Dreading the school reunion already
July 10, 2013
I just received word that former classmates are organising the 20 year high school reunion. Facebook has already told many of us more than we ever needed to know about former classmates. I've kept in close contact with a small number of friends since, and we've helped each other out as our parents have gone through various health crises, but the rest of them...? It was a small religious school with a strong evangelical component. They were homophobic bastards even as teenagers. I'm leaning towards not going and treating myself to a massage instead. Let them and their gaggle of kids scream it out together.

Day one of the messages going out and someone has already made the pronouncement that it will have to be held in a kid-friendly venue for "all our families" to attend.

Is this usual? I understand partners attending (though why they would want to see people they never knew and eat bad rubber chicken and drink cheap booze is beyond me) but why on earth would they have kids there?? Out of a class of approximately 50 people, I am one of only 3 that I know for sure have not had kids (and am the only out one). Even if only some of them bring kids, that will be a good percentage of the gathering are minors. Surely with 3 months notice they can get babysitters???

What were other people's experiences at reunion? Did you go?
Re: Dreading the school reunion already
July 10, 2013
I didn't go to my ten tear reunion but I plan on going to my twenty year. That reunion was an outdoor potluck for the sake of the childruun. That was the reason I didn't go. If spawn were going it meant there wouldn't be any booze.

If you're going to be surrounded by fundy homophobes may I recommend you not go??? It might be worth it to see your classmates age forty years in twenty but that message sounds like it would be a lot more fun.
Anonymous User
Re: Dreading the school reunion already
July 10, 2013
My class has only had one reunion so far and I didn't go to it, since most of the people in my class that would show up would be the ones that didn't give two shits about me (and would've probably treated me the same way they did in school).
Anonymous User
Re: Dreading the school reunion already
July 11, 2013
I hated high school, the cliques and the stupidity that was there when I went. I didn't even went to my prom. The ''popular'' girls were all bitches and their male counterparts were assholes. Why I would want to see these people 10, 20 or even 50 years later ? I will pass thank you ! I have a couple of friends that I still keep in touch with but that's it. It was living hell for me and I am happy it's over !
Anonymous User
Re: Dreading the school reunion already
July 11, 2013
I'm not going to go to my reunions.

Why the fuck would I waste my time doing that? I didn't even like most of those people. The few I did like, I stay in touch with. I have no interest in the rest.

Go out of my way to be stuck in a room with a bunch of people who either irritate me or bore me to tears? Why?

My school was public, but due to its location, it was also full of fundie-tards. No thanks.

And as I understand it, yes, this is fairly typical these days. Like everything else, breeders are insisting their kids should be everywhere, and adult activities are "selfish."

Just one more reason I won't be going. I don't voluntarily surround myself with anyone's spawn, let alone people I don't even like.
Re: Dreading the school reunion already
July 11, 2013
My class was pretty wild. The reunions usually start off with a preparty at a bar, where everyone gets wasted, and then the reunion the next evening is held at some place that serves alcohol. After a buffet dinner, most everyone proceeds to get wasted again, and then they all try to have sex with whoever they didn't bag in high school or at the last reunion. I've been to a few of the preparties, but never the actual reunion. However, I've heard the stories about what a drunken orgy it turns into, and now, thanks to the social media, I've seen some pretty funny/inappropriate pictures to go along with the stories. No one in my class has ever suggested any type of kid-friendly ANYTHING. I am actually planning to go to my next one, the 30th. But I will stay sober in order to protect myself and my reputation! The class below me usually has a picnic on the Sunday before everyone heads back to where they now live, and that includes kids. My classmates are too busy that day nursing their hangovers and apologizing to their spouses! smile rolling left righteyes2 Luckily by now, most of my classmates' kids are grown or at least teenagers, so it won't ever be an issue, but high school reunions should be for the people who actually, you know, WENT to the school! I get bored when someone busts out a wallet to show me a picture of his/her kids. I sure as hell don't want the actual kid AT the party! what a buzz kill!
Re: Dreading the school reunion already
July 11, 2013
I hated high school. I was the one everybody beat up, bullied, harassed, and otherwise terrorized , from elementary school through high school. I didn't go to prom, either. I hated school every day, because even the boys would physically molest, harass and beat me up on a daily basis, even in high school. The teachers did nothing to stop it, they didn't get involved at all.

