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my husband molested our one year old daughter, but he promised not to do it again!

Posted by ladybug2203 
Sounds like the moo is a relative to the Duggars


My husband tearfully admitted that he had molested her but promised it would never happen again. He seemed very remorseful and I thought that since I caught him, he wouldn’t feel safe repeating the abuse.
I accepted the pastor’s confident assurances that no further harm would come to Bethany. He gave me the assignment to focus on my marriage and to learn to trust my husband so I could save my daughter from his advances. According to him, any suspicion on my part would divide us and put Bethany in harm’s way. It was all up to me.

I tried to do everything I thought would help my relationship with my husband. I never said no to sex and I listened to everything he said.

Sick, stupid bitch. The whole article is about how she was affected, how she felt guilty and needed to learn to forgive herself. Oh, with a few patters about how Bethany has been hurt. But, of course she's working through it and now Moo feels that she and her daughter are closer than ever.

Someone needs to pike that bitch.
Some people are beyond help. Only fix is a long walk behind the wood shed with a 12 gauge and a shovel...
If she would have pulled her head out of her ass she would have noticed the daughter was being abused. There were signs, but play the victim moo.
This reminds me of the conversation I just had with my sister on FB. Her 13-year-old lower functioning daughter has a 44-year-old creeper on FB. Sister and her daughter's father are divorced, father allows the girl to have a FB account. Sister wants to delete it but asshole ex keeps going behind her back to allow it. 44YO creeper is a friend to the ex; creeper lives in the apartment above.

Sister only found out about this in the last week and is going to court on Monday to get an order to keep the creeper away. Unfortunately, this weekend is Dad's time for visitation and Sister doesn't trust the lout to keep the perv away. So far, he hasn't "done anything" but contact my niece on FB and send her messages that are blatantly grooming. Since Sister can't violate the visitation agreement, even in fear of her daughter's safety, she is going to deliver the girl to her father's tomorrow, accompanied by her line backer-size son and mean German Shepherd. She's going to pay creeper a visit and tell him to stay away from her daughter. I told her to be careful; it could backfire; but Sister assures me that the visit will be recorded.

Sister has made a lot of idiot mistakes, but she can never be faulted at being too weak to protect her kids.
Good for her, Dorisan! She sounds like a PNB.
So, according to the priest, the consequences of sexually abusing a child, should be getting to fuck whenever the guy wants to...

" ... what's one more once you've already got two shedding on the couch?"
If she would have pulled her head out of her ass she would have noticed the daughter was being abused. There were signs, but play the victim moo.

And the kicker is, Duh was molesting the girl almost the whole time the marriage lasted. Twenty-one years with a dirtbag like that! Some women will put up with anything to keep a mayun. eye popping smiley

It takes a child to raze a village.
I'm just going to say it.....Christianity (and the other Abrahmic monotheistic religions) are child rape apologists. Hate me if you want, but Christianity explains away child rape as a means to an end example: "God allows child rape because it's all part of His plan to bring good to his followers"
I hate Christianity, and the older I get the more I realize that I should openly say this more often.

"If you can't feed your baby, then don't have a baby. And don't think maybe, if you can't feed your baby."
- The wisdom of the late Michael Jackson
"The mother of the year should be a sterilized woman with two adopted children." - Paul Ehrlich
I'm just going to say it.....Christianity (and the other Abrahmic monotheistic religions) are child rape apologists. Hate me if you want, but Christianity explains away child rape as a means to an end example: "God allows child rape because it's all part of His plan to bring good to his followers"
I hate Christianity, and the older I get the more I realize that I should openly say this more often.

Well the golden dicks cant help what they do, its up to the girls to dress modestly as to not tempt men u know that!(sarcasm)
This reminds me of the conversation I just had with my sister on FB. Her 13-year-old lower functioning daughter has a 44-year-old creeper on FB. Sister and her daughter's father are divorced, father allows the girl to have a FB account. Sister wants to delete it but asshole ex keeps going behind her back to allow it. 44YO creeper is a friend to the ex; creeper lives in the apartment above.

Sister has made a lot of idiot mistakes, but she can never be faulted at being too weak to protect her kids.

