Here's a blog from a moo I've known for 15 years.
December 01, 2011
I met this girl in 3rd grade. We're now 23 (I just turned 24). She has an almost three year old HELLRAISER.

She has spent so much time bowing to this girl's whim and being this girl's friend that she is out of control. When my best friend had her well-behaved, beautiful son (now 1), she came down TWO HOURS after my friend's C-section and INSISTED on visiting. While she was holding him, her daughter was hitting and scratching her and even almost hurt the baby. sad smiley I once went to the fair with her and my best friend for a "girls night" that turned out to be "Melissa and Samara night" because she just COULDN'T BE WITHOUT HER BAYBEE. (I left, needless to say.)

She is VERY obsessed with green living to the point when I mention I am dyeing my hair, she posts articles about people getting cancer and dropping dead from hair dye. When I posted an article about those chicken pox lollipops that moms were sending in the mail, she said "Better than a vaccine made with aborted fetal cells and autism-causing chemicals." She makes a list for gifts for birthdays/Christmas with non-toxic, green, dye free, expensive crap and if anyone buys anything that isn't on the list, she doesn't accept it. When she found out my best friend uses disposable diapers (after trying cloth and having it not work for her) she posted articles about cloth diapers causing boys to be infertile.

She refers to her family as SAPsMaMa, SAPsDaDa, and SAP (the kyd). UGH. I find this insufferable.

A little background . . . she got knocked up two months after meeting the guy, he wanted to pay for an abortion so they split up, she shits the loaf and he all of a sudden decides to play duhddy. He doesn't have a job because he "wants something that fits with his degree." They collect all kinds of government assistance and are always asking for handouts from friends.

We no longer speak after she talked down to me like I was two for the last time. She was saying that hospitals shouldn't provide formula samples to moms, and I said that breastfeeding is not a one size fits all, that formula is just fine for babies. She then started her tirade by saying, "Until you are a mother, you cannot understand the joy of nursing." Sorry that I don't see any joy from having a child hanging off my tits.

End rant . . . here's the link to her blog (take the spaces out of the w w w part).

http://w w
Re: Here's a blog from a moo I've known for 15 years.
December 01, 2011
Another note . . . her blog pisses me off. She gets TONS of free shit from companies to review and giveaway and I think it's retarded. That's why I hate "mommy bloggers." Get off the computer and take care of your fucking shitling.
Re: Here's a blog from a moo I've known for 15 years.
December 01, 2011
bitch needs to stop preaching to other people, get a god damn job and PAY HER OWN WAY. hate it when ppl shit a loaf and then decide their all into green living and the environment when their own loaf shitting is having far more on an impact on the environment then a reasonable cf person ever will. its worse in her case as it seems her 'green' family dont even pay their own god damn way and contribute NOTHING to society. those types of ppl remind me of the fart sniffers from the south park episode Smug Alert.

god damn fart sniffers!

am i being too harsh?
Re: Here's a blog from a moo I've known for 15 years.
December 01, 2011
also, i work in the enviro industry on bush crew, my dh is an ecologist. i would LOVE the opportunity to go to uni and get similar degrees to this nit wit and her husband but currently cant afford it, so am taking the apprentice route. it pissed me off to see them just waste their education sitting about blogging when they could be doing something REAL that has a positing impact on the environment, yet still trying to collect 'glory' for being in the industry. what a waste of a place in a course!
Re: Here's a blog from a moo I've known for 15 years.
December 02, 2011

bitch needs to stop preaching to other people, get a god damn job and PAY HER OWN WAY.


lab mom
Re: Here's a blog from a moo I've known for 15 years.
December 02, 2011
what a waste of oxygen and space.

i thought you would have reminded her kindly that owning non eco-friendly car, dyeing hair, not using reusable plastic bag, using all sorts of inorganic chemical cleaning product, or any deeds deemed NOT GREEN are still much GREENER than having kids.
i thought you would have reminded her kindly that owning non eco-friendly car, dyeing hair, not using reusable plastic bag, using all sorts of inorganic chemical cleaning product, or any deeds deemed NOT GREEN are still much GREENER than having kids.

