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Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf

Posted by kidlesskim 
Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 11, 2012

My Addiction to Pregnancy Tests

Years ago when my husband and I first decided to start trying to get pregnant, I went out and bought a pregnancy test. It felt like such a grown-up, life-changing purchase, and I couldn't stop thinking about it sitting there, unused under my bathroom sink. A "grown up"??? "life changing purchase"?? That shit is ABSURD.eye rolling smiley

Sure, it said to wait until two or three days after a missed period, but no one could possibly wait that long to know if they were growing an actual human being inside herself, right?I think I peed on my first stick about two to three days after we first "tried," and I've done so literally hundreds of times since then through years of infertility and two pregnancies. Even two hundred tests, and I'd bet it was more, at a "2 for 1" price could easily cost in the thousand dollar range.:BS

The adrenaline, the anticipation, planning what I would say when I showed those two magic lines to my husband. Peeing and waiting -- eyes glued to the stick wondering if I really saw something or forcing myself to leave the bathroom and not sneak a look before a full 10 minutes elapsed. Running with stick in hand to a window or even outside to see if maybe, in just the right light, there would be a shadow of hope. The thousands of dollars (literally down the toilet) and the disappointment of that one damn line again and again ... until there were two. Unbelievable and I'd have hated to have been her husband and had to have put up with that nonsense for years on end.:smn

Even after I was confirmed-by-a-doctor pregnant, I still took pregnancy tests throughout my nine months just to see those magic two lines pop up. The craving to just pee on that stick and see the proof was too strong no matter how silly I knew it was (or how silly I looked buying them while sporting a huge belly!).saying 'wtf'

Now that we're likely done building our family, my cravings have eased a bit. Since my daughter's birth 14 months ago, I'm happy to say I haven't purchased a single one.But I still feel a little familiar pang when I walk down the aisle and see them and all their possibility staring at me from the store's shelf. I wonder how many more cows share this ridiculous and costly obsession? "Building our famblee"? eye rolling smiley

Is anyone else addicted to pregnancy tests? REST ASSURED, they absolutely are. :BS

Cow responds to poster who said periods following "chemical pregnancies" are NOT miscarriages:
I do this so bad! My husband says its possibly the weirdest addiction he's ever heard of. It's really frustrating for me, but I MUST keep doing it. I want to know so BAD!!!! I'm hoping it calms down once I'm actually pregnant. To Meagan- Chemical pregnancies are miscarriages, they are exactly the same as a miscarriage the only reason for the different terminology is because the pregnancy was not yet detectable on an ultrasound. It is an early miscarriage and devastating to women who have them. It would be easier if they weren't real pregnancies, but that is whitewashing the matter. :BS

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 11, 2012
It's like there's a rule that the most brain dead imbeciles are required to spawn. Poor grammar, unintelligent posts, weird obsessions. Makes me want to hide in my house all day.
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 11, 2012
The amount of mental illness that these cows display is staggering.
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 11, 2012
I wonder how she deals with the first few months when she can't know the infant's sex? How can she handle not knowing how the child will turn out? Doesn't it cause her unimaginable stress that she has to wait until tomorrow to find out if she'll need to pee at 10:43 or 10:58?
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 11, 2012
This reminds me of that show My Strange Addiction. Did anybody watch it? What a trainwreck.
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 11, 2012
What a freak. Thank every deity in the universe that we have pee sticks now and don't have to kill a poor rabbits because that bitch is psycho.
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 11, 2012
God, here's a whole page of COWS from Baby and Bump forum who, after testing positive, KEEP testing over and fucking over. This isn't even an infertility site either with most of them having avatars of their CURRENT loaves and being moos to multiple kids :smn


Cow 1
lol ....Anyway Since getting my first positive, I've taken another 4 since then and I'm so tempted to take my other one Ive got stashed away lol....Also I cant stop looking at all my positive tests and just staring at them with a big grin! Anyone else doing strange little things like this or is it just me? WHAT IS THE POINT? Why not save some money and just frame the first one in a fucking mirrored shadow box?confused smiley

Cow 2
yes meeee! I took one today!!! do you have yours from 6 weeks just so i can compare? i'll post my 6 week piccy!! its nice to know the lines r all the same iykwim xxxxx What is "piccy", I wonder? It's probably some inpig lingo I have missed out on all these yearseye rolling smiley

