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What is your favorite part(s) of being childfree?

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
What is your favorite part(s) of being childfree?
February 28, 2012
When I look at my life, I believe the best parts of being childfree are:

1. Having disposal income and not living like my parents did when they had me and my brother and were constantly broke.

2. Being able to go and do anything I want at anytime and not having any restrictions.....

3. Traveling and seeing places that I wanted to see since I was a small kid

4. Peace and quiet at home....breeders think that quiet time means lonely time but its the best when you dont have some brat screaming and making tons of noise.
Re: What is your favorite part(s) of being childfree?
February 28, 2012
I would have to agree with number 4. I am not old enough to have sluiced anyway, but in the next few decades I plan on having a distraction-free household. I like being home alone because I can listen to my heavy metal albums without sneers from my country-loving aunt.


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Its just funny because breeders think that we are in someway being punished by having to live somewhere that is quiet....I love coming home and having peace and quiet...today someone brought their baybee into work and that thing just had the most annoying sounds coming out of its mouth....just pisses me off..its work not daycare!
Re: What is your favorite part(s) of being childfree?
February 28, 2012
Well, it may not be so quiet when the records spin, but it is MY chosen noise and banging and screaming...not that awful high pitched shriek that brats are so adept at emitting.


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Those type of sounds arent just noise..its good noise..lol
Re: What is your favorite part(s) of being childfree?
February 28, 2012
I am still in college, so I can't really say I am in the real world already. methinks the great part will be focused on dedicating myself to develop my own life, not mini me's life. I don't want to vicariously living through my children, which what I would almost certainly do if I ever had any kids and had my dream life crushed into pieces. or I would be so bitter, taking revenge on the kid for taking my soul away.

Because I'm childfree, I will be able to use my spare time (and money) for painting, hiking in the nature, traveling, exercising, taking classes, or even just watching movies, while pursuing my career as a research engineer.
I agree 140% on travelling, I can't wait to see Machu Pichu, Iceland, Maldives, the Rocky Mountain, Tibet...

also I will have less wrinkle than my childed counterparts, and I will never be out of shape. I will be awesome. I won't have to deal with exploded diapers, child with learning problem, teenager slamming the door, mooching adult kid. oh, there are sooooo many great part of being childfree!

adults always told me that I could do whatever I want when I am an adult. I am just obeying them.
Re: What is your favorite part(s) of being childfree?
February 28, 2012
I love my peaceful, clean home environment. I also love being able to work from home, which includes writing, without being distracted by shrieking monsters.
I love being able to put my pets first, and spoil them as much as I please...and spoil myself too.
I love being able to spend my money as I see fit, after bills and necessities, I can spend it on myself.
I love the freedom most of all. I can come and go as I please, I can date whomever I please...and do whatever I want as long as it is lawful.
I love the fact that my body is not ruined by childbirth.
These are things I would never exchange for the "joys" of whelping. There are far too many things I can pursue, too many projects I can complete...and too much fun I can have without being chained to children.
Traveling has been great...one of the perks of being childfree.....I would never have been able to go to Switzerland and take in that beauty if I had a brat
It's all pretty much been said - we have the freedom to jump in the ute with the dogs and take off for the weekend if our work schedules are clear, we go scuba diving - together, we spend our disposable income however we damn well want (usually on car parts and scuba gear) and come home to a peaceful calm house. Love it.
Re: What is your favorite part(s) of being childfree?
February 28, 2012
read my username!
Re: What is your favorite part(s) of being childfree?
February 28, 2012
not having kids.
Re: What is your favorite part(s) of being childfree?
February 28, 2012
Freedom...peace...cleanliness...no brats running in and out while I'm in the bathroom...spoiling my always grateful doggy and kitty...just everything I guess...
Re: What is your favorite part(s) of being childfree?
February 28, 2012
My time is mine and mine alone.
Re: What is your favorite part(s) of being childfree?
February 28, 2012
As everyone has said, there are many reasons being CF is wonderful, but if I had to pick the #1 reason? Hands down, it's having a clean, quiet house.

Even as a teenager, my room was always very tidy. I hated clutter even then. I have always thought...known...that if I had to put up with the chaos, dirt, and noise that go with having kids, I would go stark, raving mad.

