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Childfree - the next wave of evil - Catholic Answers Forums

Posted by Anonymous User 

They seem to miss the point.
Re: Childfree - the next wave of evil - Catholic Answers Forums
November 12, 2007
But what about our SOULS????
And the babies?? What about the babies???

I do like how many of them got sucked into the Church of Euthanasia site, and that it seemed to scare the pants off them. HA! Terrified Christians, doing their usual "I'm afraid of people who think for themselves" b.s.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Okay...I've gotta know...how do you guys FIND this stuff? And WHY??? I mean, I don't agree with these people, but you have to be LOOKING for this kind of stuff to find a message board thread from 2004/05. Having said that, however, I will admit that seeing "Childfree" referred to as an "organization" gave me a bit of a snicker.eye rolling smiley
I can't figure out where they're getting this cannibalism thing from. I went to childfree.net and didn't see anything of the sort.

"Consider just HOW selfish they are!

It is OUR children who will be paying the taxes that support them in their old age. I just bet none of them seriously intend to kill themselves when they reach retirement and can't financially support themselves. Not that I advocate that.

I am talking worldwide here. It is a problem in most countries in the developed world."

Yeah, overpopulation is not a problem, look away, nothing to see here folks.
It's on the Church of Euthanasia website. They give pretty detailed instructions on killing and preparing "human meat" for consumption.
Re: Childfree - the next wave of evil - Catholic Answers Forums
November 13, 2007
Catholics only want those babies born to keep women stupid and under Church dictatorship. I am an ex-Catholic and I can attest how many Church articles state how the Catholic Church is NOT a democracy. It is either follow the rules or go although many are quietly Cafeteria Catholics...taking what they want and leaving the rest. Christianity is so afraid of any other belief system taking over that their issue is to keep the "numbers" up via births.
Re: Childfree - the next wave of evil - Catholic Answers Forums
November 13, 2007
Pillar of Fire / Pillar of Truth - The Catholic Church and GAWD's Plan for you. More like the Pillar of Shit.

And I think it's all about martyrism - creating pain and suffering like jebus experienced. It appears they frown on cleaning up your own mistakes, you have to just suffer the consequences.

I read some of those posts and I must tell you, it's scary. These people are breeding and creating more of the same. It's like a giant, scary cult or a Twilight Zone episode.

There was a pretty sensible post, from Pete2.

Somebody should post our website over there. LOOKIE HEEERREEE!!!!!
Unbelievable. What's really amazing is that these people are so deep in their delusions they don't even realize how CRAZY they are.

Whenever I read or hear stuff like this I take comfort in the fact that these people are going to be very disappointed at where they end up when they die. All that hatred--not good for the SOUL, ya know? winking smiley
Well, look at it this way: after one generation, they'll have trouble keepign their numbers up!


They tend to forget that more and more people forego parenthood.
Mrs. Ogre Wrote:
> Well, look at it this way: after one generation,
> they'll have trouble keepign their numbers up!
> ...
> They tend to forget that more and more people
> forego parenthood.

It shows the logic of their thinking: They hates teh kiddes+no kids= No CF army to pass the torch. Did they think we were hatched?
Re: Childfree - the next wave of evil - Catholic Answers Forums
November 14, 2007
That whole site just REEKS of LOW IQ.
Re: Childfree - the next wave of evil - Catholic Answers Forums
November 14, 2007
How these morons make assumptions (based on a kooky website) that we normal CF people are cannibals makes no sense...sort of like believing that a styrofoam wafer turns into the body of Jeeebus during the mass...or that confessing your sins to an old man in a closet will get you to heaven...
Re: Childfree - the next wave of evil - Catholic Answers Forums
November 15, 2007
I've seen that topic before, and it's just as retarded as the last time I saw it. In some remote part of my mind, I want to think all the people who are incredibly stupid over there are just trolls, but alas, I sadly know that some people are truly that dense. And I have to laugh out loud at the member who was claiming s/he was going to stop the childfree movement. And how would they plan on doing this - performing stealth IVF and locking the women in padded rooms for nine months?

It's too bad we can't transfer fatal amounts of electricity through the monitors of the aforementioned stupid people - I don't think anyone would miss them.
Re: Childfree - the next wave of evil - Catholic Answers Forums
November 16, 2007
What a bunch of fucking retards!