Cow 3
I did this too!!! Glad i wasn't the only one. Felt like some psychotic crazy woman having a phantom pregnancy! Had 8 week scan yesterday. Was convinced they'd scan and tell me i'd imagined the whole thing!!!! xxx She feels like a psychotic because she IS a nut.:crz

Cow 4
meeee, I took one before I went to work and felt a bit different when I came back so I took another even though the result would have been the same whatever What does "feeling different" in the afternoon have to do with taking another piss test? Yeah, "whatever" is my response too, right after, 'WHAT A STUPID CUNT"drinking coffee

Cow 5
Ive got mine from when I first tested so from 5 weeks hehe "hehe"? I fail to see anything funny about any of this and find it disturbingly bizarre. I 'get" why the cows repeat the test until they see the pink lines, but continuing to afterwards for weeks on end and in some cases, up until the day they sluice, is strange behavior, to say the least.shrug

Cow 6
I tested every day from 3+4 when I got my positive till 5+2. I don't think 4 tests is very much lol
Thing is though I am getting more and more tempted to just buy a box full from ebay lol! I have to keep telling myself NOT too! I just love seeing the positive lines come up Like I thought, they buy the damned piss sticks by the fucking case! I just hadn't realized they do this AFTER the inpigness is confirmed to relive the glory of the first moment, much like a serial killer keeps trophies and/or continues to kill to relive the moment of the first kill.:crz

Cow 7
I'm with you - ive done a ridiculous amount. I even kept a digi and promised to use it on this Saturday.I used it yesterday Still the weeks went up though! I didn't know they had tests that speculated to the number of weeks inpiig too! The excitement of that must be like giving a bottle of booze to a drunk who's down to nothing but beer.:drkbddymoo with baybeem

Cow 8
I think we do this cos we've seen so many negative well I have anyway !!I just love seeing two big fat lines !! Can anyone imagine what the men are going through having to deal with this shit day in and day out?:smn

Cow 9
I am still doing one daily lol! I had rather a few left over, so am using them "just to make sure" every morning.
Keeping them together as a comparison For "comparison" to WHAT, exactly? A piss stick with two pink lines looks like every OTHER piss stick with two pink lines!confused smiley

Cow 10
I took 15 FRER and 4 CB Digi's. All of these from 14dpo - 6wks. And all of the FRER are still in the bottom of my purse!! I have finally quit staring at them but just haven't tossed them yet. The only reason I tossed the digi's is because they no longer read anything after a day or so!!! 19 tests already and she's only 6 weeks inpig?:headbrick

Cow 11
I've been taking, at least, one per day ic test every day since 7/19 when i got my BFP. To me it's so exciting to see those two lines coming, I just can't stop! "Exciting?" I don't guess I had realized JUST HOW DEEP these womens' psychoses could go!shrug

Cow 12
LOL I just wanted to make a topic like this ..
I just went to the dollar store and bought another test
As soon as I came home I did it and the line was darker than the control line ANOTHER crazed baby rabid cunt!eye rolling smiley

Cow 13
I'm glad you ladies have posted this!!! Im not alone! Ive done 4 poundshop test that were all positive since last sat and still couldnt believe it!! So yesterday bought a 2 pack of clear blue digitals cause it was payday! Iwas keeping them to do a test this morning but I was bugging my husband so much we did it lastnight!I just loved seeing the word Pregnant in words so much! Must resist the 2nd test calling me from the bathroom! I'll bet their husbands want to slit their throats with a dull knife rather than endure all that nonsense:smn

Cow 14
I found out 3 morning ago. I have taken 4 tests since then!! I'm going to the dollar store to pick up a few more tonight. This mornings tests wasn't as dark as yesterdays, but I very well could have not held my pee very long (PEEING NON STOP!) I want to take MORE! DF is coming home from work tomorrow- has one in his truck God, they're insisting the men tote around extra tests too? I'd be damned if I acquiesced to that bullshit! If they don't play along though it probably just makes things worse for them. "DF"? I am guessing that means dear "fiance'", which leads me to believe many of these cows aren't even married!!!! The only thing worse than being inpig would be being inpig without a husband and shitting a bastard loaf.:headbrick

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 11, 2012
You know what that nonsense is, is a simple addiction to the Kodak moment idea of being pregnant. It's about attention from her husband, excitement at the "newness" of a baby (rather than the actual drudgery and work of parenting.) Think of old commercials where they ostensibly showed real couples finding out they were expecting. The husband gets all excited and affectionate towards his wife, it's all happy smiles and anticipation. At that point there are no dirty diapers, vomit, morning sickness, autardism, or calls from store security that the kid was picked up for shoplifting. There are also no fistulas, hemmerhoids, or duh cheating because you've gotten fat and boring.

