Anonymous User
Moms gone wild: 'The 40-year reversion'
July 25, 2012

More of the same.... parenting makes you an unselfish, better person. Thanks.
Anonymous User
Re: Moms gone wild: 'The 40-year reversion'
July 25, 2012
dear lord.

I mean, each to their own but I'm nearly 40, female, been married for a while and I have NO DESIRE to fuck around on hubby or go do blow off some "friends" bathroom sink. That was for 20 years ago for gods sake, not now. I have to go to work tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep.

Hubby loves me, the sex is good, I don't have to worry about getting a ride back to my car in the morning and WE DON'T HAVE ANY BRATS so it's all about us, us, us and our happiness. We take trips, we sleep in on weekends, we go out and don't have to worry about "the kids".

Bed made lie bitches.
I was never a wild party animal in my 20's and 30's. I preferred to stay in and read a book. I wasn't a wild party freak in college, either. I went out a few times each semester, so the few friends I had wouldn't think I was too much a geek. A book and Debussy were (and still are) my best friends.

I don't see the enjoyment of going out to some bar where you know nobody, get toasted, snort chemicals into your sinuses and screw strangers. I'd still rather stay home, practice my instrument(s), and read a book. Even surfing the internet is more interesting than doing what these ladies (and I use the term loosely) are doing.

If they feel the need to cheat on their husbands, then they have serious problems. They need to sit down and have some talks with their husbands as to why they feel the need to behave in this manner. Anybody can fuck around but it takes work from both people to keep a relationship happy.

And they call us CF the selfish ones, the party animals, etc... face saying 'error'r
Re: Moms gone wild: 'The 40-year reversion'
July 25, 2012
I suspect that these women have been a bit wild all their lives, but they were afraid of "missing out," etc. and didn't have the nerve to buck the LifeScript so they had kids they really didn't want to have with men they probably shouldn't have married. Now they're stuck, but desperately trying to have the freedom of being single and/or CF but get all the status and goodies of being a mawm.

If she's not making this stuff up, I'd like to see how many of these women are still married two or three years from now.
Re: Moms gone wild: 'The 40-year reversion'
July 25, 2012
If she's not making this stuff up, I'd like to see how many of these women are still married two or three years from now.

My money is on most of them remain together for the sake of the chiiiiiilllldren. Yeah, because kids NEVER notice how much Mommy and Daddy openly argue and obviously can't even stand the sight of each other.
Re: Moms gone wild: 'The 40-year reversion'
July 25, 2012
Add me to the non-party animal crowd, too. On the very rare occasion, I'll have way too much to drink, but it's in a controlled, familiar environment, and no illegal shit is consumed. I also never let myself get drunk with people unless I know and trust them - friends whom I know will stop me from being a total dumbass and who will hide my keys from me. But hey, no one's ever had to do that to me yet, and I still have a good time.

I mean FFS, the people in these articles are old enough to know better, grow the fuck up.
Re: Moms gone wild: 'The 40-year reversion'
July 25, 2012
I believe the piece discussed at the link is an article we dissected here.

Evidently we aren't the only ones rolling our eyes.

The author of this piece tried to contact the writer of the the other thing - and she won't do interviews because she's got a book coming out about it. smile rolling left righteyes2

The writer here wondered if it wasn't all exaggerated - and wanted to ask some questions.

Yeah, me too. It all sounds kind of inflated.

You talk about boozing, parties, and drugs, and then mention a Fellow Party Cow "going to third base" in the back of a Minivan?

It doesn't jibe. Third Base? smile rolling left righteyes2

I don't even know WTF this means, except that it's some US High School Slang from the days of yore.

The original BS here sounds like inflated crapola from the mind of a bored Cow. Factual, conflated, or whatever "50 Shades of Bullshit" it is -it comes off as pathetic desperation.
Re: Moms gone wild: 'The 40-year reversion'
July 25, 2012
I have to admit I'm something of a drunk. Hell, I'm halfway into a bottle of Crown Royal right now. But I've only done coke once and I was 19 at the time. If these idiots had given any thought to breeding before they did it we wouldn't be hearing about their after 40 drama. And that's all it really is. Drama. They don't feel they've done anything worthwhile with their lives and that's why we're hearing this sordid little tale. Turning 40 obviously doesn't do breeders any favors. It just makes them think they've "missed something." They aren't missing anything in the way they think thay are. Regret hurts, doesn't it, lurking breeders?
Re: Moms gone wild: 'The 40-year reversion'
July 25, 2012
Satans ~

Yeah, I like my beer too!


