Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
Oh, Krampus, we've got one for you!
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
Had I ever pulled that crap, my mom would have boxed up all the stuff, said "Oh, I'm sorry you didn't like that," and brought it--and me--to Goodwill where she would have me seen it all given away.
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
Ungrateful little bitch. That first toss of the gift and I would have smacked her and put her in her room for the rest of the day and given the toys to charity.
Ug. Video has made me stabby. Going to hug my kitties now and get back into my festive mood smiling smiley
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
Oh JAYBUS, what an entitled little fucking :complaining about a brat ! What pisses me off is instead of positively reinforcing the older daughter who was well-behaved, seemed like a nice kid, and was gracious and grateful for her gifts, the parunts were videotaping the brat-tastic spoiled little asshat to post a video on youtube. WTF is wrong with people? :eyebrows You'd better believe if I ever acted like that as a kid, I'd not only have my gifts given away to kids who would be more grateful for them, I'd also have a sore ass from the spanking I'd have to endure. spanking with a whip on the ass Since I'm CF I honestly have no opinion about spanking (is it right or wrong etc), since I'll never have to make that decision. I just know I was spanked as a kid and I'm not warped and fucked up from it. And my parents would NEVER tape me for posterity acting like such a brat! What they don't realize is by giving attention to the tantrum thrower they're reinforcing the behavior because she learns she'll get some form of attention from it! the world 'fail' on flames Damn, she can give me all of her candy if she wants! smug
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011 least i'm sure that my parrots will enjoy the goodies i bought for them grinning smiley
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
I couldn't resist and had to leave some comments. :-P And I'm sure I'll get flamed on youtube for them despite them being pretty civil in nature. Here they are!

OK, first off, there is no excuse for the parents letting this behavior slide. Had I acted like this on Christmas morning, my parents would have given the toys away to charity for kids who would be grateful for them and I'd be punished further. Young parents want to be their kids' bff and don't discipline them properly, hands down. Tantrums are normal until a certain age but you need to NOT reinforce the behavior. This girl is learning that her princess attitude is OK, and it's not.

I think the parents make a grave error thinking that it's just because of her age, but she is learning from their lax attitude about it that the behavior is OK. Maybe the way she throws tantrums will change, but she'll grow up thinking the world revolves around her, and will have an especially hard time dealing with disappointment as an adult (not to mention be a pain in the ass to deal with for employers and the like when she grows up). She needs to be *taught* by her parents that this kind of behavior will not lead to good things for her.

Taping it to put it on youtube for amusement is NOT a good way of handling it, IMO. She's leaning that it gets her attention and not necessarily negative attention. How is that in any way healthy or good for her or anyone who will interact with her in the future? Imagine her being an entitled, spoiled adult. Not so "cute" anymore in adulthood, just obnoxious. I would put the child in her room and give her another chance to behave in this situation, and if she chose to continue misbehaving, I'd take her presents and she'd get nothing. Call me mean and heartless if you must, but I think it's more "mean" not to teach kids that life isn't always everything you want, and sometimes you don't get your way, and throwing a hissy fit is not the way to get the things you want out of life. Discipline and guidance are what children need from their parents, not friendship. That's my honest opinion. Take care, everyone!


Tried to keep it pretty civil and all, but I'm sure I'll STILL get flamed with "Being a parent is so haaaaaaaaaard!" or some bullshit like that. And again, I find it funny that a CF person like me can think of ways to correct this behavior despite the fact I'll never have to deal with it, and breeder parunts for some reason can't come up with good ways to discipline ane correct their kids. When it comes down to it, kyds are savage little beasts who need guidance to be taught how to be a decent human being, and when this behavior is reinforced they never learn that it's not OK. My snarky opinion is that this kyd is probably already ruined and a little spoiled shitbag and will grow up to be a shitty adult!
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
Oh JAYBUS, what an entitled little fucking :complaining about a brat ! What pisses me off is instead of positively reinforcing the older daughter who was well-behaved, seemed like a nice kid, and was gracious and grateful for her gifts, the parunts were videotaping the brat-tastic spoiled little asshat to post a video on youtube. WTF is wrong with people? :eyebrows You'd better believe if I ever acted like that as a kid, I'd not only have my gifts given away to kids who would be more grateful for them, I'd also have a sore ass from the spanking I'd have to endure. spanking with a whip on the ass Since I'm CF I honestly have no opinion about spanking (is it right or wrong etc), since I'll never have to make that decision. I just know I was spanked as a kid and I'm not warped and fucked up from it. And my parents would NEVER tape me for posterity acting like such a brat! What they don't realize is by giving attention to the tantrum thrower they're reinforcing the behavior because she learns she'll get some form of attention from it! the world 'fail' on flames Damn, she can give me all of her candy if she wants! smug

Aren't the parents embarrased by this behaviour? WHY would they post this on Youtube?? WTH is wrong with them? "Hey everyone - look at the little spoiled brat we are raising! Isn't it wonderful???!!!"
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
That demin skirt looked kind of prostitot-ish. You could tell the castrated duh holding the camera was enjoying this whole episode. Most moos and duhs are amused by their brats bad behavior it seems.
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
My husband and I spent $50 on stuff for our "son", a 2 year old pointer terrier. We know he'll be grateful for what we got him. We bought him a stuffed toy, (that he hopefully won't destroy in 5 minutes) a nylabone that's shaped like a dinosaur and a bag of pig strips. He'll be a happy dog Christmas morning. smiling smiley

What is a home without children? Quiet. ~Henny Youngman

I don't want people who want to dance, I want people who have to dance. ~George Balanchine

"I took the batteries out of my biological clock and put them in my vibrator"
Aren't the parents embarrased by this behaviour? WHY would they post this on Youtube?? WTH is wrong with them? "Hey everyone - look at the little spoiled brat we are raising! Isn't it wonderful???!!!"

