Re: :rolleyes2I just lost my breakfast
May 10, 2012
This is sexual abuse, plain and simple.

In a way, I'm glad some nutbar moo went and did this.. now people will see them for the disgusting pigs they are.
Re: :rolleyes2I just lost my breakfast
May 10, 2012
I just saw this and came directly to the living room to see if anyone had posted yet! Frightening, right?

Yep, me too.

Et tu, Time?


Holly - my stomach also lurched, I feel your pain! Might I recommend some nice, fizzy, ice cold beer. Very good tum calmer. If relief is not forth coming you may also gouge your eyes out with the cap or hit self in head with the bottle. (You may also be tempted to hit the nearest Breeder in the head with a bottle, or the entire case - PSA - the Po Po tend to look askance at this.)

Not sure which route of therapy I'll be taking after seeing this. GOOD GOOGLY MOOGLY!!! two faces puking

This shit needs to go away!


::brbl ::brbl ::brbl
Re: :rolleyes2I just lost my breakfast
May 10, 2012
LOL, the hippy dippy attachment moos don't like this. The pervy woman is too young, attractive and fit to be one of them. She is a poor representation of the extended bf earth mother and blows their cover. That's the way, get them fighting amongst themselves. devil with smile
Re: :rolleyes2I just lost my breakfast
May 10, 2012
She is a poor representation of the extended bf earth mother and blows their cover. That's the way, get them fighting amongst themselves. devil with smile

So true. They tend to be behemoth, horse-faced bitches with the floppiest udders. I'll bet they want to skin this skinny, little bitch alive grinning smiley
Re: :rolleyes2I just lost my breakfast
May 10, 2012
It's kiddie porn. spanking with a whip on the ass
That cover was designed to shock and awe...I'm shocked, but not in awe. I'm shocked and disgusted with how far down in the gutter Mooo-hood has sunk. These women should be charged with sexual abuse on a minor, and Time should be forced to remove that magazine from the shelves.
If I can't have my Shweddy balls, they shouldn't be allowed to force us into seeing this!!! angry smiley
Re: :rolleyes2I just lost my breakfast
May 10, 2012
That just made my stomach turn..

So.. We know that food and water are running out, with overpopulation and all... Yet people keep on poppin' out those babies! I guess they want to have their baby and eat it too...

My top reason is that parenting gives you a free license to be selfish based purely on the fact that you're being selfish for an emanation of your own self. The illusion that what you do to benefit your children benefits them solely is a fallacy. Every parent benefits from the benefits that their children receive. Henceforth, it gives one a license to perpetuate a dog-eat-dog mentality that I perceive to be amoral. Parents say that their children are their greatest loves, what they forget to add is that they are their ONLY loves and only because their children are a reflection of themselves. I prefer to be able to love multiple people and have lasting relationships of many types and possess the essential core value of empathy for all than to restrict myself to an echo chamber of ego-masturbation and self-serving chicanery.

In short: Not parenting makes you a better person.
Re: :rolleyes2I just lost my breakfast
May 10, 2012
As a subscriber of Time (well, free subscription with credit card points) I appreciate the gross warning. Now I know to walk directly to the recycling bin when it arrives in my mailbox on Friday.

Fucking nasty.
Re: :rolleyes2I just lost my breakfast
May 10, 2012
I hope she realizes she's just consigned herself to homeschooling that kid all the way through 12th grade. She just set that poor boy up for a life of torment by his classmates any and every place they might try to send him to school.

Time used to be a dignified magazine, something adults read. They're undermining their own profession and making themselves look pathetic and desperate, trying to get attention with this "Look how shocking and provacative it is! Look!! Look!!!"
Re: :rolleyes2I just lost my breakfast
May 10, 2012
That's fucking disgusting. I think they should show pictures of people taking shits, too, since that's nachural and all. And slightly easier on the eyes.
Anonymous User
Re: :rolleyes2I just lost my breakfast
May 10, 2012
LOL, the hippy dippy attachment moos don't like this. The pervy woman is too young, attractive and fit to be one of them. She is a poor representation of the extended bf earth mother and blows their cover. That's the way, get them fighting amongst themselves. devil with smile

Are you seeing this in the general comments or are they mooing lowing elsewhere?
Re: :rolleyes2I just lost my breakfast
May 10, 2012
Another article about this below -


There are even MORE gross pix here - evidently more Cows were pictured in the article.
(There's one pic in here of a Cow with chirruns sucking on BOTH teats!)


But - there are many interesting comments.

(This story seems to have made it's way to many sites and there's alot of agreement that this is just TOO MUCH. )

Again - WARNING!

In a way, I'm glad some nutbar moo went and did this.. now people will see them for the disgusting pigs they are.

You make a very good point here!
Anonymous User
Re: :rolleyes2I just lost my breakfast
May 11, 2012
Why did I click on that? The cover picture was bad enough.

Re: :rolleyes2I just lost my breakfast
May 11, 2012
It's kiddie porn.

My thoughts exactly. I wish these pedomoos would stop getting away with this sick, damaging behavior.
Re: :rolleyes2I just lost my breakfast
May 11, 2012
Fucking nasty!!! I just saw this on the news and the station did a poll. 86% of people who took the poll said that The Times went to far with this. They also said how unrealistic the photo is compared to what breast feeding is suppose to look like.

This is just sick and chomo-ish. I thought when a kyd is walking, standing on their own and able to eat actual foods that they were past the breast feeding stage? Another thing, wouldn't moo's milk ducks have dried up by the time the kid was that old?
Re: :rolleyes2I just lost my breakfast
May 11, 2012
There is barely any modesty left on this earth. I attended a family function last year where one of the women had an infant (emphasis on the word infant, as in newborn and not toddler) and I glanced at her and didn't even have a clue she was nursing until I thought about it for a second. She was seated out of view with an opaque patterned cloth over the whole thing so you hardly even noticed her.