That's what she's addicted to because she knows actual parenting sucks.
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 11, 2012
Not only is it the idiots who are breeding, but the people who are absolutely out of their fucking minds. I wonder if this woman ever threw away her positive tests or if she's got them all stashed in a little box under the bed. I wouldn't be surprised.

Also, you "build a family" when you play the Sims. This woman seemed to want to be pregnant and pee on sticks more than she wanted to have kids. She says she's done, but you know her "cravings" are going to come back and she'll decide to sluice another one just to see her precious double lines.

Her husband must be desperate or had the patience of a saint to be able to deal with his wife prancing around like a giddy schoolgirl every month, flaunting her used pee test to him like she's just found a shiny quarter in the backyard. I'd be drinking every day if I had to put up with such horse shit. And Baker Acting wifey because she sounds like a head case. I bet he's fucking thrilled that her nonsense has come to an end.....for now.
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 11, 2012
Wow. Those women are MESSED. UP.

I think they're hooked on that rush of finding out...the positive attention from their spouse, their new special status, etc. They keep trying to get a "hit" of it by peeing on a stick overandoverandoverandover.

The spouses of these addicts need to be firm about limits on number of kids, or else wifey will "oops" them so she can keep getting that rush.
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 11, 2012
What is "piccy", I wonder? It's probably some inpig lingo I have missed out on all these years

piccy = infantile version of 'picture' - a photograph of the fucking pregnancy test.

Can't they just find a standard one online? There are only two ways a pregnancy test can appear: positive or negative for pregnancy.
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 11, 2012
I see they're getting in practice for the baby by carrying around pee-covered sticks in their purses. Nasty. Stale urine has a very foul odor.

Whenever I've had to take one, I can't throw it in the garbage fast enough once the control line has shown up and the other hasn't. I know you can stick a cap over the part you urinate on, but I'm also sure that some of it has splashed beyond the wick.
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 11, 2012
What is "piccy", I wonder? It's probably some inpig lingo I have missed out on all these years

piccy = infantile version of 'picture' - a photograph of the fucking pregnancy test.

Can't they just find a standard one online? There are only two ways a pregnancy test can appear: positive or negative for pregnancy.

They're probably comparing their urine splatter for some crunchy mom type of reason.


I did a quick Google search about pregnant urine and it's worse than I thought. Seems when a woman's pregnant cervical mucus will wash out with their urine and form white splotches. two faces puking

I walk the path of life to my own rhythm, my own beat-if you don't like it, step off and find your own damn song!
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 11, 2012

Inpig tests bullshit is all over the internet, worse than I had imagined! Here's an article, among the multitudes, chocked full of additional nonsense regarding this piss stick test wave! I have included the "highlights" below, with my commentary in red as usual:eye rolling smiley

Pregnancy testing: 1,000 women's trials and triumphs

Positive result: Hard to believe
Creative ways to share your news
Negative result: Don't lose hope
Saving money on pregnancy tests
Try, try again: A common struggle

When you're trying to conceive, home pregnancy tests can mean excitement, disappointment, hope, and anxiety. And those little sticks come with lots of questions – when to test and when to wait, how to tell your partner, how to deal with the results (positive or negative), and how to find your way through it all. Here are some of the top findings from BabyCenter's survey about pregnancy testing, with answers from over 1,000 women. WHY SUCH anxiety over it? If you want a positive and get it, woo-hoo. If you don't want a positive and get it, then THAT'S the time for all this anxiety to set in! A negative for anyone shouldn't be that big of a deal! If you want to be inpig then just keep fucking and if you don't, simply be more careful next time so you don't have another 'scare".shrug

