"15 Reasons to Use Natural Family Planning"(So says a fundie):rolleyes2
March 08, 2014

Direct from the pie hole of a religious fundamentalist, with my thoughts in red:

Awhile ago there was a study done on couples who use NFP (Natural Family Planning). NFP is a way of achieving and/or avoiding pregnancy that is extremely effective while also being consistent with the way the human body and the sexual act were designed (unlike contraception). Who performed or sanctioned that "study", I wonder, The Vatican? bouncing and laughing

The study lists a number of things that correlate with users of NFP. I will leave you to decide which ones are more direct effects from using NFP and which ones are more contributory causes of using it. In the end, they are all wrapped up together. Yeah, wrapped up together like chunks of cat shit encapsulated by urine soaked litter

Couples who use NFP:

Have a dramatically low (0.2%) divorce rate. That's because they are fundamentalists who don't "believe" in divorce for any reason, so of course their rate is low.

Experience happier marriages.So says the tiger striped inpig cow who blindly lives in a fairy tale world

Are happier and more satisfied in their everyday lives. Than what other groups of couples? I know several gay couples who've been together a decade or longer, have no intention of creating kids, who appear to be the happiest people on the planet!

Have considerably more marital relations. What, now they are claiming they have MORE sex? Not so, according to any given number of polls, surveys, and studies easily found in mass quantity in any given group of people

Share a deeper intimacy with spouse than those who contracept. That's the type of horse shit in the same category with that fabled moo-loaf "bond" and level of love that no one but a mother and minor child are allowed to experience, which of course disqualifies all men, all unchilded women, older children, and adult children and their parents from experiencing.

Realize a deeper level of communication with spouse. Same shit as above, only more preposterous. WHERE they get a couple communicates on a higher level because they fuck without birth control will always be one of those fundie mysteries I won't ever solve

Are appreciably more religious and attend church more often. No shit! Of COURSE a religious fundamentalist will be more religious and attend church more often then the average couple! What a shocker!
Incorporate prayer more in their daily lives. Duh, another idiotic comment regarding religious fundies

Rely strongly on the teachings of the Church, the Bible and Almighty God.More surprising news

Have strong traditional, social, and moral views.God, these people are so fucking pious it makes my skin crawl.

Preserve the family unit more responsibly than the other groups.Yeah, they not only "preserve" the family unit, they exploit it on many levels including most notably their use of tax breaks, "for the famblee", and other government freebies like WIC-SNAP, Medicaid, free meal programs at school, etc.....that "God provides" for all those kids they can't afford. In the typical fundie world, the higher their "morals", the more they suck from the government tit because they feel entitled to do so for going forth and multiplying exponentially

Are unlikely to have ever had an abortion.eye rolling smiley

Are unlikely to have ever cohabitated. One of their higher moral views, no doubt.

Are unlikely to both work full time. They say that as if it's a good thing

Are unlikely to be supportive of and to engage in sex outside of marriage. Unless you count all the ones who got married at 18 or 19 in January and had a "premature" loaf in July.

So users of NFP have better, stronger, more stable marriages. They have more sex. They lead happier more satisfying lives. They provide their kids with the mother and father they deserve. They don’t kill babies. And there are absolutely no harmful side-effects.Use NFP. Save your family. Save the world? So, in conclusion we have learned that fundie fucking without birth control will ultimately save the world and they don't "Kill babies" like the rest of the world. Yeah, that sounds logical to me.drinking coffee

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
That's one big pile of bullshit! Perhaps the biggest one I've ever read.

"Don't you know how to deal with children?!"
"I don't like animals who act on instinct."
I think you're on to something Akihiko.
15 "reasons" to use nachural famblee planning that have not shit to do with NFP. He is just pushing the fundy lifestyle and he knows it. Not that I agree NFP to begin with but I would expect a list of "reasons" to use it to actually, oh I don't know, be relevant to NFP. Stupid fundy dickhead needs some remedial English lessons on how to write an article.