I try to keep it low. I don't want my beer gut to get big enough to be mistaken for a "bump" grinning smiley

Coke is a gutter drug. Bleargh. If you're going to drugs, you can do better than that. X at the least.

I only drink the Lite Beer now, and have a bit of ganja. I have no desire to get "wasted". That's the mark of a lightweight, anyway.
An experienced drinker knows how to hold their liquor.

Purposefully "getting wasted" - to me, this is someone hell bent to relieve something, get away from their own life.

For the Breeding Set - High School never seems to end, does it? Consider all their Mommy Cliques and drama, as well.

And they call us immature smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: Moms gone wild: 'The 40-year reversion'
July 26, 2012
"Third base" with a stranger in a minivan.

1. High school sex slang loses its dubious charm when you're 40.
2. Everyone is responsible for their own happiness. If there's a sex problem with your partner, communication is the first step. Who knows, perhaps an open marriage or polyamory is what works--adults can make that choice--but to sneak around behind one's partner's back is reprehensible.
3. What's that word for women who have sex with strangers in cars?

The "Moms Gone Wild, Hubby Doesn't Know, Ha Ha" schtick is unseemly, tacky, grossly unfair to one's partner not to mention children, and is not honoring one's marriage vows. Makes one look very common.

Established tiling methods are for unlambent nonbreathers filled with tiny rage.--CrabCake
Re: Moms gone wild: 'The 40-year reversion'
July 26, 2012
"...Sohn likens the scene to the HBO show "Girls," which depicts life in New York for the post-college crowd: "...We're masturbating excessively, cheating on good people, doing coke in newly price-inflated townhouses, and sexting compulsively—though rarely with our partners. Our children now school-aged, our marriages entering their second decade, we are avoiding the big questions—Should I quit my job? Have another child? Divorce?—by behaving like a bunch of crazy twentysomething hipsters. Call us the Regressives."..."

Regardless of their Moo status, the behavior above is immoral, illegal, selfish, dangerous and extremely immature.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Moms gone wild: 'The 40-year reversion'
July 26, 2012
a friend of mine is 35, married, with an 10 year old son. her marriage has been rocky for some time, and her husband is a military contractor who spends about 6 months a year in afghanistan. they are getting a divorce, which doesn't surprise me, as they were both miserable.

what DID surprise me? she met another guy (also married) and fucked him while her hubby (who is a very nice guy) is overseas. where did she meet this guy? on a website for married people looking for flings. yes...there is such a thing. this was a month ago; since then they both have told their spouses they want a divorce, and they have plans to "get married and have another baby." i told her that was the dumbest thing i had ever heard.

needless to say my friendship with her is pretty much over.

yeah...moms are so selfless.
Re: Moms gone wild: 'The 40-year reversion'
July 26, 2012
These women likely were the kind that married their high school sweetheart or got their MRS in college (if they went), started having kids before their second anniversary, either never worked or left jobs to be a SAHM, and now they think they "missed out" on their youth because they couldn't wait to start the LifeScript. Now they act out in an overexaggerated manner, like they actually think this is how the childfree/childless youth act. Maybe in the 1980s and only if they had plenty of disposable income. These actions in no way represent people my age nowadays.
Re: Moms gone wild: 'The 40-year reversion'
July 26, 2012
I was thinking these moos took Sex in the City too seriously but those characters were single and had consciences. There was one episode in which a very inpig wild friend from the past goes to a party with them and starts dancing and stripping on a table. Everyone gets silent and the moo gets upset, gets in a cab to go back to the suburbs and says to Carrie - "one day you won't recognize yourself". There was also the one where the high on coke friend friend fell out of the window. Lessons.

