I am still in shock after watching my wife give birth to our child a couple of nights ago. Somewhere in the process of pushing, she expelled gas and soiled herself right there on the table...Then, when I saw the baby's head crown, I realized I can never look at my wife's vagina again (what's left of it anyway) and realized I made a terrible mistake...I realized all the desire I had to have a child was really HER desire. Everyone THINKS I'm excited, but secretly I want nothing to do with any of this. I feel suckered into this whole fatherhood deal, and I now see (too late) that maybe these 'childfree' folks aren't such kooks after all...

Why would any woman let there husband watch that horror show?
another pussy guy who doesnt have the guts to chose his own path. I HATE PUSSY GUYS

hummmm when a breeder uses the word "child free" I get suspucious
Dude, you MUST have been ambivalent about this before the actual birth... in which case, I have to ask: WHY would you commit to such a completely (and forever) life/relationship altering decision without being completely sure you wanted this - and more to the point, were excited and happy about it?
Re: Another TDC Were not such kooks after all LOL
July 29, 2008
Dollar to donuts he'll be rattling the sheets with a woman with an intact snatch before the kid is one.

Why does he act like he HAS to stay with her forever? Marriage and kids do create lasting bonds, but there is a such thing as a divorce and there are ways to avoid paying child support (not the best idea in the world, but people do it), and no one is making him stay with Moomie McCavernous.
I have always thought this shit where fathers go to Lamaze or other birthing classes, is in attendance at all of the checkups, and participates in the actual birthing experience, was hatched from the small brains of breeder women to further emasculate their husbands. Men do NOT belong anywhere near any of it, NOR do they desire to be, and should keep their asses in the family waiting room where they are supposed to be. Once they became indoctrinated into the "beauty" of the birthing process itself, they are being coerced by wives, family, and society to promise they will "do their part" via changing shit filled diapers, bathing the kid, feeding it, and all of this "bonding" nonsense that attachment parents dreamed up with the little "daddy slings" where they tote it around in public, which is ridiculous.

In reality, most fathers didn't want the kid to begin with and SHOULD have gotten fixed or wore a rubber so they don't get "oopsed", but now that the kid has made it's grand entrance they feel obligated to be equal in the childcare arena, which they clearly can not and/or WILL NOT do, as is evidenced by their actions over and over and over............I don't know why men keep pretending to agree with this shit instead of being a MAN and saying what they think which is likely, "YOU wanted to breed and I gave in. It's YOUR problem now so you deal with it. I will be damned if I am going to work 50 hours a week while you sleep half the day and watch soaps the rest, only to come home to a urinal and open cesspool of a home and pretend to be an airplane so little Shitleigh will eat her mac and cheese while YOU "unwind". What do you have to unwind from anyway ?"

If more men said this up front, moos would be less likely to want to keep breeding until their "quiver" is filled to capacity, and at least they won't be able to lie to others and brag about how their hubby does his "fair share" of parenting, which btw is ALWAYS a lie. It's a bad influence on younger women when they are blatantly lied to and repeatedly told,....."Having a baby is a beautiful experience and will bond you and your husband together. My husband does his fair share and more, and I always have time to myself and enjoy the same girl's nights out, leisure reading, and never miss a session at the gym. Sex is better than ever and I didn't even get stretch marks!". hitting over the head with a hammer
kidlesskim I agree 100% I always say most men dont want kids, they just DONT, when they coo over babies its fake, thats why there is an epidemic of "single moos" Guys dont stay long, guys dont like kids or babyeeeessss
Re: Another TDC Were not such kooks after all LOL
July 29, 2008
married with rabbits Wrote:
> "she expelled gas"
> Great, he won't fuck his wife again because she's
> human.

Don't you know women aren't SUPPOSED to fart, pee, take a crap, burp, puke OR sweat?

