Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 03, 2013
A friend of mine does volunteer dog walking at a local shelter. She was on her shift the other day when a 6 year old collie cross was brought in, shivering and all skin and bones, after being abandoned in an industrial park.

The dog was actually chipped, and they traced him back to some fambly, who had adopted him as a rescue dog a few years before but had then dumped him after he started to bark when their baby cried. They had taken this as a sign of some kind of aggression towards baybee, and instead of, oh, I don't know, reading some dog training books or taking the dog to a trainer, or failing that, finding him a good loving home, they unceremoniously abandon him.

The famblee have been reported to the RSPCA for animal cruelty and I hope they end up in court and get the maximum.

My friend and her partner have decided to adopt him, so hopefully all will end well for the wee fella.

Why, why, why does breeding lead people to do such cruel things to their once loved pets? If there really is a danger to the chyyyldren, then find the pet a good home, don't just abandon it to fend for itself. sad smiley
Re: Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 03, 2013
My Great Pyrenees would howl when I cried. He was never aggressive. He also howled at sirens and coyote's yipping.. When you get an animal, it is until death parts you. Breeder trash should never get their hands on any.
Re: Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 03, 2013
So the poor thing was a rescue to begin with and then got abandoned and starved again? I'm so sick of this "Get rid of dog or cat because BAYBEEEE!!!!" I know plenty of people who sluiced and it NEVER crossed their minds to get rid of their pets because of it. My PNB friend's youngest child and oldest dog have grown up together and share a bed now, the kid swears the dog stops her from having nightmares.

How can people throw away dogs like that? I hope the heartless assholes at least got fined for abandonment. Never once have I considered getting rid of a dog, it just never crossed my mind as an option.
Anonymous User
Re: Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 03, 2013
Ugh, this really irks me.

Animals have feelings too. Glad the breeders got reported.
Re: Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 03, 2013
In my experience the same lowlifes bragging that parenting makes them so much more compassionate are the same ones that will abandon a dog without losing any sleep over it. I hope they're at least fined and made to clean up garbage on the highway. After that happens the details of what these assholes have done should be easily accessible on the internet. Their entire neighborhood should know exactly what kind of people they are.

Paranoia, paranoia, paranoia, paranoid. I'm not sick, but I'm not well. They're all out to get me they're all out to get me, so are you. So are you. (Sung to the tune of Frere Jaques.)
Anonymous User
Re: Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 03, 2013
This reminds me of a relative. They paid over the nose for some yappy little designer handbag dog. They treated it like their kid. It had expensive toys, clothes, accessories, its own room with some ridiculous dog bed and they carried it around in a bag. They spoiled the shit out of it and never actually bothered to train the thing. Along comes the baby and within a few weeks the dog is banished to a kennel outside. Then after a few months its gone altogether. Thankfully the guy they gave it to is a decent human being and treats the dog not like a replacement child. The kicker is though that they gave it away because they didn't want to look after it anymore.

However, the story has a very happy ending because this relative's life is completely down the drain. He settled for any lazy bitch to breed with asap and now the both of them hate each other and the child is a spoilt brat that apparently doesn't eat or sleep or do anything but cry non-stop. They say he's autistic but in reality he's just needs some proper parenting instead of the two of them trying their living best to find a reason why the other one should look after him. The dog was lucky to get out of there.

As for us, around the time my youngest brother was born we had five indoor cats. One of these cats managed to get fleas and while my mother was 2 weeks overdue and the whole house had to be fumigated because the fleas got under the floors. Did we quickly drown all our cats in a barrel? Fuck no, they were a part of our family and we loved them despite the hardship. Now our cats are very narky in their old age and if any of the kid relatives get scratched it's their own fucking fault.
Re: Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 03, 2013
Poor dog, I'm glad it has a loving home now. Funny, people get their animals chipped so they can hopefully return home safely if they wander off. But in this case, the chip served to track down the idiots who abandoned the poor thing. I hope they get a nice hefty fine and some public service hours.

And yes, people do strange crap with their pets once kids arrive. My brother-in-law got his lovely cat from friends who had two kids. Apparently they had the cat for years and years, but went crazy with paranoia when the second kid arrived. They declawed the poor cat fore AND aft. All four paws. Then after a while they decided that the cat was too much work or not okay around kids (well yeah, he was defenseless and had no traction to run away...wonder if he started biting). BIL immediately took the cat in and it had a lovely, mellow life for like a decade. I'm glad BIL was around to get the poor guy out of that situation.
Anonymous User
Re: Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 03, 2013
They adopted a rescue and then dumped it? Hopefully their kid turns out to be a clone of Kip Kinkel.
Re: Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 04, 2013
It takes some doing to take in a rescue and abandon it I reckon. Total assholes. And they probably didn't remember the dog was chipped and could therefore be traced to them. I doubt the authorities will listen to their excuse of "but....but.....baybee".