One person commented:


Orthodoxy of belief is the ultimate cause of happiness, prayer in the home, low divorce, etc. not NFP use

Meaning: they drank the Koolaid and are fervent members of the cult. And that short statement pretty much encapsulates most of the list.

Whatever ...

Out of curiosity, I looked up a page on NFP

It lists the three criteria used in NFP:
Cervical mucus

So, according to the dildo writing the article, taking one's temperature, checking the viscosity of what drips from the vagina (the site provides pictures so you can compare) and sticking a finger up there to see if the cervix has become more open and soft leads to the betterment of a marriage?


And here I thought it was stuff like communication, common interests, supporting one's mate in their endeavors. Huh. Once again, the union of my mate and I is being done all wrong! It's a wonder we've been able to stay together for 30 years. I guess we're just a couple of deviants shrug
Re: "15 Reasons to Use Natural Family Planning"(So says a fundie):rolleyes2
March 08, 2014
Hm, never heard of any actual marriage counselor or psychological researcher make the claims that any birth control method has an effect on marital relations or the atmosphere of any given marriage.

Here's one of the leading researchers in the field of marriage today. His discoveries and teaching say absolutely nothing about birth control.


Fundies are fucking idiots and morons, and they are anti-science. Ergo, evidence-based marital research is right, and the moron who wrote the above list is a goddamned retard. Never forget that.
Re: "15 Reasons to Use Natural Family Planning"(So says a fundie):rolleyes2
March 08, 2014
BTW the study linked is posted on Physicians For Life and I have not so far been able to find it posted anywhere outside of forced birther or fundy catholic sites.

It's also not a study. It was a "scientific" survey of 500 or so couples who already practiced NFP. No mention was made of a control group. In other words, trees had to die for this complete waste of fucking paper.

Meanwhile, the divorce rate of Christians, including Catholics, in the US, is the same as the public at large and real world failure rates of NFP are somewhere south of 20%. It's so bad that physicians largely will not recommend it as a "method" and most believe that it's not appropriate for the majority of women. Fundy catholics write this off as either part of a conspiracy theory, or that doctors are idiots.

Direct from the pie hole of a religious fundamentalist, with my thoughts in red:

Awhile ago there was a study done on couples who use NFP (Natural Family Planning). NFP is a way of achieving and/or avoiding pregnancy that is extremely effective while also being consistent with the way the human body and the sexual act were designed (unlike contraception). Who performed or sanctioned that "study", I wonder, The Vatican? bouncing and laughing


“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
When NFP fails (as it inevitably will) it's another way for the church to blame the woman. But its OK, because here comes another loyal church customer!

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Now, I believe that natural family planning works. Condoms are made of natural rubber and man, they work wonders waving hellolarious
Now, I believe that natural family planning works. Condoms are made of natural rubber and man, they work wonders waving hellolarious

thumbs upwink thumbs upwink

I totally agree! grinning smiley


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion: http://popcornculturejunkie.wordpress.com/)

(Cornucopia of visual rantage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD78oSD27mzAlVzsB0q2ibA)
Remember that idiot, evangelical troll who came here, called herself CF and was all about the natural family planning? (Hey, Troll if you are lurking, it's great if it works for you but nobody likes a raving, close-minded lunatic and being told that's the ONLY ANSWER for birth control.)

Funny, I was just over at I'm not sorry and one of the stories I read was from someone who religiously practiced NFP and still got pregnant. :bdid
Remember that idiot, evangelical troll who came here, called herself CF and was all about the natural family planning? (Hey, Troll if you are lurking, it's great if it works for you but nobody likes a raving, close-minded lunatic and being told that's the ONLY ANSWER for birth control.)

