With all the talk on here of the pedomoo, "I want to keep my wittle man a baaayyybeee forever!" stories, I did a quick Google hit on the phrase "son still in diapers." This is some of what I found.

So here's the first article from loafcenter...basically, she goes on about how she doesn't want to potty train her THREE YEAR OLD he-loaf because it's toooo haawwwrrrrd. Also he "won't eat," as she describes below. Other commenters agree with her and support her.



I feel as if I should have guilt. But I don’t. And in honor of BabyCenter’s Guilt-Free Parenting Week, I’m just going to put it out there: I don’t want to potty train my son Ryan, who turns 3 in a couple of months. I’d rather he happily play trains in a wet diaper or, on long car rides, sit in his poop instead of worrying about finding a restroom.

I realize this may seem like lazy or politically-incorrect parenting. I totally get it if you’re rolling your eyes or annoyed. But the truth is diapers are easier than a toilet-trained toddler. Potty issues aside, I find ages 2 and 3 to be the most challenging and, as a mostly stay-at-home mom, I’m with him most of the time. Ryan, who is also a sweet snugglebug, can be an all-consuming, often-exhausting handful. Consider:

Ryan rises early in the morning, gave up naps shortly after turning 2 and, despite a bedtime routine that mostly has him in bed by 7:30 p.m., he chatters and sings in his room until 9, 10, sometimes 11 p.m.

Ryan isn’t a fan of TV or movies or computer games. In fact, he prefers NOT EVER sitting still. He is also fearless in his activities, which means I have to keep a close watch on him. He is go, go, go, go, go from morning until night.

Ryan wants his mommy. ALL. OF. THE. TIME. (Or so it seems).

Ryan has perfected the ungodly terrible-twos tantrum. Couple this with his stubbornness, which he gets from me, and the two of us often share loud and, uh, interesting times.

Ryan still won’t eat. This is a long story, and I need to write about it since I’ve received a lot of emails and comments on the topic, but to say he is picky is putting it mildly. Mealtimes are stressful. The kid can go days without eating, which then makes him crabby and contributes to tantrums. This has been our normal for more than 18 months. Yes, we’re working on it with professionals but it hasn’t helped much.

All of that said, I’m in no hurry to potty train. As I wrote a few years ago, after my daughter Zoe was potty trained:

“Before the potty, my daughter would go to the bathroom and I’d change her. Like most of you, I had a system in place and could whip on and off a diaper any time, any place, with rapid-fire speed.

Now when she has to go to the bathroom–-which is all of the time–-it’s a big production. We stop what we are doing. If we’re in line some place, we step out and go. If we’re driving, we pull over and find a restroom. If we’re out on a walk, we run home….

If we’re at a public bathroom or someone’s house, I have to lug out her potty seat cover, a cumbersome device I must have nearby at all times because she is afraid of sitting on a standard-sized toilet (thank goodness for the kiddie toilets at family-friendly malls). That also means I must lift her onto the toilet since most public places don’t have step stools….

At home, she favors the potty chair. Which means once she’s done, I must dump the pee or poo into the toilet and wash the bowl out. Sometimes, she wants to do it herself. Inevitably, stuff splatters all over the toilet rim and floor.

Then there’s the wiping, especially after she’s gone No. 2. I’ve tried to teach her how to do it but she hasn’t quite mastered the technique….

(T)here’s the hand washing. My daughter loves getting soapy but dislikes rinsing and drying her hands. So it’s a struggle–-a wet, messy struggle at that. And again, if I’m at a place without a step stool, I must lift her up to the sink and hold her while she washes.”

So there you have it: My reasons for being in no hurry to potty train my toddler.

And here's a particualrly crunchy comment in her favor:


My son is 3 years and 3 months old and is still in diapers—diapers the size that could fit me, nonetheless. I am FINE with it, even with a new baby in the house. He is go-go-go-go also, and trembles/cries at the mere mention of ‘going on the potty.’ I refuse to TORTURE him in order for him to fit into a social norm (yes, I see the TABOO glances from other moms who see a diaper peeking out from his pants). I refuse to potty “train” him until he is ready. Selfishly, I don’t want to experience that misery and unselfishly, I don’t want him to have issues. I will NOT reward with food/candy b/c I believe that creates unhealthy relationships with food too early (we have enough of that to deal with later in life). My philosophy is that my kid won’t go to middle school in diapers….it’ll happen when he’s ready.

And then there's this. I really hope that this is not real.


Mother of Diaper-Wearing 15 Year Old Forced to Admit That She “Probably Should Have” Potty Trained Child At Some Point

Mother of Diaper-Wearing 15 Year Old Forced to Admit That She “Probably Should Have” Potty Trained Child At Some Point

–Sheboygan, WI (AIP)

Annie Lennox, mother of Sheboygan Central High School freshman Brian Lennox, was forced to admit Wednesday to authorities that she “probably should have potty trained [son Brian] at some point” after it was discovered during a gym class that her fifteen year old son still wears diapers.

