Anonymous User
Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 09, 2012
Some of you may have heard of Emma Kwasnica of BC, Canada who had photos of her breastfeeding her two daughters banned from Facebook. and made a giant stink about it.

Someone sent me this link and I had to share it. So all the titnazis are now causing a revolt, and created a webpage of all the breastfeeding photos that were banned from Facebook so now ALL the public can view them. All I can say it Jesus H. on a recumbent bicycle.sarcastic clapping

If you couldn't stomach then don't click!!!

These bitches are breastfeeding ten and eleven year old KIDS and posting these photos! :gross I'm sure junior will be thrilled when he reaches high school and his buds are making him the butt jok of the entire school seeing public images of him sucking mommy's rolling left righteyes2

I'll bet it's psychologically destructive!
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 09, 2012
If Facebook won't allow sexy tits, then who the fuck wants to see saggy old Moo tits with a shitloaf attached? A tit is a tit, I guess. I don't think breastfeeding tits are somehow "sacred" whilst the sexy exposed tit is obscene. That's complet bullshit.
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 09, 2012
Instead of being butthurt (or udderhurt, as it were) about the decision they should be glad to have a place where they can freely bask in their mooness and pat each other on the head for titfeeding. But I know they won't - they'll keep mooing and lowing in the hopes that the "no nudity policy" won't apply to them anymore. eye rolling smiley
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 09, 2012
Why in God's name would anyone want to post a picture of themselves with a kid attached to their tit on Facebook? I think these women are all perverts who get off on having their tits sucked by their kids.


- The human gene pool could use a little chlorine
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 09, 2012
Some of you may have heard of Emma Kwasnica of BC, Canada who had photos of her breastfeeding her two daughters banned from Facebook. and made a giant stink about it.

Someone sent me this link and I had to share it. So all the titnazis are now causing a revolt, and created a webpage of all the breastfeeding photos that were banned from Facebook so now ALL the public can view them. All I can say it Jesus H. on a recumbent bicycle.sarcastic clapping

If you couldn't stomach then don't click!!!

These bitches are breastfeeding ten and eleven year old KIDS and posting these photos! :gross I'm sure junior will be thrilled when he reaches high school and his buds are making him the butt jok of the entire school seeing public images of him sucking mommy's rolling left righteyes2

I'll bet it's psychologically destructive!

Oh, it won't have to wait until high school. Considering kids are going unmonitored on the Internet, those photos will be found in no time.
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 09, 2012
I think it's hysterically funny these moos have used their real names. Now everybody is going to see these pictures. Coworkers, bosses, kids' teachers, neighbors and even CPS. (The older the kid the sicker the picture)
Anonymous User
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 09, 2012
I must admit I am a pro-breastfeeding person (at least for the first few months, it's nature's way) but for FUCKS SAKE KEEP IT PRIVATE. Why would any of these women post these photos online? And why would anyone suckle a kid who is (in the vernacular) 36-48+ months old? There is no point.
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 09, 2012
Okay, wait - I just read the article about Canuck-moo getting banned from FB and saw this as a photo caption:


Vancouver mom Emma Kwasnica has had more than 20 photos of her breastfeeding her daughters removed from the site since she joined in 2008.

Why the fuck would any moo want to have that many pics of her loaves sucking on her? I wanted to think it was an error, like it was supposed to say that she'd been flagged/reported 20 times for her pics, but if she's batshit enough to still be titfeeding a 4 year-old then maybe she IS crazy enough to post all those fucking pictures posted on FB!:crz
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 09, 2012
The thing is, unless someone reports the photo it will stay these are her "friends" that are reporting them. Should tell the dumb bitch something - not even your friends want to see your stupid leaky titties.

Which leads to my next point - I reported several pics of tit-sucking on the "Breastfeeding is NOT Obscene" page...and got a "report" email from FB saying Thanks for your recent report of a potential violation on Facebook. After reviewing your report, we were not able to confirm that the specific photo you reported violates Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.

So...WTF? Either they are allowed and the moos are just attention whoring or FB is just fucked up.
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 09, 2012
How would you like to enter your workplace to hear, "Hey Rachel, nice areolas!"

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
chocolate covered buttsex
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 09, 2012
This Emma Kwasnica is a second rate attention whore. I've been trolling that page for a month, reporting pictures, and being disgusted by the sheer array of nastiness that is the crusty musty tit of a moo. She bitched and moaned for a month about how she was being harassed by facebook. Then when the actual protest rolls around she holes up in her hotel room and plays sick. When the Good Morning America camera crew contacted her she was miraculously cured.

Not only is she crazy enough to have 84098560938609580945 pics of her tit feeding her kids but she also has hundreds of pictures of her homebirth on google + in addition to a holy torn cornhole slideshow of the birth on youtube. If that isn't enough for you there is an entire album dedicated to her broiling her placenta and grinding it into powder to ingest.

