Anonymous User
Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012
It's that time of year again. Time to set the clocks forward, and we're all just coming off a weekend where we lost an hour. Not a big deal, right? Most of us have been doing this all of our lives, and if you're like me, you like the jumpstart to the days getting longer and having an 'extra' hour of light at the end of the day. But here in Indiana, it's a different story. We've only been observing DST for what, about five years now? It was a hassle and a gripe-fest with the lawmakers getting it in place, and ever since, twice a year, most everyone here walks around confused about what time it is for at least a week.
But the worst of it is the moos that inevitably write their annual letters to editor, asking for someone to please think of the children! Don't you realize they're getting on the bus in the dark?! I'm not a native Hoosier, so I enjoy DST and its benefits. I'm used to the whole idea of the time change. But these backwoods moos are so upset by change that they can't look past all the benefits of DST (economic, being in sync with other states, 'extra light', etc) and leave a good thing alone. These moos have no problem letting their kids play football and basketball in the dark winter months, with them riding buses and cars all over in the dark then, but all of the sudden it's a problem that they have to get on a bus in the morning when it's dark? I say it's good preparation for their future, because chances are many of them aren't going to be working a 9 to 5 job and only commute when the sun is shining. When they're teens and adults, they'll have to work second and third shift, and just get over their fear of the boogity-man.
Does anyone else hear this gripe from moos in other states, like where DST has been going on for 40+ years? Or is it just Indiana, and they're afraid of anything that's new? I'm guessing they think since it is a new thing, they can get it unchanged, whereas in states where everyone is used to it, it never crosses the moos' minds that they could gripe a little and not have to get out of bed as early. I suspect it has something to do with the moos not wanting to get out of bed earlier to get their kids ready for school.
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012
Yeah... here on the east coast we get gripes about it being sooooo darrrrk that little snotleigh might be confused and thing she's going to school at night. Shoulda heard the complaints back in the late 70's early 80's when they decided to do DST all year long once. OMG... EVERYONE was saying "OH ITS SOOOOO DARK IN THE MORNING" That was not just moos but everybody.

Hey... what part of Indiana are you in BTW. I was up there for a brief time about 12 years ago. Just an extended visit.. didn't actually live there. It was the northern section about an hour east of Chicago. Bunch of strange thinking people there. (no offence to any northern indy folks here) Some people were okay, but others... I just had to shake my head and some of their thinking. I was looked upon as very strange because I was married (for 23 years at the time) and there were 'no chillrunnn'. Ofcourse,it was mootopia up there with famblies of 5 or more everywhere you'd look. It was also Amish country .. but the Amish seem are able to dicipline their large broods and they were very good when you'd come upon them in public.
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012
But the worst of it is the moos that inevitably write their annual letters to editor, asking for someone to please think of the children! Don't you realize they're getting on the bus in the dark?!

Oh, fuck 'em. I guess they don't have a very good history recall. During the Nixon years and the energy crisis, DST was instituted year round. It was also done during the Roosevelt administration for an even longer period.
History of DST

During the Nixon years, I was a sprat and walked to school in the dark. We kids actually thought it was kinda neat, but we weren't raised with helicopter parents, either. Our folks gave us the credit for having a little common sense to not do anything stupid.
Anonymous User
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012
I travel along a school bus route on my way to work, all the parents drive their kids to the end of the driveway and sit with the car running until the bus comes anyway.
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012
I travel along a school bus route on my way to work, all the parents drive their kids to the end of the driveway and sit with the car running until the bus comes anyway.

They do that here to... rain, shine, dark or light. doG forbid little snotleigh should get hot or cold or scared of the dark. Not to mention... just how they are fouling the air and wasting gas.
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012

what part of Indiana are you in BTW. I was up there for a brief time about 12 years ago. Just an extended visit.. didn't actually live there. It was the northern section about an hour east of Chicago.

It was also Amish country .
I live in NWI practically on the IN/IL border.
I've been observing the time change my entire life; it's like second nature to me. Haven't noticed if anyone's cried about the chyuldrun though; I'll have to take notice of that next time.
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012
Yeah... here on the east coast we get gripes about it being sooooo darrrrk that little snotleigh might be confused and thing she's going to school at night. Shoulda heard the complaints back in the late 70's early 80's when they decided to do DST all year long once. OMG... EVERYONE was saying "OH ITS SOOOOO DARK IN THE MORNING" That was not just moos but everybody.

Brats might get confused and think they're going to school at night? Just how dumb are these damn kids???

