No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 02, 2012

It's a largely hysterical article, written from the father's POV. Still, I have to give the couple credit - the mother is a modest BFer, covering up whenever they are out. I'm not sure why he describes everyone as being twitterpated over that.
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 03, 2012
Even more strange is that other parents were complaining. :bdid

lab mom
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 03, 2012
The way that man described all the suckling and snuggling going on made me sick to my stomach. WHY must they drag out their udders everywhere they go? I find it difficult to believe he experienced any negative repercussions with his military career because of her tit feeding at a thrift store on base and I also think it's suspect anyone yelled at her and called her disgusting to her face at a scout meeting too. I am so SICK of these cows demanding to feed their sucklings like a hog stretched out on it's side with a bunch of piglets attached. I don't care if it's "best for baby", it's "natural", or for how many centuries it's been done. It is GROSS, it LEAKS, and their udders are exposed and no one wants to see it, the end.the world 'fail' on flames

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 03, 2012
I call bullshit on the whole story.

Come on. Duh is walking around a ship showing off pics of his family and some guy asks why moo has a blanket on her shoulder and he "proudly announces" moo is breastfeeding? Think about it. If you're showing off pictures of your family, you'd show pictures of the moo holding the kids. Why would you show ssomebody a picture of your kid with the kid covered up with a blanket? You wouldnt, UNLESS you wanted somebody to ask about it.

As far as the thrift store scenario, I call bullshit on that as well. Military bases house young families. No matter how any of us feel about it, breastfeeding is pretty common. I don't believe the site of this one nursing moo was so remarkable unless she made a real spectacle of herself. I'm guessing moo made a point of doing it in the thrift store to the point where people complained.

Lastly, the Scout meeting where he saw his wife being "abused" has to be exagerated. At the very worst, she was confronted after a meeting. Does anyone believe a group of adults "emotionally abused" the moo during a Scout meeting? I mean really, emotional abuse? No fucking way did this happen how he describes. Duh sounds like a perv and an attention whore.
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 03, 2012
I call bullshit on the whole story.

Come on. Duh is walking around a ship showing off pics of his family and some guy asks why moo has a blanket on her shoulder and he "proudly announces" moo is breastfeeding? Think about it. If you're showing off pictures of your family, you'd show pictures of the moo holding the kids. Why would you show some somebody a picture of your kid with the kid covered up with a blanket? You wouldnt, UNLESS you wanted somebody to ask about it.

As far as the thrift store scenario, I call bullshit on that as well. Military bases house families with young families. No matter how any of us feel about it, breastfeeding is pretty common. I don't believe the site of this one nursing moo was so remarkable unless she made a real spectacle of herself. I'm guessing moo made a point of doing it in the thrift store to the point where people complained.

Lastly, the Scout meeting where he saw his wife being "abused" has to be exagerated. At the very worst, she was confronted after a meeting. Does anyone believe a group of adults "emotionally abused" the moo during a Scout meeting? I mean really, emotional abuse? No fucking way did this happen how he describes. Duh sounds like a perv and an attention whore.

LIKEthumbs upwink

There's no way he showed a pic of her udder feeding on that ship, none.

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 03, 2012
The other thing in that story that just can't be true is the cow being harassed by another moo over the public nursing, saying "I shouldn't have to explain to my eleven year old daughter what you're doing under that blanket. It's disgusting."

Does anyone believe an eleven year old doesn't know what breastfeeding is? I was babysitting at age 12. An eleven year old has had infinite exposure to breastfeeding both in public and private. There is no way a kid of that age would need it explained to her.

This couple is just plain weird. My favorite part of the article is where moo cries for two days because she's asked to not breastfeed in the thrift store. Who fucking cries for two days over something like that? At the very very worst I can see it being annoying or frustrating, or thinking the thrift shop volunteers were prudes, but crying? Come on. Also, babies and nursing moms are on a schedule. You have a pretty good idea of when you'll be feeding, so why not just feed the kid and then do your shopping while the baby is fed and comfortable and probably sleeping? A thrift shop seems to be about the most uncomfortable place possible to nurse. Such shops are generally not very spacious and don't have big dressing rooms or benches to sit on the way a department store does. My guess is she made a point of doing it there just to call attention to herself.

And the last thing I don't believe for a single second is that she covered herself. I work in a restaurant and see nursing moms every day. At least 60-70% of them now have these coverups things that the woman hangs around her neck like a poncho and it hides her entire chest, you can't see a thing. Women who don't have those and who want to be discreet just drape a blanket or shawl over the baby. I've even seen a few women who wear large v-neck tops or cardigans and just kind of slide the baby inside and you can barely tell what they're doing. A woman who wants to cover up can do so.
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 03, 2012
I call bullshit on the whole story. .... Duh sounds like a perv and an attention whore.

