In Which A Moo Blogger Claims "You'll Never Truly Be Child Free"
November 15, 2013
Full of the usual moo-tripe. Moo claims that children are being discriminated against...blah blah blah. The comments will make you stabby, especially this little nugget from "Suzy" who says:

I don’t like people who are intentionally child free. I don’t discriminate against them, and I don’t voice my opinion about their lack of children, but I rarely enjoy their company. My reason is that the choice not to have children goes along with other choices, which I find annoying. being around them.

That being said, I do carefully avoid them. I never, ever divulge my reasoning, but I gently stay away, preferring to keep company with people who have not made this choice.

At least she has the good sense to keep her moo ass far away from us!

There is also a lot of "How DARE they say "childfree" as if they are a bad thing they must be free of!!!"
Re: In Which A Moo Blogger Claims "You'll Never Truly Be Child Free"
November 15, 2013

My reason is that the choice not to have children goes along with other choices, which I find annoying. being around them.

I wonder what other choices this person doesn't approve of? They think that choice is only for those that choose their way and not some other. I actually like having freedom of choice and I actually appreciate it because I have had to deal with people who think like this in many areas of life that are a matter of personal choice.

"You'll never truly be childfree"...? Did that sound vaguely like a threat to anyone else?

foul little moocunt

I don’t like people who are intentionally child free. I don’t discriminate against them, and I don’t voice my opinion about their lack of children, but I rarely enjoy their company. My reason is that the choice not to have children goes along with other choices, which I find annoying. being around them.

That being said, I do carefully avoid them. I never, ever divulge my reasoning, but I gently stay away, preferring to keep company with people who have not made this choice.


Which is just like saying "I'm not racist, oh goodness no! I just don't like it when those (adjective) people come here with their (plural noun) and (verb). Those (ethnic slur)s are sending this great country right down the tubes!"

(insert brief Mad Libs nostalgia here grinning smiley)

Any moo lowing about feeling "victimized" in this breederific culture needs to be @#$%& about every ten minutes.
Re: In Which A Moo Blogger Claims "You'll Never Truly Be Child Free"
November 15, 2013
And how exactly will someone never truly be childfree? First of all, how would a Moo know what it means to be truly childfree? And why is it considered discrimination if you don't want to be around someone? Am I supposed to fucking love everyone I meet? Can't I just not like certain kinds of people without being accused of shit? Not everyone is going to love everyone. These people bitch about CFers discriminating against kids, but then they turn around and say they don't like being in the presence of the childfree. So they're doing exactly what they don't want us to do. I'm gonna throw their ten-dollar word right back at them: They are discriminating. But it's okay for mommies to do that. Just not those mean childfree people.

Also I love this part:

I’ll be honest. I don’t like the phrase “child free” one jot. But I understand wh it was coined; a swift “fuck you” to the legions of people who insisted that the only way to be fulfilled was to have a child or children, and those without, the “childless” were slightly pathetic and incomplete in some way.

No, it's not a term made up just to spite parents. It's a term simply to describe a choice made by a group of people. ChildLESS implies that kids will happen one day. ChildFREE drives home the point that someone is never ever having kids. Surely if all these angry Mommy hordes were so secure and happy with their choice to breed, they wouldn't be so offended a word. What, then, SHOULD we call ourselves? I don't know how to make "childfree" more PC than it already is. You can't say things like "retard" and "crippled" anymore because bawwww that's offensive! How much more can you sanitize "childfree?" What would you say? "Voluntarily without children?" That would still offend the mommies because they're all little pussies who probably secretly wish we were all dead or pregnant.

However, “child free” does the exact opposite; implies children are some kind of a dreadful burden and in doing so discriminates against them.

Well, to people who don't want them, they ARE just that. Just like smoke-free - people who smoke don't mind the odor. They might even enjoy it. People who don't smoke, who don't like the smell or who have allergies to it want to have smoke-free homes or sit in smoke-free sections. Does that mean they are discriminating against people who smoke? No - they just don't want to deal with the second-hand effects of someone ELSE'S choice.