The revelation occurred during a fourth period physical education class, at the conclusion of which, in the boys locker room, several of Brian Lennox’s classmates noticed the baggy, papery, stained undergarment being worn by Lennox. At that point, classmate Ritchie Sanchez pointed and said loudly, “Dude, what the fuck is that?”

“Man, I think he’s wearing a fucking diaper!” exclaimed Roland Gardner, after which Gardner, Sanchez, and several other boys began pointing and laughing at Lennox.

Annie Lennox—who was in subsequence detained by Social Services under suspicion of child neglect—was nonplussed by the accusation.

“I don’t understand what’s so wrong about my son wearing a diaper,” explained Lennox to reporters after being released by authorities and deemed a non-threat to flee. “A lot of people don’t realize just how hard it is to potty train a child, and I tried. I mean, eventually, I probably should have potty trained him at some point, but, you know…”

Lennox then began to extol the virtues of wearing diapers well into adolescence:

“In many ways, it’s a lot cleaner. Believe it or not, if you reuse the diapers, it’s cheaper than buying underwear, and plus, you save a lot on your water bill by not using the toilet so much.”

Her son Brian remains in the custody of Social Services as agents attempt to either place the child into foster care or teach him to control his bowels and use a toilet.

And then there is this gem from Yahoo Answers:


Resolved Question
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My 9 year old son in diapers?

If you have seen the question i asked before Potty Training! at age 7 and 9? you will know what i'm talking about. ***Description of that question*** I have 5 kids, 4 boys and one girl. My girl finished potty training at 16 months now at age 16 no problem! My boys however, are a different story; my oldest son at age 14 wasn’t potty trained till age 4. Both my older children go to public school unlike my 3 others they are home schooled. My second oldest boy (age 9) has an attitude problem we have tried everything to fix it. He has a different way of most things you ask him to do something he says no. He likes being in control, which what has probably lead to his potty training delay A VERY LONG DELAY! He at about age 3 was trying to be potty trained he picked it up right away was fully potty trained for six months! Then my third son came along I guess he felt left out. He immediately started wetting his bed, throwing fits demanding he wanted diapers on. My husband and I thought it was just a stage of a newborn baby being in the house. We tried playing with him more but he still stayed in pull-ups. Then it came to the stage of signing up for preschool. Bad idea, he was the only kid not potty trained and for that reason his teachers were edging him towards “Big Boy Pants”. The teachers, my husband and I agreed on this. Every time someone mentioned Big Boy Pants he got very mad, more than what you think a 4 ½ year old would get. Then one day I got a call from the preschool “Principal” saying I was to come clean up and take home my child. When I got there I was quite curious on what had happened the teachers had explained the situation, the had finally got him to try big boy pants but he had made an accident in front of everyone and had taken out his embarrassment the classroom throwing everything! I was so ashamed he never went back. We went to a psychiatrist he had no explanation for his fits and why he like diapers so much. We then went to a doctor who suggested anger management. From what we had seen at a young age we decided to start homeschooling him and his little brother for he too was just like his older brother. Over the years it was the same thing more doctors more patience more potty training. You would think they would be quite embarrassed to still be changed by their mom. But no they aren’t even embarrassed to wear them in public. I’ve tried taking away everything TV, Computer, Toys and refusing to change them; which usually ends up being a huge mess that I have to clean up. Still contacting my doctor they do not know what to do. I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! How do I get them to listen and get out of pull ups?
NOW AFTER THAT..........
My 2 sons in diapers (7 and 9) are both being tested for autism, i have problems with them "touching" themselves for i am trying to take away the pull ups now with underwear. they are not embarrassed of screaming in the grocery store "I MADE POO POO!!!" younger son on Friday. But yet they seem perfectly normal except for diapers and attitude. Should i encourage diapers to resolve accidents from the daily basis or try to potty train through it??
Sounds like the future will have a lot of Uncle Howards - The uncle of mine who just wanted to wear nothing but Attends.
I don't know whether to find these stories disturbing or hilarious. confused smiley
These Moos are among THE laziest of lazy and don't appear to be concerned with the independence OR health of their children when they allow them to marinate in their own excrement rather than doing what it takes to potty train the little bastards. Fine, just do NOT bring the little shitbags out into the unsuspecting public for their diaper juice to leak all over bus seats, restaurant booths, and shopping carts is all I ask!eye rolling smiley

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
There's not just staph infection on those carts. Every time I see someone put their purse on that kid seat part of the cart, I cringe. You don't know what's been on there. two faces puking
Teenager in diapers . . . well that's one way to ensure he'll never have a woman in his life besides Mommy. Ugh, can you imagine getting intimate with someone, then the pants come off and you find a DIAPER?
And then there's this. I really hope that this is not real.


