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Celeb Moms and Regular Moms Jealousy LOL

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
Celeb Moms and Regular Moms Jealousy LOL
August 13, 2008
Good grief. Next the mommies will be on a crusade to ban all biki-clad women who have given birth any time recently.


Cry me a river.
That is what sells magazines: pretty women. What is unrealistic is how the celeb moms act like it is no big deal to lose the weight and look great after the baby is born. Anyone can look like fabulous if they have the mega-$ to hire chefs, personal trainers, and visits to the 'chop shop' aka plastic surgeons. The celeb-moos do not look fantastic on their own or due to sheer will-power. People should stop looking to these overpaid idiots for validation and realise they would not be so "hot" if they are not "stars".
Re: Celeb Moms and Regular Moms Jealousy LOL
August 13, 2008
that's what those brain dead bitches get for reading that trash.
Anonymous User
Re: Celeb Moms and Regular Moms Jealousy LOL
August 13, 2008
Rose Red Wrote:
> that's what those brain dead bitches get for
> reading that trash.

I was thinking the same thing.

Perhaps if they did something constructive with their time, they wouldn't sit around all day reading celebrity magazines and watching Oprah.

Anyway, the bikini cover pictures of these celebrities are photoshopped. Their bodies are cropped to make them appear thinner. Everyone should know that by now. There is no such thing as a human female who is six feet tall and weighs 90 pounds and has an 18 inch waist. Its just that celebrities and their photographers think they are fooling the public with these false images. They couldn't be more wrong.
Re: Celeb Moms and Regular Moms Jealousy LOL
August 13, 2008
Well, time to distinguish fantasy from reality.eye rolling smiley
This is something totally new!; Hollywood having unrealistic role models. Gee whiz, next they will make society believe that everyone should be slim, athletic, and sexually active well into their 80's. eye rolling smiley This has been going on since the advent of print advertising, so why are they just now getting upset? What do they want the celebs to do, get and stay fat? I have actually known several women who were slim, fit and attractive before having a baybee, and were fitting back into jean two weeks after the birth and donning bikinis a few months later with no visible stretch marks.

Alot has to do with the physical condition of the moo before she is knocked up, and how well she takes care of her body during the parasitic gestation. These moos can't hope to start out 50 pounds overweight and out of shape, have a baby and eat like there is no tomorrow the whole nine months, and then get a job as a runway model a few weeks after delivery. MY GOD that's stupid as hell. Maybe some of the attractive regular women should start breastfeeding in public, then they won't have anything to whine about.

That's just it though, attractive REGULAR women who look great after sqeezing out their young don't do shit like that in public, it's ALWAYS the ugly ones. I would be willing to bet that the younger, slim, and attractive after spawning women are shunned in their moomie groups because afterall, MOST of the preggos are in it for the attention. The pregnancy, birth, BF in public, etc....and an attractive woman might take the spotlight off of them or give their husbands ideas that they don't HAVE to look like pigs and not even bathe every day.
Anonymous User
Re: Celeb Moms and Regular Moms Jealousy LOL
August 13, 2008
kidlesskim Wrote:
> I would be willing to bet that the
> younger, slim, and attractive after spawning women
> are shunned in their moomie groups because
> afterall, MOST of the preggos are in it for the
> attention. The pregnancy, birth, BF in public,
> etc....and an attractive woman might take the
> spotlight off of them or give their husbands ideas
> that they don't HAVE to look like pigs and not
> even bathe every day.

I do think moos feel threatened by their husbands seeing women out there who take care of their bodies. Women who are in good shape, who practice good hygeine, dress well, etc. A lot of these moos know they are in jeopardy of losing their meal ticket. The SAHMs are the most insecure ones of all.
Re: Celeb Moms and Regular Moms Jealousy LOL
August 13, 2008
I find it sad that the next generation is being raised by women this shallow.