That being said, you can be damn sure I went to my reunions. I wanted to see who got fat, ugly and bald. The side show began at the 10th reunion, when the class flirt became bald, a la Abbott and Costello bald by age 28 waving hellolarious
Others were working on their careers, and I got to hear all of that. The bitches stayed far away from me, but they were already knocked up and had spawned. Some were on their second marriage already. I went to the 20th and 30th reunions for exactly the same reasons, to see what age did to all of the catty popular girls, the athletic jocks, etc...although FB gave me a good idea, I had to see it in person.

The trick to this? Show up late to the reunion, so you don't have to pay! smiling smiley I showed up late, after the bad food was served, so I didn't have to pay $80 for me and the Mr. to go. I got to see the freak show (gads, do you know what people look like after 30 years, if they don't take care of themselves?!?) and I saved myself the $$$$$. I stayed for 45 minutes, then left.

Another trick? get all dressed up and go. Put on your best face, because CF people aren't worn down from years of breeding and taking care of kids. The classmates with kids look at least 10 years older than me. Everybody told me the same thing, that I hadn't changed at all, how great I looked. However, the women looked like decrepit bags of bones (except for one or two who didn't spawn, either), and the men looked like a giant beer barrel, many of them were so fat. It also didn't hurt that the Mr. is a European, with a sexy accent, and he's younger than me. That made the bitches jealous winking smiley

Oh,and the class flirt? He was wearing a toupe. He didn't quite like it when I reminded everybody that he had been bald at the previous reunion and now suddenly grew "hair" waving hellolarious

Living CF is the best revenge. smiling smiley
Re: Dreading the school reunion already
July 11, 2013
I went to my 25th reunion. It was the only one where I was geographically close enough to attend. I was pleased to see not all had followed the Lifescript(TM).
Re: Dreading the school reunion already
July 11, 2013
I was on a military move for my tenth, gearing up for deployment on my 20th, and was saving for Paris on my 25th. The 30th is coming up and I will be going.

I had kept in touch with some friends through snail mail and email over the years, and FB helps more now. Some I were friendly with and we keep in touch via FB and became better friends as adults; the twunts added me, but unfriended me when they figured out I did not wind up some loser married to a wifebeater and living in a box. Some were friends and wound up unfriended; some had deactivated and reactivated but never readded me. Meh. Some I had to unfriend because all I got were game requests and Bible quotes of the day. I am sure I was unfriended because no one wants to see pug updates either.

Of course I want to see who wound up living in a box. There is a level of schadenfreude there.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Dreading the school reunion already
July 11, 2013
Well I know that the girl who married the son of the school chaplain, the one who crowed about how holy they were and how twisted the gays supposedly were for being unbiblical, ended up drunk, loaded down with 3 kids by 25 and divorced after shagging her husband's mate. She now spends her day taking duck-face self shots and posting them on her fb feed.

If I go, I'll make sure I am wearing fab shoes and will do that shy, scared kid I once was damn proud. And I won't have to go home to squalling kids afterwards. smiling smiley
Re: Dreading the school reunion already
July 11, 2013
Like several of you, I was horribly bullied in high school. I was contacted about my 10 year reunion...by someone who was an absolute cunt to me back then. I told her to fuck off, basically, and that I refuse to waste my precious time with people who didn't give two shits about my feelings. angry flipping off My 20 year is only a few years away, but my feelings will never change. From what I heard about the 10 year, everyone acted exactly the same. Yeah, I could go to the next one and flaunt my CF life (Grandmoo would probably be there!), but why waste all this fabulous-ness on some miserable assholes who dug their own graves? :jump


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion: http://popcornculturejunkie.wordpress.com/)

(Cornucopia of visual rantage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD78oSD27mzAlVzsB0q2ibA)
Re: Dreading the school reunion already
July 11, 2013
I would suggest finding a bar or other adult venue right nearby and trying to collect the ones you really want to catch up to go with you. Arranged beforehand maybe so the good eggs know to get a babysitter.

I dig the schadenfreude. I went to my ten year, but I was almost too chicken. My life had just barely started to look up, my twenties were a struggle. But still I looked better than a lot of the "popular" girls.

I was a bit of an ugly duckling, made worse socially by being raised by fundy religious nuts. I am hitting my peak now, and just realised the twenty year reunion is just a couple years away. Wow! Well that's the perfect amount of time to slowly get ripped, now that I've worked out some health issues. Heh heh heh!