This is really disgusting and disturbing, glad she has a decent mother!
This reminds me of the conversation I just had with my sister on FB. Her 13-year-old lower functioning daughter has a 44-year-old creeper on FB. Sister and her daughter's father are divorced, father allows the girl to have a FB account. Sister wants to delete it but asshole ex keeps going behind her back to allow it. 44YO creeper is a friend to the ex; creeper lives in the apartment above.

Sister has made a lot of idiot mistakes, but she can never be faulted at being too weak to protect her kids.

This is really disgusting and disturbing, glad she has a decent mother!

Thanks. Sister was a wild child and made bad decisions, but straightened up for her kids.

Latest: apparently Creeper got wind that my sister was wanting to have A Talk with him and was conveniently not home. Yeah, sounds like loutish Ex ...

So, Sister tears into her Ex, who defends the situation, saying "Daughter is never alone with him, someone is always around." (Me to Sister - "so he thinks everything is OK as long as Niece has a chaperone? The hell?") To the Ex, Creeper is just a nerdy guy who has a problem making friends. He asked my niece if she wanted to go to the ComicCon with him. And, she's 15, not 13. Shit, where does the time go?

Monday, Sister is going to go through the proper channels. Her Ex is an idiot; Sister is a paralegal and worked at a law firm, interacting with the court system for several years before her immune system crashed and she had to drop full-time work. Niece has absolutely no sense of social cues. If people are nice to her, she takes it at face value, which is what Creeper is playing on.

To relate it to the OP: Sister is ready to have this guy's balls, along with her Ex, for the inappropriate contact. If I was closer, I'd sharpen the knives for her. But the mother in the post - her daughter is flat out raped by her father and she spends years in denial and religious hackery excuses. The c*nt ought to be gutted for that.

I don't think Christianity is the problem, and you can't blame Christianity for what people do. The Bible even tells you that everyone has free will, so their sins are on them. People sin because they are inherently evil, not because the Bible told them to. For example, I've lied before {no, I'm not proud of it and yes I try not to}. That is on me. The Bible explicitly says not to lie, so it can't ve blamed for my lying anymore that it can be blamed because some sick bastard hurt a kid.

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
I'm just going to say it.....Christianity (and the other Abrahmic monotheistic religions) are child rape apologists. Hate me if you want, but Christianity explains away child rape as a means to an end example: "God allows child rape because it's all part of His plan to bring good to his followers"
I hate Christianity, and the older I get the more I realize that I should openly say this more often.
Actually, it's the pastors who value the marriage beyond reason that are the problems. In the Old Testament this guy would have been stoned to death, as there were laws against sleeping with someone related to you, because it was considered hardcore skeevy. Even in the New Testament there was an account of some guy trying to sleep with his father's wife, and the response is like "Ew, not even the pagans do that."

He'd also be one of the ones that Jesus would say would be better off with the millstone around his neck, because corrupting a child is considered extremely evil.

It's these pastors that offer crappy advice to stay in a bad marriage because 'God hates divorce!" Well God hates divorce, but it didn't stop Him from wanting to offer a bill of divorce to Israel or considering it permissible in cases of adultery (and possibly if a non-believer walks away from or abandons the marriage.) They use shitty theology, fail to understand context, and often idolize family, marriage, and babies beyond what is even Biblical. This man broke his vows many times, committed incest, she would have had full Biblical support to toss his ass out.

Maybe she would have still hung out with this turd of a man, but theologically she would have had no excuses.
Going to a priest to get advice on a pedophile husband is like asking your dealer where the nearest rehab clinic is. But I assume this was the only person Moo could go to who wouldn't turn her may-unn in to the police.

He gave me the assignment to focus on my marriage and to learn to trust my husband so I could save my daughter from his advances.

This is one of the most fucked-up things I've ever heard. Trust your husband so he doesn't diddle your kid again? I think trusting him means that he'll take advantage of that trust and finger-bang his daughter again.

It hadn’t stopped. She wasn’t safe. I didn’t protect her. I was shocked.

This was after she learned that her fine, upstanding husband had abused their daughter for 12 straight years and then again when the girl was 16. She married the fucker at 17 when she KNEW he had pedo tendencies. She caught him molesting their one-year-old TWICE after that. How could she possibly be shocked that her husband's abusive behavior never stopped? The fact that he got caught molesting the kid just means that he learned to be more careful about it, and probably drilled it into the girl's head that it was their "secret playtime" and that "we won't be a family anymore if you tell anyone our secret." As evidenced by: "In reality, he abused her daily. On many occasions, he planned in advance to be alone with her." Silly Moo, your finding out about his special brand of daddy-daughter dancing just means he had to figure out how to be more sneaky about it.