But these moos don't think they should have to give up their 21 year old selves and that there should not be consequences for failing to grow up when they have real life responsibilieis. "Third base", LOL I stopped using that term in Jr. High, it was even stupid in high school.

I also think a person should be able to "party" at any age as long as they keep it in control and don't hurt anyone.
Re: Moms gone wild: 'The 40-year reversion'
July 26, 2012
There was a thread about this previously:,222498
I think about this all the IL's were pretty straight while we were 'growing up' in our teens, 20's, etc. Me and my spouse were considerd the 'bar flies' in the fam.

FF to present day, we are all pretty set into middle age and me and my hubby don't get *drunk* at family parties (we get drunk elsewhere!!!! , not family parties, too lame and I don't want to be a drunken fool in front of the kids/teens) But the females of the fam are toasted each time I see them, altho they aren't falling down, etc., anything like that. Then they tell stories about having all these drinks at a Tupperware party , and sitting on the phone and FB together and drinking over the phone w/ each other. I'm like what...youre a moo now and to escape the crap moo life you are now virtually alcoholics? And obviously since they have kids, they go to these kid type family parties rather often, so I only assume they are constantly drunk.

Same w/ my HS and college friends, we had a brunch , all the moos were drinking & hungover and drinking at 11AM, and also talking about getting drunk at a grad (family type) party. I was the only one not drinking. I'm like youre so desparate to have fun, this is how you do it? These 'parties' are lame dull insipid family type occassions. Believe me, I can party and usually can keep up w/ most the men, but I do it at more appropriate places like concerts, bars, fun and cool parties, not some lame ass brunch where all the convo is Jr's grades and baseball league schedules.

I truly feel moohood has turned otherwise tame women into alcoholics so desparate for a drink and a little fun, they do it at an 8th grade grad party for Jr.

I only drink the Lite Beer now, and have a bit of ganja. I have no desire to get "wasted". That's the mark of a lightweight, anyway.
An experienced drinker knows how to hold their liquor.

this!!!! totally how i feelthumbs upwink
Re: Moms gone wild: 'The 40-year reversion'
July 26, 2012
There was a thread about this previously:,222498

That's the Wastoid Cow's tales, the article here is a critique of that Cow's ramblings.

Yeah, I was kind of confused, too.

The article linked here is interesting from the standpoint that it's kind of 'calling her out' on all this. She (Party Cow) wrote a book about this too smile rolling left righteyes2

I am glad to see someone questioning her. I just remembered something - I read a non fiction book about a woman who had been stalked. I read some online reviews of it and in one I came across the info that the publisher had thoroughly vetted her story.

I wonder if anyone checked the stuff Party Cow has written?

If it's legit - and not the least bit exaggerated - to me that makes it all the worse. Sad and pathetic.

Back in my younger days - we wanted to go *do* something. That was the point. Go see a show at a club (musicians, bands), go to a club where you could get all dressed up, the 'focus' was not on 'getting wasted'. It was to have something *to do*. See new things.

Oh btw - I presently stay in a very 'hipster' area - and I don't know any drunken jerks like the types this Cow hangs around with. smile rolling left righteyes2

And they are NO different from any drunken housewife. Hate to tell them. So what if you have on skinny jeans? You're a drunk. An addict.
You're not doing anything 'different' - clothes and location won't change that. You actually have to THINK and DO. And wasted and hungover people - saddled with kids on top of it - usually don't DO all that much.
Re: Moms gone wild: 'The 40-year reversion'
July 27, 2012
Goddess...the moos are selfish, obsessed Sex and the City wannabes! They shoot out a twatrocket and then moan that they are no longer the "interesting" people they never were. They are superficial, judgmental bitches who think they are "owed" this second adultescence just because they sluiced a brat or more.

Sorry, mootwunts: :bedmadelie
Re: Moms gone wild: 'The 40-year reversion'
July 28, 2012
I get drunk from half a beer can blushing
I've never been a party animal. I whole-heartedly approve gratuitous sex though, but sober and with protection.

" ... what's one more once you've already got two shedding on the couch?"
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