I was born during the Regan administration, so I never got to experience year-round DST. I didn't know such a thing even happened. But I have always though that I would prefer DST to be the permanent time. I MUCH prefer the morning to be dark and evenings to be light for longer. I prefer darkness until I'm fully awake. It's less unsettling. And there's nothing worse than leaving work at the end of the day and feeling like the day is already over because it's pitch dark outside. At least when it's still light you feel like you have a little time left to yourself.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012
DST is a pain in the ass. The programming libraries to deal with time zones are twice as big as they would be otherwise, because of DST. The fact that lawmakers change it from year to year probably quadruples them beyond that. It would make a lot more sense if businesses just kept 'winter' and 'summer' hours. It's not as most white-collar jobs are all on one schedule now anyway: my co-workers come in any time between 7ish and noonish.

But no, DST is not all that complicated for the average person, especially now that most electronic devices automatically switch times. I find it useless, but not especially difficult to master.
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012
I have always thought Daylight's saving time was a needless crock of shit, but it has nothing to do with the Mooing and lowing. Moos would grunt and moan about the "chhyyyldren!!!!" REGARDLESS of the clock or it's time. They almost always have ulterior selfish motives too when they are wailing about, "Think of the chyyyldren!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" For instance, when we have inclement weather and school is canceled, it's, "The CHYYLDREN will have to make it up at the end of the year!", but in reality, they want the little bastards IN SCHOOL so they 1)Don't have to pay a baby sitter or day care and can go to work, or 2)If they "stay at home" they want to enjoy the day WITHOUT their shitbags under foot.

Whatever it is they are mooing about and using the child card, you can bet your ass it's a self serving reason no matter the subject of the moment from the time change to just about anything imaginable including, but not limited to, the following:

1)On site day care at their places of employment. "It's good for the chyyldren" to be near moo throughout the day". No, it's CONVENIENT for them and generally less expensive too and has NOTHING to do with the greater good for, "the chyyldren".
2)Year around school. This one is self explanatory as it frees up kid- free time for moo and/or she doesn't have to pay for childcare.
3)Free-reduced breakfast-lunch school programs. Yeah, and they ALSO get food stamps, so WHAT do they spend that on if NOT food for their fucking kids? IF "the chyyldren" aren't having their nutritional needs met it's the MOO'S fault, NOT the public school system. Let Tubby-Moo leave off frozen pizza and prepared deli foods for a change and actually PACK a fucking lunch for her OWN kids!
4)Kid friendly restaurants, hotels, resorts, airlines, etc........Again, NOTHING to do with "the chyldren", they just don't want to PAY for anything and want to enjoy "adult" things while "the village" suffers and/or has to baby sit their brats while they do it.
5)Nothing non G rated on tv. CLEARLY has nothing to do with "the chylrden", but rather they are too fucking lazy to monitor their OWN kids and actually parent their kids.
6)Healthy choice kids meals at fast food places. If they REALLY gave a damn about the kid's nutrition, they would be preparing healthy foods at home rather than sitting on their fat asses in the McDonald's drive thru
7)We NEED tax "refunds" we don't earn for "the chylldren" bullshit. No, they want extra spending money they did NOT earn.
8)I want to udder feed my pre schooler because it's best for my chyld nonsense. No, they want the control, the high they get from the Oxycontin release, the attention, and don't want their milk bags to deflate after they dry up and become mounds of sagging flesh.

and the list goes on into infinity and beyond..........:headbrick

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012
I need to stop myself from ranting here - my Mom has already phoned me 4 times because she's got her clocks all screwed up.

I said - look on the phone display or on your computer. That'll tell you the correct time. She said - well, what time does yours say?

I'm in a different time zone here. She knows this. Head explosion!

I just checked the sunrise time because IMO it's still fairly light in the early AM. I always get up early and it seems light enough to me. Even at 5.30 or 6 - it's partially light.

Sunrise time here, today - 7.05 AM.

But I'm in the Central Time Zone and IN (most of it) is on Eastern Time. So is MI - someone go there and help my Mom please!
So I guess it *would be* somewhat darker there in the AM, being an hour forward. This will pass soon enough / sunrise gets earlier.
Calm yourselves down Hoosiers.

Starlady - you're not kidding about some of the cretins in IN. Lord have mercy! Same goes for MI. But - the closer to Lake MI you are - the more - ah "sophisticated" the people are. Southern WI, Northern IL, NW IN, SW MI all = "Greater Chicago Metro area". When you start moving outward from the Lake - the farther out you go - the more moronic the people get.

Parts of IN, going to Central and Southern IN - Oh. My. GOD! Hear the Banjo music begin to play! By 100 miles out - yeah - it's "People Of Walmart" or "Deliverance" land out there. Less teeth, more Bibles.

