Anonymous User
Celebrity Fitness Trainer upsets the herd.
August 28, 2012
No where in this article does Tracy Anderson "Slam" new mothers. They also conveniently left out the second part of the article where she says that she put on 60 lbs during her first pregnancy. I could really give 2 shits whether they exercise or gain 100 lbs, but the spin they put on the article amuses me. They aren't getting that many screaming moos in the comments either.

This site really takes offense and twists it all around.
Re: Celebrity Fitness Trainer upsets the herd.
August 28, 2012
Enraged Moodrinking coffee
I think she sounds like a privileged bitch. Her job as a personal trainer requires her to look like that (and that pic is totally airbrushed). If I spent the 50 hours a week that I spend at my job exercising, I bet I could look almost as good. Most women, especially new mothers, don't have that luxury. Also, a lot of pregnant women don't gain extra weight from eating crap. Gestational diabetes, for example, will cause excess weight gain. In my first pregnancy, I gain 25 pounds of water weight my last 4 weeks (I could barely bend my fingers, it was awful). I lost 35 of my 40 pounds by the time my son was 3 weeks old. That rapid weight gain then loss left stretch marks and a belly that even Ms. Anderson couldn't get rid of. I dare her to call my body a disaster to my face!angrily flogging with a whip

My second is now 2 and my body will never go back to the way it was. I have larger hips and a belly left over from my first pregnancy. That is OKAY, I look like a woman, no one can shame me for that. It is comments like these from celebrities, who have every luxury available to them, and from trainers like Ms. Anderson and Jillian Michaels, who are paid to work out, that contribute to the denigration of mother's bodies. Ms. Anderson need to STFU or start supporting other mothers instead of bringing them down and making them feel like their bodies are "disasters".ranting

God these cows are entertaining when they get riled up about their cavernous cooters, tiger stripes, and taffy titties .waving hellolarious

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Celebrity Fitness Trainer upsets the herd.
August 29, 2012
She almost reminds me of Meme Roth (that bitch be crazy).
Re: Celebrity Fitness Trainer upsets the herd.
August 29, 2012
I do agree with the mombie that if we all worked out 20 hours a day like trainers (and celeb clients), we all would look faboo. However, there is no real reason for gaining 100 pounds in pregnancy, nor is there an excuse for not exercising. We all suffer from "no time" so make time like the rest of us.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
I know a Catholic fundamentalist moo with 6 kids. She had C-sections for all deliveries because of she couldn't deliver normally (childhood accident). During her last pregnancy, she gained 60 pounds AND she lost said tonnage in 3 months! That's 20 pounds/month lost for all stupid, lurking moos here. She did it by having her husband watch the kids at night while she went to the gym to work out or to go to ballet classes. That's NOT easy when you had a C-section, either! She had no maids, no nannies, no babysitters. She was a size 6 after 6 kids, because she went to evening ballet class twice a week with hubs watching the kids. I never once saw this Moo sitting on her ass or on the computer. It was always washing, cleaning, chasing after little kids, picking them up from Catholic school, etc. She was non-stop movement.

There is NO excuse for moos to look like a German battleship months after sluicing a loaf. It's pure laziness on the part of the Moo, who'd rather park her ass on the sofa, beg help from her friends in the form of "to-do lists for my friends," sit on the computer and post fugly baby photos on FB, do anything else but what she's supposed to do for her kids and her family. I call :BS on those moos who look like Sherman tanks after having kids.
Re: Celebrity Fitness Trainer upsets the herd.
August 29, 2012
From the comments on the first story ~

Lardass Moo
people like tracy anderson and gillian michaels are terrifying to me. and frankly, i can't think of one guy i know who would rather hook up with a woman like that over a woman with a little softness and curves.

Poison Boob Juice OH NOES!
It's so contradictory for new moms. They're expected to bounce back super fast. They're expected to breast feed, but not in public. But most doctors won't clear you for much exercise before 6 weeks. And C sections are major surgeries. And dieting and exercise can have negative effects on breast milk. There's just no way to win with some people. Oh and don't get me started on the people who try to shove food down your throat because they don't feel you're getting big enough.

Oh and let's not forget I am HIPS! WOMAN! that Kim has already pointed out. 2 eyerolls for her, one for each saddlebag smile rolling left righteyes2 smile rolling left righteyes2

Reminds me - I should probably go eat soon! Ima have Italian sausage with lettuce and tomato on French bread - with plenty of Mayo of course! Some Doritos (Nacho Cheese) and Pepsi. grinning smiley

Lardass Moo
people like tracy anderson and gillian michaels are terrifying to me. and frankly, i can't think of one guy i know who would rather hook up with a woman like that over a woman with a little softness and curves.

Well, your man isn't telling you the truth, not by a long shot. I had every guy in Cabela's last weekend looking me up and down and trying to get my attention when their LardAssMoo wife went off to look at the plus size clothing. Even CashierDuh and GrandDuh were hoping I'd pay attention to them.