He only offered the excuse that he was abused by his parents.

I've heard this before, and it's something I have never, ever understood. People who are abusers are almost always abuse victims themselves. I don't get it; nobody knows how awful it is to be abused more than an abuse victim, whether it's physical, mental or sexual. Yet knowing how horrible it is to be treated this way, some of these people grow up to become abusers themselves. How's that work? On top of that, this particular Moo admits that she also suffered childhood sexual abuse, which means she had an even bigger responsibility to protect her child. She KNEW first-hand how it felt to be abused, yet she sat around idly, coming up with excuses as to why things would be different and her pedo husband wouldn't rape his own child. Saying "I couldn't do anything to help my kid not be raped because I was raped too" is horse shit.

It's denial across the board. Moo didn't want to think about the fact that the wuv of her life was raping their child on a regular basis, so she just pretended everything he was doing either wasn't happening or wasn't that bad. She played the denial game for two decades while her poor daughter has been the one to suffer the whole time. All because Moo cared more about having a dick in her than she cared about her kid's well-being. This is horrifying, and Moo should be charged right along with Duh for allowing the abuse to happen.
The only reason to stay with a child abuser is to cut their hands and balls off. This cow can go suck one. She knew her dick was raping her baby and did absolutelyfuckall to stop it. I hope she lives with that guilt for eternity.


"It is better not to look like what you are; it is better to look like a bourgeois woman because then all the doors are open for you and then you can just go and make hell." - Marjane Satrapi
Because most people don't know their Bible very well.

Priests, pastors need marriage to keep their churches going. They NEED babies being born, so they have future church members. More church members means more money coming in. That is the crux of the matter. Keeping women subservient means that she will most likely stay pregnant, if she listens to the pastor. A pregnant woman who is dependant on her man for survival isn't going to make waves for her family or the church. If her only source of income is her husband, and she has no job skills, then she will put up with abuse, because in reality she has no choice. She has been brainwashed into thinking that she will go to hell if she doesn't do whatever a man tells her to do, because of Adam and Eve, and original sin. Never mind that the pastor has his own adjenda on all of this.

I can't stand that the pastor put the onus on her. She is NOT responsible for his molesting his daughter, he is. She can fuck this guy all he wants, it won't stop his pedophile attractions. This pastor basically excused hubby's behavior by putting the blame for his pedophilia squarely on her shoulders. And she was dumb enough to believe it.
The dick is guilty, the pastor is guilty, and the moo is guilty. It seems priests are mandated reporters in Arizona. Every single one of those jerks should be punished, in proportion with their contribution to what happened.
Why are young single moos always so fucking desperate for a boyyyyyyyfriend and cant stand to be single for 5 min
That child was her primary responsibility, not the dickwad she married.

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
I'm just going to say it.....Christianity (and the other Abrahmic monotheistic religions) are child rape apologists. Hate me if you want, but Christianity explains away child rape as a means to an end example: "God allows child rape because it's all part of His plan to bring good to his followers"
I hate Christianity, and the older I get the more I realize that I should openly say this more often.
Hand in hand with the "dress modestly" mandate is believers making the mistake that feeeelings directly equal inspiration, prompting of the spirit, or other responsibility abdication phrases.
If a "godly" man feels turned on, and he's been lead his whole life to believe that if he lives in tune with the gospel enough, gawd will share heavenly prompting and guidance with him...
How is he ever going to learn to control his own drives, much less emotional feelings?
It might have been gawd speaking. Better do what "felt right", which is to say, pure animal instinct that most learn to take some control of as teenagers.

Hence us wimmins must cover ourselves lest gawd inspire rape in his followers.
Apply this sentiment to pretty much any feeeeelings people can have. "It's your fault gawd made me feel this." "I feel this because of gawd." "Righteous anger" that a believer feels, looks like unhinged lunacy without the gawd-goggles.

Anyone who really thinks they can defend religion in the face of which way the (m)asses have run with it, is part of the problem, IMO.

