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Recto-Vaginal Fistulas After Childbirth (Moos Lament and Low)

Posted by kidlesskim 
Re: Recto-Vaginal Fistulas After Childbirth (Moos Lament and Low)
July 01, 2012
Recto-Vaginal Fistula sounds like a great name for a band.

hysterical laughterz

Shauna's like a gluten-free Jim Jones for dumb, lifeless middle-aged women. I swear, this bitch could set fire to a orphanage and they would applaud her for bringing them light. ~ Miss Hannigan
What an absolute horror. They should make this part of sex ed for sure.
Stories like these should be a mandatory part of sex-ed.
Re: Recto-Vaginal Fistulas After Childbirth (Moos Lament and Low)
July 01, 2012
Well, if these women are worried about their husbands going astray, I've heard of many women using their colostomies for sexual purposes. :goggle

But wowww, you cannot tell me that being torn stem to stern, being incontinent and shitting out your vagina is all worth it. For some fucking kid who will leech off you and tell you they hate you forever. Fuck that shit (damn, bad choice of words) No thanks, I like having control over my bowels and being able to discern between orifices. It's bad enough that you've got a recreational area right next to a waste treatment area (thanks, biology), but to combine the two? Yeah, no way.

I can't say I feel too sorry for these women because they brought these problems on themselves. Even though they can take a pounding, vaginas and assholes are still relatively delicate in comparison to other body parts because they are mucous membranes and not straight up bone or muscle. When you send Hurricane Loafley through one of them, both areas are going to get fucked up. I'm amazed more of them don't get snatch infections - you always hear about how you can't get an ass germ in your pussy or else things will get bad real quick. If these women are shitting out their vaginas, how are they not getting infections? I mean besides infections in the wounds.

I wonder how some of these women get their husbands to fuck them when they decide they want to rip their vaginabuttholes further. Do they just kinda lay spread eagle on the floor and hope Duh falls in long enough to fertilize her? Because I gotta tell you, if I were a guy and I couldn't tell where the vagina ended and the asshole began AND there was shit leaking out of this big giant gaping hole, I would totally lose the boner and probably never have sex ever again.

I think I need to go get naked and rub my perineum and enjoy knowing it will be there forever.
Re: Recto-Vaginal Fistulas After Childbirth (Moos Lament and Low)
July 01, 2012
I can't find it now(but I'll try later) but one of these women with the hole torn between their lower intestine and vaginal wall, with golf ball sized turds literally involuntarily and without warning randomly being excreted from her hole, posted she was WAITING to get it repaired so she could keep breast feeding the loaf who caused it. Already it had been about three months since her pussy became her asshole, for all intents and purposes, yet she is going to WAIT to get it fixed?saying 'wtf' Her argument for waiting was she'd be in the hospital for several days and didn't want the loaf to go without the udder juice and the "bonding"eye rolling smiley

Look, if the 3 month she-brat grew up and remembered she went without getting suckled for a few days and questioned it, I believe she'd understand with this explanation:

"Loafetta, you were such a fat little loaf that you tore a hole in mommy's pussy when you were born and it caused runny shit and turds to come out mommy's hole. Daddy didn't want to fuck me anymore, it stunk, and mommy's twat got infected and smelled SO awful, stray dogs and cats started following her home. So, for a week when you were a baby you were forced to drink my titty juice from a bottle and I am SO SORRY you were scarred for life. Can you ever forgive me?"

I mean REALLY! Who CARES if the loaf has to go without the udder for a few days because THIS is a medical emergency!!!!!!!! :headbrick

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!

I think I need to go get naked and rub my perineum and enjoy knowing it will be there forever.

hysterical laughterz
OK... I was all creeped out by the possible issues/procedure with essure (having to have your uterus pumped full of dye to test etc)

it cannot possibly be this bad

physical scheduled in August. I shall INSIST on being sterilized no matter what procedure is offered.
There are no words to describe how grotesque these stories are two faces puking

I just don't get it. Why? Why? For what? Meh.
Keeeryst, I'm never going to be the same. Why, why would anyone risk doing that to themselves???
Re: Recto-Vaginal Fistulas After Childbirth (Moos Lament and Low)
July 01, 2012
It never even crossed my mind that this is something that happens here. I thought this was strictly poverty-stricken, rural, third world stuff.

I've heard a couple of documentaries about doctors with MSF or other organizations like that who go to poor countries and do days and days of fistula repair surgeries. It's usually because the women/girls are giving birth without help from a doctor, nurse or midwife and the labor goes on and on and on, or they're barely high school age and their bodies just aren't up to the task. The women become outcasts and either have to stay home permanently or they get sent away to some place with all the other women who have fistulas. It seriously sounds like a version of hell - especially in a place where people don't have limitless access to soap and hot, running water like we do here.

Pretty good way to stop a "Why don't you want to have kids?" conversation before it even starts, though.
Re: Recto-Vaginal Fistulas After Childbirth (Moos Lament and Low)
July 02, 2012
This is a detailed medical description of the problems of incontinence after rectal-vaginal fistula surgery has failed. Scroll on down for surgical pictures and a shot of a urethral plug in place. WARNING: Photos are REVOLTINGtwo faces puking


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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
I admit, I got a bit of schadenfreude from the one who had her kid at 16. Thought your ass was so grown-up having a kid, didn't you? Not even old enough to vote or drink legally and already, your vagina and rectum were forever damaged.
Re: Recto-Vaginal Fistulas After Childbirth (Moos Lament and Low)
July 02, 2012
So much for the myth that mooos like to spread about being tighter after sluicing a loaf....what horror!
I would lock myself away forever and never go outside if I were leaking turds out of my vajayjay. Ewww! :hs
Re: Recto-Vaginal Fistulas After Childbirth (Moos Lament and Low)
July 02, 2012
I have a theory.

