Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 14, 2012
My sister sent me earlier this link. Ok, i know, lots of awwws but i made the mistake to look at the comments. And look what gems i found:

"yeah, let's save all the animals and let the children die, just because human race is stupid enough"
"Thank you for opening my eyes. it's like i finally achieved unlimited and endless energy to do everything i can think about in this world. The bad part is that with our limited amount of time/energy we choose to save the pets rather then children. that's my problem."

In the first place, where do you see any kids and who the heck is making any reference to any kids? Just because some animals were saved doesn't mean smb. neglected kids. Geez, i think somebody has a cactus up their ass. smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 14, 2012
"Will somebody think of the chiiiiiiiildren?" smile rolling left righteyes2

The whining cry of lifescripter lemmings and fascists the world over.

Breeder cunts just want to inject their limited worldview into every issue. They could give a damn about the kiiiids. They want to pose as morally superior people who are bringing reason into an unreasonable world. I see them all the time where I work. They're always bringing up the fictional children dying (where?!) to justify animal neglect, censorship, and all sorts of feeble-minded bullshit masquerading as famblee values.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 14, 2012
And these are the same people who couldn't give two shits about the kids working their asses off in sweat shops to make those cheap plastic toys that little Shitlyn or Fuckleigh Breederson will play with all of two minutes before they get shoved in the closet.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 14, 2012
So I suppose this compassion that breeders have doesn't include helping animals? Niiiicccee.....

Shows what a bunch of jerks they truly are. Breeders show their true colors every time they open their ugly mouths. angry smiley
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 14, 2012
Animals are better people than people, anyways.
Animals are better people than people, anyways.

This. I've never understood what's so wonderful about people that we should let other animals be tortured and abused.

Breeders just can't see past their own bag twat or wunder dick for long enough to see it.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 14, 2012
Screw them. My Yorkie is worth most of the snotminers on the planet.

Want unconditional love, Moo? Get a dog and treat it well. You will NEVER get that from your brats.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 14, 2012
Of course someone is saving the goddamned kids - the chiiiiildren are always the first ones people give a damn about, then the adults, then the animals. Just because there are photos of rescues that don't show kids doesn't mean someone didn't go save their asses.

If I had to choose between rescuing an animal and a child from a disaster, I'd pick the animal. Not only because I like animals more than kids, but because I know most everyone else would help the kid and let the animal die. Breeders don't even see animals as living things, so of course it doesn't bother them that someone's pet could die. It's because breeders have no souls - they get shit out along with the afterbirth. They pretend to care about their own children and sometimes the children of others so everyone will suck their asses and tell them what wonderful people they are. But I bet a good chunk of them would leave their kids and strangers' kids behind in a disaster area because they're only concerned with saving themselves.

Just because one group focuses on animals and not kids doesn't mean no one cares about the damn kids. For every organization or group that helps animals, there's at least 10 or 20 that help children. Breeders just want to make sure that every ounce of effort and relief goes to the children because animals aren't people and therefore are not worth saving in their eyes.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 14, 2012
Animals tend to be grateful to be rescued. They don't later sue their rescuers for "emotional distress" or that broken rib sustained when they were given life-saving CPR from a Good Samaritan.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 14, 2012
Oh boo-fucking-hoo!!! It is just such a travesty that there are some people on this earth that care more about helping innocent defenceless animals than they do about spoiled, selfish little screaming shit sacks. Oh cry me a fucking river that for once it is not about something other than the chyldruun. Maybe we wouldn't need to save the animals as much if the damn breeders of this world would teach their crotch devils how to treat animals. Not only that, maybe if people would keep their pets and treat them right instead of dumping them off at the nearest shelter as soon as Bratlina gets sick of them, we wouldn't be putting so many animals to death in shelters.

And to any lurking breeders who may stumble on this site, not only do I donate to every legitimate animal charity that comes my way, I also volunteer for my local animal control helping care for that poor little pet that you no longer cared about. Fuck, the chyldruun!!! They get all kinds of financial help through charities as it is. And as far as donating my time to help the kyds, I am far too busy working an actual job 5 days a week ( being a SAHM or a SAHD does not count as working) and when I am not at work, I am busy trying to help find homes for your former pets.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 14, 2012
I don't get it.

Does lil miss self-righteous really think that children died so these animals could be saved?

Um, yeah, bitch, there's some kid dying in no man's land while that soldier feeds that little kitten. Yeah, and he probably stomped on said kid, too.

What is it to these dumb cows if people posts animal rescue pics? Go clog up your photo section of your Farcebook with your kids and what you think about your kids, dumb bitch.

Or better yet, go and volunteer to help some kids instead of making bitchy comments about animal rescues.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 14, 2012
Their problem is, they know that it costs money to rescue an animal, ask anyone who runs a rescue, fosters, or has taken in a rescue animal to keep, especially horses. It hits the wallet and it hits it hard. All that's going through these breeders' minds is "OMG, that money could have been used to save a chhyyyyyylduh!"

But the one thing I know? That dog who got $3000 cataract surgery or got his/her leg reset by a doctor at the University of Florida is never going to grow up to rob your house, get hooked on meth, or lie about what an awful parent they think you are because you didn't hand your paycheck over to them. That horse who gains 300 pounds after being on the edge of death isn't going to have frat parties while you're away for the weekend or get knocked up and spend the rest of its life on welfare.

Humans are guilty more than any other creature of sucking resources like bloated parasites.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 14, 2012
A good proportion of kids who need rescuing need rescuing from their FAMILIES. IF they acted with empathy, decency and humanity towards the most vulnerable people under their care, then the issue of child abuse and neglect would not be near so bad.