I don't think Christianity is the problem, and you can't blame Christianity for what people do. The Bible even tells you that everyone has free will, so their sins are on them. People sin because they are inherently evil, not because the Bible told them to. For example, I've lied before {no, I'm not proud of it and yes I try not to}. That is on me. The Bible explicitly says not to lie, so it can't ve blamed for my lying anymore that it can be blamed because some sick bastard hurt a kid.

But Jehovah WATCHED that child get raped and did NOTHING! Not only do I hate Christianity but I also hate Jehovah. He is a pervy bastard who watches child rape. And if you bring up "free will" then you are admitting that Jehovah thinks the rapist free will is more important than that child's innocence. Like I said, Jehovah=sick bastard. GROSS! How could anyone love a being that watches child rape, unless that person is a child rape apologist?
As the saying goes "The difference between me and your god is that if I saw someone raping a child I'd try to stop it."
Mike. Drop.

"If you can't feed your baby, then don't have a baby. And don't think maybe, if you can't feed your baby."
- The wisdom of the late Michael Jackson
"The mother of the year should be a sterilized woman with two adopted children." - Paul Ehrlich
In my experience, Catholics and Christians and any other God-fearing people constantly use their deity as a scapegoat. This way, they can do anything they want and say that it was God's will, it was in the Bible, God told them to do it and so forth. If you're a believer in God, you have absolutely NO responsibility and anything you say or do is never, ever your fault because either God made you do it or you're doing it to make God happy. And Christians just loooove to cherry-pick their morals - they can rape a child and it's okay, but if an atheist does it, they're disgusting and will burn in hell. Isn't it nice how that shit works out for the Christian?

I'm sorry to anyone here who is religious and sane, but I had this shit forced down my throat for years and I'm just describing what I've personally witnessed. Catholics/Christians will always use God to excuse anything bad they do. And if what they do is against God's will, all they have to do is say they're sowwy in a little booth in church, say a few prayers and they're back in God's good graces.

I'm not saying the religion itself is to blame. It's the followers who cause all the fuckin' problems. A bunch of words in a crappy old book aren't causing any trouble - it's the morons who "read" and interpret the book to suit their own agendas that you gotta watch out for. The poor girl in this story could have been saved from so many years of further sexual abuse had this priest grown a pair and reported Duh's pedo ass to the police. But NOPE - since pedo-Duh is a Gawd-fearin' may-unn, he can do whatever he wants, and obviously the reason he "had to" stick his cock in his infant daughter was because his wife wasn't performing her "wifely duties" well enough. One of the biggest reasons I quit being Catholic a looong time ago: I refuse to be a part of any religion where I have absolutely no free will and everything is my fuckin' fault. If I ever have a need to find religion, I'm becoming a Satanist. At least they make sense.
Religious extremists of any religion tend to be absolute jerks toward their fellow human beings. They're all about judging, exclusion, and punishment.

People who take personal solace in religion are fine with me, it's those who use their religion as an excuse to behave like assholes and to try to force their beliefs on the rest of humanity who need to be completely removed from positions of power and influence. They also need to be held accountable for their actions in a secular court.
@jmc How could anyone love a being that forces it's subjects to live a certain way? On the one hand, atheists like to say it is cruel that G-d doesn't stop this from happening, free will be damned. On the other hand, what would you say about a deity that does ask you ask, and zaps you with lightening when you do something wrong?

Plus, by blaming G-d for what this guy did, you are exonerating him JUST like the priest did. The priest says that it isn't really his fault because he was led a certain way. You say it isn't really his fault because G-d didn't stop it. If that's true, we can blame the passengers of the plane that struck the twin towers, because they didn't stop it. Or I can say, I will rob a bank tomorrow unless jmc stops me. So, unless you stop me from robbing the bank, it would be your fault, right? Because even though I have free will, you didn't do anything to stop me.

Saying 'it's G-ds fault for not stopping it' shifts the blame off the rapist just as much as saying 'it's okay because you were lead to.' Kind of like how society victim blames. 'It isn't the rapists fault, it's her fault for being out at night,' 'why was she wearing a short skirt?' 'why didn't she fight, she must have secretly wanted it.' etc. You know who rapes? Rapists. Done. Mic*. Drop.

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
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