2403 Teenagers
August 16, 2007
Yea, something every parent is looking forward to, I'm sure. Sucks to be them.

Kids today - including teens - are the epitome of disrespectful, spoiled, unmanageable brats who's future is about as bright as deep space.

I look at teens today and they are so much more immature than I was as a teen. Yes, we had bush and house parties where we drank under age - all the time - hey, I'm from the Coal Region - home of Yuengling beer so there wasn't much else to do! LOL

Not that it makes it ok, but we never drove drunk, did drugs, caused disturbances, damaged property, got in fights or anything else that might have caused the cops to be summoned. When a classmate was kind enough to open their house for a party when their parents were out of town, EVERYONE was respectful. Kids today are just stupid.
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 16, 2007
The problem is that today's parent does not beat their kids' asses enough. There is no more discipline. The thrill today among teens is to go through a drive-thru window at a fast food place and throw harmful liquids at the person who is only trying to make a living by WORKING. Mothers and fathers want to be their children's "best buds" instead of leading and teaching these young people to grow up to be responsible adults.

Many young adults have trouble supporting themselves and are still relying on their parents in their 20's and 30's using high cost of living as an excuse. Things have always been expensive. Look at the mid-70's when inflation was high. Buying a house was almost impossible with the fluctuation in interest rates...and rentals have always been high where I come from (the San Francisco Bay Area) yet more young adults were renting on their own even if they needed to have two to three roommates.
Anonymous User
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 16, 2007
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> Kids today - including teens - are the epitome of
> disrespectful, spoiled, unmanageable brats who's
> future is about as bright as deep space.

I heard a story on the radio this morning where some psychologist said it's mostly the moos who are responsible for turning their kids into unholy brats by managing them every second of every day, as if they're married to them and forget the hubby. I'm sure this psych's email is full of hate mail by now.

>> Not that it makes it ok, but we never drove drunk,
> did drugs, caused disturbances, damaged property,
> got in fights or anything else that might have
> caused the cops to be summoned. When a classmate
> was kind enough to open their house for a party
> when their parents were out of town, EVERYONE was
> respectful. Kids today are just stupid.

they are SOOO STOOOPID! I stayed home from work sick one day & called the cops b/c there was a car parked on our townhouse lawn. It apparently belonged to the neighbor's kid's friends. The cops came & ended up breaking up a party my neighbor's kid was throwing when my neighbor was at work.

What a bunch of geniuses. They all got arrested. Why park your junk car on a shared lawn out in the open to draw attention, especially when your mom's at work & you're partying with underage kids? They don't even know how to party right and that's not a compliment
Anonymous User
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 16, 2007
While I have to say that not all teenagers are like this, the gap between what is the norm and what is the exception is shrinking with every generation it seems. I am glad that I never found myself part of the crowd mentioned in the article during my teenage years, and even as adults it's easy to pick out the people who were like the aforementioned teens when they were there age. (Believe me, I work with some (rolls eyes).

I was a teenager not too long ago, and it's people like this who give that age group a bad reputation.
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 16, 2007
amethusos* Wrote:
> The problem is that today's parent does not beat their kids' asses enough. There is no more discipline.

This made me think of an article I saw. I think it might even be somewhere on this board in the archives. Funniest damn thing I'd read in a long time. http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=beat

amethusos* Wrote:
> Many young adults have trouble supporting themselves and are still relying on their parents in their 20's and 30's using high cost of
> living as an excuse.

Just fuming over this earlier today while going over company credit cards. Owner is still using the company to pay for his - grown, already out of college and living in other states - kid's cell phones, gas cards and plane tickets. AND, also today President of company has to adjust his 401k because he didn't anticipate his kids needs very well! WTF??? His kids are also grown and have graduated from college. Spoiled rotten, entitled behavior doesn't stop at teens anymore.
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 16, 2007
you know what, I am sick and tired of people giving shit to 20-somethings, post college who still live at home. I did everything right; did well in school, didn't pop a brat at a young age, kept out of jail, etc. I graduated from college, I have a degree...That *I* personally paid for through crappy college jobs and loans. I have been on so many damn interviews for jobs, yet I haven't had a real job in a year. Where is this great job I was supposed to get? Where is even a shitty job I can afford to live on? THERE ARE NO FUCKING JOBS! I don't even get hired for retail jobs b/c they say I am overqualified. What do you propose people in my situation do? Live on the streets?

Granted I don't live an extravagent lifestyle. My parents don't pay for cruises to the carribean or the like, but still. Whatever money I do get from freelance or temp postions I give to my parents for bills. I'm sorry, I try my damndest, and still cannot leave my parents house.

I live in New Jersey. Most entry level jobs are about $30k a year, some as low as $25k before taxes. A dumpy apartment in the area with plus utilities is about $1,000/mo. Add into that car expenses, and/ or $230/mo train ticket to NYC just to get to work. Then there is food, medical expenses, and all of the other necessities.