Shauna's like a gluten-free Jim Jones for dumb, lifeless middle-aged women. I swear, this bitch could set fire to a orphanage and they would applaud her for bringing them light. ~ Miss Hannigan
Re: What is your favorite part(s) of being childfree?
February 28, 2012
if I had to put up with the chaos, dirt, and noise that go with having kids, I would go stark, raving mad.
I would put a bullet in my head if I had to put up with the mess and noise.
Favorite part of being childfree, eh? Well, let me see.

One of my most favorite things about being childfree is the fact that it's my birth control, rather than a kid, that's making my hair fall out.
Re: What is your favorite part(s) of being childfree?
February 29, 2012
Two big things for me.
1. Time. I can focus on writing a book.

2. The friendship, love and loyalty of six awesome cats and four incredible dogs.
Re: What is your favorite part(s) of being childfree?
February 29, 2012
Favorite part of being childfree:


lab mom
Re: What is your favorite part(s) of being childfree?
February 29, 2012
Favorite part of being childfree:


thumbs upwink
Re: What is your favorite part(s) of being childfree?
February 29, 2012
My favorite part is the freedom to do what I want, when I want, where I want, how I want, without having to worry about brats.

Favorite? How about this: My husband and I have been married for 30 years. We're both 52. I was able to retire from the corporate world several years ago, allowing me to spend more time volunteering and working on my golf game (hee!). My husband has announced his retirement from his position (very big cheese in the corporate world) effective mid May and we're moving to the south west region of the states. Needless to say, his contemporaries are stunned and envious. Not one the them can imagine having the funds to retire at this age. Or, for most of them, any age. Many have asked how it is possible? My husband, always very direct, has replied: Start a financial plan early on. Never live beyond your means. Don't have children. Of course, this is all cart before the horse for, well, almost everyone we know.

Here's to the life well lived!
When I look at my life, I believe the best parts of being childfree are:

1. Having disposal income and not living like my parents did when they had me and my brother and were constantly broke.

2. Being able to go and do anything I want at anytime and not having any restrictions.....

3. Traveling and seeing places that I wanted to see since I was a small kid

4. Peace and quiet at home....breeders think that quiet time means lonely time but its the best when you dont have some brat screaming and making tons of noise.

All the above and a few more that have come to mind, especially after I see/hear/read stories about parents and their shitty offspring. Here's my list:

1. No kids to say they hate me/wish I were dead
2. No smart-ass back talk
3. No drug/alcohol/substance abuse issues to deal with
4. No late-night calls to the police department to deal with a deliquent kid
5. No ingrateful little fuckers to deal with
6. Don't have to ever vie for the affections of my partner due to having kids
7. No screaming/pleading/coercing to get homework done
8. No child support EVER
9. Won't have to lock my bedroom door at night so a psycho child or teen won't kill me
10. A nice clean house

I do NOT regret being childfree. I am 48 years old and I have a good life just like it is. Me and my partner are happy, and our child is our Mini Schnauzer. He is better than any kid, and he doesn't cause any problems!
Re: What is your favorite part(s) of being childfree?
February 29, 2012
No one will steal my booze while I am at work :beer:drkbddy
I can collect kimono and BJDs (Asian ball-joint dolls) without worrying about a kid getting into them and damaging them. Considering how much both hobbies cost, and the fact that most kimono are one of a kind and therefor irreplaceable, this is important to me.

I don't want to stay in the USA forever. I would much prefer to travel around, live in other countries, and really get to know parts of the world other than where I grew up. With kids in tow I think that would be a nightmare. Without kids? I can pack my shit and go. No need to worry about things like how my kids will adjust to local school systems (or if I'll have the option to homeschool them -- an option I would prefer over sending kids to school in most school systems), if they'll be able to make local friends, how they'll adjust to living in a new country, etc. I only have to worry about those things for myself, but that's okay because I am making the choice to live that live for myself. I'm choosing to take on the risks of moving to and adjusting to a new place every few years.
Re: What is your favorite part(s) of being childfree?
February 29, 2012
- Getting compliments that i look so young for my age
- Sleeping in late on weekends instead of shuttling brats to activities all day
- Cooking only for myself and my husband, instead of fixing meals and getting water every hour for a whiny kid
- Rubbing these facts into the faces of jealous breeders

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
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