for the purpose of posting on some of the CF boards because some of the rants/complaints/vents are too farfetched and far too exaggerated to be true. I also feel that some of those who are most virulently CF may very well change their minds in a few years. It happens.

You have a problem in that you can't handle someone disagreeing with you but resort to name-calling and, when someone calls bullshit on you, you accuse them of doing what you've been doing. You most definitely do need to grow up and stop acting like a little girl. Try learning how to discuss an issue instead of making false accusations in a fit of pique. The only thing you've exposed is your intellectual shortcomings. I will go if and when I choose to go. Oh, dear! There's that matter of choice again! You know, that little matter you don't seem to understand.

Nour, your story was nice but I've never felt the need to have any decision of mine validated by anyone else. Perhaps some aren't as sure of their decisions or feel less able to deal with oppposing positions but that's something that comes with time. My house was broken into several years ago and it very definitely felt like being violated. I never had any need, however, to go look to someone else for validation of how I felt but to each his own.

CF 4 Ever
Re: Worship of Breeding
November 23, 2005
I totally agree with this statement, found on the Bratfree link "What is Childfree".

"So are most Childfree folks like you?

Oh heck no. I've been around the childfree community long enough to know that there is no "average" childfree, and sadly, I'm afraid there is way too much in-fighting in the childfree movement for any good to come of it."

Amen to that.

Childfree (CF) / Childless (CL) Scale

Cant stand kids/parents (CF) 12345678910 Loves kids/parents (CL)

I put myself about about a 3 on this scale. We are all so different, that forming a community is almost impossible. Also, we have the occasional prima donna CF that judges the rest of us now and then. Sure, we post exaggerations and stretch the truth (this has never been denied), but it's called VENTING. It's not okay to do all the time anywhere, but that's why sites like this exist.

Go back and read the posts in this thread, in order, and see if you can identify the first time one CF person's opinions and rantings (which are supposed to be okay) were judged and attacked directly by another. Sure, I "started it" by ranting about little girls and horses and the toy aisle. But I was not attacking anyone directly. That came a few posts later. Follow the thread and see for yourself.
Re: Worship of Breeding
November 23, 2005
Okay, now my dander is up.
I thought the definition of "child free" was simply a person choses not to procreate, "childless" was a person who does not have the ability to procreate and wants to. How does your degree of like or dislike for children/parents play into it? I happen to like well behaved children who I can leave, and parents who don't act like junkies for kids. I've chosen to not change the life I enjoy, and thusly I will not be having any kids around that I can't give back to their rightful guardians. Does that mean, I'm actually childless? No, it means that I (like the rest of you) have the common sense to realize that you don't have to make kids just because you have functioning genitals. Gah!

Now, about the toys. As far as I can remember, gender specific toys have always been craptacular, war for boys, homemaking for girls. If you do have access to kids and you object to how their parents are princessifiying and soldierfying them, then be the cool person who buys them fun stuff like science kits, books that present alternative view points, and kick ass music. All of my boyfriends relatives buy his nieces all sorts of horrifying shallow crap (mcdonald's play set?! who the hell wants their kid to dream of working at that hell hole?). He buys them stuff that might actually get them thinking, learning something, and possibly expand their dreams beyond being another blond, singing clone. When the family is togehter, one can clearly tell he's their favorite. Now granted, if you seriously dislike children, you might not be too keen to find that your small relatives like you best, but suck it up and realize that you might actually be helping to make another sensible child free person. It may take a village to raise a child, but it only takes one cool person to subvert them.
CF 4 Ever
Re: Worship of Breeding
November 23, 2005
Feh, your definition is CF is correct. That scale is bogus. I only posted that for fun. It's total crap. CF people can like some (or even all) kids.

And you're right about being the cool person to go against the norm with toys. I love buying my nieces/nephews/godchildren educational and fun toys. And, I get to be "cool" to them.
Re: Worship of Breeding
November 23, 2005
D'oh...I get riled easly when I'm not fully filled with coffee...

Anyway, buying the cool toys for the children you must buy stuff for makes it a little more fun to play with them when they insist on playing with their coolest relative. I'd much rather look at bugs with my boyfriends nieces than play school any day.
Re: Worship of Breeding
November 23, 2005
CF4, you keep dancing around and refusing to address the original discussion. And when someone has a point of view different from yours, it is not putting down or judging or attacking. You chose to read it that way for whatever reason. I'm assuming that you are unable to respond to the point that if you want your choices respected, you must do the same to others. Childish and irrelevant quotes are ineffective debate tactics.

And my parents taught me that exaggerating and stretching the truth is not venting but lying. Maybe you were raised differently.

v. vent·ed, vent·ing, vents
v. tr.
To express (one's thoughts or feelings, for example), especially forcefully

See anything about stretching or exaggerating?
CF 4 Ever
Re: Worship of Breeding
November 23, 2005
Morganmad, part of the definition of "venting" includes "one's thoughts or feelings." Feelings are subjective and can include exaggerating, stretching, or whatever. It's just that there, those "feelings" are committed to the screen for all to see, which may not always be a good thing.

Alas, apparently I am incapable of responding in any way that doesn't piss you off. There is no point in wasting our time with this discussion or debate. If you want to say you "won", great. I resign. I'm outta here.
mercurior 1
Re: Worship of Breeding
November 23, 2005
ok, i have decided to speak up, i think both morgan and cf 4 ever have taken comments made and turned them into a battle basically.

toys should be gender neutral, but they arent, moos are being sold the idea that all girls need these, all boys need these.. now you both are right in a way, but you are both wrong, you have taken this topic into personal insults, which isnt doing you any good, or this board, imagine if a moo troll comes in and sees up ripping each other a new one.. what will they think.

i remember some of my cousins, they always played with the boxes the items came in. now i suggest we calm it down, we are all here for the same reason CFdom, if we think differently thats ok, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but be polite about it, i am not pointing any fingers at anyone, but please please play nice, too much trouble is caused.. i am sorry spacecowgirl for stealing this thunder but i think it needed to be said by someone else..
Re: Worship of Breeding
November 23, 2005
I've always liked horses, pegasi, and OMG Unicorns. I'm most definitely CF. I still collect some of these things. *goes off to comb a My little Pony mane* Horses aren't breeder toys.
mercurior 1
Re: Worship of Breeding
November 24, 2005
i have sewn, embroidered, stitched, all from when i was a young lad that was my toy when i had nothing to do i would sew, i used my imagination mostly, i still have my teddy that i won when i was 4 years old, he is a little battered but i still have him, if you like a type of toy then thats ok for you, i used to play with a girl who had a barbie and my action man(sort of like gi joe) used to beat ken up and we used to play like that,
Re: Worship of Breeding
November 25, 2005
Well, IMO, anyone who comes on here calling us "so-called CF" (as if we don't really know that we're CF.... LOL) is not necessarily for the CF. Poof, pow, BE GONE.
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