She loves to compare herself to Rosa Parks. One night she got so butthurt that she said something to the effect that Rosa Parks wouldn't stand for this kind of treatment and she wouldn't either. Sanctimonious, entitled, arrogant piece of moo shit is all she is. May she choke on the tit milk smoothies she makes her family drink every morning.
Anonymous User
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 09, 2012
chocolate covered buttsex
If that isn't enough for you there is an entire album dedicated to her broiling her placenta and grinding it into powder to ingest.

What the shit?!?!

Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 09, 2012
there is nothing shameful about breasts, but they don;t really belong hanging out in a restaurant for everyone to see. sorry, but they just don't. the weird thing is these women are the ones sensationalizing the act of breastfeeding, which is, in and of itself, fine. breastfeed...or use a bottle. whatever - your body, your decision.

just keep it to yourself, moos. stop yammering on and on about it, go about your business discreetly and nobody will give a crap - i promise. the more you rant the worse it gets. ranting
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 10, 2012
Those broads are just plain dirty animals.

'Nuff said.
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 10, 2012
they use facebook for free. they should shut the fuck up. also, what kind of harm is done if their facebook friends can't see their bare saggy tits? these moos absolutely have no life.
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 10, 2012
i browsed through several pages of these photos before losing my appetite, and two things occured to me:

1) i only saw one african-american woman; everyone else was white. which makes me think most of these "lactivists" are hippie, white, SAHMoos with nothing else to do and no idea what actual discrimination is.

2) many of these photos were taken whilst feeding the kid in the bathroom, yet moos don't want to go to the restroom in a store. they keep saying "would YOU want to eat in the bathroom?" yet they show photos of themselves feeding their kids in the bathroom. also the full-on nude moo with nude toddler breastfeeding in the bathub shots are a little creepy for me.
I know I'm bored today but OMG why did I click that... what has been seen cannot be unseen...

What I want to know (perverse curiosity I guess) is why some of those women have areolas that are like as big as the baby's fucking head...
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 10, 2012
I was weirded out by the moos feeding kids that looked like they were old enough to drive. Aren't you supposed to wean them at some point?
Anonymous User
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 10, 2012
That website was such a fucking train wreck that I couldn't turn away. I think my tubes tied themselves looking through all those nasty pics two faces puking
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 10, 2012
I must admit I am a pro-breastfeeding person (at least for the first few months, it's nature's way) but for FUCKS SAKE KEEP IT PRIVATE. Why would any of these women post these photos online? And why would anyone suckle a kid who is (in the vernacular) 36-48+ months old? There is no point.

Narcissism? I didn't check the link but merely did a quick image Google. The woman is shown in one picture dressed as Santa's elf with a boob slung outside the costume, nursing. Maybe she wants to be a celebrity; the only schtick she can think of is to be a fanatic about breast feeding.
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 10, 2012
I was weirded out by the moos feeding kids that looked like they were old enough to drive. Aren't you supposed to wean them at some point?

A normal, decent mother would but these nasty breeder cows want their kids to keep sucking their tits forever. I really think some of these women would nurse to the grave if they could get away with it.
Anonymous User
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 10, 2012
These women make me so angry! On one hand they're all "breasts are natural and not sexual in the least! We should desexualize breasts!" But you know what, I bet if kids cartoons started showing topless adults - not in a sexual manner, but just walking around like it's no big deal - these moos would freak out so hard their brains would explode.

And on the sexual organ vs. "organ of nurishment" issue, here's a hint moos - it's not an either/or scenario. Why do moos insist on reducing everything to black and white? Breasts function to feed children AND as sexual organs. That's why women have prominently visible breasts even when they're not lactating. As opposed to something like a chimpanzee, where even nursing females don't have very prominent breasts.

So yes, your breasts are sexual, even if the saggy wrinkles mean they're not actually sexy. And no, no one wants to see your un-sexy sexual parts. Put them away, you pervert.
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 10, 2012
They used their teets to get the brat...and now they use the excuse that their tits aren't sexual because they're a feeding device.

Unfortunately, mooos can't have it both ways. They are the biggest hippo-crites I've had the misfortune to encounter! Of course, I don't speak for women who choose to feed their loaves at home...or somewhere private.

Tit Nazis want to hang out their funbags for all the world to see...yet they think an ice cream named "schweddy balls" is inappropriate for their brats (even when it's a flavor not necessarily meant for brats?)

They want to get rid of Ellen as the spokesperson for JC Penny because...gasp...she's GAY!! OOOH NOOEZZ!!

They would have a fucking FIT if women without kyds walked around half-naked, especially ones with nice hooters. MOOOS will never desexualize the breast, no matter what they do. I don't care how much they protest.

Especially those who keep shoving their flapjacks into overaged kyd's mouths just so they can enjoy their orgasm!
They need to STFU and buy a goddamn vibrator.
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 10, 2012
When I look at those pics, a baby's mouth all puckered up and sucking viciously, all I can think is "Ouch!"
Re: Hurray Facebook for Banning Titfeeding Photos!
February 10, 2012
This might be a stupid observation and I might be slow on the uptake but has anyone else noticed that the moos hell bent on public udder feeding are the last ones this world would ever want to see naked???
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