April 24, 2008
About two weeks ago, G-Ma was admitted to the hospital, now she's out. Ever since she's been home (since Saturday), she has been the witch-woman from hell (partly 'cause she's mad that we cleaned her kitchen and threw out two skanky sofas that even college students wouldn't want). She has been, well, abusive toward G-Pa, telling him to do things for her like, put on her socks (he walks with a walker and I live next door so she should call me to do things like that, but it's been very warm so socks really aren't necessary, but WTH), move furniture around, etc. Before she went to hospital (I stayed with him the whole time) she was doing other things like taking his pillows off his bed and saying he didn't want them, then he would ask me to put them back. If she told him to fix the roof, he would go looking for a ladder and try to fix the roof. Everyone knows she is jealous of the attention he has been getting since he came home from the hospital (for a car accident). My aunt is looking into getting her on an antidepressant and/or mood stabilizer. Also, I don't get along with my aunt(s) due to things that happened before I was born, as well as things that happened when my mother was dying, and things that happened all in between, and none of them are my fault (except well, maybe, being born was my fault).

Yesterday the nurse practitioner said they are doing well enough for now in their own home with help from outside (us) and possibly to get a home-health aide soon. But they may have to go to a n-u-r-s-i-n-g h-o-m-e at some point in the not-too-distant future. My aunt is completely not even open to discussion about this, but my MIL has been giving me advice and basically told me that I should start looking at places now before it becomes urgent. I didn't know before talking to her that people can go to a NH as a couple, and she said to see if we could find a place that has Polish or Russian speaking staff members or other residents.

It comes down to this: I need to start setting aside more money for my and Steve's old age/retirement, because it is given in this country at least, that the more money you have, the more options and choices are available to you.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: Grandparents
April 24, 2008
Best wishes for your GPs, I hope all goes well with them. Stay strong as it may get stressful as things change.

SO and I are on track right now, squirreling away money for retirement because we DO NOT want to have to 1. rely on anyone for help or 2. end up in some crappy state run facility if it ever got to that. It's a smart thing to do, especially since there will be no SS when we are older. Oh yea, what is that thing again that the breeders are screaming about, how their kids will be paying our social security?

It will be even better when he's done paying $600 a month for his useless 22-year-old-6th-year-failing-college-student daughter who has no use for him.
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