Positive result: Hard to believe
You'd think a positive pregnancy test would be enough to launch a woman on her journey to parenthood, but a surprising 62 percent of the women we surveyed didn't totally trust the positive at-home test result they got and took at least one more test just to make sure "I didn't believe it, that's why I took the next two tests," wrote Hope. "I'm eight weeks along now and still in shock!" You'd THINK a positive inpig test would be enough, but apparently they want continued confirmation and all the attention it brings. What's there to be "in shock" about? They fucked without birth control and now they're inpig.eye rolling smiley

When it finally sunk in that they were pregnant, many women in our survey felt luckier than if they'd hit the lottery: "I cried like a baby," said Heather, and for K.B. it was the "best feeling in the world." Keisha did her "happy dance" when she got the good news In fact, 51 percent of women were so thrilled they saved their positive test, and 38 percent of pregnant women and moms say they still feel excited when they see that life-changing little stick."Hit the lottery"? "best feeling in the world?" So"thrilled" they saved the urine covered sticks? :headbrick

Others got creative. Dayna wrote her partner a poem where the first letter of each sentence spelled out "We're pregnant." Linden "wrote on my belly telling him there was a baby inside," while LMK "bundled my four pregnancy tests into a bouquet and told him he was going to be a daddy."A few women enlisted the help of a little messenger: "I gave the positive test to my toddler to hold and asked my husband to change his diaper," remembered L. MacDonald. Steffi "bought a T-shirt for my 11-month-old saying 'I'm the big sister,' put it on her, and let my husband notice it!" FFS! Why not just say, "Honey, I am knocked up again" and be done with it? confused smiley

Some sent their partner a photo of the positive test result via email or phone, and one mother in Michigan hung a sign on her dog. Several moms-to-be used holidays to tell their partner. "It was very close to Christmas, so I wrapped up a slip of paper with my due date and let him unwrap it," wrote J.P.Jennifer M. "made the test a Christmas ornament and hung it on the Christmas tree." And Melanie interrupted her partner's afternoon nap on February 13: "I woke him by saying 'Happy Valentine's Day' and gave him the positive test!" They take pictures of it? I'd be SO PISSED if my Christmas gift was nothing more than a moldy used piss stick announcing the worst news imaginable. I wonder how these men pull it off they're actually happy when we know FEW are? Why wake the man up from a peaceful nap for something that can wait? These women are SO selfish anyway and only get worse with each additional inpigness.moo with baybeem
Negative result: Don't lose hope
Many couples have at least one disappointing test result when trying to conceive, if not a seemingly endless parade of them. Even if you're pregnant, it's common to get a negative result first (known as a "false negative") followed by a positive result. This happened in more than one quarter of pregnancies in our survey. That's the LAST Thing these cows need to know!:headbrick

As if the wait weren't tough enough, about one-third of women in our survey experienced a miscarriage and one-third needed to resort to fertility treatments. The most-tried treatments were drugs (85 percent), followed by artificial insemination (31 percent), in vitro fertilization (17 percent), and surgery (15 percent).Among women in our survey who were actively trying to get pregnant, almost every one of them (97 percent) reported doing whatever they could, in bed and out, to encourage conception. Their top tricks to boost their chances: taking prenatal vitamins, having frequent sex, pinpointing the time of ovulation, trying to lose weight, and cutting down on alcohol, caffeine, and stress. They should be trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle anyway. I am not the least bit surprised they immediately resort to expensive fertility tests because NOTHING is as important as the inpigness itself, not even the craving for an actual self replicant.eye rolling smiley

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Anonymous User
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 11, 2012
I think the reason these dumb cows keep repeating pregnancy tests to see the lines is because pregnancy is an accomplishment to them. It is an achievement to them. It is something they are proud of. Yes, that's lame.

I'm guessing that getting inpig is the only thing most of these cows have "accomplished" or "achieved" in life. So to them, it's a big deal.

Think of someone who worked hard to graduate from college and earn a diploma. They get the diploma framed and hang it on the wall. Every time they see it, it reminds them of what they accomplished.

I think for these pathetic cows, the pee tests are the same thing.

Glad it's not my life.
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 11, 2012
I think the reason these dumb cows keep repeating pregnancy tests to see the lines is because pregnancy is an accomplishment to them. It is an achievement to them. It is something they are proud of. Yes, that's lame.

I'm guessing that getting inpig is the only thing most of these cows have "accomplished" or "achieved" in life. So to them, it's a big deal.