As for the "daddy slings": oh, dear gawd, those are such an abomination! Even if a guy is the hottest dude in the world, there is no quicker turn-off! Bunch of fucking diaper-whipped wimps.
nokyds4me Wrote:
> kidlesskim I agree 100% I always say most men
> dont want kids, they just DONT, when they coo
> over babies its fake, thats why there is an
> epidemic of "single moos" Guys dont stay long,
> guys dont like kids or babyeeeessss

Because if he doesn't want the golden sprog, he doesn't 'get any'.
Re: Another TDC Were not such kooks after all LOL
July 29, 2008
My dear fellow childfree people, this is the kind of thing that really rubs me the wrong way. I think we're all used to whiny, lazy, entitlement-minded moomies who have nothing in their empty heads to think about but babies, babies, and MORE babies, but these types of selfish, stupid men are also to blame.

The men on TDC make my blood boil. They act like children whose minds never progressed past the sixth grade.

Someone needs to sit this man down on a lap so that the facts of life can be explained in small words to him. This is not a man...this is a mamby-pamby, fragile idiot who wasn't sure of his stance on a life-altering issue and wasn't able to stand up for what he wanted, or be pro-active in preventing birth *himself* by using protection. He got 'suckered' into the whole 'fatherhood deal'? Give me a fucking break....did he just not have an opinion on the matter at all when this woman was talking about it and planning it? He probably sat right back on the old leather chair with a beer in his hand and said, "Sure babe, whatever you want" and never once thought about it in a meaningful way. And now that the kid is here, he wants everyone to feel like he was the poor victim who got roped in by his evil wife, when really he just wanted nothing to do with it.

And another thing, and I think we discussed this topic before - I'd just like to personally ask the guy what he expected childbirth to be like. It involves blood, massive amounts of bodily fluid, tearing, etc (it IS an intense struggle, I can give the mommies that one; I sure as HELL don't want to experience it). It does NOT involve rainbows, kittens, or fairy dust...yeah, some parts of it are gross. I'd like to see him lie there and pass a kid out and make it through the entire ordeal without passing some gas. These guys need to GROW UP. Life isn't an issue of Maxim where every little thing is 'pretty' and airbrushed to smooth and twinkling perfection. REAL LIFE is not always as attractive as we would like. Real life is real, you're going to see some unpleasant things, and you're going to get your hands a little dirty, princess. That's why I get irritated at the fathers who watch the birthing process and complain about how 'gross' it is. What the fuck did you think it was going to be like? And for fuck's sake, all you're doing is STANDING there. Listen here, father-of-the-year....be happy you aren't the one doing the pushing and have the ability to stand there whining.

Yes, there are nasty women who pull 'oopses' on men sometimes, and there are women who work as hard as they can to coerce a male into sharing their child-centric world view. But men like this, who have a kid and then whine and complain about it after it's all said and done were involved in some way, too. It's not like they were sweet little innocents who had the wool pulled over their eyes. They weren't strong enough to know what they wanted out of life, they couldn't be bothered to be pro-active about their own birth control, and they donated their sperm most happily. The woman didn't immaculately conceive. These guys were involved in at least SOME form of contribution. And now that the kid slides down the chute, all of a sudden he wants a free pass out, and it's all the evil woman's fault for talking him into it? I don't think so, pork chop. Methinks the sperm donor doth protesteth too much.

"Oh, boo hoo hoo! Pity me, for now that the kid is here I have decided I want no part of it! Cry me a river! Childbirth was not as aesthetically pleasing as I thought it would be, my wife had the audacity to pass gas, so now I will find my wife unattractive because of it even though I had no problem actually impregnating her! Oh, woe is me!!"

Emasculated little shit.
SammyB Wrote:
>> Why would any woman let there husband watch that
> horror show?

I don't know but the majority of women seem to want everyone to watch them give birth. Perhaps its the only thing they feel they can really do right. Or perhaps its their only true "accomplishment" in life. I certainly don't want my husband watching any gross medical procedures that I might have. Its enough that he knows I am going through it. I know some moos who also want their hubby at all their prenatal checkups, making him take valuable time off work, watching them get their pap smears and whatever...I can only shake my head in disbelief...why????
SammyB Wrote:
> I am still in shock after watching my wife give
> birth to our child a couple of nights ago.
> Somewhere in the process of pushing, she expelled
> gas and soiled herself right there on the
> table...Then, when I saw the baby's head crown, I
> realized I can never look at my wife's vagina
> again (what's left of it anyway) and realized I
> made a terrible mistake...I realized all the
> desire I had to have a child was really HER
> desire. Everyone THINKS I'm excited, but secretly
> I want nothing to do with any of this. I feel
> suckered into this whole fatherhood deal, and I
> now see (too late) that maybe these 'childfree'
> folks aren't such kooks after all...
> Why would any woman let there husband watch that
> horror show?

