Does this bitch over at the Commode have a kid or a dog?
December 13, 2011
Does this twat have a kid or a dog?

And this
stupid moo
I know construction worker guy pee in the middle of summer is not the same as sweet newborn pee
Riiight......Because we all know that loaves shit chocolate mousse, fart glitter and piss rolling left righteyes2
Re: Does this bitch over at the Commode have a kid or a dog?
December 13, 2011
So gross. WHY can't they come in and pee normally in the toilet? If you're on a 20-mile hike in the deep woods, sure, no one cares. I'd never want to set foot in their pee-covered yard however.
So.... why does the kid need to go outside? Are parent's not potty training anymore? That's just gross and insanitary. Why not just chain up the kid outside permanently ?
Re: Does this bitch over at the Commode have a kid or a dog?
December 13, 2011
This is just another sign of lazy breeder attitude. Let the kyd piss...shit anywhere, everywhere. Who cares? It's bayyybeee's sweet and delightful! I don't know what kind of olfactory sense this woman has, but NOTHING smells worse than a pissy or shitty diaper...baybee piss smells as raunchy as regular piss.
Just because it's her speshul snowflake's piss doesn't make it smell any sweeter.
This makes me feel very worried about setting food on any bit of lawn anywhere without wearing shoes. Who the hell knows anymore?
Re: Does this bitch over at the Commode have a kid or a dog?
December 13, 2011
Sweet newborn pee? Everyday I hear something new.
What, it's Nectar of The GodsTM, now? Jesus.:headbrick
Re: Does this bitch over at the Commode have a kid or a dog?
December 13, 2011
Sweet newborn pee? Everyday I hear something new.

Sounds like she would dab it behind her ears as if it were the finest perfume. Breeders are frigging strange.
Yeah, it does sound like they just don't want him to pee outside (grandparents get touchy about the funniest things,lol) . Sorry you have to deal with the attitude. Maybe there is a specific reason they don't want him to (ie: the neighbors can see) which you can work around?

The funniest things, lol?

Maybe they don't want their grandkids going outside to piss like animals. Do you go out for a walk with the kids when the have to take a shit? Make sure to carry some baggies handy so you can at least pick up after those animals.

Kid piss is piss. Kid shit is shit. Kid spit is spit. I don't care about different diets or whatever. It's all the same.
Re: Does this bitch over at the Commode have a kid or a dog?
December 13, 2011
"...I dunno; I think it's mainly grandma's issue. Grandpa has seen me take Gavin outside and inside to wipe him a dozen times without seeming to have an issue. I think what happened is grandma asked him who was going outside, and he probably said I took Gavin out to pee, and she's the one with the issue. And just like our side of the family, the men just nod and agree with their wife so"

OH GOD! She lets the little bastard shit outside too?::brbl

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Does this bitch over at the Commode have a kid or a dog?
December 13, 2011
I think Moo needs an English class. WTF does she mean, "stop peeing our son outside?" It sounds like she's trying to pass the kid itself out of her urethra.

But more importantly, it's not silly to expect your kid to not piss outside like a fucking animal. Yeah sure, pee if it's a major emergency and he can't make it to the bathroom - adults do that sometimes in dire circumstances. But it sounds like they're content with just having him always piss outside in the same spot like a cat rather than learn to piss in a toilet like a civilized person. If the bastard is pissing on any bushes or flowers, they're probably wilting and dying from the waste.

And of course they're all trying to figure out why Meemaw and Peepaw are "touchy about such silly things" because they have no neighbors to witness Junior exposing himself. Could it be they simply think the kid's behavior is disgusting and that he should stop before he gets too used to using the world as his toilet?

If her kid is old enough to go outside and piss in the exact same spot all the time, he's old enough to piss in the toilet. Moo is just a lazy piece of shit who can't be arsed to raise the brat I'm sure she insisted be brought into the world. It won't be as cute when Junior is pissing all over the floor in school like a feral animal.
Re: Does this bitch over at the Commode have a kid or a dog?
December 14, 2011
I noticed she didn't bother to answer the question of WHY she takes the kid outside to pee and shit.