Why can't they do that? Is it really so hard? As for the nursing until they're practically in school, I have no words. When there is perfectly good organic milk to drink, there is no need for this nonsense.
Re: :rolleyes2I just lost my breakfast
May 11, 2012
It's kiddie porn.

My thoughts exactly. I wish these pedomoos would stop getting away with this sick, damaging behavior.

I deal with adult content because of my job, although I try to avoid looking at it as much as possible. The first thing I thought when I saw that magazine cover was, "I shouldn't be looking at this" because it feels like I'm looking at kiddie porn.

All a person has to do is read the comments to realize it. The only people who approve of it, besides other AP moos, are people who are getting off on looking at it.
Re: TIME cover story: Are you mom enough?
May 11, 2012
I was having lunch this past weekend at a rather pricey place when a famblee walked in complete with squalling infant. It appeared she was about to whip out a boob but with a flourish whipped out a cute apron looking thingy which covered the baby. It was instantly quiet and all was right with the world.

I am no prude but some things have a time and place...and if you are in the wrong place be discreet or be moving to the right place. She chose to be discreet.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: TIME cover story: Are you mom enough?
May 11, 2012
I was listening to talk radio last night and they were all over this story. Everyone who called in objected to it... called it pornography... and called for the kid to go to CPS, moo, photographer and Time to get arrested.

But..alas... I guess it's all about attention (for Time and the Moo) and internet 'hits'
Re: TIME cover story: Are you mom enough?
May 11, 2012
Even my friend who BF'd both of her kids (until they were 6 or 8 MONTHS old) says she doesn't want to look at anyone else doing it, and didn't want anyone else watching her do it.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Anonymous User
Re: TIME cover story: Are you mom enough?
May 11, 2012
If it has teeth, it should NOT get teet. I'm just sayin'.
Re: TIME cover story: Are you mom enough?
May 11, 2012
This was definitely shot to make extended breastfeeders look like the freaks they are. First, the woman is not very maternal-looking - she's young, good-looking, workout-slim and dressed in bodyhugging clothes. The kid is standing on a chair, very detached and not even embraced by the moo. This will make more people realize how degrading extended breastfeeding is, and more power to Time.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: TIME cover story: Are you mom enough?
May 11, 2012
This was definitely shot to make extended breastfeeders look like the freaks they are. First, the woman is not very maternal-looking - she's young, good-looking, workout-slim and dressed in bodyhugging clothes. The kid is standing on a chair, very detached and not even embraced by the moo. This will make more people realize how degrading extended breastfeeding is, and more power to Time.

Yes; I haven't read the article or clicked on the link, but I saw the cover photo and to me it doesn't look like some empowering statement about women not being ashamed of their bodies and all that happy-crap. It looks like it's saying, "See how ridiculous this looks? Don't let this be YOU."

But of course tit-nazis are going to point to this and say "You go gurl! Now that we're on the cover of TIME, we are STATUS QUO! I'ma rip off my shirt right NAO and go to the playground!"

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: TIME cover story: Are you mom enough?
May 11, 2012
This was definitely shot to make extended breastfeeders look like the freaks they are. First, the woman is not very maternal-looking - she's young, good-looking, workout-slim and dressed in bodyhugging clothes. The kid is standing on a chair, very detached and not even embraced by the moo. This will make more people realize how degrading extended breastfeeding is, and more power to Time.

Yes; I haven't read the article or clicked on the link, but I saw the cover photo and to me it doesn't look like some empowering statement about women not being ashamed of their bodies and all that happy-crap. It looks like it's saying, "See how ridiculous this looks? Don't let this be YOU."

But of course tit-nazis are going to point to this and say "You go gurl! Now that we're on the cover of TIME, we are STATUS QUO! I'ma rip off my shirt right NAO and go to the playground!"

Yeah one of the big titfeeding spokesmoos said this is fine because it helps desensitize the public to breastfeeding.

I don't think so, most of us are highly sensitized and disgusted by that photo.

I'm sure most moo cows don't care for the photo but they cannot come out and admit it because any and all titfeeding is good.
Re: TIME cover story: Are you mom enough?
May 11, 2012
carrie: there's a child in there breastfeeding who can chew steak.
miranda: know how i feel about that? if you're old enough to ask for it, you probably shouldn't have it.

--- sex & the city, season 1, the baby shower.
Re: TIME cover story: Are you mom enough?
May 11, 2012
This was definitely shot to make extended breastfeeders look like the freaks they are. First, the woman is not very maternal-looking - she's young, good-looking, workout-slim and dressed in bodyhugging clothes. The kid is standing on a chair, very detached and not even embraced by the moo. This will make more people realize how degrading extended breastfeeding is, and more power to Time.

Yes; I haven't read the article or clicked on the link, but I saw the cover photo and to me it doesn't look like some empowering statement about women not being ashamed of their bodies and all that happy-crap. It looks like it's saying, "See how ridiculous this looks? Don't let this be YOU."

But of course tit-nazis are going to point to this and say "You go gurl! Now that we're on the cover of TIME, we are STATUS QUO! I'ma rip off my shirt right NAO and go to the playground!"

Yeah one of the big titfeeding spokesmoos said this is fine because it helps desensitize the public to breastfeeding.

I don't think so, most of us are highly sensitized and disgusted by that photo.

I'm sure most moo cows don't care for the photo but they cannot come out and admit it because any and all titfeeding is good.

It's a fairly good-looking specimen of moo-cow in that photo. I wonder if that's actually her kid or if they brought in some chyuld-model-actor to pose with her, or if it's an adult chyuld that looks young for its age, or is it photo-shopped in? These things get one's imagination going.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

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