I'll probably go for the laughs, and I know I'll look better than most of the women, even in my current 10-15lb excess. I just shocked a 27 year old the other day when I revealed I am 35. Talk about great for the ego! I think he thought I was his age. cool smiley
Re: Dreading the school reunion already
July 11, 2013
My school had a 10th reunion and I didn't attend even though I was invited. I don't know if there was a 20th or beyond. I was bullied pretty badly in high school too and haven't kept up with a single one of them, and don't ever want to see any of them again. Add me to the list of those who didn't go to the prom and in fact, I never went to a single school dance.

I also went to a small private christian(Lutheran) high school. They were some of the most closed minded people you'll ever meet. They were homophobes, racists, hateful of non-Lutherans, you name it. They also didn't like people who hadn't spent most of their lives in their Lutheran churches or elementary schools as well. Because of this, and the fact I'm not a Lutheran, I was an outsider the day I walked in the place.

Why should I waste my time and money on those people?

Anonymous User
Re: Dreading the school reunion already
July 11, 2013
I'm half thinking about attending my 20-year, if only bc I've seen pics of most of the terrible bitches (most of whom were already bitter, jealous fat asses), and oh my god, I look like a fucking Victoria's Secret model, compared to the lot of them.
Re: Dreading the school reunion already
July 11, 2013
I attended a private academy and was graduated at 16. As were most of my peers.

It had it's good points and bad points but wasn't overly horrible.

I just feel no need to 're connect' with any of these people. I'm 37 so it would be 20 year things by now. I'm not sure if I was ever sent anything or if anything even happened. I do not keep in contact with these people.

Same for Uni classes. I've been through 3 and these were all huge schools in urban areas - so there just doesn't seem to be - any interest that way either. They sure do love to send BEGGING emails though! School Spirit! Donate NOW Alumni!

Delete Button <-- Click.

I don't think so. You already got enough $$ out of me.

The past is past. There's really nothing I care about there.

I'd almost think I'm weird but I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Re: Dreading the school reunion already
July 13, 2013
That being said, you can be damn sure I went to my reunions. I wanted to see who got fat, ugly and bald. The side show began at the 10th reunion, when the class flirt became bald, a la Abbott and Costello bald by age 28 waving hellolarious
Others were working on their careers, and I got to hear all of that. The bitches stayed far away from me, but they were already knocked up and had spawned. Some were on their second marriage already. I went to the 20th and 30th reunions for exactly the same reasons, to see what age did to all of the catty popular girls, the athletic jocks, etc...although FB gave me a good idea, I had to see it in person.

Thoughts like this sustained me through high school. I think about 7 years afterwards I stopped really caring about their miserable lives, but I happened to be in the area 10 years after graduation so I went out of curiosity. Time gives nerds plenty of revenge. smiling smiley

It's all funny. The FB friend requests from people who didn't like you, the 20-years-too-late apologies for being a cunt to me back then (as if high school still loomed as large in my life as it seems to in theirs), the "Oh, you look exactly the same!" and the sideways glances at my partner...If I stuck around until they got wasted, I'd probably hear some interesting confessions of what they really thought.

Skip the 10-year if it is all kid-friendly activities as opposed to heavy drinking followed by one famblee outing. Wait until time and the lifescript have had a chance to work their magic on your classmates.
Re: Dreading the school reunion already
July 13, 2013
I don't think reunions are commonly done over here, but if there is one I'd go only to flaunt my success in the face of their failure. smug

And possibly to spike the drinks.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Dreading the school reunion already
July 13, 2013
I skipped the 10 year because I didn't think it was enough time to weather my cunty classmates enough for me to find it as amusing as I want to. If the 20 year is feasible for me to attend, I'll probably drop in for a short time. Like many others, I've kept in contact with my real friends from that point in my life anyway, so I already know what they're up to. It'll just be fun to see how the LifeScript has aged and weathered the "perfect" popular girls and asshole jocks who thought they were such hot shit back in the day. Mr. T: I pitty tha foolongue2
Re: Dreading the school reunion already
July 13, 2013
My class had about 1000 in the graduating class and many of them delayed loaf shitting until they were in their late 30's to mid forties, which means even my 30th reunion had a bunch of little kids running around. I haven't attended any of my class reunions, but have seen the pics on Classmates.com and on Facebooger. Those who don't have little kids have grandbrats with very few having opted out of parenthood, including the gay classmates. NO THANKS! Hanging out with people I haven't kept in touch with or didn't know in the first place isn't appealing to me in the least and that they have kids in tow does nothing to sweeten the pot! I have kept in touch with a handful and email, telephone, and an occasional in person meeting when we happen up in the same area is a good enough way to keep in touch with those I choose to continue a relationship.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
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