I do believe also - that parts of the interior of IN never went to EC time nor DST and in fact operate off their own time much like one of those obscure Mid East countries were they seemingly pull numbers out of their hats and call it the 'time'. Eg. It may be 4 pm in Chicago, 5 pm in NWI (EC time) - and in parts of Central IN it's 11.37 at night and Next Week Friday. :crz

It *is* kind of strange here being on the edge of the time zones. It is not however - rocket science.
IN and MI are on Eastern Time. Comprende - MOM? LOL

I'm in favor of DST because it saves energy. I think it should be year round - or - oriented to get maximum light during working hours. We don't need to be lighting up stuff if we can avoid it. Save energy. Moos should quit their bitchin lest their kids get shipped off to some far flung land to fight for more oil.

-- while I was checking this for typos my Mom called me again. HEAD DESK.
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012
I travel along a school bus route on my way to work, all the parents drive their kids to the end of the driveway and sit with the car running until the bus comes anyway.

I see a lot of that around here, too, but there are remnants from a more sensible time. Living in the country, houses are sometimes set several hundred feet from the road. Some of the pickups are done on the main road; kids have to walk from the end of a remote lane. Across my area, you still see what looks like home made phone booths standing at the pickup sites. Parents would get together and build a shelter for their kids to stand in as they waited for the bus. I guess the idea began to die out as more parents chauffeured their kids to school or considered waiting at the shelter too dangerous. I remember passing by some of them on my way home from work (3rd shift) and seeing kids passing a cigarette (well, something that was rolled and smoked smile rolling left righteyes2 ) around before the bus got there.
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012
Please allow me to wander into hard core geek land grinning smiley ~

I just remembered something that not many people are aware of - and - it could cause serious issues.

First off - let me say that it's been awhile since I've been in school or worked as an engineer (got the MBA and push papers now.) So, I don't know / remember the exact particulars of this all, so in the best way I can describe it ~

What it has to do with is machinery (especially energy producers / turbines and such) that 'time' themselves by the electrical cycles of the utility grid.

As example - the box fan I have going here could have a time display that - rather than being an 'independent' thing - operates off of the cycle counts of electric current coming into it to calculate the time.

The same thing is done with many electro mechanical devices. But, it is not just for a 'display' of time - this is how these devices "sync up" across the grid.

Recently, some laws were changed to where - things don't necessarily have to 'sync'. And / or, those 'out of sync' do not have to 'make up' any lags. This has the potential to cause huge issues - including widespread power outages.

Anyone else know what I'm talking 'bout here? Fellow Geeks?

Yeah, I know, I think too much grinning smiley

ETA - found a story about it ~
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012
Zzelda, yep makes sense to me. At least as a materials engineer it is not something that I will be intimately involved in...
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012
mistress rotwang
Zzelda, yep makes sense to me. At least as a materials engineer it is not something that I will be intimately involved in...

Yeah, me too, I studied Mech Eng and Physics in school, do not have vast applied electrical knowledge. Some, enough to deal with whatever I was working on at the time. I did 'do' some heavy things with energy concerns, but of course I was more concerned with the mechanical end.

The aforementioned would be a more 'electrical syncing' across the grid. But - it can affect any devices themselves.

It could even affect very simple devices. From what I have read. Maybe like a 'power surge' can affect your computer.

I did find a story about this - which I tacked onto my last post.

It's interesting stuff, anyway.

Well, to geeky me it is grinning smiley

Side note - I am glad to have this board too - for the fellow Engineers here! smiling smiley
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012
All that I know is that I do not want the power to get fucked up when I am working with a glass blowing furnace and have the glass solidify inside it.

Why does it seem like most of the female engineers I meet are CF and the male engineers are breederific?
brillig79 nli
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012
Oh lordy. I lived in south bend when they went to est. The moos were lowing about the most stupid shit imaginable.
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012
mistress rotwang
All that I know is that I do not want the power to get fucked up when I am working with a glass blowing furnace and have the glass solidify inside it.

Why does it seem like most of the female engineers I meet are CF and the male engineers are breederific?

Yes - this is exactly the concern. Non uniform power supply may cause issues with various devices. And if they 'time themselves' off the grid there could be serious issues.

I know exactly what you mean about male and female Engineers, too.

My exH was an Engineer too. We spent lots of time 'talking shop' about our various projects.

Until ~

He got his hooks into me.