There ya go Thank you

Reading the article, I thought "why is HE writing this? Have we ever read a "victim of breastfeeding prejudice" article written by a man? Not that I can recall.

It reads like 1970s vintage, Alan Alda "I am a man who is sensitive to my wife's feelings" kind of stuff. And he gets it all wrong. Exaggeration, speculation as to facts ...... The guy sounds bombastic. I heard the "Rocky" theme go off after reading "He said “you can try to fight this if you want, but you won’t win. Even if you do, it’s still going to come out bad for you" (gonna fly now)

He's trying to sound like a hero to mothers, but I was thinking "dude. Just leave this kind of writing to the wimmen. You're getting it all wrong."
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 03, 2012
You know what's funny? My screen reader pronounces "BFing" as "beefing."
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 03, 2012
You know what's funny? My screen reader pronounces "BFing" as "beefing."

Hahaha! bouncing and laughing Not that far off the mark!
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 03, 2012
Wouldn't it be more productive if Moomoo sat down for the forty minutes or however long it takes to feed the damn baybee rather than walking around with the thing attached like a deer tick? Two hands are better than one.

And then we wonder why kids are obese and obsessed with food.
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 03, 2012
You know what's funny? My screen reader pronounces "BFing" as "beefing."

Hahaha! bouncing and laughing Not that far off the mark!

That's positively brilliant! I snickered.

It's your hell; you rot in it!
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 03, 2012
From this day forward, I shall refer to breastfeeding as beefing.
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 03, 2012
Well, heaven forbid she doesn't get to flash a bunch of underage boyscouts.

I really really doubt the thrift store story as well. Extremely unlikely, and it just seems more like some fabrication so that he can talk about how he stood up and won.

Oh and the mention that it affected his career; how? No mention of that. More bs I think.
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 03, 2012
How often were they at the thrift store? Once a week? And for how long? An hour? She couldn't refrain from feeding Jr. for that long?
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 03, 2012
What I hate is the comments like "we're not going to stay at home and never go anywhere". Is anyone saying that? Nope. Just, why can't you flop your udders out at home before you leave for the store?
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 03, 2012
I just thought of this analogy - which might be kind of off the wall - but it just popped into my head ~

I smoke. Cigarettes. I try to keep it low. Sometimes weed. Sometimes clove cigs if I can find them. Again, try to keep it low. Only smoke in my own home.
(And I haven't gone to any hard stuff. Yet grinning smiley)

Something you might not know - alot of people with allergies smoke. I mean like 'sneezing' type, hay fever type, allergies. You can Google that if you're feeling geeky. Formal studies are out there and everything. There is also some link between (these type of) allergies and Asthma.

Anyway - here's my point - suppose I went into a "specialty store" FOR allergies. These do exist and in fact I have a friend who opened one. It's been quite successful too. We got lots of molds, hay fever plants, it's a veritable allergy gold mine here!

OK - suppose I was in such a store and a worker or owner came to me and said - we'd appreciate if you'd not come in here if you smell like smoke. It bothers the other patrons. We're happy to have you - just don't come in here smelling like smoke.

You know what I would say? IT'S NO PROBLEM AT ALL! YOU'RE RIGHT! I would not be offended in the least and I would AGREE with this idea!

It makes perfect sense - why should I not agree? I have allergies too, I just happen to be one of 'us' that smokes.

Lay this line of thinking on BFing. It *can be* a toxic substance. It does make others uncomfortable. You *can* plan and do it *at home*.

Why should they get so up in arms? It's only common sense. You can see the others' point of view. YOU don't want YOUR PRECIOUS CHILDREN! exposed to germs, do you?

So why can you not see the point? Why do you get SO bloody butthurt?
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 03, 2012
As far as I can tell, it has to be that they want the ability to take their tits out in public, for attention, when they know regular women cannot.

Except for the freaky types who actually are turned on by the preggo look, most men prefer women who are in a shape other than Round. So, they know they cannot compete for attention, except to be able to pull their tits out.

I think most men, given the choice, would rather see normal women topless than preggos, but they don't have that choice. So, moo figures he's going to look because that's the only naked tits men get to see in public.