What a freak.
Re: Does this bitch over at the Commode have a kid or a dog?
December 14, 2011
I noticed she didn't bother to answer the question of WHY she takes the kid outside to pee and shit.

What a freak.

I can't say for certain, but she sounds like one of the "EC" (elimination communication) Moos. In case you don't know, they are a subset of the 'GD" (gentle discipline) "AP" (attachment parenting) crowd who believe that children, including newborn infants, will give them "signals" of when they have to piss and shit.Therefore, they can completely avoid diapers and traditional potty training. They think it's best to let the kid piss or shit whenever and wherever it needs to, upon giving the "signal", which can be with their eyes, body language, a cry or grunt, or when they are older they have little secret phrases. They often put mixing bowls under the asses of nurslings attached to udders, hang toddlers over public restroom sinks, let kids piss on tires in parking lots, piss on trees and sidewalks in parks, or as in this case, piss or shit out in the backyard.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Does this bitch over at the Commode have a kid or a dog?
December 14, 2011
They often put mixing bowls under the asses of nurslings attached to udders

OH GOD two faces puking Now I don't think I can make cookies today, because I'm about to lose mine!


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Re: Does this bitch over at the Commode have a kid or a dog?
December 14, 2011
Loaves do a whole lot of squirming and fussing - is one expression really that distinguishable from another? Surely this is why diapers and indoor plumbing were invented - these twits are a few centuries behind. And I'm sure that indicative "warmth" only means that moo was too late to grab her finest vintage Fiestaware mixing bowl or her great-grandmother's antique heirloom soup tureen.


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Re: Does this bitch over at the Commode have a kid or a dog?
December 14, 2011
That does loaves or brats allowed ever in my house. I don't want to find a steaming pile of anything anywhere, or a puddle of piss somewhere in a closet corner.

Breeders are fucking nasty. They claim their baybee's shit and piss smell as sweet as roses and honeysuckle, somehow, like it's nicer than everyone else's human waste.

I have news for them: It only smells nice to everyone else, it smells gross!
Re: Does this bitch over at the Commode have a kid or a dog?
December 14, 2011
Do these fucktards not have indoor plumbing? What does this Swine do when she takes this thing out in public? Just pull its pants down on the sidewalk and let it rip? I wish her neighbors would complain to the city about the smell of piss and shit coming from their yard. They would cite her if it was animal shit. It should be WORSE for coming from her brat! Perhaps the worthless snot ought to be taken away from her and raised by someone who'll teach it that it's a human being and not a dog.
Re: Does this bitch over at the Commode have a kid or a dog?
December 14, 2011
I noticed she didn't bother to answer the question of WHY she takes the kid outside to pee and shit.

What a freak.

I can't say for certain, but she sounds like one of the "EC" (elimination communication) Moos. In case you don't know, they are a subset of the 'GD" (gentle discipline) "AP" (attachment parenting) crowd who believe that children, including newborn infants, will give them "signals" of when they have to piss and shit.Therefore, they can completely avoid diapers and traditional potty training. They think it's best to let the kid piss or shit whenever and wherever it needs to, upon giving the "signal", which can be with their eyes, body language, a cry or grunt, or when they are older they have little secret phrases. They often put mixing bowls under the asses of nurslings attached to udders, hang toddlers over public restroom sinks, let kids piss on tires in parking lots, piss on trees and sidewalks in parks, or as in this case, piss or shit out in the backyard.