So the person objecting to some people giving animals a portion of care and love ought look a the real culprits and start bemoaning that so many kids require rescue in the first bloody place. THAT is the real shame here.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 14, 2012
Hubbs' response: "I didn't see a goddamned kid in any one of those pictures. Heck, the kid is probably already dead from choking on whatever the hell they stick in their mouths while mom and dad aren't looking."

It's your hell; you rot in it!
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 15, 2012
If you see this as a zero-sum game, why the hell are you adding new participants?
This is why I rarely read the comments on any article or in this case, pictures. Yes, apparently everyone has a right to an opinion, but the sheer stupidity makes me so angry that I see red. In this case it's absolutely absurd to suggest that kids were dying while the animals were being rescued instead. Most likely the entire family, including little Bratley, was safe before any attention was given to the animals.

On a side note, there's this scene I've encountered in many movies, meant to be heartwarming. It usually sees the frantic, hysterical mother standing outside a burning building, screaming "My baby's in there!". The hero then rushes into the burning building, fighting his way through the flames and just when all seems lost, he appears with the baby clutched in his arms. Of course the mother is overwhelmed with gratitude and cries hysterically, practically smothering her precious bundle with kisses. I always wonder, how the fuck did a baby end up alone in a burning building? Was it alone to begin with or did the mother actually think it could climb out of its crib and crawl out of a burning building?

Judging by the amount of articles I've read in recent weeks where this exact thing happened - mom or dad or both escaped, while the kids perished in the fire - it's more likely for breeders to haul ass and save themselves at the first sign of smoke, than it is for them to die trying to save their kids. That dubious honour falls to strangers who have no personal investment in seeing those kids survive.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 15, 2012
If you see this as a zero-sum game, why the hell are you adding new participants?

This should be on a bumper sticker, although it would fly over the heads of 90% of breeders.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 15, 2012
I have a problem with this picture. It melted my heart and made me have FEELINGS! What is wrong with you!? Making my heart have feelings! You ruined all my cold and bitterness with this picture! Now I want to hug service people and all the animals of the world! Damn that! Jk. But seriously, I almost asphyxiated with the amount of times I exclaimed AWWWWWW! at my computer. Lol! And seriously, who gives a fuck about children? I don't. I'm happy (obligatory) when they get saved from a house fire, but seeing a kitten getting real care with a little oxygen mask and then being ok is just too damn angelic for words.

So.. We know that food and water are running out, with overpopulation and all... Yet people keep on poppin' out those babies! I guess they want to have their baby and eat it too...

My top reason is that parenting gives you a free license to be selfish based purely on the fact that you're being selfish for an emanation of your own self. The illusion that what you do to benefit your children benefits them solely is a fallacy. Every parent benefits from the benefits that their children receive. Henceforth, it gives one a license to perpetuate a dog-eat-dog mentality that I perceive to be amoral. Parents say that their children are their greatest loves, what they forget to add is that they are their ONLY loves and only because their children are a reflection of themselves. I prefer to be able to love multiple people and have lasting relationships of many types and possess the essential core value of empathy for all than to restrict myself to an echo chamber of ego-masturbation and self-serving chicanery.

In short: Not parenting makes you a better person.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 15, 2012
So, according to this duh, one compilation of animals being saved = OMG DA CHYLDRUN WAT ABOUT DA CHYLDRUN?!!?

In the words of the immortal George Carlin: Fuck the children.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 15, 2012
Fuck the chyldruun!!! They get all kinds of financial help through charities as it is. .

My thoughts exactly.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
What kills me...ask them to volunteer some time for some homeless shelter or half-way house or kid's hospital...and my bet is they wouldn't do it....too busy with their own posting crap on the internet.....but a person helps an animal and this person should of spent time on money on da kyds instead....
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 15, 2012
I hate to be an echo but I have to agree with most people and say fuck the damn children. I have yet to meet any moo that would do any more than troll the internet and low about "the children." Give them a chance to do something and they'll simply start whining.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 15, 2012
I didn't even expect that such comments would show up, i mean the photo has nothing to do with kids and anyways as it has been said, if there were any kids the probablility is that they were saved.

Btw. it says near the guy's name that he is studying medicine. :eyebrows
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 15, 2012
My sister sent me earlier this link. Ok, i know, lots of awwws but i made the mistake to look at the comments. And look what gems i found:

"yeah, let's save all the animals and let the children die, just because human race is stupid enough"
"Thank you for opening my eyes. it's like i finally achieved unlimited and endless energy to do everything i can think about in this world. The bad part is that with our limited amount of time/energy we choose to save the pets rather then children. that's my problem."

In the first place, where do you see any kids and who the heck is making any reference to any kids? Just because some animals were saved doesn't mean smb. neglected kids. Geez, i think somebody has a cactus up their ass. smile rolling left righteyes2

The guy is fucking idiot anyway. If this jerk had even rudimentary knowledge of rescue operations he'd know humans take priority. He's a blow hard with nothing better to say or he's trying to appear as a macho baby saver to any potential sperm recepticles.

Either that or a firefighter just scored his now ex girlfriend...

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 15, 2012
"Thank you for opening my eyes. it's like i finally achieved unlimited and endless energy to do everything i can think about in this world. The bad part is that with our limited amount of time/energy we choose to save the pets rather then children. that's my problem."

Yeah, that's right, it's her problem, not ours. What a selfish ass. No doubt this comment is from a typical breeder who dumps the family pets at shelters.


- The human gene pool could use a little chlorine
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