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Weightless Dog posters

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Weightless Dog posters
February 17, 2005
Where art thou? I've seen some over at EZCF, but it still seems like a lot are unaccounted for. I can't even remember all their names (damn this old age) so I can't google them. Google them. Heh heh. That still sounds so dirty. I know people are surfing through here...but I guess the place looks rather abandoned. Oh well, I guess they'll turn up eventually - somewhere.
CF Uter
Re: Weightless Dog posters
February 21, 2005
I wish this board had more rants and posts like Brats! did too. I miss that format and the give and take on that board. I was hoping this or CF Rants would take up the slack.

EZ and tanglewood is ok, but I'm not a big fan of the format.
Re: Weightless Dog posters
February 22, 2005
This site is starting to show up on google searches, so maybe some more people will wander in. I noticed CF Rants is getting more and more traffic, but none of the Brats posters have ended up there. I loved posting on Brats & miss the posters.

And you're right about EZboard, it sucks. I hate the way it's setup, and it's always going screwy. I love the people though. They're a riot!
CF Scorpio
CF Rants
February 26, 2005
What is this "CF Rants" of which you all speak?
Re: CF Rants
February 26, 2005
It's a new site like this one with a rants section and a discussion forum: http://evildragonlady.com/cfb/index.php. If that link doesn't work, go to the links page here on bratfree. It's under 'Others' and it's called CF Rants!
Re: Weightless Dog posters
February 27, 2005
I am here occasionally. I miss brats too. Lately I have been needing to rant and vent.
Re: Weightless Dog posters
February 27, 2005
I miss Brats, too! Since the demise of that board, I started posting at the CF EZBoard and the No Kidding! International Discussion Board. It's great to see that there are so many of us.

I like reading Susan the moomie troll! Whoever writes it impersonates a breeder very well.
Anonymous User
Re: Weightless Dog posters
February 28, 2005
catmeow Wrote:
> I like reading Susan the moomie troll! Whoever
> writes it impersonates a breeder very well.

She's actually a real troll who uses AOL. I now understand why Turtle hated AOL so much. It's hard to ban one AOL user because you end up banning a whole lot of them. Grrrrr.

So, whenever that nut posts, I edit it to make her look like more of an ass than she already is. smiling smiley Glad you're enjoying it...sometimes snacking on trolls is fun. winking smiley
Re: Weightless Dog posters
March 01, 2005
Yo. I was Redhead over at Turtle's place.

Anonymous User
Re: Weightless Dog posters
March 04, 2005
I'm glad to see Bratfree take over from the late BRATS! board. I had been reading the Livejournal Childfree Community, but I don't feel like opening my own journal, so I can't post there.
Anonymous User
Re: Weightless Dog posters
March 10, 2005
I'm glad to see this board too. I never was able to post over at Weighless Dog, but I enjoyed reading nevertheless.
Anonymous User
Re: Weightless Dog posters
March 12, 2005
Welcome! I guess I need to check in more often. The site isn't getting a whole lot of traffic yet, but it's going to stay here for whenever anyone feels the need.
Anonymous User
Re: Weightless Dog posters
March 13, 2005
I was mostly a lurker over at BRATS! but occasionally posted as Aviana. Have been lurking here a bit and decided to register. Anyone know what happened to the FMB? I sure miss her rants!
Anonymous User
Re: Weightless Dog posters
March 14, 2005
I've seen a few FMB posts on CF livejournal and I think Childfree @ ezboard. I think a lot of people miss her rants...I know I do!
Anonymous User
Re: Weightless Dog posters
March 18, 2005
I used to post over at BRATS occasionally. Still use the same name "maus"
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