Re: Psycho Moo's blog
December 19, 2007
CFBoston Wrote:
> Really a "newsworthy" story
> for WHDH. I hate the local news - they are so
> biased towards parunts and famblee. But, you're
> nothing until you reproduce, dont'cha know... what
> a f'ed up society we live in...
Don't worry, it's NATIONAL news now, I saw it on CNN this morning.

Carrie, I am just wondering what the purpose of your hilarious letter was. I mean, the sentiments were totally true, but were you trying to do more than just insult the moo?

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Psycho Moo's blog
December 19, 2007

Carrie, please keep us posted if the cunt responds. bouncing and laughing
Re: Psycho Moo's blog
December 21, 2007
Cunt face psycho moo has commented on the "anonymous poster."

She said she'll be such a good MAWM and to keep your comments to yourself. WAAH WAAAH WAAAH After reading today's post, it's clear she is the most self-serving, self-absorbed person on this planet.

She also included pix of the baybees. Great Gods I hope they can start to look less alien-like as they grow because right now, they are pretty hideous.

And people wonder why health insurance is so expensive.
Re: Psycho Moo's blog
December 21, 2007
Those baybees are fug, fug, fug.

And I notice NutMoo didn't post all of Carrie's comment, she left out the home truths cos she couldn't deal with it.

She apparently got the lil aliens transferred to another hospital. No doubt she'll continue to treat the staff there like shit. Bitch needs to realize that her baybees aren't the only ones in the NICU and the staff are in all likelihood doing their damnedest for them, even though I bet they hate the moo's guts.

What a self-obsessed cunt.
Anonymous User
Re: Psycho Moo's blog
December 21, 2007
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> Cunt face psycho moo has commented on the
> "anonymous poster."
> She said she'll be such a good MAWM and to keep
> your comments to yourself.

Keep your comments to yourself?! It's a fucking BLOG!!!

Moo, go create a forum with your own rules or better yet- write about your sorry life in a diary if you don't want the world's point of view!
Re: Psycho Moo's blog
December 22, 2007
I also left the bitch some love under the name of "Shadow"...most likely it will get deleted because I don't coo and rejoice over her failed abortions:

"I'm sure this will get deleted because it's not full of joy and praise like the other comments, but the infections and all the other problems your babies are having are, in fact, from both you getting IVF and your children being born three months early.

Children born so early and via unnatural means almost always have a plethora of problems because they were born before their bodies had the chance to develop entirely. Therefore, they are more susceptible to sickness from a less-than-normal immune system, among many other things.

So, in a sense, you are actually to blame for your children's low quality of life. You chose to go for in-vitro, which is known for producing premature babies. Had you accepted that maybe you were not meant to conceive children with the little cues of being unable to have them by natural means, then perhaps you wouldn't be dealing with two very sick infants.

And if I were you, I would be worshiping the ground the medical personnel walk on. You may think you know more than them with your stellar teaching background, but that medical staff is the reason your feeble babies remain alive in the face of sickness and physical infirmity. At least be thankful for the people who provide your children with the care they need to stay alive against nature's will."

I'm also hoping the kids just pass mean as it sounds, they probably won't amount to much beyond being lumps on logs for the rest of their lives. And since Moomie is sucking off the government tit for her 'insured' NICU visits, the resource-suckers kicking the bucket would be in everyone's best interests.
Anonymous User
Re: Psycho Moo's blog
December 23, 2007
eurghhh that lady makes me sick - what a vile peice of work. I'm sorry but those are some of the UGLIEEEEEEST brats i've ever seen.
Re: Psycho Moo's blog
December 23, 2007
Also notice now how her posts are all: "You know, I should be thankful for my huzzband and kyydds..." Carrie's post got under her skin. But she'll be back to raging NutMoo before long. That much anger and rage just doesn't go away.
Re: Psycho Moo's blog
December 23, 2007
A small victory, but a victory nonetheless!
Re: Psycho Moo's blog
December 25, 2007
I could not read the whole thing, but the babied on pics look terrified. What the heck did she do to them? They appear to be in pain and she seems to like it. Selfish breeder and not much more. Not to worry, all this is going to catch up to her. She is either going to be on anti depressants or will drug her chyldryn up on some psycho-crap to keep'em under control. Yep, future is bright all right.
Re: Psycho Moo's blog
December 26, 2007
Back after being gone for a while. I must say first of all that I don't condone trolling in any way shape or form. It's as bad as some stupid Moo coming over here and telling us about the joy of loaves. Things just work better when we stay in our respective places.