And here’s the thing; you’ll never truly be child free. Because children are everywhere. As they should be. As people in learning, they have as much right to exist as anyone else. But it’s not just that. There’s an old truism that you should be kind to the people you meet on the way up, because you’ll see them again on the way back down. Or the oft-quoted phrase, “be nice to kids; they’ll be wiping your arse in the nursing home one day.” Cliches, maybe, but there is a lot of truth in them.

You’ll never truly be child free because learner people are all our responsibilities. I’m sorry, but they are. Because nursing home staff or not, the children of today are the adults of tomorrow. If you shut them out, you are training them up to shut others out.

We know there are children everywhere. You'd have to be living under a steel-reinforced rock to not know that. No one can escape children in general because so many other people have them. However, CFdom is not all about playing "dodge the brat." It's about having enough sense to give more than half a second worth of thought to breeding and say, "I don't want to do it." And why would me avoiding brats have any effect on them as they enter adulthood? If their parents shut them out and neglect them, THAT will affect them. But a total stranger not paying them any mind is going to damage their psyche? Don't think so, Moo.

And if "learner people are all our responsibilities" - A.K.A "it takes a village" - then I should be fully legally allowed to punish any child I see acting like a shit if its useless handlers refuse to do so. If everyone's kids are my fucking responsibility, I reserve the right to kick their asses when they open their mouths without fear of legal consequences. So if I can't do that, the kids are not my problem, they are not my future and I am truly childfree.

Stick to beefing and shitrags, dumbass cow.
Re: In Which A Moo Blogger Claims "You'll Never Truly Be Child Free"
November 15, 2013
Typical passive-aggressive mootwunt. She fucked up her life with brat(s) and the only way she can deal with her shitty choices to denigrate others who chose a different path.

We all know at least one mootwunt just like her. Her "tolerance" towards CF people sounds strangely like some 1990s Xtian conservative cunt lying her way out of her bigotry.
Re: In Which A Moo Blogger Claims "You'll Never Truly Be Child Free"
November 15, 2013
Where to start with this idiot Moo? I could probably be here all day, but I'll just pick out a few things.

1. What opposite-of-reality world does this moo live in, where she can claim that chyldren are discriminated against and prohibited from? It's an extremely chyld-centered world and has been for as long as I can remember. Where are chyldren prohibited from? Porno shop or strip clubs? Other than that, where? It's only in recent years that some bars have dared to try and prohibit underage patrons; and rightfully so. If you're not of age to drink, you don't belong in a bar.

The only other places I can think that say "no chyldren" are tobacco shops and liquor stores. Again, rightfully so, because of age restrictions. But, no, most places cater to crack monkeys, including many restaurants that offer "kyds eat free" days, etc. Doesn't Starbucks give free milk via those stupid "babyccinos"?

2. The claim that kyds are unfairly treated as compared to adults. I've got news for stupid moos, I wouldn't be any happier if it was an adult running around like a hopped-up crack monkey, screaming and disrupting my shopping/dining/etc experience. And yet, while said adult would be at least asked to leave, perhaps even banned, or at most even arrested, no one would ever think about doing the same to a chyld. No, if you can't behave yourself and show respect for others in public, don't go out in public.

3. The idiot in the comments who basically says "if you don't like kyds screaming and carrying on in your fancy restaurant, you should stay home. No, fuck you Moo. A big part of the reason that people choose to go to a fancy restaurant -- rather than say Chuck-E-Cheese -- is because they want to enjoy the atmosphere and have a quiet, nice time. If you need to run around and carry on, take it to McDonalds, Chuck-E-Cheese or the local park. If ever there was a day that I was dining at C-E-C (that'll be the day) and was upset at the noise, then, feel free to berate me. Otherwise? I'm paying good money to have a good time and enjoyable experience, so fuck-off.