Hey, listen, can you leave you wife's phone number? Just wondering, cause if you don't want to fuck her, I will. I like sticking pussy that you are paying child support to.
Re: Another TDC Were not such kooks after all LOL
July 29, 2008
You rock Rats not Brats, I couldn't have said it better myself.

No pity for Mr. Pussy Pants who obviously hasn't put one iota of thought into his life until he saw his wife do something gross, like give birth. HAVE FUN WITH THE BABY SHIT! and the urine, and the vomit and the boogers. Enjoy being covered with a sticky film of filth for at least the next 10 years of your life...you deserve it.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Ha ha ha, Feh. That was my first thought ... you were a little grossed out? Dude, you haven't even got started on the gross. That little worm your wife just birthed gives a whole new meaning to the word, and you're gonna be wearing it.

Rats not Brats, that was a Pulitzer Prize winning rant. "standing ovation"
Re: Another TDC Were not such kooks after all LOL
July 29, 2008
*takes a deep, sweeping bow* Ha ha, why thank you very much. Feh and Cata, too true....I hope Princess Daddy is ready, because now that the kid is here, he'll have a cornucopia of material to bitch about on TDC. How in the hell will he deal with it all? He's so sensitive, the poor little thing! I hope his wife is ready to wipe the asses of both the kid and her candy-ass husband. I also hope he's ready for shit stains on the carpet, projectile vomiting, more urine than he ever cared to see, a hellish conglomeration of snot and year-old cereal crammed in between the couch cushions...oh, and he can enjoy all this on little to no sleep. Welcome to REAL LIFE, my fragile little flower! Goodness, if only you'd thought this all through prior to conception!
Re: Another TDC Were not such kooks after all LOL
July 29, 2008
Haha! Loved it, Rats!

Nine months earlier, I'd wager this fella wasn't too shy about sharing HIS bodily functions with his wife. In fact he probably asked her to take part by wearing a corset and a dog collar, and beg with colourful descriptions what sort of degradations she 'wanted' him to do to her.

(Actually I am of the belief that the horrific processes of childbirth, open heart surgery and post-mortems should be dealt with only by the professionals. Amateur spectators are totally out of their depth and are best left in the waiting room.)

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly

Ratsnotbrats, you fucking nailed it. Take another bow. Encore! Encore!

There's really not much more to say. You have all articulated it so lovingly and perfectly and Ratsnotbrats even put in a reference to Maxim magazine, which further proves just how rockin' he/she is. I hate the publication. It's for men who are too pussy to look at real porn.

I hereby sentence that pussy, sad-ass creature to wearing a dissembodied bovine vagina stretched over his head for the rest of his miserable fucking life. Yeah. Then see how many women want to have sex with YOU.
Re: Another TDC Were not such kooks after all LOL
July 29, 2008
Mean Person Wrote:
> Ratsnotbrats, you fucking nailed it. Take another
> bow. Encore! Encore!

Indeed! Applause! That was magnificent.
Mean Person Wrote:
> I hate the publication. It's for men
> who are too pussy to look at real porn.

That made me laugh.
Stephanie Wrote:
> Mean Person Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I hate the publication. It's for men
> > who are too pussy to look at real porn.
> That made me laugh.

Thanks. But seriously, I really think that magazine is for candy-asses (closet cases?) who are trying to prove to themselves that they're not gay without actually having to look at a vagina. Or, perhaps as a way of validating their fucked up "mommy" issues.
Ooh, that's a bit harsh for Maxim. I loooooove Maxim. It's totally a pussy boy magazine, but the whole try hard "lad" thing is a riot for any self respecting emancipated girl. I read it every chance I get and laugh my ass off.
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