I read this crap on the board all the time. I stick by what I've written before, the childfree are the most judgemental group around.
Anonymous User
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 16, 2007
I can only speak for myself, but when I slam on the 20 somethings who still live at home, I'm referring to the ones that expect the same lifestyle their parents worked their whole lives to achieve.

These educated adults still expect their parents to pay for their every want and whim. The money they earn at their jobs pays for clubbing, designer clothes, etc. In other words, spoiled brats who think they're too good to "slum it", and prefer the gravy train to any kind of personal responsibility.
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 17, 2007
i know what you mean theresa, i am 34 years old and still live at home, why because there are no jobs, at least not where i can travel too. i get told to move house, to get a job. to move to another part of the country. for minimum wage.

i get told vote with your feet.. my mum is over 70 and still works, my brother is long term ill, and yes i am flying to america, but.. i save up, i would love to move out into a house with rowan. but when the minimum house for sale is $300,000, and to rent about $1000 a month (rare to find) mostyl $1600 a month.

i get this all the time. there is not just u theresa, i have applied to over 3000 jobs, i am on 9 job agencies, i write dozens of spec letters a week. and i get over qualified, not qualified enough, they would be comfortable in having me (read a man) working in this office.

i want to open my own little business, and it would work, butyou need money.

so i know exactly what its like and you are not alone. i do volunteer work, at first it was to make my cv look better and to get upto date on my experience. but it doesnt work. so here i am stuck.
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 17, 2007
sprogless Wrote:
> I can only speak for myself, but when I slam on
> the 20 somethings who still live at home, I'm
> referring to the ones that expect the same
> lifestyle their parents worked their whole lives
> to achieve.
> These educated adults still expect their parents
> to pay for their every want and whim. The money
> they earn at their jobs pays for clubbing,
> designer clothes, etc. In other words, spoiled
> brats who think they're too good to "slum it", and
> prefer the gravy train to any kind of personal
> responsibility.

Ditto on that one. That is also what I mean. This issue has been a topic of articles for quite some time. My parents generation dealt with high costs of living yet they also had their own places. A lot of parents do wish their children would finally move out or quit "boomeranging" back home when it gets a little tough out there. After all, our own mothers and fathers often had to struggle even a little bit and did not get a fancy job right away. However, there are some families who can make this work because the young adults do more than "help" out with expenses and are saving their money rather than buying the latest cellphones, going out all of the time, or getting their talons painted on a weekly basis.
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 17, 2007
Theresa Wrote:
> you know what, I am sick and tired of people
> giving shit to 20-somethings, post college who
> still live at home. I did everything right; did
> well in school, didn't pop a brat at a young age,
> kept out of jail, etc. I graduated from college, I
> have a degree...That *I* personally paid for
> through crappy college jobs and loans. I have been
> on so many damn interviews for jobs, yet I haven't
> had a real job in a year. Where is this great job
> I was supposed to get? Where is even a shitty job
> I can afford to live on? THERE ARE NO FUCKING
> JOBS! I don't even get hired for retail jobs b/c
> they say I am overqualified. What do you propose
> people in my situation do? Live on the streets?
> Granted I don't live an extravagent lifestyle. My
> parents don't pay for cruises to the carribean or
> the like, but still. Whatever money I do get from
> freelance or temp postions I give to my parents
> for bills. I'm sorry, I try my damndest, and still
> cannot leave my parents house.
> I live in New Jersey. Most entry level jobs are
> about $30k a year, some as low as $25k before
> taxes. A dumpy apartment in the area with plus
> utilities is about $1,000/mo. Add into that car
> expenses, and/ or $230/mo train ticket to NYC just
> to get to work. Then there is food, medical
> expenses, and all of the other necessities.
> I read this crap on the board all the time. I
> stick by what I've written before, the childfree
> are the most judgemental group around.

Theresa, were not the only ones who may seem judgmental. Go to a parenting board if you think we are too "harsh". FYI...you are not forced to read our posts. I don't know why you are here if you are complaining about our attitudes.
Anonymous User
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 17, 2007
sprogless Wrote:
> These educated adults still expect their parents
> to pay for their every want and whim. The money
> they earn at their jobs pays for clubbing,
> designer clothes, etc. In other words, spoiled
> brats who think they're too good to "slum it", and
> prefer the gravy train to any kind of personal
> responsibility.

I agree Sprogless, there's a huge difference between those who are living at home b/c they're working their asses off helping out with the expenses & trying to make a life for themselves and those entitlement minded ones we refer to here.

So no, I don't see there's anything wrong with living with your parents for practical reasons. My husband & I lived at home until we were 26 & 30. Both of us come from lower middle class whose parents barely made it month to month. We've both eaten many a peanut butter sandwich for dinner growing up.

