Anonymous User
Re: Mmmmm Victory Soup
April 24, 2012
Congrats Quills!

Yes, your hair color IS lovely.

You will be happier and happier as the years go by because of your TL. I had mine waaaay back in '89, and I've never regretted it for a second. Today I live in a home I love, have a job I love and a husband I love. Life is goooood.

Enjoy! (You'll heal up in no time)
Re: Mmmmm Victory Soup
April 24, 2012
Congrats, Quills!!! I am so happy for you. Sounds like it all went well and soon you will be enjoying sex with reckless abandonment, and another plus - no more periods!!!

Oh no I still have periods lol. Those don't go away with a tubal. He did do a d&c while he was in there to see if there is a cause for my period problems though so I'll find out all about that when I go in on the 2nd.
Re: Mmmmm Victory Soup
April 24, 2012
Every day will be a little better! Don't worry about it too much. It sounds like you have an awesome hubby who will make sure you are as comfortable as possible. Give it a week, you will want to be up and about before you even know it!
I actually cleaned the kitchen yesterday (despite the hubby's protests) and was totally fine! He still puts me in bed though I think that's just because he likes doing it lol.

Congrats Quills!

Yes, your hair color IS lovely.

You will be happier and happier as the years go by because of your TL. I had mine waaaay back in '89, and I've never regretted it for a second. Today I live in a home I love, have a job I love and a husband I love. Life is goooood.

Enjoy! (You'll heal up in no time)

blushing thank you.

I'm already feeling the stress fall away. I usually have the monthly stress building by now and it hasn't hit! It feels so good. It got worse every month and it was to a point that my housework suffered somedays (I would get so stressed I would constantly forget what I was doing or just end up crying on the floor or curling up on the bed with a nice solid panic attack) but now I feel like I have so much more energy even! My therapist is going to be so pleased! I honestly feel like that's why I am healing nice and fast; loss of a huge stresser. This TL has greatly upped my quality of life grinning smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Mmmmm Victory Soup
April 24, 2012
And alas, you will still have periods. I suffered through mine (they were dreadful) with the help of opiates for many years. Then it got to be too much to handle and I had an endometrial ablation (lining of uterus removed) about six years ago.

No more periods REALLY rocks! Wait a few years and go get one; say your periods are heavy to the point of hemorraghing; that ought to do the trick! grinning smiley
Re: Mmmmm Victory Soup
April 24, 2012
And alas, you will still have periods. I suffered through mine (they were dreadful) with the help of opiates for many years. Then it got to be too much to handle and I had an endometrial ablation (lining of uterus removed) about six years ago.

No more periods REALLY rocks! Wait a few years and go get one; say your periods are heavy to the point of hemorraghing; that ought to do the trick! grinning smiley

Eh my BC pills make my periods fine. I have Menorrhagia and Dysmenorrhea but the BC pills regulate the bleeding and irregular cycle schedule and even lessen the pain(I was on painkillers every month before I was put on BC pills at 14....I couldn't even walk when I was cramping). My period doesn't bother me as long as I stayon the pill (and I will be staying on it since it gives me so many benefits with NO ill side effects.) The doctor asked if he could do a D&C just to check that there aren't any fibroids or anything lol. And honestly I NEED my bc pills because they fix other problems in my body that I would have to take all sorts of pills to fix individually and almost all of those other pills make me ill.
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