Um, MAYBE they're planning to make sure all the (older) neighborhood kids see it so they can make fun of her later, thus punishing her in a way?

OK, so that's not likely to be as effective as nipping the bad behavior in the bud, on the spot, so in all likelihood, the parents think the kid's behavior is somehow cute.
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
Oh geeeee... I wanted to seeee and I couldn't get it to work.

As for spanking... I was also spanked as a kid and I am not fucked up either. In fact I believe I am a better person because of it. I had a healthy fear of my parents. They were not my friends.. they were my parents. I was supposed to respect and obey them.

I remember a few Christmases that I got a bad gift or two. (from realitives) I just said 'thank you' and pretended I liked it till I went home. Then it would go in the closet or something. I did that because if I would have said anything negitive my parents would have lit into me. It teaches politeness.... which is something sorely lacking in the world today.
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
My niece acted a little like this once. And she ran for her life as soon as her mom and stepdad heard her complain about not having enough presents. She is a teenager now, and actually sweet, if a little shy. She says thank you and please, even. If you actually parent children instead of indulging them and videotaping them for the entire public to watch, they can turn out okay. Kids are going to act like jerks at times. It's how the parents handle it that seems to make all the difference.
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
LOL... I finally got it to work... and after about 30 seconds... my dog started growling at the noise.

Actually she did like the 'prostitot' skirt. I may be in the minority here, but I think the kid was acting normal for a kid who probably didn't get a lot of sleep the night before and may have been mad about something else. Who knows.

I just thought it was funny how my dog was growling at the squeeling in the video.
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
I do not ever remember acting in such a way as a child.

IMO there is something wrong with this kid.

Sorry to come off like a snob - but what a trashed up looking dump they live in. Take a gander at that carpeting - looks like it belongs in a cheap motel.

Oh wait - I'm not sorry grinning smiley

Man. If I were parked in the middle of that nightmare with no chance of escape I'd put a bullet in my head.
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
I'd like to see this little brat open a nice pile of dog shit for a present and see how she like it.
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
When they post shit like this on the world die web for all to see, it tells me they 1)Think it's kewt 2)Condone it, or 3)Think it's funny, which it is NONE of the above. It's horrible behavior and certainly not healthy for the kid either for several reasons with not being disciplined and being embarrassed later in life, or perhaps now even, being among them. HUGE parenting fail here.the world 'fail' on flames

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
I'm going to enjoy watching my pets, especially the foster kitty open their presents on Christmas morning. I take comfort knowing that the money I spent on gifts will never get THAT kind of reaction.
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
I'd like to see this little brat open a nice pile of dog shit for a present and see how she like it.

waving hellolarious I'd pay to see that.
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
I think it's the putting all this on YouTube that is encourageing the behavior. They are attention hogs. Wanting the world to see their golden sprog making her holiday performance. I'd be embarrassed to death to have that posted on the internet.
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
yes, my parents also would have taken every toy away from me if i had acted this way. they would have taken them all to a toys for tots drive or similar and forced me to watch them give the toys away.

then again i never acted this way and still don't. when someone gives me something i thank them and am gracious, even if it is something i will never wear, eat, use. read or listen to. then i give it away to someone i know will get use out of it.

hello...i'm myrna minkoff, and i'm a re-gifter. :hello
Anonymous User
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
Holy shit... I"m pretty sure I would have gotten a crack across the ass and the toys given away if I ever dared to act like that as a kid! I can only imagine what she'll be like as a teenager if the pahrunts are letting her be like this at the age of 5...

And I too would PAY to see the little brat open a pile of dog shit and see how she likes it waving hellolarious
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
I'd like to see this little brat open a nice pile of dog shit for a present and see how she like it.

waving hellolarious I'd pay to see that.


But the dog shit has to be on spring-loaded plate inside the box. That way when she takes off the lid - SPLAT! Right in the kisser waving hellolarious
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
." I may be in the minority here, but I think the kid was acting normal for a kid who probably didn't get a lot of sleep the night before and may have been mad about something else. Who knows."

i agree, starlady - kids are not always on their best behavior, and the holidays can get them whipped into a frenzy. hell, I'M not in the best mood by christmas morning, but the parents who laughed and videotaped it are just feeding into her behavior. i think she actually turned her tanturm up a few notches when she saw it was getting her attention; had the parents put her in her room or taken all her presents away (unopened) i think bratlina would have calmed her shit down.

spanking with a whip on the ass
Re: Christmas tantrum from 5-year-old girl
December 23, 2011
myrna minkoff
." I may be in the minority here, but I think the kid was acting normal for a kid who probably didn't get a lot of sleep the night before and may have been mad about something else. Who knows."

i agree, starlady - kids are not always on their best behavior, and the holidays can get them whipped into a frenzy. hell, I'M not in the best mood by christmas morning, but the parents who laughed and videotaped it are just feeding into her behavior. i think she actually turned her tanturm up a few notches when she saw it was getting her attention; had the parents put her in her room or taken all her presents away (unopened) i think bratlina would have calmed her shit down.

spanking with a whip on the ass

Not the worst tantrum I have ever seen. And this video has been around long enough that she probably shows it her sorority sisters for shits and giggles
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