Think of someone who worked hard to graduate from college and earn a diploma. They get the diploma framed and hang it on the wall. Every time they see it, it reminds them of what they accomplished.

I think for these pathetic cows, the pee tests are the same thing.

Glad it's not my life.

Yeah, but with "real" accomplishments people don't keep trying to duplicate the day of glory! We don't hear stories of Olympic Gold Medalists staging reenactments, past presidents creating inaugural parties and ceremonies, or Nobel prize winners, Oscar winners, or any other winner asking for a retake of when they were handed the awards. The only reenactments I can think of are the redneck ones of The Civil War, which is just as ridiculous especially considering the outcome.drinking coffee

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 11, 2012
I think the reason these dumb cows keep repeating pregnancy tests to see the lines is because pregnancy is an accomplishment to them. It is an achievement to them. It is something they are proud of. Yes, that's lame.

I'm guessing that getting inpig is the only thing most of these cows have "accomplished" or "achieved" in life. So to them, it's a big deal.

Think of someone who worked hard to graduate from college and earn a diploma. They get the diploma framed and hang it on the wall. Every time they see it, it reminds them of what they accomplished.

I think for these pathetic cows, the pee tests are the same thing.

Glad it's not my life.

Yeah, but with "real" accomplishments people don't keep trying to duplicate the day of glory! We don't hear stories of Olympic Gold Medalists staging reenactments, past presidents creating inaugural parties and ceremonies, or Nobel prize winners, Oscar winners, or any other winner asking for a retake of when they were handed the awards. The only reenactments I can think of are the redneck ones of The Civil War, which is just as ridiculous especially considering the outcome.drinking coffee

Well, as a former collegiate swimmer if I did absurdly well on a race I would keep swimming it because winning and doing well is addictive (gotta love exercise endorphins) but that would be to keep winning more races. If I ever got myself a Nobel Prize I would force it into everyone's face when they piss me the fuck off. Like, tell that shit to Mr. Nobel here.
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 11, 2012
Hey, this shit will make for some good material for the novel I hope to write one of these days.
Anonymous User
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 11, 2012
This reminds me of that show My Strange Addiction. Did anybody watch it? What a trainwreck.

I have. It is a complete trainwreck, and so is this woman if she thinks getting pregnant is someting that important.
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 11, 2012

I was skimming over some sites I found on the Moo forums looking for some more inpig test fodder and found a site dedicated to becoming Inpig tests of all kinds the cows can buy in bulk, and then I saw this:

Pre-Seed Lubricant
Did you know that regular lubricants are not fertility-friendly? They act as a barrier, preventing sperm from reaching their destination for conception. We offer the first lubricant specifically designed for trying-to-conceive couples. Pre~Seed actually mimics your natural fluids to create a helpful environment for sperm. If you're actively trying to conceive, you'll want to use the Pre~Seed Multi-Use Tube which comes with 9 applicators that you can fill with as much - or little - Pre~Seed as you wish to use. Want to learn more about Pre~Seed and how it helps facilitate conception? Check out our recent interview with Dr. Joanna Ellington, inventor of Pre~Seed and CEO of INGFertility. waving hellolarious

Here are some of the positive Moo reviews:

1)I would highly recommend Pre-Seed. After miscarrying and trying to get pregnant for 7 months, a friend told me about Pre-Seed. I bought it thinking... "what do I have to loose?" I got pregnant the first month of using! I am very happy with this product! WHY can't they EVER spell "lose" correctly?:headbrick

2)We tried for 3 months to get pregnant. Charting ovulation etc. But on the 4th month I used PreSeed and we got pregnant. I really think that was the boost we needed. Super easy to use too. WHAT could be difficult about using a lubricant, as opposed to the "easy to use" variety? Put some on your twat or weanie and carry on!shrug

3)After a year and a half of TTC I finally broke down and bought this product we only used it a few times and I we got our BFP the first month of using pre~seed. I would recommend it to anyone TTC. I would like to add that a little does go a long way the recommended dose is way to much. Yeah, it was the lubricant that got her that Big Fat Positive and had nothing at all to do with they fucked continuously for over a year without using birth control.eye rolling smiley

4)My husband and I tried for 7 months to conceive with no luck. Last month I tried Pre-Seed Multi-Use for the first time and I just found out I'm pregnant!! I really noticed a difference and I do believe that it helped us conceive! Definitely try it! Another gullible moo