Mother of Diaper-Wearing 15 Year Old Forced to Admit That She “Probably Should Have” Potty Trained Child At Some Point

–Sheboygan, WI (AIP)

Annie Lennox, mother of Sheboygan Central High School freshman Brian Lennox, was forced to admit Wednesday to authorities that she “probably should have potty trained [son Brian] at some point” after it was discovered during a gym class that her fifteen year old son still wears diapers.


My 2 sons in diapers (7 and 9) are both being tested for autism, i have problems with them "touching" themselves for i am trying to take away the pull ups now with underwear. they are not embarrassed of screaming in the grocery store "I MADE POO POO!!!" younger son on Friday. But yet they seem perfectly normal except for diapers and attitude. Should i encourage diapers to resolve accidents from the daily basis or try to potty train through it??

I'm thinking the 7 and 9-year-old (and the 15-year-old if that story is real) might be future members of this site:



World's largest site for adult babies, adult diapers, diaper fetish, infantilism, plastic pants and adult baby clothes. Diaper lovers ... men and couples; Plus stories, diaper reviews, videos, personal ads, message boards, polls and so much more!

Or be like this guy:



I was born in Ames, Iowa with two loving parents. I have had a pretty decent life to be honest. From what I’ve been told and not sure, but I had a good baby life, and nothing really happened that would cause me to have this what ever it is (Infantilism). Some people think that it is a trigger from your past child hood history of where you were treated wrong or abused, this is not the case for me.

There are three places that I can recall that might have sparked it but I just don’t know. The first would have been in Ames, Iowa I must have been maybe 5 to 8. My sister had a problem so she had to be in pull-ups and i remember me getting a little jealous of that, to the point that my sister and i made a club called the DP club, only my sister and i knew about this club for years. Our code word for diapers was socks, and other baby things.

The second place i recall was when i couldn’t be more than 10. I had some how wanted baby things all over again, and at this age you really don’t know what is going on. I stole some of my moms money went over to the Harlens and grabbed what i thought the biggest pack at the time. I faintly remember me being very nervous and wanting to get out of the store as soon as possible. I ran home as quickly as I could and remember hiding the diapers on top of my bunk bed. I very faintly remember me putting one on and waking up the next day with baby powder all over the ground. After that I really don’t know what happened as my memory is only so good. I do remember that the diaper had a nice cute duck on it and it was plastic base back then.

Lastly there was a time when I couldn’t be more than 7-10 not sure when, but my cousin and I were at my grandparents house, my aunt Krista had a new baby and I remember nabbing some of those diapers, but before that my cousin and I played a truth or dare game. It was late at night and of course I always would choose dare. He dared me to pee my pants at first I was in a little shock as it wouldn’t have been the first time that I have explored in this area. I said only if you poop yours, well needless to say my cousin was tricky he put batteries down his pants to look like a big lump. So I soaked the bed, he reported it to everyone right away and even made fun of me to his boy scout friends the next day. The weird thing about this was I didn’t care I liked the baby feel. Later I would find out that my cousin was a DL(diaper lover).
Teenager in diapers . . . well that's one way to ensure he'll never have a woman in his life besides Mommy. Ugh, can you imagine getting intimate with someone, then the pants come off and you find a DIAPER?


I seriously think this should be a form of child abuse or neglect.

"Be yourself, no matter what. Some will adore you, and some will hate everything about you, but who cares?

It's your life. Make the most out of it."

A fucking 15 year old boy wearing diapers?!

His fucking Moo needs to see a shrink, and so does the kid, and the father, IF there is one!!!!
Twice in the last month I had a customer ask me for a changing table for her son. Each time I expected to see a small infant in her arms, but I looked down to see a fucking four year old with a full set of teeth. One woman had the nerve to lay her son across two chairs that were later sterilized by my coworker. The only reason I looked the other way on that one is because that party tipped me ahead of time in the form of three, crisp hundred dollar bills.

I also know a moo that has her 3 1/2 year old GIRL still in diapers. So I don't think it's just the sons they do this to. It's just more lazy parenting all around. My mother would have died of embarrassment if I hadn't started using the toilet by the age of ONE. Like all of us did in my generation.

And, do you realize WHO will have to toilet train all those older kids and teenagers?? Their teachers at school! The school nurses will have to do this. If they're in elementary school, then their classroom teacher will have to do this! This is NOT the job of any teacher!

Fucking lazy moos!!!

angry flipping off

two faces puking

And, do you realize WHO will have to toilet train all those older kids and teenagers?? Their teachers at school! The school nurses will have to do this. If they're in elementary school, then their classroom teacher will have to do this! This is NOT the job of any teacher!