Honestly, I would love to be in a dining establishment, store, etc, with an out-of-control crotch-nugget, and get up and start running around, screaming, etc; mimicking the little hellion. I bet it would go right over Moo's head; and she would complain about my behavior. I probably won't do as such though, since I'd probably be arrested for 'disturbing the peace.'
Re: In Which A Moo Blogger Claims "You'll Never Truly Be Child Free"
November 15, 2013
This blog post is from back in 2009, so it just serves to show how long and how badly the term "childfree" has been misused and misunderstood (intentionally and otherwise). Apparently this moron thinks that CF people's goal is to somehow live a life in which they are never around children and never see them. (That would fine with me, but I know it's not possible.) Spreading that falsehood reinforces the belief that CF people are weird, delusional and childish themselves.

I can't take anyone who claims that children are "oppressed" and "discriminated against" seriously. She never sites a single example of this oppression and discrimination. Or, is that what she meant when she was discribing the horror of having to do things in school that they don't want to and not having their every whim indulged by their teachers?

What is it that she wants kids to be able to do? Run for president, fly airplanes, compete with adults for full-time jobs, get married? The world is so child-oriented now that people who lived 100 years ago wouldn't even recognize this as the same planet they lived on. Children's menus, children's museums, entire channels dedicated to children's entertainment, whole categories of food in the grocery store for kids, stores and catalogs full of toys, games, clothes and electronics for kids. Nearly every charity that is nationally prominent is child-oriented. They even have Crossfit for kids! Of course we know that the real purpose of all that stuff is to get as much money out of the parents as possible, as often as possible and for as many years as possible.

Finally, one of the comments contains a link to an "Adult privilege checklist" showing how children are "deprived" of basic rights. I remember stumbling across this list a few years ago and literally sitting there with my mouth hanging open as I read it:

The good news is that the second-to-last comment is a very well thought-out "Child privilege" list that thoroghly debunks the absurd idea that children are oppressed or discriminated against.
Re: In Which A Moo Blogger Claims "You'll Never Truly Be Child Free"
November 16, 2013
I think what moo means is that her children are being discriminated against. We all know that moos don’t give a shit about other people’s kids. I hope she’s enjoying her little hellions. She can look forward to a trashed house after her teens throw parties, Junior coming in at three in the morning high as a kite, and Princess taking the famblee vehicle for a joy ride while intoxicated.
Re: In Which A Moo Blogger Claims "You'll Never Truly Be Child Free"
November 16, 2013
Why are these people always so eager for children to have all the rights of adulthood without any of the responsibilities? The legal system is set up to recognize that children's brains are still developing and that they cannot be held responsible for their choices in the same way that adults can. That's one of the main reasons that children aren't permitted to do some of the things that adults are allowed to do. It is ridiculous to suggest on one hand that "just a kid" should be a valid excuse for antisocial actions, and "a person too" is a suitable argument in favor of children being granted access to the places where they will run wild.

Of course there are human rights, which everybody has. The right not to be killed, beaten, or mutilated. The right to food, water and shelter. Medical care. I don't think that anybody is trying to deny these rights to children, except perhaps for breeders, who are quick to defend their fellow breeders when they abuse or murder their children. There's also a large contingent of breeders who feel they have the right to decide on the child's medical care, and prevent them from receiving life-saving treatment like vaccinations and blood transfusions. The only people trying to keep children from their human rights are breeders.
Re: In Which A Moo Blogger Claims "You'll Never Truly Be Child Free"
November 16, 2013
It is breeders' intense regret and jealousy that make them utter incoherent, delusional things. It is hard to keep your wits about you when you are a feeble-minded herd follower. But once you destroy your life with spawning, lashing out is your default state.

Add to that a poverty of language and articulation. We all know that breeders, for instance, misuse the word 'selfish' when they want to accuse us of vanity. When they are screaming about discrimination, there is a strong likelihood they are referring to themselves (they almost always do). You see, they think we got away from the mindless drudgery they threw themselves into to get their udders rubbed. We know it, and they know that we know it.