It's rare for me, KK, but I've been rendered speechless.
Re: Does this bitch over at the Commode have a kid or a dog?
December 14, 2011
The title on this thread says it all. I've read the post and I'm not sure if it's a kid or a dog either.
Re: Does this bitch over at the Commode have a kid or a dog?
December 14, 2011

But the thing is I don't. I'll do it a couple times in the same spot for a day, depending on how cold it is out, but not every single time I take him out there. I think their issue is that it's outside at all, and they're using the "same spot" as an excuse for them being uncomfortable I'm doing it outside period. I wasn't even aware they could see it. It must be I'm in the same spot anytime they've seen me. I vary where he does it; the bushes on the right, the bushes on the left, by the tree out in the center of the yard, etc etc.. That "same spot" is on a hill, and since it's been SO rainy(and today snowy) anything that's there gets washed away

Further idiotic quotes from Moo. She seems to be at the ILs house a lot which means she and the duh sprogged without being able to afford a place of their own. Until she and duh get their own place, they need to STFU and obey house rules. If the homeowners say you can't "pee the baby" on their lawn then you don't do it--period. You get your own damn place and then you can fowl up your yard however you want to. If this crazy bitch were in my home (not that she would be), she'd be diapering the kid or moving out within 24 hours. I don't want piss and shit in my sink, in bowls in the house, outdoors in my yard or anywhere but the toilet or in a diaper that is bagged and taken outdoors to the trash bin immediately. Baby pee isn't "sweet." It's a waste product and bodily fluid that can carry bacteria.

Gross. Just gross.
Re: Does this bitch over at the Commode have a kid or a dog?
December 14, 2011
I'm wondering why moo would take loaf outside to pee in the first place. Or do I really want to know???
Re: Does this bitch over at the Commode have a kid or a dog?
December 14, 2011
Moo is obviously getting something out of it...otherwise she wouldn't do it. two faces puking
(We should have a pedo-bear emoticon in our list)
Re: Does this bitch over at the Commode have a kid or a dog?
December 15, 2011
"Elimination Communication" is the basis for the backyard "peeing" of this kid. Gentle discipline moos believe kids are born "potty trained" and if you follow the kids' "signals" it can naturally learn to go without diapers and they can avoid traditional potty training. They also claim to be "green". The main problem with this bullshit is they don't live in the woods and the rest of "the village" has to be exposed to the filth of the places they choose to "pee", or worse, their kids.

".....Begin by taking a day or two to observe your baby’s patterns and rhythms as well as their body language and signals before and during elimination. Common patterns include urinating when waking up or soon after and at regular intervals after (or during) breastfeeding. You may find that your newborn urinates every fifteen to twenty minutes but the frequency will decrease as your child ages. Common signals include squirming and fussing, a pause in activity, grunting or grimacing (for bowel movements) “popping” on and off the breast or waking from sleep.

If your baby starts to pee while you are observing, make a “ssss” sound immediately (or other word/sound/sign you will use consistently). After a few days, your newborn will associate this sound with urination, although it may take longer for older children to make this association. After you have spent time observing your baby and you have a good idea of their patterns and rhythms, you can then begin to hold baby over whatever receptacle you choose and make the “ssss” sound to cue her to urinate. For bowel movements, parents usually make a grunting noise and push their abdomen against the child’s back. Receptacles include a sink, a large mixing bowl, the toilet, a potty, the bathtub or some bushes.

The basics of Elimination Communication are:

Timing (by the clock)

Signals and Cues (your child’s body language)

Patterns of elimination (your child’s unique rhythms)

Intuition and Instinct

When I first read that Intuition included feeling warmth coming from my baby’s genitals, I didn’t believe it – until I noticed, quite often, that it felt like my child had peed when he hadn’t. This is when having a child in a sling is very useful. You will feel the squirms and the subtle movements (Signs) and you will feel a warmth telling you to take your baby for a pee. When you get a thought that your baby might need to eliminate, it is almost always right. And you lose nothing if they don’t have to go. In my own experience, my newborn would not sleep if he needed to urinate so every time he woke up I held him over a bowl I kept by the bed........"::brbl

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Does this bitch over at the Commode have a kid or a dog?
December 15, 2011
EC is even more disgusting when you consider how many moos will sit their loafs' asses ANYWHERE.
Re: Does this bitch over at the Commode have a kid or a dog?
December 15, 2011
Oh, gross. I have a feeling she's not talking about a dog, but her loaf. two faces puking two faces puking ::brbl

lab mom
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