If you can't control yourselves, just make sure you have referrer logging turned off your computer so she can't tell where you came from, or open up a browser and go there directly from another page like Yahoo, not here. (And that you have your privacy settings up to high.) Luckily, it appears Moo, despite the fact she can't stop writing about how educated she is, isn't very 'Net savvy.

That said, I will continue the discussion here. Get a load of this:

"I have decided that I am going to write a letter to the other hospital. The overall experience was horrendous, but there were a few nurses that I know were caring and supportive. I appreciate them and will name them in my letter. I will also detail my concerns with the system and the care the boys received while at that hospital and my outrage that the doctors had difficulty dealing with "overly concerned" parents."

I'm guessing "nurses that were caring and supportive" = "nurses who kissed my ass 24/7 and told me what a wonderful, spayshul mom I am." I hope this letter goes where it needs to go, right in the round file cabinet.

And Holy Shit, those poor kids look absolutely deformed. Three months early? I think she's deluding herself about how wonderful and perfect they will be. These kids are going to have some serious medical issues due to not baking long enough. Hello stomach tubes, shunts, breathing tubes, Special Education, short bus and meds, meds, meds. And she thinks their care was horrendous? Wait until she gets the bill. I pity the other people who share her insurance pool.

Moo's attention whoring will be going on for a long time, methinks.
Re: Psycho Moo's blog
December 26, 2007
Ya know what kills me? She acts as if she is the ONLY one who has ever gone through this.

Does she really think her letters will get any sort of special attention by anyone important?

Does she even realize how many letters like hers that hospital gets?

Does she actually think her venomous words to the staff are anything they haven't heard before?

To them, she is just another near-barren-breeder-moo-psycho-wannabe that got knocked up via artificial means and is now clasping onto the last string of hope that will enable her to become the mawm she so desperately wants to be. If I were the staff, I'd be laughing at all the infertile wanna-breeds and shaking my head at the damaged goods those repgunancies produce.

Her resource-sucking little fuglees should check out and spare everyone the financial burden. Short bus here they come! I'm sure in some way that hospital will be sued to the hilt. It certainly isn't HER fault her baybees are problem-ridden, now, is it?
Anonymous User
Re: Psycho Moo's blog
December 26, 2007
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> Does she even realize how many letters like hers
> that hospital gets?
> Does she actually think her venomous words to the
> staff are anything they haven't heard before?

Having worked in hospitals, I know for sure this pitiful moo has a rap sheet a mile long on file. Every outburst, verbal assault or threat- along with everything the staff did to help her, are carefully documented since they know her kind all too well.

If they DO review her letter, they'll also review her file & realize (as we allready know) that the staff was excellent & she is just nuts.
Re: Psycho Moo's blog
December 26, 2007
I love how her only defense to the anonymous post was saying that she would be a much better parent than that person/poster could ever be.


Yeah, she's off to a fantastic start. Her babies are suffering from all kinds of difficulties that could have been completely avoided had she been just a little less needy and selfish.

I'm sure the irony of her statement is completely lost on her.
Re: Psycho Moo's blog
December 27, 2007
Peppertree Wrote:
> I'm sure the irony of her statement is completely
> lost on her.

Really. And she's so EDJAMAKATED yet, too. Or at least she likes to think she is.
Anonymous User
Re: Psycho Moo's blog
December 27, 2007
As a nurse myself, I see this kind of behavior everyday. Parents expect miracles no matter what the consequences, and are the first to blame the medical/nursing professions whenever something goes wrong. You can never win with these types! sad smiley
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