"10 Justifiable Reasons For A Pregnant Woman To Do You Harm." (Article)
November 10, 2012
I don't know if this has been posted yet, and I apologize if it has.


A moo with a persecution complex wants everyone to kiss her ass. kissing ass

If you don't want to mess with links, here's the article.

" As if the symptoms of pregnancy aren’t bad enough, when you are expecting, everyone’s mission becomes to knock you down. Not literally, of course, because that would be attempted manslaughter, but knock you down nonetheless, they will try.

They will try by insulting your appearance, by questioning your choice of lunch-meat, and by noting just how much weight you have gained.

You have two options in responding: Stand there, gaping, racking your brain for an appropriate response, but instead just walking away and sticking a doughnut in your mouth, OR completely losing it on them. Delicious as the doughnut may be, these people are deserving of a pregnant woman's wrath, and YOU should be the one to give it to them.

They have it coming if they:

1. Argue with you over your due date.

2. Criticize your intended baby name.

3. Ask if you are carrying twins or triplets, and you aren't.

4. Comment on what you are eating.

5. Compare their pregnancy to yours.

6. Touch your belly.

7. Compare you to a circus or farm animal. It happens -- somebody actually told me I looked like an elephant.

8. Tell you that you look tired.

9. Insist that you breastfeed your unborn baby.

10. Ask if the baby was an accident.

How else are they ever going to learn?"
Moos should spend their precious energy and what is left of their brain contemplating a future vaginabutthole smile rolling left righteyes2

The list sounds like breeders torturing each other. No self-respecting CF person would care about you titfeeding the ecological burden you're incubating. Or whether you're carrying two or three loaves. We know you eat like a water buffalo, and then grunt like a hog to get attention.
Re: "10 Justifiable Reasons For A Pregnant Woman To Do You Harm." (Article)
November 10, 2012
But I thought they wanted all that attention.
Oh wait, they only want the good kind of attention, and it seems they think they have a right to discriminate.
You want attention bitch, you got it. Don't like it? Too bad.

“I don’t have pet peeves, I have major, psychotic fucking hatreds.”
— George Carlin
" As if the symptoms of pregnancy aren’t bad enough, when you are expecting, everyone’s mission becomes to knock you down. Not literally, of course, because that would be attempted manslaughter..."

I'd sure like to knock her down.
I dare a preggo to try shit.. She wouldn't be pregnant anymore. They're like wild feral beasts just begging to be put down it seems.

So.. We know that food and water are running out, with overpopulation and all... Yet people keep on poppin' out those babies! I guess they want to have their baby and eat it too...

My top reason is that parenting gives you a free license to be selfish based purely on the fact that you're being selfish for an emanation of your own self. The illusion that what you do to benefit your children benefits them solely is a fallacy. Every parent benefits from the benefits that their children receive. Henceforth, it gives one a license to perpetuate a dog-eat-dog mentality that I perceive to be amoral. Parents say that their children are their greatest loves, what they forget to add is that they are their ONLY loves and only because their children are a reflection of themselves. I prefer to be able to love multiple people and have lasting relationships of many types and possess the essential core value of empathy for all than to restrict myself to an echo chamber of ego-masturbation and self-serving chicanery.

In short: Not parenting makes you a better person.
Re: "10 Justifiable Reasons For A Pregnant Woman To Do You Harm." (Article)
November 11, 2012
The list sounds like breeders torturing each other. No self-respecting CF person would care about you titfeeding the ecological burden you're incubating.

Reading the list, I was scratching my head and thinking "who does that?"

First person who comes to mind is a mother-in-law. Then, probably the mom of the preggo, siblings, and friends who think they are close enough to have that kind of latitude.

Honestly, when I see a pregnant person, my eyes and thoughts immediately skitter away to a view that is more pleasant. I'm sure not going to ask questions or make comments.
Re: "10 Justifiable Reasons For A Pregnant Woman To Do You Harm." (Article)
November 11, 2012
I doubt any of those are justifiable defenses for assault. Go ahead and try it, hippo.
Re: "10 Justifiable Reasons For A Pregnant Woman To Do You Harm." (Article)
November 11, 2012
CFers get crap like this, too. We have nosy know-it-all assholes all up in our business about not having kids.

We CF women are regarded as too young to 'get fixed', and yet no one tells a woman she's too young to have kids. We're called every name in the book because we refuse to date men with kids, or men who want kids. We're called vain because we don't want to ruin our bodies with pregnancy/child birth.

Married CFers are told that they obviously don't love their spouses if they don't want to give them kids. Hell, either here or on CFEZ a CF married man was being harassed by a coworker who was hell-bent on playing match maker with him and one of her breederific younger relative.

And now that I think about it, it happens to a lot of people. A woman who doesn't get all gussied up gets criticized. A woman who isn't rail-thin gets jumped on by some big mouth about what she's eating. A woman who is rail thin gets put down by a similar big mouth for being anorexic, whether true or not.

