Back to school= peace and quiet....ahhhh...
September 06, 2013
I only teach part-time, so my work hasn't picked up yet. That means I can enjoy the benefits of kids returning to school schedules!

I went to the store, dreading crowds and rotten parents, and was delighted to find the place nearly empty and utterly devoid of screamers. Then I remembered that school had started the day before. I like off-peak grocery shopping. The times I go are usually too early for the SAHMs with their toddlers, so it's usually sweet old folks and maybe a few people who've just gotten off grave shift. The elderly are usually mellow, polite, and friendly. The shift workers are tired, but quiet and don't have kids with them.

Today I'm meeting a friend for lunch. The restaurant should be pretty quiet. It'll be nice to catch up and see what she's been up to.

I've been thinking I need to re-up my rec center pass so I can start swimming again. The staff are excellent at enforcing the rules, so we don't get kids waiting by the pool for lap swim time to end. But they DO hang around the locker room. But not now! They're all in school, so the coast is usually clear during mid-day.

What about everyone else...what's gotten better with the mobs gone?
Re: Back to school= peace and quiet....ahhhh...
September 06, 2013
What about everyone else...what's gotten better with the mobs gone?

The kids two houses away can only scream and scream and scream on their trampoline for three hours most days instead of twelve hours daily.
Anonymous User
Re: Back to school= peace and quiet....ahhhh...
September 06, 2013
I envy both of you.

We live near a school, and now the early mornings are full of the shrieks of tweeky little teenagers trying to impress each other, as well as screeching tires/ blaring horns as moos and students aim their cars toward campus.

Additionally, apparently we've got new neighbors with a small screechy girl (you can tell by the earsplitting quality of the screams) who gets taken to school/ preschool/ the test lab/ whatever, and protests doing so from her front door to the parking lot.


And we've still got all the Boutique Barbie mommies with the stroller-bound loaves charging around town like they own the fucking place, so there's not much respite there.
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