It's a shame the authorities can't take pre-emptive action and remove the chyyld - after all if they neglected and abandoned a pet, who's to say they won't with a child when it no longer suits them or begins developing its own personality and needs?
Re: Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 05, 2013
Obviously this maroon family had no idea what simple barking means. Dogs bark at loud noises. It's not a big deal and doesn't mean they're turning into werewolves.

Geez, I'd love to see what would happen if they encountered a real aggressive dog that was raising its lip and lunging. They would have peed their pants.

I'm so glad your friends are taking him in. I hope he lives a fully and happy life with them.
Re: Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 05, 2013
DISGUSTING! These pieces of human shit couldn't even have the decency to take him back to the shelter where he could at least be fed when he became inconvenient due to the blessed, screeching loaf; they just dump him? How do you love a dog then dump him?

I am so glad this precious dog, a collie mix like my own girl btw, got a good home; but what about the many who die alone wondering what they did that their people turned on them, abandoned, abused or put down because the existence of a fucking, stinking loaf demanded a blood sacrifice for PARRUUUNTS to prove their worth as wretched, low-life, IGNORANT BREEDERS.

And their stupidity knows no bounds, so hopefully this will be their undoing, since the dog was chipped. Also, as someone stated above, dogs bark due to other sounds and it doesn't mean that dog is aggressive. Dogs are just a lot more sensitive to sounds than humans. People need to be reasonably educated to own dogs, AND TO BREED, in my opinion.
Anonymous User
Re: Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 05, 2013
Yet another reason why fucking breeders shouldn't be allowed to have animals.

My kitty came from a similar situation. She was abandoned in an empty house by herself as a kitten. We don't know whether they were breeders or not, but it wouldn't surprise me.

But she was adopted by breeders who let their kids torment her. She did nothing but hide for months, until they dumped her back at the shelter because I guess she wasn't "entertaining" for the chyldrun.

The psychological issues it's caused her are still obvious, even after several months here. It's very clear to me that, had she been treated more kindly, she'd be a big cuddler and probably one of those cats who is always in your lap. She has a lot of affection in her, and she satellites me all the time.

But because she's been abandoned multiple times and under-socialized to people, she is still learning how to show it, and she's afraid of virtually anything that makes noise (my guess is that comes from the brats who made her life hell). She is also afraid of furniture. My guess is that she was trained away from it in a somewhat abusive way. She's literally afraid of it.

She's coming along by leaps and bounds. She will sometimes crawl into my lap for a short time, and she comes on the bed now by herself. She is a wonderful, gentle soul. But it's going to take her a long time to get her head right.

Almost everyone I know who has a rescue animal has a story that's not too dissimilar from that, or from the OP. They were abandoned by a breeder, at various levels of cruelty. And all these stories on this thread make me wanna cry.

These disgusting wastes of flesh should be fucking turned away at the door.

Crossing my fingers the scum who abandoned that collie get the max.
Re: Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 05, 2013
Yet another reason why fucking breeders shouldn't be allowed to have animals.

My kitty came from a similar situation. She was abandoned in an empty house by herself as a kitten. We don't know whether they were breeders or not, but it wouldn't surprise me.

But she was adopted by breeders who let their kids torment her. She did nothing but hide for months, until they dumped her back at the shelter because I guess she wasn't "entertaining" for the chyldrun.

The psychological issues it's caused her are still obvious, even after several months here. It's very clear to me that, had she been treated more kindly, she'd be a big cuddler and probably one of those cats who is always in your lap. She has a lot of affection in her, and she satellites me all the time.

But because she's been abandoned multiple times and under-socialized to people, she is still learning how to show it, and she's afraid of virtually anything that makes noise (my guess is that comes from the brats who made her life hell). She is also afraid of furniture. My guess is that she was trained away from it in a somewhat abusive way. She's literally afraid of it.

She's coming along by leaps and bounds. She will sometimes crawl into my lap for a short time, and she comes on the bed now by herself. She is a wonderful, gentle soul. But it's going to take her a long time to get her head right.

Almost everyone I know who has a rescue animal has a story that's not too dissimilar from that, or from the OP. They were abandoned by a breeder, at various levels of cruelty. And all these stories on this thread make me wanna cry.

These disgusting wastes of flesh should be fucking turned away at the door.

Crossing my fingers the scum who abandoned that collie get the max.

You reminded me of someone I met when out with my dog at a park one time. A lady there had two lovely Whippets and I complemented her on them then she told me she had originally had only one but then her dog’s breeder had called her and asked her if she would like another for free. It seems that the breeder had sold a puppy to a family then had been told by someone who knew the family and was concerned, that the parents were allowing the children to torment and terrify the puppy, even when he was crated. The breeder went straight to these people and took the pup back, telling them their abuse had violated the contract they signed with her. She later called the lady I met (who was CF) to see if she would like another dog and she was happy to say “yes”.