The word 'discrimination' itself is nonsensical to use against a minority like the CF because we have no societal powers to ban children from anywhere. If anything, it is their collective which creates the rules. What they really mean is that we have set ourselves apart with common sense, forethought and deliberate living. Our real course should have been to follow the herd. The discrimination, then, is directed at them. How dare we distinguish ourselves that way? Do we think we are better than them?

I'm not fooled about all this wailing and seething rage at the CF. They know we made a smarter choice in life and their limited vocabulary is paralyzed in lashing out against that choice.
Re: In Which A Moo Blogger Claims "You'll Never Truly Be Child Free"
November 16, 2013
Of course there are human rights, which everybody has. The right not to be killed, beaten, or mutilated. The right to food, water and shelter. Medical care. I don't think that anybody is trying to deny these rights to children, except perhaps for breeders, who are quick to defend their fellow breeders when they abuse or murder their children. There's also a large contingent of breeders who feel they have the right to decide on the child's medical care, and prevent them from receiving life-saving treatment like vaccinations and blood transfusions. The only people trying to keep children from their human rights are breeders.

I actually agree somewhat that children are denied some basic human rights. I don't think you should be able to hit your child, that is assault and/or battery and is a CRIME. Whenever some prolier (my family has a ton of them) says that fetuses have the same rights as a grown woman I say "that means that children have the same rights as adults, so you should go to jail because I just saw you slap your kid across the face and if you did that to an adult that would be a crime.". That shuts them the fuck up.

"If you can't feed your baby, then don't have a baby. And don't think maybe, if you can't feed your baby."
- The wisdom of the late Michael Jackson
"The mother of the year should be a sterilized woman with two adopted children." - Paul Ehrlich
I don't have time to read everything carefully: my washer just stopped, but I hope to read it later this week.

Let me just hug myself with the thought that this parent won't be anywhere next to me, ever!


Now, let me list my choices she doesn't like:

1. I chose to become an atheist.
2, I chose to go to college.
3. I chose to write six books.
4. I chose to take in as many cats as I find.
5. I chose to go to graduate school.
6. I chose to get married, but only after finding the perfect dude.
7. I chose to live in the woods.
8. I chose to read a whole lot.
9. I chose to learn how to cook.
10. I chose to not live in filth. the top of my head, I can see why she can't stand me.
A feminist and a breeder at the same time. It's like mixing two turd to form a bigger, fouler turd.
Re: In Which A Moo Blogger Claims "You'll Never Truly Be Child Free"
November 16, 2013
master kyle
A feminist and a breeder at the same time. It's like mixing two turd to form a bigger, fouler turd.

You think it's such a disgusting notion that men and women should have equal rights and responsibilities?
Re: In Which A Moo Blogger Claims "You'll Never Truly Be Child Free"
November 16, 2013
master kyle
A feminist and a breeder at the same time. It's like mixing two turd to form a bigger, fouler turd.

Why is being a feminist akin to a 'turd'? smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: In Which A Moo Blogger Claims "You'll Never Truly Be Child Free"
November 16, 2013
master kyle
A feminist and a breeder at the same time. It's like mixing two turd to form a bigger, fouler turd.

You think it's such a disgusting notion that men and women should have equal rights and responsibilities?

He may be trying to express the concept of FeMOOnism in imprecise English. If memory serves he's in MX. Feminism por la vaca? Sorry, my Spanish is rather rusty.
master kyle
A feminist and a breeder at the same time. It's like mixing two turd to form a bigger, fouler turd.

You think it's such a disgusting notion that men and women should have equal rights and responsibilities?

He may be trying to express the concept of FeMOOnism in imprecise English. If memory serves he's in MX. Feminism por la vaca? Sorry, my Spanish is rather rusty.

"¿Feminismo por las vacas?" (You were pretty close) blushing

You could ask: "¿Es feminismo mierda?" OR "¿Tienes problema con feminismo?"

ETA: The first question is "Is feminism crap?"; the other one: "Do you have a problem with feminism?"