I paid for my own community college (4 year college-couldn't afford that) by working while living at home & also paid rent. There was no way I could afford to move out by working at a grocery store. And now, my husband is out of a job so who knows, we may be back with my parents again.

So I don't think I'm being judgemental when I think it's wrong that my 25 year old cousin doesn't work, doesn't want to, & has her dad pay for her manicures and plane tickets while she decides what she wants to do with her life, goes clubbing, and sleeps til noon every fucking day. You don't have to be CF to see there's something wrong with that.
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 17, 2007
I agree that not everyone who still lives at home should be judged. After I got my Bachelor's, I didn't have two nickels to rub together. I lived at home, but in the meantime, got a full time job with benefits. I had a part time job three nights a week in addition to that, as well as some music gigs such as pit orchestras that paid well. I used the income to save for graduate school, and at the end of two years, I had a decent nest egg. I go to grad school out of state and pay for it with my Stafford Loans and that money I saved.

A friend of mine had a hard time finding a teaching job in our state, so she was a substitute teacher for two years while she sent out numerous applications and went on tons of inteviews. She stayed at home with her parents because there was no way she could afford to live off of the meager/unsteady substitute teacher salary. The waitng finally paid off recently and she was hired at a school district out of state.

So not everyone who lives at home is just wasting air, but I agree that there are people in my generation (I'm 25) who could use a swift kick to the ass now and then. My parents would strangle me if I lived at home without a job; and they definitely wouldn't pay for me to get my claws painted hot pink or something.
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 17, 2007
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> Yes, we had bush
> and house parties where we drank under age - all
> the time - hey, I'm from the Coal Region - home of
> Yuengling beer so there wasn't much else to do!
> I miss Yuengling Lager when I'm in the South, as I hail from the Coal Region as well (I'm visiting my parents right now) . I also miss pierogies, decent pizza, and all of the other deliciously unhealthful starchy food one finds at a bazaar. One thing I don't miss about the area, though, is how teen pregnancy is like an airborne virus. It's sad when girls, who could possibly do something with their lives one day, pop out a loaf because it's in vogue around here.
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 17, 2007
I post here because I am childfree, and support the "cause."

What I find amusing about at least this board, is that the childfree hate to be judged, yet love slinging the mud about other things they don't agree with.

No, this is not 1950 or 1970. Things change. Things aren't the same as when you were younger. The world is a different place then it was 30 years ago. You can't always judge people and situations with the past as a basis.

Times are a changin'.
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 17, 2007
A big problem I think a lot of people are facing, not just the younger generation fresh out of school, is that jobs today just don't want to pay enough to keep up with the cost of living. There are so many jobs I see that only want to pay $10-$12/hr full time with no benefits. Some are as low as $8-$9/hr. I don't know how anyone is supposed to live on this kind of money, especially in an expensive area. Years ago, the pay was more up to par on what it cost to live.
I think part of the blame for the current job situation is with the employers. They pay these low wages, then wind up laying off the employees anyway and sending the jobs overseas. The whole thing makes me ill.
Anonymous User
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 17, 2007
Theresa Wrote:
> What I find amusing about at least this board, is
> that the childfree hate to be judged, yet love
> slinging the mud about other things they don't
> agree with.

First of all, what group of people doesn't fit that bill? To me, this board is a way to blow off steam from the many daily comments (and judging as you say)- from absolutely everyone I meet. I am very respectful of everyone else's choices and so sickntired of being looked upon as a second class person in return.

Should this board become all politically correct then? Hope not since it's the only place with people I can be honest with. You can't exactly say this stuff to the woman in the next cube at work. Besides, the board is called "bratfree", and that should say something right there.

> No, this is not 1950 or 1970. Things change.
> Things aren't the same as when you were younger.
> The world is a different place then it was 30
> years ago. You can't always judge people and
> situations with the past as a basis.
> Times are a changin'.

Thanks for assuming all of us are speaking from the perspective of 1950 or 1970. I'm sure not. I'm 27 & even I'm sick of hearing my 20-something friends whine about how haaarrd it is. I'll take my 2007 struggles over what my parents went through to get me here in a heart beat.

I think every generation thinks the older generation is giving them shit but some of us realize that somewhere in that "shit" is a grain of wisdom and I don't want to be the one whining to loud to hear it.

Oh, and it's Times They Are A Changin', a song by Bob Dylan from 1964, who happens to be one of those 1950-1970's people you mentioned. by the way. I think that makes my point.
Anonymous User
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 17, 2007
Theresa does make an excellent point. The want ads specify that a college degree is a requirement, yet the job pays $9.00 an hour. Where I live, just about everything also requires an applicant to speak fluent Spanish, and some of the jobs are only for welfare- to - work people. That alone is a sham. These employers hire welfare moos, pay them on the books for about 10 hours, and the rest of their pay is in cash. The employer gets the tax break, and moo doesn't get her benefits cut. Works out real nice- for them.