And then - he tried to turn me into a housewife! There was no more talk of projects or anything interesting - he literally did a 180 and became a typical Wanna Breed. So far as to become impatient with me when I talked of interesting things, buying me lingerie and cook books, acting like a Man Child - complete with whining if I didn't feed him, and then of course mad Baybee Raybees. The old Bait And Switch. Classic example.

I fear this happening again.

Where are the truly creative people who think outside the box? And can you even trust one who seems to be?

Yeah. I hear ya.
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012
I know, people think I am crazy because I want to build a 200 ft tall glass tower with 50 foot ceilings and put a stone barn with a glass and ceramic studio next to it. And they do not understand why I want at least 500 acres of land...If they really want to live next to my mad scientist self they should not bitch when I blow shit up in the front yard.

I only go drinking with male engineers and stuff like that. They can marry the artist chicks if they want a women who will stay home (and turn half the house into her studio). Too much ego for one relationship...

Well, I am in the process of developing a line of color changing glass for artists. It changes different colors in different types/ wavelengths of light with the plan of eventually starting a company. Glass=awesome.

Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012
mistress rotwang
I know, people think I am crazy because I want to build a 200 ft tall glass tower with 50 foot ceilings and put a stone barn with a glass and ceramic studio next to it. And they do not understand why I want at least 500 acres of land...If they really want to live next to my mad scientist self they should not bitch when I blow shit up in the front yard.

I only go drinking with male engineers and stuff like that. They can marry the artist chicks if they want a women who will stay home (and turn half the house into her studio). Too much ego for one relationship...

Well, I am in the process of developing a line of color changing glass for artists. It changes different colors in different types/ wavelengths of light with the plan of eventually starting a company. Glass=awesome.

This is so awesome! I hear ya. Ed. my last post just for long windedness (no one missed anything but me rambling on) - but yeah - we are of sim mindsets.

And we are the ones who *make things* for others! Breeders dis us, but they fail to even glance at changes in their power supplies that may have consequences. Oh NO - they just MOO over time changes smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012
Yeah, they don't get we make their lives possible. Without glass engineers cars would be dangerous, their houses wouldn't have windows, and their cell phone screen would break five minutes after they got it. Makes me want to pull a John Galt sometimes...
Anonymous User
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012
mistress rotwang

Well, I am in the process of developing a line of color changing glass for artists. It changes different colors in different types/ wavelengths of light with the plan of eventually starting a company. Glass=awesome.

like dichroic? just curious smiling smiley
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 13, 2012
I soooo miss living in Arizona - we moved from there to FL 3 years ago - no clocks to change in that desert.
Anonymous User
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 14, 2012
Starlady, I'm in south central Indiana, mid-sized rivertown. Half the people here are progressive and accepting to most any lifestyle, and the other half are bible-thumping, traditionalist oppressors. We never had many Amish around here growing up, they were at least a couple counties away. Not foreign, but not usual sights around town, either. Due to the recent Amish population explosion, they are making inroads into the community since the young are requiring land faster than the old can die to give it to them. Nice little microcosm for what is happening to the whole world, in general, when breeding is allowed to go unchecked encouraged to the full capacity of the population.
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 14, 2012
mistress rotwang

Well, I am in the process of developing a line of color changing glass for artists. It changes different colors in different types/ wavelengths of light with the plan of eventually starting a company. Glass=awesome.

like dichroic? just curious smiling smiley

Yep, it is dichroic. However, I prefer not to use that term because a different kind of glass is called dichroic.
Re: Daylight Savings Time
March 14, 2012
Starlady, I'm in south central Indiana, mid-sized rivertown. Half the people here are progressive and accepting to most any lifestyle, and the other half are bible-thumping, traditionalist oppressors. We never had many Amish around here growing up, they were at least a couple counties away. Not foreign, but not usual sights around town, either. Due to the recent Amish population explosion, they are making inroads into the community since the young are requiring land faster than the old can die to give it to them. Nice little microcosm for what is happening to the whole world, in general, when breeding is allowed to go unchecked encouraged to the full capacity of the population.

I was up north not far from SB. A place where if asked about my kids... and I said there weren't any...I got the stare of "what's wrong with youi" and it was on a daily basis. There was one funny one when I had been there about 3 weeks. Someone said something like "I bet your kids will like this" (I was buying something in a store) and I said ... "Oh yes, I have 3 (poodles) and I have to get home to let them out so they can poop and pee on the lawn"
Woman looked at me .. and gasped. It was rather funny. I was just soooo sick of the asumption that because I was a married woman in my 40's that I HAD to have kids.
I don't get that too much here (DC area) I think it's more accepted that some people acutally prefer not to have any.
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