To Larass Moo, a "little softness and curves" = Sherman tank in real size, and most men don't want to wake through layers of fat and cellulite to find you, honey.
Anonymous User
Re: Celebrity Fitness Trainer upsets the herd.
August 29, 2012
Lardass Moo
people like tracy anderson and gillian michaels are terrifying to me. and frankly, i can't think of one guy i know who would rather hook up with a woman like that over a woman with a little softness and curves.

Poison Boob Juice OH NOES!
It's so contradictory for new moms. They're expected to bounce back super fast. They're expected to breast feed, but not in public. But most doctors won't clear you for much exercise before 6 weeks. And C sections are major surgeries. And dieting and exercise can have negative effects on breast milk. There's just no way to win with some people. Oh and don't get me started on the people who try to shove food down your throat because they don't feel you're getting big enough.

They will use any excuse, diet and exercise has a negative effect on breastmilk, hahaha! Twinkies and McDonalds are okay, but vegetables and lean meat are bad. Sure, keep telling yourself that Moomina.
Re: Celebrity Fitness Trainer upsets the herd.
August 29, 2012
I know a Catholic fundamentalist moo with 6 kids. She had C-sections for all deliveries because of she couldn't deliver normally (childhood accident). During her last pregnancy, she gained 60 pounds AND she lost said tonnage in 3 months! That's 20 pounds/month lost for all stupid, lurking moos here. She did it by having her husband watch the kids at night while she went to the gym to work out or to go to ballet classes. That's NOT easy when you had a C-section, either! She had no maids, no nannies, no babysitters. She was a size 6 after 6 kids, because she went to evening ballet class twice a week with hubs watching the kids. I never once saw this Moo sitting on her ass or on the computer. It was always washing, cleaning, chasing after little kids, picking them up from Catholic school, etc. She was non-stop movement.

There is NO excuse for moos to look like a German battleship months after sluicing a loaf. It's pure laziness on the part of the Moo, who'd rather park her ass on the sofa, beg help from her friends in the form of "to-do lists for my friends," sit on the computer and post fugly baby photos on FB, do anything else but what she's supposed to do for her kids and her family. I call :BS on those moos who look like Sherman tanks after having kids.

Hey don't forget the exercise and choreography that goes into going to mass.

It's also why Catholic Schools have the best cheering sections - at mass Stand up, sit down, stand up, kneel Stand up, Sit Down, FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT YEA GO TEAM! amen.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Celebrity Fitness Trainer upsets the herd.
August 29, 2012
I know a Catholic fundamentalist moo with 6 kids. She had C-sections for all deliveries because of she couldn't deliver normally (childhood accident). During her last pregnancy, she gained 60 pounds AND she lost said tonnage in 3 months! That's 20 pounds/month lost for all stupid, lurking moos here. She did it by having her husband watch the kids at night while she went to the gym to work out or to go to ballet classes. That's NOT easy when you had a C-section, either! She had no maids, no nannies, no babysitters. She was a size 6 after 6 kids, because she went to evening ballet class twice a week with hubs watching the kids. I never once saw this Moo sitting on her ass or on the computer. It was always washing, cleaning, chasing after little kids, picking them up from Catholic school, etc. She was non-stop movement.

There is NO excuse for moos to look like a German battleship months after sluicing a loaf. It's pure laziness on the part of the Moo, who'd rather park her ass on the sofa, beg help from her friends in the form of "to-do lists for my friends," sit on the computer and post fugly baby photos on FB, do anything else but what she's supposed to do for her kids and her family. I call :BS on those moos who look like Sherman tanks after having kids.

waving hellolarious @ "German battleship".

I too knew a lady(Catholic too) who was friends with my mother who was a head nurse at a hospital(the real kind, not an orderly-"nurse"), and birthed TEN KIDS, although she had two sets of twins so I guess that makes 8 inpignesses. She wore a fucking BIKINI at all of their get togethers at the beach and lake and looked fabulous well into her 40's and up until she got cancer. She was extremely health conscious and exercised throughout all her inpignesses and was right back slim and fit and looking good within a few weeks. So, SOME women can manage to work full time, sluice, and not end up looking like a fucking tiger striped whale. She was of the few women I ever knew who didn't look like shit while pregnant either. Her kids though, well that's a whole other story how most of them turned out. :smn

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Enraged Moodrinking coffee

My second is now 2 and my body will never go back to the way it was. I have larger hips and a belly left over from my first pregnancy. That is OKAY, I look like a woman, no one can shame me for that. It is comments like these from celebrities, who have every luxury available to them, and from trainers like Ms. Anderson and Jillian Michaels, who are paid to work out, that contribute to the denigration of mother's bodies. Ms. Anderson need to STFU or start supporting other mothers instead of bringing them down and making them feel like their bodies are "disasters".ranting

God these cows are entertaining when they get riled up about their cavernous cooters, tiger stripes, and taffy titties .waving hellolarious

I love this comment. It was really hard for me too to lose weight from my first pregnancy. I walked around for about ten months post pregnancy with a pouch of belly fat. I didn't care though. I brought a beautiful boy into this world. People who looking down on that can look up to my ass before they kiss it.