In a lot of places, it doesn't matter how well educated or qualified someone is. If you don't know the right people, you don't get an interview. I know someone with a masters degree in engineering, and he works at Best Buy. At least he has benefits, even if the pay is crap.
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 17, 2007
its just the impression thats been given, if i make bald statements i usually put the proviso.. but there are always exceptions.

i can see how theresa would see there is a problem like that. and the perception of people. but i also can see that most of the people on here, know there are exceptions. (it may not be implicitly said but its there)

so i can see both points, and both have valid views. like all the fat bashing that can occur here. i am fat. i am proud to be fat.. so some of the fat bashing does get on my nerves. it is hurtful, just like saying most people in mine and theresa's situation are lazy etc.

all i can say is, i try to read the proviso into the chat theresa.. these are a good bunch of people on the whole. and to those who say bad things about fat people or assumed lazy people. we are not all lazy, we may be fat but we are decent humans just like you.

so at least please remember we are from different parts of society, and not everyone is bad if they are of a certain section..

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 17, 2007
"What I find amusing about at least this board, is that the childfree hate to be judged, yet love slinging the mud about other things they don't agree with."
It's a rant board. It is a place to go to RANT, which in my world means writing angry, judgemental and even irrational things that I can't just yell at sheeple in public. It's a place to vent feelings, opinions and yes, JUDGEMENTS that left unstated would just drive your blood pressure through the roof, yet stated would make you no friends.
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 17, 2007
i can see what she was saying, and i can see what the others were saying. all it took for me is to say there are always exceptions, it makes it easier to deal with perceived denigrations.. (i know it wasnt meant, but sometimes thats how it comes across, and i do it myself. )

i do like the way we can have arguments, and still we can behave decently to each other. i may not agree with some, and some may not agree with me. but we are grown up enough to say we may be wrong, or right, but that shouldnt interfere with friendships..

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 18, 2007
sprogless Wrote:
> Where I live, just
> about everything also requires an applicant to
> speak fluent Spanish.

Fuck that shit up the ass with a splintery flagpole! I'm not going to learn that gutter noise that passes for Spanish in these parts because some dipshit illegals refuse to assimilate and learn English!

These illegals are also part of the reason why the pay for jobs is so bad. Why bother paying decent wages when tortilla mama with the anchor baby will work for peanuts?
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 18, 2007
its getting like that here but with polish. (but the food the shops have now are really nice..) but as we are a member of the EU, they dont have to have visa's they can come to any country in the EU, like the states.

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 18, 2007
Feh Wrote:
> "What I find amusing about at least this board, is
> that the childfree hate to be judged, yet love
> slinging the mud about other things they don't
> agree with."
> It's a rant board. It is a place to go to RANT,
> which in my world means writing angry, judgemental
> and even irrational things that I can't just yell
> at sheeple in public. It's a place to vent
> feelings, opinions and yes, JUDGEMENTS that left
> unstated would just drive your blood pressure
> through the roof, yet stated would make you no
> friends.

Yep...Feh, I hear you...

Sounds like the other posters have issues or some "buttons" were pushed re: the "boomerang" generation because she does not agree with certain things. Mudslinging is if we went to another site and hassled the members such as trolling on a parenting board. What is said here is far from "mudslinging". Perhaps...a few may be upset that we are not "breeder pleasers" or have mentioned how badly many young people do behave with entitlement mentality?
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 18, 2007
i mus admit i got slightly annoyed at the way people blame certain for things beyond their control, because i am in that same situation.

i live at home, with my mum, i dont work (unemployed), well i do volunteer work for nothing. i apply for many jobs, but no luck. and sometimes i get looked down upon for not moving house to find a job. i think thats what she means.

i get called a loser, a mommies boy, or worse, because i am not lucky enough to get a job. there are many reasons as i said in the past post i did here, why look down upon anyone like that. but whats the difference between me and theresa. just remember there are people in her situation or near enough, and i am one of them.

however, saying that, i do think that most of the people on this board know there are exceptions. and i am sure no offence is meant.

but am i an entitlement minded person, am i a boomerang person.

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: 2403 Teenagers
August 19, 2007
The spanish is also another issue that is affecting my ability to get a job. I took 2 years of it in high school, and learned the very useful phrases "where is the bathroom?" & "Where is the butcher shop?"

I'm sorry to have started shit on the board, but I've been very frustrated with my situation. I cannot for the life of me find work no matter what I do, not even low paying work.

My father also recently lost his job to a computer. He was automated out. He also is having a hell of a time finding decent paying work.

The whole situation sucks. Not just for me, but for everyone caught in this unemployment bullshit. Its like I hear about more people losing jobs these days then being hired for jobs.
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