I guess it only matters when it happens to moos-to-be, though. smile rolling left righteyes2
An elephant is a highly intelligent highly evolved. WILD animal...not a "circus" animal. Animals don't exist to entertain you…Moo. >sad smiley
This is exactly why pregnant women should never attention whore their condition.
I haven't read the article on cafemoo and the reason I haven't is because it would make me want to hit the "writer." Now that I have that off of my chest, I almost hope a piggo hits me. I've discovered that if you hit someone in the solar plexus they topple to the floor like bowling pins. Piggos are shaped like bowling pins. Seeing one fall down and would be a moment gor Youtube. My sincerest apologies to bowling pins everywhere.
Re: "10 Justifiable Reasons For A Pregnant Woman To Do You Harm." (Article)
November 11, 2012
I don't know if this has been posted yet, and I apologize if it has.


A moo with a persecution complex wants everyone to kiss her ass. kissing ass

If you don't want to mess with links, here's the article.

" As if the symptoms of pregnancy aren’t bad enough, when you are expecting, everyone’s mission becomes to knock you down. Not literally, of course, because that would be attempted manslaughter, but knock you down nonetheless, they will try.

They will try by insulting your appearance, by questioning your choice of lunch-meat, and by noting just how much weight you have gained.

You have two options in responding: Stand there, gaping, racking your brain for an appropriate response, but instead just walking away and sticking a doughnut in your mouth, OR completely losing it on them. Delicious as the doughnut may be, these people are deserving of a pregnant woman's wrath, and YOU should be the one to give it to them.

They have it coming if they:

1. Argue with you over your due date.

2. Criticize your intended baby name.

3. Ask if you are carrying twins or triplets, and you aren't.

4. Comment on what you are eating.

5. Compare their pregnancy to yours.

6. Touch your belly.

7. Compare you to a circus or farm animal. It happens -- somebody actually told me I looked like an elephant.

8. Tell you that you look tired.

9. Insist that you breastfeed your unborn baby.

10. Ask if the baby was an accident.

How else are they ever going to learn?"

The truth, moo? I don't want to talk to you. I don't care when the kid is popping out or that you want to name your brat lasquatcha zabeeb onerus. Seriously. I got my own life.
Re: "10 Justifiable Reasons For A Pregnant Woman To Do You Harm." (Article)
November 11, 2012
I would love to see a Moo-Hippo try to catch me. All they do is waddle. All I would have to do is WALK away from the Moo.

I miss my little feather baby.
I haven't read the article on cafemoo and the reason I haven't is because it would make me want to hit the "writer." Now that I have that off of my chest, I almost hope a piggo hits me. I've discovered that if you hit someone in the solar plexus they topple to the floor like bowling pins. Piggos are shaped like bowling pins. Seeing one fall down and would be a moment gor Youtube. My sincerest apologies to bowling pins everywhere.

How about we line ten of 'em up in a row and see how many we can hit. Piggo bowling!
And pardon my ignorance, but whereabouts is the solar plexus? I feel I need to know this stuff.
I haven't read the article on cafemoo and the reason I haven't is because it would make me want to hit the "writer." Now that I have that off of my chest, I almost hope a piggo hits me. I've discovered that if you hit someone in the solar plexus they topple to the floor like bowling pins. Piggos are shaped like bowling pins. Seeing one fall down and would be a moment gor Youtube. My sincerest apologies to bowling pins everywhere.

How about we line ten of 'em up in a row and see how many we can hit. Piggo bowling!
And pardon my ignorance, but whereabouts is the solar plexus? I feel I need to know this stuff.

Between the chest and the stomach. Think very top of a piggo's distended, swollen gut.
I have an answer for the delicate preggos:

If you are that sensitive STAY THE FUCK HOME

Can't afford to stay the fuck home


See how easily this clueless childFree bitch can solve your problems?smile rolling left righteyes2
1. Argue with you over your due date.

Not that interested in it to begin with, why bother arguing over that?

2. Criticize your intended baby name.

I do happen to think that a lot of ridiculous "creative" names out there, but if preg lady mentions one, I just make a mental note about her IQ.

3. Ask if you are carrying twins or triplets, and you aren't.

Not that interested, lady.

4. Comment on what you are eating.

If we're talking about our lunches, any comment on food will have ZERO to do with your impending baby, because again: not that interested.

5. Compare their pregnancy to yours.

waving hellolarious ...no, really. What was that again?

6. Touch your belly.

Nope. Not that intersted. And even if I were, I am too socially clued-in to peoples' personal boundaries. I err on the side of NOT touching others.

7. Compare you to a circus or farm animal. It happens -- somebody actually told me I looked like an elephant.

Eh, why focus on her size? Who the hell cares?

8. Tell you that you look tired.

If you DO look tired, I will likely think, "I'm tired, too, but at least it's just because of this cold that will go away in two days/that awesome party last night/that paper I finished writing and turned in/that late-night mind-blowing sex I had!" A small corner of my mind will be pleased, and add a tick to the CF Choice Affirmations Box in my mind. You will notice none of this.

9. Insist that you breastfeed your unborn baby.

Why would I care what you feed it? Another one to file under "not that interested".

10. Ask if the baby was an accident.

50/50 chance that it is. Meh. Not interested in asking.

It's a list of rude and thoughtless stuff that people say. People are, sadly, rather good at that. So while some pregnant people may feel inexplicably threatened by CF folk, they should actually be grateful. My brain notes pregnancy as just part of someone's appearance, like their height, eye color, etc. My utter indifference to the 'specialness' of their condition actually works in their favor.
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