(In case you were actually interested in pointers...) :biggrin2


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion:

(Cornucopia of visual rantage:
Re: In Which A Moo Blogger Claims "You'll Never Truly Be Child Free"
November 16, 2013
People have a problem if we call someone who doesn't have kids YET or can't have them but WANT them, childless. People have a problem if we call ourselves childfree because we don't want nor have any kids.
Asshats be crazy! What else can I say?

"Don't you know how to deal with children?!"
"I don't like animals who act on instinct."
I think you're on to something Akihiko.
Re: In Which A Moo Blogger Claims "You'll Never Truly Be Child Free"
November 16, 2013
rancid cunt
My reason is that the choice not to have children goes along with other choices, which I find annoying. being around them.

The moo doesn't say what other choices it doesn't like about the CF but if I had to guess it would be one or even ALL of the following:

Clean clothing
We don't smell like rancid milk or the contents of a diaper
Even if we don't wear cosmetics or dress to the teeth we still find time to take a shower.
We get a decent amount of sleep*
Even if we don't have disposable income we aren't driven to the poorhouse due to kindercrap
Interests outside of spawn
We don't have to plan menus around what a brat will eat
CF women haven't destroyed their bodies and minds by sluicing

If moo was forced to admit it her reason(s) for disliking the CF is plain and simple jealousy.

*I know the issue of sleep is often debatable. Some of us work off hours. In my case I often get dragged out of bed in order to rescue an animal. I also bottle feed kittens and puppies on a regular basis.
master kyle
A feminist and a breeder at the same time. It's like mixing two turd to form a bigger, fouler turd.

You think it's such a disgusting notion that men and women should have equal rights and responsibilities?

He may be trying to express the concept of FeMOOnism in imprecise English. If memory serves he's in MX. Feminism por la vaca? Sorry, my Spanish is rather rusty.

"¿Feminismo por las vacas?" (You were pretty close) blushing

You could ask: "¿Es feminismo mierda?" OR "¿Tienes problema con feminismo?"

ETA: The first question is "Is feminism crap?"; the other one: "Do you have a problem with feminism?"

(In case you were actually interested in pointers...) :biggrin2

Actually it would be more like "¿Es el feminismo una porquería?" or "¿Tienes algún problema con el feminismo?" (Sorry if I sound a bit pretentious, but as a translator and a former English teacher I tend to give lectures about languages without even thinking about it.)

Now, returning to the topic. After another look to the femoonist text I would ask her why is she so jealous about the childfree. At least on the good side she's going to make a really easy to avoid her.
master kyle
master kyle
A feminist and a breeder at the same time. It's like mixing two turd to form a bigger, fouler turd.

You think it's such a disgusting notion that men and women should have equal rights and responsibilities?

He may be trying to express the concept of FeMOOnism in imprecise English. If memory serves he's in MX. Feminism por la vaca? Sorry, my Spanish is rather rusty.

"¿Feminismo por las vacas?" (You were pretty close) blushing

You could ask: "¿Es feminismo mierda?" OR "¿Tienes problema con feminismo?"

ETA: The first question is "Is feminism crap?"; the other one: "Do you have a problem with feminism?"

(In case you were actually interested in pointers...) :biggrin2

Actually it would be more like "¿Es el feminismo una porquería?" or "¿Tienes algún problema con el feminismo?" (Sorry if I sound a bit pretentious, but as a translator and a former English teacher I tend to give lectures about languages without even thinking about it.)

Now, returning to the topic. After another look to the femoonist text I would ask her why is she so jealous about the childfree. At least on the good side she's going to make a really easy to avoid her.

No Spanish isn't THE best. (My German's better anyway)

I guess some of us thought you were thinking feminism was shit


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion:

(Cornucopia of visual rantage:
Oh man those comments are priceless! My current favorite is the person who called suzi (the one who doesn't like the phrase childfree one jot) out:

Jemima Aslana
I didn’t see suzy corrected for being really bigoted against the child free. What does she know of our reasons for being so? Well, since she doesn’t know everyone of us, she’s just decided that none of our reasons are okay and we’re shitty people.
But I suppose it’s A-OK to just judge us and call us selfish. It’s certainly easier than to consider us humans.