"Green parenting" has to be one of the biggest, fattest oxymorons ever known. Kids are wasteful little fuckers even if they have been raised the "green" way.
Re: Here's a blog from a moo I've known for 15 years.
December 02, 2011

"Green parenting" has to be one of the biggest, fattest oxymorons ever known. Kids are wasteful little fuckers even if they have been raised the "green" way.

i admit i am not living the life as green as possible...that's why i don't create a new copy of myself, which add the amount of carbon footprint i made on the earth.
here is a little chemistry lesson for the stupid entitled moo.
more kids <=> more people <=> more oxygen converted into carbon dioxide + more untreated waste + more energy used. the only way to be greener really is sending the kid to the outer space.

to raindancemaggie, is your friend a hippie?
i hope she isn't. i always thought hippies are the happiest people on the earth.

also, what does SAP stand for?
also, what does SAP stand for?

I'm assuming Suppressed Abortion Product/Princess.

I visited the blog mentioned here. The brat herself is foogly.
Re: Here's a blog from a moo I've known for 15 years.
December 02, 2011

I'm assuming Suppressed Abortion Product/Princess.

I visited the blog mentioned here. The brat herself is foogly.

waving hellolarious
didn't realize the linky... the blog has gained quite a number of members though!

write about things people compassionate about (like KIDS and SHITS ABOUT KIDS!) then voila! you get a bunch of followers! my, what a rhetorical statement i have made.
Re: Here's a blog from a moo I've known for 15 years.
December 02, 2011
SAP stands for the chyld's name. Samara Amber P*****. But I like Suppressed Abortion Product/Princess better. grinning smiley

Felisdomestica, she claims to be a hippie. I say she's not. She's NEVER happy. Always bitching all over Facebook about EVERYTHING.

She used to be a GREAT person. She was so fun to hang out with, she LOVED to go out and party with us girls, she used to be great to talk to, but the second she found out she was pregnant she did a complete 180 and now I absolutely cannot tolerate what used to be a great friend. She has even gone so far to say that anyone who wants to see her needs to want her daughter around, too. UGH.
Re: Here's a blog from a moo I've known for 15 years.
December 03, 2011
The only way having kids is green is if you use their dead bodies to fertilize your 100% organic garden. You can drive the most eco-friendly car known to man, buy nothing but organic food free of dyes and preservatives, use nothing with chemicals, live in a fucking tree, grow/harvest your own food and make your own clothing and it all gets canceled out when you shit a loaf.

Yeah, might not seem like much - one more mouth to feed. That one more mouth to feed will suck up a huge amount of resources that really didn't need to be used. This amount could multiply rapidly if the kid has special health needs. Consider they will be one more person that burns up fuel, one more student who will need a ton of paper, one more person using electricity and buying loads of plastic shit. Then you factor in how many times a woman can get knocked up or how many women a man can knock up - who knows how many more unnecessary mouths will be spawned from that one kid who didn't need to be born.

I'm starting to rant. The bottom line,as we all know, is that if you have a kid, you are not green. There's nothing wrong with trying to minimize your carbon footprint, but once you have a kid, you've got your footprint cast in fucking cement and it's not going anywhere unless you kill said kid.

But hey, why should the breeders care? They'll be dead by the time things really really start going to shit. Who care if their kids are the ones who have to suffer from depleted resources, just as long as Mommy and Daddy got their own way.
Re: Here's a blog from a moo I've known for 15 years.
December 03, 2011
Just another way breeders get to say, "me me me me me me me me mmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeee, it's all about me and what I want!!!!" Ad nausium. :BS

lab mom
Re: Here's a blog from a moo I've known for 15 years.
December 03, 2011
SAP stands for the chyld's name. Samara Amber P*****. But I like Suppressed Abortion Product/Princess better. grinning smiley

Felisdomestica, she claims to be a hippie. I say she's not. She's NEVER happy. Always bitching all over Facebook about EVERYTHING.

She used to be a GREAT person. She was so fun to hang out with, she LOVED to go out and party with us girls, she used to be great to talk to, but the second she found out she was pregnant she did a complete 180 and now I absolutely cannot tolerate what used to be a great friend. She has even gone so far to say that anyone who wants to see her needs to want her daughter around, too. UGH.

Samara, like in The Ring movie?
SAP sounds in syllable with FAP. FAPFAPFAPFAP. Suppressed Abortion Product should have been happy fapping product, i guess.

makes me wonder how harmful to the brain the pregnancy hormones are... it is like a moozombie viral infection.
the "joy of nursing" she speaks of is a release of the hormone oxytocin. The same hormone is released during orgasm, and is one of the 65 components found in humans seminal plasma (semen). So round up your man, and have some fun: there you go, you just got a double dose of her "joy of nursing".

My major was in psychology, with a focus in intimate relationships. I wrote a good chunk of papers on this stuff.
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