Other than that, I can't figure it out. Women have been doing this since the beginning of time, without having to make a big production and show of it. It's only in recent times that it's more about attention-whoring than anything else.
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 04, 2012
How often were they at the thrift store? Once a week? And for how long? An hour? She couldn't refrain from feeding Jr. for that long?

It's pretty clear she was making a point both of nursing in public AND of repeatedly doing it in the same places. Every time you see a story in the news about a woman getting asked to not breastfeed in a store or restaurant she says something along the lines of needing to feed the baby whenever its hungry or fussing. It's clear from the story that she was repeatedly breastfeeding in the same places. Especially for something like scout meetings, given that the kids are in school, those meetings would have to be regularly scheduled and wouldn't last for hours. If you know the scout meetings are happening at a given time, there's no reason whatsoever you can't either feed the kid beforehand or pump your milk. The thrift store is even worse because it's not like you have to be there at a specific time, you can feed the kid and then go shopping. I can understand if it happened once or twice ("we were out and the baby got hungry or fussy") but I'm guessing the store volunteers realized she was intentionally coming in there just to whip out her tits and attention whore.
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 04, 2012
..she was intentionally coming in there just to whip out her tits and attention whore.

Or Duhd was pressing her to do it.

I hear more of his voice in the article than the "beefer" (I'm not gonna forget that word waving hellolarious ); more of his control.

"After nine years of active duty service, I decided to move our family ..."

"Our second, a girl, was born fourteen months later. Even though I wasn’t there for the first five months of her life, I encouraged my wife to nurse. "

He also seems to take an inordinate amount of interest in his wife's BF activity:

"I was in awe of the natural bond breastfeeding formed between all of us. I never felt left out, as I snuggled with my wife and nursing son."

"I recall many emails and many letters filled with pictures, discussing how healthy and chunky our little girl was getting from mommy’s milk"

“I was showing off the picture of you and Ev and one of my newly wed shipmates, who’s wife will be giving birth shortly after we return, asked me why you had the blanket covering your shoulder. I proudly told him you were feeding Katie.”

He writes about his wife as if she's passive and not strong enough to defend herself:

"I watched my wife silently take the verbal and emotional abuse of everyone there."

"When my wife tried to defend herself by telling them about the laws that protected nursing mothers and their children, they shut her down."

And then HE stands up; Mr. Super Beefer; and heroically defends her:

"At this point, I could not be silent any longer. I stood up, and started defending my wife and son’s rights."

And he reminds the reader that he suffered consequences of that support:

"However, my stance to support my wife did end up costing us."

This guy has a damned fetish about the issue. Most men probably wouldn't dwell on it, thinking "oh well, I guess she'll have to start bottle feeding; it'll be nice to not have milk sprayed on me when I'm playing with them" but Duhd is all over the subject.

I think he gets something sexual out of his wife BFing; even moreso in knowing that she's doing it in public; and is venting his frustrations at having that fetish thwarted.
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 04, 2012
Scout meetings, and this is from my experience as a Girl Scout, rarely last longer than an hour, hour and a half. The only time it's longer is if there's a planning meeting for an excursion or a party or something. You mean that the cow can't plan to feed the infant before or after the meeting? It won't starve to death in the two hours it's unlatched from the teat.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 04, 2012
And then HE stands up; Mr. Super Beefer; and heroically defends her:

waving hellolarious Or should it be Sergeant Beefer? He can patrol the city in uniform, defending the rights of free beefers everywhere! And staring at strange tits all day? Well, that's all part of the job, ma'am.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 04, 2012
I love the part where the duh says his wife shouldn't have to hide away and give up all her social interactions because of breastfeeding. Why can't she run her errands in between feedings? Or feed a bottle for that one single feeding? Every mother I know supplemented with a bottle when they just couldn't sit down to breastfeed every second of every day. They also RARELY did it in public because THEY DIDN'T ACTUALLY WANT TO and found it embarrassing themselves! This whole article is suspect as it smacks of over-emotional drivel intended on stoking the fury of every breastfeeding mother out there. The Boy Scouts are a bunch of jackasses, though, have to admit.

Oh, and in the picture, the moo looks exactly like a cow. Gross. How nasty are those nipples after suckling five blasted spawn?
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 04, 2012
Unless moo was gay, I doubt the Boy Scouts gave her guff.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: No BFing Boobs at the Boy Scouts
September 04, 2012
Unless moo was gay, I doubt the Boy Scouts gave her guff.

Breast milk is suppose to CURE Tehs Gheys also. You'd think the BSA would want her to spray the perimeter, perhaps have a little 'private time' with Scoutmaster Bob.
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