5)fter the three longest months EVER of TTC, I broke down and bought preseed. We used it with the Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor (we had been using that the whole time) and now, on our 4th cycle, we're pregnant! I had not been happy with the quality of my cervical mucus when monitoring and I truly believe that Pre-Seed is what did it! I was a little apprehensive because I had never used lube before, but it was really nice and my husband said it felt good. After reading the reviews I used about 12 of the recommended amount and that seemed quite adequate. totally got me preggers! WHAT does her DISGUSTING cervical mucus have to do with ANYTHING?I

6)My husband and I have been ttc since December 2010, we were on our 16th cycle when i decided to order this product. I am so happy and feel very lucky for finding this product because we got pregnant on our first cycle of using it!! I can not say for an absolute fact that it was the pre- seed but I ordered this in March 2012 and in April 2012 we found out we were expecting our 2nd so in my heart I do believe that pre-seed played a huge role in us conceiving! My sister who has been ttc for 5 years is now trying this product and we all pray that is helps her as well! Good luck to everyone ttc I hope you all get your BFP soon!! WITHOUT A DOUBT, after EIGHTEEN rounds of IVF, it just had to be the new lubricanteye rolling smiley

7) I am super excited because my fiance and I have been TTC for about 2 years now, and I am starting to feel hopeless, but im willing to give this a try first... seeing the positive reviews are really helping, thanks ladies...WHY is she trying to get knocked up before they're even married?

8)Well I've been using pre seed for about a month now and I love it. I've been trying with my boyfriend for some years now and no luck. I always felt it was something wrong with me " because he have kids already" until i read the info on the pre seed box, that some women are dry while having sex because they are more focused on making a baby and not their lover and the dryness kills the sperm. I realized that was my problem, so now that im using pre seed I hope to have a baby soon. ANOTHER stupid cunt trying to get inpig with a boyfriend because she just can't STAND IT he already has kids and she wants to seal the deal with the standard, "one of our own" loaf.:headbrick

9)we ordered this to concieve a new baby but when it came we found out we were all ready pregnant So WHY is she even bother making a review if she has nothing to add about the product? We all know why. She knows this is the right target audience to baby stalk being inpig. "I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU, CAN'T WAIT TILL I AM INPIG TOO!!!!!!xxxxooooo eye rolling smiley

10)I was only able to use the free pregnancy tests that came with it as I missed my period before my order came in and I tested a strong positive so I will be saving the tube for next year...yay!!!! ANOTHER cow looking for pats on the back for her inpigness. She hasn't even shat THIS loaf yet and she's already planning for another inpigness "next year"? What is WRONG with these cows?:smn

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 11, 2012
WHY can't they EVER spell "lose" correctly?

I think they are spelling it correctly. After keeping their legs in the air just to end up stretching their hole to the size of a small caribbean island, loose is a good adjective.

I walk the path of life to my own rhythm, my own beat-if you don't like it, step off and find your own damn song!
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 12, 2012
WHY can't they EVER spell "lose" correctly?

I think they are spelling it correctly. After keeping their legs in the air just to end up stretching their hole to the size of a small caribbean island, loose is a good adjective.

lmfao! waving hellolarious

lab mom
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 12, 2012
8)Well I've been using pre seed for about a month now and I love it. I've been trying with my boyfriend for some years now and no luck. I always felt it was something wrong with me " because he have kids already" until i read the info on the pre seed box, that some women are dry while having sex because they are more focused on making a baby and not their lover and the dryness kills the sperm. I realized that was my problem, so now that im using pre seed I hope to have a baby soon. ANOTHER stupid cunt trying to get inpig with a boyfriend because she just can't STAND IT he already has kids and she wants to seal the deal with the standard, "one of our own" loaf.:headbrick

You know, this is exactly what I suspect. They aren't having any fun having sex, they're only doing it to get pregnant, and that's why they need this lube. If they were actually enjoying themselves very few of them would require lube. Probably without it they are like the Sahara and their fiances are only pretending to ejaculate, because they're in danger of getting rug burn.
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 12, 2012
I'd love to know what kind of man would put up with this BS. Thank god my BF is a real man.
Anonymous User
Re: Cow is Addicted to Pregnancy Tests:wtf
September 12, 2012
My first thought? Everyone needs a hobby. shrug
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