Who cares if someone is a few pounds overweight? I am*. Aren't there better role models to emulate? Like a woman and mom who's also a lawyer, professor, surgeon, or charity worker? Or a mom who organizes a community garden, works at the local shelter, or starts a coop daycare that benefits a whole neighborhood? People who are actually accomplishing things? I would think those are the folks to look up to.

*though not scooterfat!
These magazine COUNT on making women feel insecure about their bodies because then they'll fork out the cash for diet plans, cellulite creams or whatever other bullshit snake oil these rags like to pimp.

I've decided to boycott Victoria's Secret until the can prove that each and every one of their models has a BMI of at least 18.
I have a special hatred I reserve only for celebrities.

Many of them breed like 3rd world moos, literally. 3 or 4 never seem to be enough, doG forbid ONE or TWO.

I hate their charity bullshit too. Oh, they're always involved in some sort of "charity" work or donation. Yet I have heard from multiple sources, from contractors hired to work for them or waiters in restaurants that they are as CHEAP as Texas is BIG.

Basically, I don't give a fuck what they look like. They've got two strikes against them already in the breeding department and "charity" department, and looks don't make up for being a breeder cheapass.
Re: Celeb Moms and Regular Moms Jealousy LOL
August 14, 2008
Wait, you mean....you mean....you don't have any sympathy for their bizzy lives filming and doing photoshoots with their crotch droppings when all they have is a cook, personal trainer, nanny, driver, security, housekeepers, gardeners and couturiers who give them tons of schwag for free?

But what about the additional kids they have to have with husbands 2 & 3? You're being awfully insensitive. They only have 15,000 square feet of hollywood mansion in which to recover from their last plastic surgery- the brats could actually be on the same floor! That's not fair!
Re: Celeb Moms and Regular Moms Jealousy LOL
August 14, 2008
I'm honestly just sick and tired of people thinking someone 'slimming down' is printable news. It's really gotten out of hand. I wonder at the sanity of the people who buy these ridiculous magazines. Every magazine you see now on the grocery store stand says,

"So-and-so gains 50 pounds!!"
"So-and-so lost her baby weight in five seconds!"
"So-and-so is too skinny!"
"So-and-so is too fat!"

And if it doesn't say that, it's talking about some celebrity divorcing spouse #66, or some celebrity's newest crotch dumpling.

Mean Person, you're absolutely right. Insecurity is the goal because they can sell more shoddy diet drugs that way to a gullible public who actually think that imitating a fake, airbrushed photo is the highest goal of life.
Oh, and one more thing Mean Person - it's a bit OT, sorry - your Victoria's Secret comment reminded me how much I hate that store. I went in there the other day and they had one woman and two men working. That kind of made me laugh. I don't think men are capable of helping me find a bra, no offense - maybe I should just go work at a jock strap store. winking smiley

Kidlesskim, you're right, too - I have a slender, fit mom friend who actually bathes regularly and has a job. She is NOT well-liked by other mothers.
Re: Celeb Moms and Regular Moms Jealousy LOL
August 14, 2008
I agree that the shit of "who's fat and who's skinny" in the world is of no real value to anybody. Who cares? I sure as shit don't. I couldn't care if Oprah blows up to the size of the Empire State Building. And so WHAT if Kirstie Alley's weigh goes up and down like a Jolly Jumper! WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is hard enough without being pelted with "if you don't look like Kate Moss you're a fat cow" nonsense. Just take it all in stride.

But the mommies can't do that. They're the only ones bitching about it, has anyone noticed that? Oversensitive as usual. It's aaaaaaaaalllllll about them, cuz nobody else's feelings are worth anything.
Re: Celeb Moms and Regular Moms Jealousy LOL
August 14, 2008
RatsNotBrats Wrote:
> Kidlesskim, you're right, too - I have a slender,
> fit mom friend who actually bathes regularly and
> has a job. She is NOT well-liked by other
> mothers.

did she tell you that? how does she know- do they treat her differently?
Re: Celeb Moms and Regular Moms Jealousy LOL
August 14, 2008
Rose Red, I'm not at all surprised by that statement. Your typical, frumpy moo hates ANY woman who is slender, well-dressed, clean, organized, and has any hint of self-worth. Whether she be a fellow-mom or a childfree person. If you're not wallowing in filthy, chaos and misery like they are, you're surely the devil.