I love this one from Viki59 (post 43 on page 3):

Sadly, my grown son is one of the "childfree" generation. He doesn't belong to that group (thank God) but has swallowed the overpopulation myth, doesn't plan to marry his GF, and is markedly self centered. I pray for him daily, and welcome any prayers anyone else would like to add.
I can't figure out how I had a son like this, except that I raised him in a protestant church, which he refused to attend after 11 as he was being harassed by a pastor.
And I paid thousands for his college education, where he learned all this nonsense. A minor detail, but I wish there were someone I could sue.

Viki the breeder cretin is pissed off because her son refused to attend brainwashing sessions after the pastor "harassed" (probably molested) him. She should have been spayed before she could reproduce.

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
"A minor detail, but I wish there were someone I could sue."

Excuse me? Sue for what? That your son thinks for himself? Of course there must be someone else to blame, not the precious Golden Son.
Re: Childfree - the next wave of evil - Catholic Answers Forums
November 18, 2007
Ketchup Wrote:
> "A minor detail, but I wish there were someone I
> could sue."
> Excuse me? Sue for what? That your son thinks for
> himself? Of course there must be someone else to
> blame, not the precious Golden Son.

Viki the breeder cretin needs to sue herself for this! grinning smiley

True parents are proud to raise sons and daughters who can think for themselves.

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
> I can't figure out how I had a son like this,
> but I wish there were someone I could
> sue.

'Whaaaah whaaaah!!! My son did not fulfill the predetermined protestant anglo-saxon life script I had planned for him....And Gaw-ad cursed him with a a MIND OF HIS OWN!!!

eye rolling smiley
Wow. That really reinforces the stereotype of Catholics being associated with bingo of every kind!

Direct them over to this site, or to Rabin's CF board. There will be thousands of panties in a wad and maybe even an apoplexy or two!
Re: Childfree - the next wave of evil - Catholic Answers Forums
November 19, 2007
What would round this situation out nicely, is if her beloved son would come, *GASP*!!!!! OUT OF THE CLOSET, AND ANNOUNCE HE IS GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We'd sure hear some wailing then!!! LMAO!!!!
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> What would round this situation out nicely, is if
> her beloved son would come, *GASP*!!!!! OUT OF THE
> CLOSET, AND ANNOUNCE HE IS GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> We'd sure hear some wailing then!!! LMAO!!!!

LOL! Moo would be flat-lining!
Re: Childfree - the next wave of evil - Catholic Answers Forums
November 20, 2007
You know, I've always wanted to say this, and have it confirmed by some churchy authority, "I AM THE DEVIL!"

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Childfree - the next wave of evil - Catholic Answers Forums
November 21, 2007
I am seeing a double standard here. As far as I know, the Catholic "Superiors" are not supposed to be married and have kids. So why are average people are being questioned about being CF?
Techie Wrote:
> I am seeing a double standard here. As far as I
> know, the Catholic "Superiors" are not supposed
> to be married and have kids. So why are average
> people are being questioned about being CF?

Since nuns & priests become ordained or "married to god", part of their job is to ensure everyone else keeps breeding more Catholics & "potential" Catholics, or their wallets suffer. Here's one way they ensure their survival:

If you want to get married in their church, you have to have a pre-marriage "interview" with the priest (yeah I admit it...I had a Catholic church wedding to please my parents...now I'm an atheist- but I digress) The priest took us each aside individually & "counseled" us in the fact that it is sinful to deny the other spouse kids if they wanted them and we didn't. I actually felt that if I'd said hell no, he'd refuse to marry us.

I also went to a catholic grammar school & remember these priests having gym memberships, mountain bikes, expensive outdoor gear, one even had a red corvette. Damn us CF to hell if Father Fuckup can't go work his abs!

Know I know why the term "LAY person" is used to distinguish any regular person teaching or serving at mass from the priests. I'm sure they have no clue how funny that is.
Re: Childfree - the next wave of evil - Catholic Answers Forums
November 28, 2007
Pepper Wrote:
> Unbelievable. What's really amazing is that these
> people are so deep in their delusions they don't
> even realize how CRAZY they are.
> Whenever I read or hear stuff like this I take
> comfort in the fact that these people are going to
> be very disappointed at where they end up when
> they die. All that hatred--not good for the SOUL,
> ya know? winking smiley

Exactly, hatred is NOT what God wants. LOL.

I'm so glad I'm Lutheran. We have a much more intelligent way of thinking. THANK GOD for the Lutheran church. We are NOT breederific.

lab mom
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