Funny, I was just over at I'm not sorry and one of the stories I read was from someone who religiously practiced NFP and still got pregnant. :bdid

I remember reading about that in the Rest Room...didn't she also admit to using barriers during her most fertile days? Yup...that nachural famblee planning works wonders! waving hellolarious waving hellolarious smile rolling left righteyes2


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion: http://popcornculturejunkie.wordpress.com/)

(Cornucopia of visual rantage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD78oSD27mzAlVzsB0q2ibA)
Oh, we used natural family planning as in "naturally, we will have no kids since my husband had a vasectomy. " Now, I realize our marriage will be weakened because my first concern as I wake up isn't taking my temperature and checking my twat snot. We don't have the threat of a squalling shitsack hanging over our heads every time we do it. We don't have to spend half our marriage abstaining to avoid being pregnant. We have plenty of time to communicate, be intimate, do shared activities and still maintain our individual interests.
NFP is still birth control, albeit not a very effective form. I thought fundies were anti-BC? Are they trying to outwit Gawd by circumventing His Divine Plans for their uteri? bouncing and laughing

Oh, we used natural family planning as in "naturally, we will have no kids since my husband had a vasectomy. " Now, I realize our marriage will be weakened because my first concern as I wake up isn't taking my temperature and checking my twat snot.

Precisely. She sounded like a Breeder in disguise to me, because she kept talking about how kewl she thought it all was and being In Tune With Her BodyTM

I don't share the reverence and I don't have the time nor inclination to look at my pan drippings all the time.

It's 2014, ya know? Why shouldn't a woman be able to get her tubes burned and move on?
twat snot

::puts hand to forehead. falls out of chair::

waving hellolarious waving hellolarious
Re: "15 Reasons to Use Natural Family Planning"(So says a fundie):rolleyes2
March 09, 2014
Oh, we used natural family planning as in "naturally, we will have no kids since my husband had a vasectomy. " Now, I realize our marriage will be weakened because my first concern as I wake up isn't taking my temperature and checking my twat snot. We don't have the threat of a squalling shitsack hanging over our heads every time we do it. We don't have to spend half our marriage abstaining to avoid being pregnant. We have plenty of time to communicate, be intimate, do shared activities and still maintain our individual interests.

THIS. Clearly we also don't know our bodies very well, because we can't recite our exact temperature at any given moment, and aren't finger diddling ourselves five times a day.

I'm sure I am headed for a divorce, and it will be all my IUD's fault. What man on the planet wants to be with a woman who is willing and able on a daily basis without the threat of pregnancy? I'm so cursed. It's awful and my life is a nightmare.

Lurking Catlicks, this is all sarcasm, just FYI.
Former Catholic here, and all that NFP bull hockey is one of the big reasons why. I still go to church, and there's still an unfortunate tendency to worship the kyds, but at least it isn't essential to them that ALL women be mothers. As the Catholics might say, not everyone is "called" to the same lifestyle. My better half and I weren't "called" to be parents, simple as that.:smoke
I think I have read over 90 percent of Catholics use some sort of birth control besides NFP. I am friends with two devout, weekly mass attending Cathlics who were married for five or so years before dropping first loaf and waited several years between the second loaf and had no more. They aren't "spacing," they are done.
Yeah, I remember that string of NFP threads... I don't know what's so special about being able to leave a condom off a few days a month. I can tell you to the day when I'm going to ovulate withOUT any special charting or snotmining in my nether regions. So if I keep a calendar for it, you're saying I'd be more accurate... whoopdedoo, hubs got snipped, it's a moot point!

And then we all got called heartless and other insults for failing to sympathize that she had allowed her stepkids with her stepgrandkids to move in to her single wide at some point.

I've got a real life friend, completely different person, who likes to insist she has a childfree marriage because she will never sprog with her husband. Except... when they got married, her child was 10 or so! That is not childfree, that's a stepkid!
I should really say something the next time she tries to be "supportive" of my childfreedom. Sometimes I am way too nonconfrontational.
A birth control device did end my last LTR. I found it and it wasn't mine.

The only time I have seen a condom break up a marriage is when it was found by the party it was not meant for.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
A birth control device did end my last LTR. I found it and it wasn't mine.

The only time I have seen a condom break up a marriage is when it was found by the party it was not meant for.

I bet Arnie wishes that Maria found condoms that were not intended for her...

Instead, she found housekeeper's love baybee.

I got to say, for people to get as high as Arnie did, why in the world would he bang w/o rubbers? He is not the only one, either. So many other politicians have kyds via affairs. Bafoons.
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