Fucking lazy moos!!!

angry flipping off

two faces puking

Fuck that noise! Suspend the brats until their trained. They're a bio-hazard!


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat

And, do you realize WHO will have to toilet train all those older kids and teenagers?? Their teachers at school! The school nurses will have to do this. If they're in elementary school, then their classroom teacher will have to do this! This is NOT the job of any teacher!

Fucking lazy moos!!!

angry flipping off

two faces puking

Fuck that noise! Suspend the brats until their trained. They're a bio-hazard!

I've seen it already! Kids in kindergarten and 1st grade coming into school wearing diapers and the school nurse and classroom teacher have to toilet train the kid. They were royally PISSED OFF that they had to do this!

Of course they talked to the mother about this, but moombie was too fucking lazy to litter box train her brat. So, it fell to the teacher (nurse didn't want to do it), because you can't have a feral brat wearing diapers and shitting its pants during the school day. Think of the other kids in the class who were behaved and following directions!

Fucking lazy moos!
In my region, toilet-training is required for kids to enter school.
One of the comments on the first post says that the kyd "seemed to be so afraid to use the toliet bowl or even pee on the bathroom floor."

Am I misunderstanding that, or is the moo trying to get him to pee on the floor?
One of the comments on the first post says that the kyd "seemed to be so afraid to use the toliet bowl or even pee on the bathroom floor."

Am I misunderstanding that, or is the moo trying to get him to pee on the floor?

I'm sorry to say you didn't misread that. It's part of something called elimination communication. Google those two words if you ever want to lose all appetite for a year.
My dad is a retired professor. I used to joke he would know it was time to retire when his students started asking him to change their diapers. Now it looks like that day is not far off. Lucky for Dad he retired 5 years ago.

Unfuckingbelievable what the world is coming to. I can't wrap my head around anyone wanting to shit and piss themselves instead of using the damn toilet. :crz
Pft, I got you guys all beat!

I wasn't potty trained until I was almost 4. No, my mom was a PNB. I knew how to use the toilet if you threatened me, but I rather shit on the floor or in my pants. Preferably under things. My mom was freaking out. She took me to many doctors and worried I would go up wrong. I was put in a normal pre school and told me not to shit myself until I got home.

I was about to be 4 and my parents had it. I was told if I used the potty, we would take a special trip to florida. Probably costed thousands. Plus plane tix.

I gave diapers in one day. And got my trip.

What a terrible child.
Why why why are moos obsessed with being filthy dirty? They talk about not showering very often, how much tardley flings shit everywhere, and now how they're allowing their brats to walk around with excrement in their clothing!

I was potty trained by the time I was 1 (preemie baby, no nappies small enough = frequent water infections). Do they not realise that it's dangerous to leave a female child in a shit covered nappy? that shit is making its way into places that shit shouldn't be!

One of my PNB friends had her female child toilet trained by the age of 18 months. She was changing her nappy one day and saw shit coming out of her kids vagina. It was at that point that she said 'fuck it, you're going to use the potty' and she never looked back,

I mean, seriously...what with the not showering and the allowing kids to sit in their own shit, i'm not surprised they're all fucking germ bags killing the world slowly.
Well, the taunts in gym class will ensure that the 15-year-old pants shitter stops pronto. That sort of thing spreads like wildfire.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
God I can't wrap my head around moos that want to change the ass of a 5-10 year old kid. I know I would be tired of changing diapers by the second one. I would make that kid feel so bad.
The "story" about the 15–year-old boy still in diapers outed in gym class appears to be a Penthouse Forum–type hoax. No corroborating news story comes up using Google. No news outlet would have printed the moo's or kyd's names. Edited to add: nor would outlets have printed the names of other boys teasing him in class. Libel, etc., you know. Social Services doesn't "detain" pahrunts, however much deserved. His diaper wearing would have come up in gym and other classes long before age 15.

The responders on the named blog site have obvious diaper fetishes of their own, especially the ones who are highly literate writers, but claim they are still in diapers and cannot learn to potty normally (yeah, sure). The only other sites referencing this gem are those such as "DailyDiapers.com" that cater to such fetishes (and are blocked by library filters, not that I wanna see that stuff anyway).

So: I call BS on that one. That doesn't mean the other stories are BS, though.
It should be considered child abuse not to potty-train a kid by age one. That kid is not learning healthy independence.
No news outlet would have printed the moo's or kyd's names. Edited to add: nor would outlets have printed the names of other boys teasing him in class. Libel, etc., you know.

Plus, the swears (“Dude, what the fuck is that?” and “Man, I think he’s wearing a fucking diaper!” ) would have been censored or eliminated altogether.
Also, the moo's name is ANNIE LENNOX. As in:

Yeah. No.
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