The theory is that Society lies to women that they are "made to have children" because otherwise noone ever would.

Oh my god.

The last story was enlightnening. GO TO A SPECIALIST YOU IDIOT. Not to a general doctor!
Re: Recto-Vaginal Fistulas After Childbirth (Moos Lament and Low)
July 02, 2012
Well, the upside to having a nice vaginabutthole is Moo could have simultaneous vaginal and anal sex without the need for a second partner. You know there's people who would watch porn of it. :goggle
Re: Recto-Vaginal Fistulas After Childbirth (Moos Lament and Low)
July 02, 2012
Well, the upside to having a nice vaginabutthole is Moo could have simultaneous vaginal and anal sex without the need for a second partner. You know there's people who would watch porn of it. :goggle

There are always people who watch porn for... anything.

Dear god it is so disgusting. How can you LIVE like that?!
Re: Recto-Vaginal Fistulas After Childbirth (Moos Lament and Low)
July 02, 2012
Yes women's bodies could take it...when a normal baby weighed between 5 and 7 pounds and a 9 pounder was a whopper.

Nowadays everyone is "eating for two-hundred" and trying for the world record baby weight and the average baby weight is 9-10 pounds so it seems. You reap (rip?) what you sow.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
My boyfriend's best friend's wife is due to give birth any day now, so I've been telling my bf about "vagina-buttholes." That will NEVER be us. bouncing and laughing

What I don't understand is...if you know you are about to give birth any day now, why the hell would you not schedule a C-section? Why would anyone want to subject themselves to this? I know, I know, it's so moos can compare "war-stories" about who had the most difficult birth. smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: Recto-Vaginal Fistulas After Childbirth (Moos Lament and Low)
July 02, 2012
My boyfriend's best friend's wife is due to give birth any day now, so I've been telling my bf about "vagina-buttholes." That will NEVER be us. bouncing and laughing

What I don't understand is...if you know you are about to give birth any day now, why the hell would you not schedule a C-section? Why would anyone want to subject themselves to this? I know, I know, it's so moos can compare "war-stories" about who had the most difficult birth. smile rolling left righteyes2

Most doctors won't do them as elective procedures anymore and also, MANY Moos don't consider it having "given birth" if the loaf isn't pushed out their holes. Many a Moo seeks a doctor or midwife willing to assist in a, 'VBAC" (Vaginal Birth after Cesarean), and most will NOT because there's generally a medical reason it's unsafe. They consider it a badge of honor to have a VBAC, and the Moos posting on Moo forums will have it in their signature lines along with the names of living loafs, "angel babies", and loafs still in the oven like for instance:

Angelia-8(C-Section):, Antoria-6C-Section), Antonia-5 (C-Section) Amwtoneous angel with halo (6/1/99-6/2/99), Angus angel with halo(8/2/99-8/3/99), Augustavia-37 months(VBAC1)grinning smiley Awtum-6 months(VBAC2):bayybee Currently I am 18.3 weeks in pig!!!!!!! moo with baybeem

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Recto-Vaginal Fistulas After Childbirth (Moos Lament and Low)
July 02, 2012
Then there are the Awesome Idiot that try for a HBCA: Homebirth After Cesarean.

By the way: around here the rate of c-sections stay high. Once a doctor tried to tell one of my aunt she should try for a VBCA. Hell break lose instantly XD


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
Re: Recto-Vaginal Fistulas After Childbirth (Moos Lament and Low)
July 02, 2012
I've read people criticizing women who have elective C-sections as being vain or lazy or following a celebrity trend, but I totally see the appeal of it. The doctor makes it to her 8 p.m. dinner reservation and you get to keep all your orifices intact and functioning.
Re: Recto-Vaginal Fistulas After Childbirth (Moos Lament and Low)
July 02, 2012
I've read people criticizing women who have elective C-sections as being vain or lazy or following a celebrity trend, but I totally see the appeal of it. The doctor makes it to her 8 p.m. dinner reservation and you get to keep all your orifices intact and functioning.

However, they still can't escape inpigness related hemorrhoids due to the extra loaf weight. I had a childed co-worker tell me once, before she took time off for hemorrhoid surgery after sluicing her last loaf, that her asshole was so swollen with roids they protruded out her ass and her bumhole looked like a monkey at the zoo. She had C-Sections with all hers I guess because she was so petite.

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Recto-Vaginal Fistulas After Childbirth (Moos Lament and Low)
July 02, 2012
I used to wonder if there was something wrong with me that I NEVER, EVER, EVER wanted to have any of the "wonderful experiences" associated with childbirth. I though maybe I was born with low estragen or something.
Now that I"m older I realized that maybe there is something wrong with the women who WANT TO PUSH A HUMAN OUT OF THEIR VAGINA!!!! Who in the HELL would welcome such an experience?

DId anyone else use to think there was something wrong with themselves?
Re: Recto-Vaginal Fistulas After Childbirth (Moos Lament and Low)
July 02, 2012
DId anyone else use to think there was something wrong with themselves?

I did for the longest time. Anything to do with childbirth is disgusting to me. I've often joked that you can't push a watermelon through a hole the size of an orange. When told that a neighbor was in labor I made jokes about a sow in the whelping box. I truly believe I was born without whatever hormones make women want to be moos.
Re: Recto-Vaginal Fistulas After Childbirth (Moos Lament and Low)
July 02, 2012
Reminds me of something at the dinner table.
My mother's friend visits us quite frequently and her son's wife just had a baby.
11 pounds, she told us.
First words out of my mouth at that?
"I bet she tore stem to stern."
And I was reminded of this thread.
Have fun, breeder.

“I don’t have pet peeves, I have major, psychotic fucking hatreds.”
— George Carlin
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