If someone believes an innocent animal should suffer for the ammusement of their spawn, there is no line between them and the worst of the worst locked up in a maximum security prison. The sociopathy is the same.
Re: Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 05, 2013
Ugh. We're going through this right now. SIL wants to dump her cat because she's convinced it's out to kill her babby. It DARED to 1) jump up on the kitchen table and sniff at the babby's food, 2) go to sleep on the babby's changing table, and 3) pee in the playpen. Because obviously those are signs of murderous agression and not just, you know, a cat being a cat.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 05, 2013
The cat probably just peed in the playpen because it reeked of ammonia from the kid peeing in it. face saying 'error'r
Anonymous User
Re: Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 05, 2013
Excuse me while I go into the corner and RAGE RAGE RAGE RAAAAGE.
My mom's husky was still alive when I was born. Apparently the husky used to sleep by my crib at night and nose me whenever my mom was holding me. I wish I remembered this, mum said we got along great. I was also raised with a cat. He is now a twenty-year-old grouchy old man who grumps around my parents' house in Florida. There's this picture of me when I was five snuggling him, and me at ten trying to get him to look at the camera and learning a very important lesson: it's a cat, they do what they want.
Raising children with pets and teaching them how to PROPERLY INTERACT WITH AND CARE FOR THE PET is boss and awesome. Hell, my neighbor's kid is being raised surrounded by all his reptiles. For fuck's sake.

This poor dog sad smiley I'm glad he has a home now, a proper one, and I hope that family gets royally fucked for animal abuse. Assholes.

My kitty Marcus has similar issues also from being in a home with kids, and from being passed from one home to another (which I don't get, because he's adorable and chirpy and gives cheek and SO fucking cute, and outside he's a black cat and inside he's nyan cat/every lisa frank art ever). He finally came to me from my cousin, who had THE most obnoxious five year old who always chased Marcus around the house and tried to pull him out from under the furniture when he would hide. He's terrified of noises and men and knocks on the door.

Here are two pics of my Marcus who has improved SO much since I adopted him for some happiness smiling smiley

Re: Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 05, 2013
Marcus is beautiful. I'm glad to see he got a happy ending. The breeders who made life difficult for that poor dog and for Marcus really need to burn in hell.

Paranoia, paranoia, paranoia, paranoid. I'm not sick, but I'm not well. They're all out to get me they're all out to get me, so are you. So are you. (Sung to the tune of Frere Jaques.)
Anonymous User
Re: Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 06, 2013
Cutie! I see his inner Nyan Cat peaking out in that second picture.

He's lucky to have you after what he went through. Fucking breeders...
Re: Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 06, 2013
Marcus is a very cute kitteh, and in a much better home now by the looks of it.

My friends will be taking their new pet home next week once he's had all his vet checks etc. I know they will give him a happy life and all the love and care he needs. The shelter is looking into whether they might be able to recoup the costs of the dog's care from the breeders who abandoned him via the civil courts as well as the criminal charges that have been brought. The dog was registered to the duh apparently, so it is him who will have to go to court and face the charges - bet your life it was moo pushing for the dog to disappear though.
Re: Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 06, 2013
Almost every animal to pass through here has been a rescue of some sort. We've had the bottle babies, squirrels, deer, possums, raccoons and unfortunately the puppy mill dogs that have been thrown away because they can't produce puppies anymore. It makes me hope for a plague on humanity. It still makes me sad what my pretty girl went through before I was able to get her. Its been four years since I brought her home from the hell spawn but she still gets nervous if the food bowl gets low or her water gets low. It not the usual "the food bowl is close to empty you MUST feed me now" type of reaction the other two have. She does the crazy meowing thing even after its full and demands I check it to make sure there is food there and reassure her before she relaxes. I wish these type of people could go through what they put these creatures through....that is justice.
Re: Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 06, 2013
The cat probably just peed in the playpen because it reeked of ammonia from the kid peeing in it. face saying 'error'r

My guess could be either because the litter box is always a disgusting mess, or that the cat hasn't been spayed (because "it costs too much money"). Or maybe because the cat, the former star of the house, is now constantly getting shooed away every time it enters the same room as the babby. But what the fuck do I know, right? Since I'm not a moo, and all.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Anonymous User
Re: Grr. Another dog abandoned by breeders
September 08, 2013
Aww I'm so glad you guys love my Marcus smiling smiley he's truly a wonderful cat and brings so much joy and special (and wtf...weirdo likes licking my phone) into my life. I've never been able to see my cousin the same way after taking this cat. She was going to dump him into a shelter so was pressuring me into taking him even though I wasn't ready as I had recently lost a cat.
Still I love my sparklebutt heart so much nyan!!
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