Pro-Liars are truly SICK!!:cenangry smiley
December 31, 2012
Kansas Doctor Under Attack For NOT Forcing Ten Year Old Rape Victim To Give Birth.

You heard right. A doctor is under attack for NOT forcing a little girl to carry her uncle's babby term.
Re: Pro-Liars are truly SICK!!:cenangry smiley
December 31, 2012
There are no words for how much I hate pro-liars and the fundy fuckstains infesting the entire midwest and Southern states. This country would truly be a beautiful place without them and if every last one of them and their bullshit politicians decided to ingest poisoned Flavoraide tomorrow I would have a huge fucking GOOD RIDDANCE party.
Re: Pro-Liars are truly SICK!!:cenangry smiley
December 31, 2012
There are no words for how much I hate pro-liars and the fundy fuckstains infesting the entire midwest and Southern states. This country would truly be a beautiful place without them and if every last one of them and their bullshit politicians decided to ingest poisoned Flavoraide tomorrow I would have a huge fucking GOOD RIDDANCE party.

Law, this is Bratfree. You don't have to hold back. smiling smiley
Re: Pro-Liars are truly SICK!!:cenangry smiley
December 31, 2012
I hate these assholes. They have NO compassion. I'm just happy that eventually they will fucking die. And their bullshit antics are landing them under the microscope. They are swiftly being picked out of office, and they aren't even being listened to anymore because they are so fucking crazy.

So.. We know that food and water are running out, with overpopulation and all... Yet people keep on poppin' out those babies! I guess they want to have their baby and eat it too...

My top reason is that parenting gives you a free license to be selfish based purely on the fact that you're being selfish for an emanation of your own self. The illusion that what you do to benefit your children benefits them solely is a fallacy. Every parent benefits from the benefits that their children receive. Henceforth, it gives one a license to perpetuate a dog-eat-dog mentality that I perceive to be amoral. Parents say that their children are their greatest loves, what they forget to add is that they are their ONLY loves and only because their children are a reflection of themselves. I prefer to be able to love multiple people and have lasting relationships of many types and possess the essential core value of empathy for all than to restrict myself to an echo chamber of ego-masturbation and self-serving chicanery.

In short: Not parenting makes you a better person.
Re: Pro-Liars are truly SICK!!:cenangry smiley
December 31, 2012
We discussed this here on Bratfree some months back. We're only getting part of the story, and it's a sticky issue.

The 10–year-old girl did get an abortion, but it was a very late-term abortion, which raises questions of its own.

Dr. Neuhaus lost her license, according to another story online, over such issues as these: "However, the Board found that Neuhaus negligently conducted those screenings. Her inadequate and poorly documented interviews led her to determine that normal life issues, such as frustration at not being able to buy a new computer, play sports, or participate in rock concerts due to pregnancies that had already advanced into the third trimester, were indications of mental illnesses that justified abortions. Many times, Neuhaus phoned in her exams. In some cases, there was no evidence that she even interviewed the patients at all."

Those comments by the medical board put a little different spin on things. There seems to be a lot more to the story on both sides, but I agree that a 10–year-old has no business giving birth. The question is why the girl didn't seek an abortion sooner (prevented from doing so?, etc.). And some adults in that case need to face some criminal charges if they haven't already. Every element of this is disturbing.
Anonymous User
Re: Pro-Liars are truly SICK!!:cenangry smiley
January 01, 2013
We discussed this here on Bratfree some months back. We're only getting part of the story, and it's a sticky issue.

The 10–year-old girl did get an abortion, but it was a very late-term abortion, which raises questions of its own.

Dr. Neuhaus lost her license, according to another story online, over such issues as these: "However, the Board found that Neuhaus negligently conducted those screenings. Her inadequate and poorly documented interviews led her to determine that normal life issues, such as frustration at not being able to buy a new computer, play sports, or participate in rock concerts due to pregnancies that had already advanced into the third trimester, were indications of mental illnesses that justified abortions. Many times, Neuhaus phoned in her exams. In some cases, there was no evidence that she even interviewed the patients at all."

Those comments by the medical board put a little different spin on things. There seems to be a lot more to the story on both sides, but I agree that a 10–year-old has no business giving birth. The question is why the girl didn't seek an abortion sooner (prevented from doing so?, etc.). And some adults in that case need to face some criminal charges if they haven't already. Every element of this is disturbing.

Personally? Good on her. It's no one's business to be telling women when they are and aren't allowed to abort something in their body anyway.

I realize I'm a minority, but I don't care in the least about a woman aborting in the third trimester. It's still not a person, and it's still in her body doing damage and leeching off her. She can kill it for any reason she wants, at any time she wants, as far as I'm concerned.

As to why she waited so long, it's common for abuse victims to hide the abuse, and for young girls to hide pregnancies. I don't know, of course, but I would say that's a fairly likely reason. In a girl that young, the pregnancy was probably sort of undersized, and she could probably conceal it for 6 months or more with baggy sweatshirts.
Re: Pro-Liars are truly SICK!!:cenangry smiley
January 01, 2013
Having worked with sexual abuse victims I can tell you that they often don't tell for a variety of reasons, including threats by the rapist, fear of going into foster care, not knowing they can get/are pregnant or even knowing how they can get pregnant. At ten, I can easily understand that a child who probably hasn't been told anything about sex or baybees would not even understand what is going on with her body. I just can't imagine anybody who could look into the eyes of ten year-old child and tell her that she matters more than a fetus. Abortions done this late are extremely rare and almost always done because the child or woman carrying the fetus is very young, has a serious medical condition or the fetus has a condition incompatible with life. I think the health of the woman should always be a priority over the fetus. Unfortunately, many people value a fetus, embryo, zygote or even eggs and sperm over the health of child or woman who already exists.

*Edited for spelling
Re: Pro-Liars are truly SICK!!:cenangry smiley
January 01, 2013
I realize I'm a minority, but I don't care in the least about a woman aborting in the third trimester. It's still not a person, and it's still in her body doing damage and leeching off her. She can kill it for any reason she wants, at any time she wants, as far as I'm concerned.

I'm with you.

36 states ban late abortions for reasons other than medical necessity. I don't know of any doctors that will do them if there is no medical reason except back alley physicians.
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