Jemima's a total breeder pleaser, but she at least called that part right. In reply:

Anji (of adult privilege checklist fame)
Jemima, Suzy’s post was quite clearly a joke, a parody of all the things childfree people say about children.

Right. When it's kids, it's horrible prejudice; when it's us, it's funny. Classic breeder mentality, though: it's only important if it affects ME!!!! My children, of course, being an extension of ME!!!!!

I don't think suzi was kidding at all. She was a dead serious mootwunt.

Fuck you, breeder :yeah

ETA - Jemima seems to be childless, not childfree. Also nuts. These comments are GREAT!
Re: In Which A Moo Blogger Claims "You'll Never Truly Be Child Free"
November 17, 2013
I wish I was crazy enough to make a blog post "Birth Prison: There is no escape!" and go on and on about it and how I never associate with ex-cons. But hey, it's just a joke.

"Don't you know how to deal with children?!"
"I don't like animals who act on instinct."
I think you're on to something Akihiko.
Re: In Which A Moo Blogger Claims "You'll Never Truly Be Child Free"
November 23, 2013

Also I love this part:

I’ll be honest. I don’t like the phrase “child free” one jot. But I understand wh it was coined; a swift “fuck you” to the legions of people who insisted that the only way to be fulfilled was to have a child or children, and those without, the “childless” were slightly pathetic and incomplete in some way.

No, it's not a term made up just to spite parents. It's a term simply to describe a choice made by a group of people. ChildLESS implies that kids will happen one day. ChildFREE drives home the point that someone is never ever having kids. Surely if all these angry Mommy hordes were so secure and happy with their choice to breed, they wouldn't be so offended a word. What, then, SHOULD we call ourselves? I don't know how to make "childfree" more PC than it already is. You can't say things like "retard" and "crippled" anymore because bawwww that's offensive! How much more can you sanitize "childfree?" What would you say? "Voluntarily without children?" That would still offend the mommies because they're all little pussies who probably secretly wish we were all dead or pregnant.

However, “child free” does the exact opposite; implies children are some kind of a dreadful burden and in doing so discriminates against them.

Well, to people who don't want them, they ARE just that. Just like smoke-free - people who smoke don't mind the odor. They might even enjoy it. People who don't smoke, who don't like the smell or who have allergies to it want to have smoke-free homes or sit in smoke-free sections. Does that mean they are discriminating against people who smoke? No - they just don't want to deal with the second-hand effects of someone ELSE'S choice.

And here’s the thing; you’ll never truly be child free. Because children are everywhere. As they should be. As people in learning, they have as much right to exist as anyone else. But it’s not just that. There’s an old truism that you should be kind to the people you meet on the way up, because you’ll see them again on the way back down. Or the oft-quoted phrase, “be nice to kids; they’ll be wiping your arse in the nursing home one day.” Cliches, maybe, but there is a lot of truth in them.

You’ll never truly be child free because learner people are all our responsibilities. I’m sorry, but they are. Because nursing home staff or not, the children of today are the adults of tomorrow. If you shut them out, you are training them up to shut others out.

Stick to beefing and shitrags, dumbass cow.

Should we call ourselves: "Parental instinct challenged" sarcastic clapping
To soothe fragile egos.
Re: In Which A Moo Blogger Claims "You'll Never Truly Be Child Free"
November 24, 2013
As the Moo Lows
"...My reason is that the choice not to have children goes along with other choices, which I find annoying. being around them.That being said, I do carefully avoid them. I never, ever divulge my reasoning, but I gently stay away, preferring to keep company with people who have not made this choice...."waving hellolarious That's the way I feel about cows, their wailing sucklings, and their choice of a pasty faced, limp dicked, husband.

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
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