When I finally decided to really lose my belly fat. I did all the research I could and found the perfect guide for losing belly fat after my pregnancy.

check it out spam-link-removed
This helped me get back to my pre pregancy stomach plan to use this after my next one

Anonymous User
Re: Celebrity Fitness Trainer upsets the herd.
August 29, 2012
There is a difference between having "a little softness and curves" and weighing 400 pounds.
Anonymous User
Re: Celebrity Fitness Trainer upsets the herd.
August 29, 2012
Enraged Moodrinking coffee

My second is now 2 and my body will never go back to the way it was. I have larger hips and a belly left over from my first pregnancy. That is OKAY, I look like a woman, no one can shame me for that. It is comments like these from celebrities, who have every luxury available to them, and from trainers like Ms. Anderson and Jillian Michaels, who are paid to work out, that contribute to the denigration of mother's bodies. Ms. Anderson need to STFU or start supporting other mothers instead of bringing them down and making them feel like their bodies are "disasters".ranting

God these cows are entertaining when they get riled up about their cavernous cooters, tiger stripes, and taffy titties .waving hellolarious

I love this comment. It was really hard for me too to lose weight from my first pregnancy. I walked around for about ten months post pregnancy with a pouch of belly fat. I didn't care though. I brought a beautiful boy into this world. People who looking down on that can look up to my ass before they kiss it.

When I finally decided to really lose my belly fat. I did all the research I could and found the perfect guide for losing belly fat after my pregnancy.

check it out spam-link-removed
This helped me get back to my pre pregancy stomach plan to use this after my next one

Re: Celebrity Fitness Trainer upsets the herd.
August 29, 2012
Enraged Moodrinking coffee

My second is now 2 and my body will never go back to the way it was. I have larger hips and a belly left over from my first pregnancy. That is OKAY, I look like a woman, no one can shame me for that. It is comments like these from celebrities, who have every luxury available to them, and from trainers like Ms. Anderson and Jillian Michaels, who are paid to work out, that contribute to the denigration of mother's bodies. Ms. Anderson need to STFU or start supporting other mothers instead of bringing them down and making them feel like their bodies are "disasters".ranting

God these cows are entertaining when they get riled up about their cavernous cooters, tiger stripes, and taffy titties .waving hellolarious

I love this comment. It was really hard for me too to lose weight from my first pregnancy. I walked around for about ten months post pregnancy with a pouch of belly fat. I didn't care though. I brought a beautiful boy into this world. People who looking down on that can look up to my ass before they kiss it.

When I finally decided to really lose my belly fat. I did all the research I could and found the perfect guide for losing belly fat after my pregnancy.

check it out spam-link-removed
This helped me get back to my pre pregancy stomach plan to use this after my next one


Moo troll zapped by mod.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Celebrity Fitness Trainer upsets the herd.
August 29, 2012
I make more of an effort with a debilitating chronic illness than most relatively healthy moos do. Sure, I'm still overweight, but I am proud to say that I am not obese, and I at least try to get some activity when I am feeling up to it, and I eat a healthy diet.

And I hate women who think curves = behemoth size. Curves and obese are two different things.
Anonymous User
Re: Celebrity Fitness Trainer upsets the herd.
August 29, 2012
Enraged Moodrinking coffee

My second is now 2 and my body will never go back to the way it was. I have larger hips and a belly left over from my first pregnancy. That is OKAY, I look like a woman, no one can shame me for that. It is comments like these from celebrities, who have every luxury available to them, and from trainers like Ms. Anderson and Jillian Michaels, who are paid to work out, that contribute to the denigration of mother's bodies. Ms. Anderson need to STFU or start supporting other mothers instead of bringing them down and making them feel like their bodies are "disasters".ranting

God these cows are entertaining when they get riled up about their cavernous cooters, tiger stripes, and taffy titties .waving hellolarious

I love this comment. It was really hard for me too to lose weight from my first pregnancy. I walked around for about ten months post pregnancy with a pouch of belly fat. I didn't care though. I brought a beautiful boy into this world. People who looking down on that can look up to my ass before they kiss it.

When I finally decided to really lose my belly fat. I did all the research I could and found the perfect guide for losing belly fat after my pregnancy.

check it out spam-link-removed
This helped me get back to my pre pregancy stomach plan to use this after my next one


Moo troll zapped by mod.

I got that, I'm just always stunned by the stupidity.
Re: Celebrity Fitness Trainer upsets the herd.
August 30, 2012
I don't think that was a moo troll, I think it was

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Celebrity Fitness Trainer upsets the herd.
August 30, 2012
"Curves" are what it's called when you have broader hips but a narrow waist - hourglass shaped. Not when you have a spare tire around your middle, saddlebags the size of Texas, and are shaped like a beachball. That's called "fat."

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Celebrity Fitness Trainer upsets the herd.
August 30, 2012
"Curves" are what it's called when you have broader hips but a narrow waist - hourglass shaped. Not when you have a spare tire around your middle, saddlebags the size of Texas, and are shaped like a beachball. That's called "fat."

It reminds me of this show I once saw on TV where this MOOO's goal weight was 250. Her goal weight..250 pounds!! That's bigger than most linebackers! She thought that 250 pounds was 'curvy'.

Marilyn Monroe was curvy. When you weigh enough to make it into the NFL, you are a fatso.
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