Can you say M I S E R A B L E???????
Re: Celeb Moms and Regular Moms Jealousy LOL
August 14, 2008
Rose, they do treat her differently. Most in her circle of friends are either childfree or single-childed. Mothers can be quite a petty group, apparently (a shocker, I know). She tells me stories about it, but I've also observed it myself. I've ridden with her a couple of times to pick up her child from daycare, and the typical SAHMs are all gathered together in their little circles, chatting, giggling, with greasy hair and sweatpants. They'll stop talking, look my friend up and down, and give her the evil eye. I honestly think they can't stand the fact that she's a working professional, makes time to bathe, doesn't use a scooter to get around, and has a well-mannered kid who doesn't require large amounts of attention. Misery loves company. I honestly think other moms feel threatened by her.
Re: Celeb Moms and Regular Moms Jealousy LOL
August 14, 2008
RatsNotBrats Wrote:
> Rose, they do treat her differently. Most in her
> circle of friends are either childfree or
> single-childed. Mothers can be quite a petty
> group, apparently (a shocker, I know). She tells
> me stories about it, but I've also observed it
> myself. I've ridden with her a couple of times to
> pick up her child from daycare, and the typical
> SAHMs are all gathered together in their little
> circles, chatting, giggling, with greasy hair and
> sweatpants. They'll stop talking, look my friend
> up and down, and give her the evil eye. I
> honestly think they can't stand the fact that
> she's a working professional, makes time to bathe,
> doesn't use a scooter to get around, and has a
> well-mannered kid who doesn't require large
> amounts of attention. Misery loves company. I
> honestly think other moms feel threatened by her.

Thank you for the clarification. I'm traveling over the holidays- driving from MD to GA and back and taking time to see the sights and the mawms in my family can't get it through their heads that we're not stuffing crap into overhead bins and begging toddlers to eat one more chicken finger. NOW I see why I've gotten all these questions about why my plans are so strange- because they CAN'T do it.
Re: Celeb Moms and Regular Moms Jealousy LOL
August 14, 2008
I've been a much happier person since I stopped reading "womens" magazines, which is odd with being a woman and having them marketed specifically to me and all. However, I certainly care more about being happy than being "beautiful" looking.

The only thing I like about celeb. rags are the plastic surgery disasters. Most everyone in Hellwood over the age of 25 is a puffy lipped, engorged cheekboned, squinty eyed monster with bright, shiny plastic looking skin now. Mmmmm...train wrecky.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
RatsNotBrats Wrote:
> I'm honestly just sick and tired of people
> thinking someone 'slimming down' is printable
> news. It's really gotten out of hand. I wonder
> at the sanity of the people who buy these
> ridiculous magazines. Every magazine you see now
> on the grocery store stand says,
> "So-and-so gains 50 pounds!!"
> "So-and-so lost her baby weight in five seconds!"
> "So-and-so is too skinny!"
> "So-and-so is too fat!"
> And if it doesn't say that, it's talking about
> some celebrity divorcing spouse #66, or some
> celebrity's newest crotch dumpling.
> Mean Person, you're absolutely right. Insecurity
> is the goal because they can sell more shoddy diet
> drugs that way to a gullible public who actually
> think that imitating a fake, airbrushed photo is
> the highest goal of life.

Don't forget the 'Stars without Makeup'and 'Female Stars over 40/50/60 and Fabulous'issues and female celebs who might be pregnant because they weren't drinking alcohol at some event.

Not only are they overpaid, but when they are asked to be presenters at the Oscars, Emmy's, etc, they get FREE gift bags with 60-karat necklaces in them, and every few months, another female celeb launches their own fragrance or fashion line. Some of them aren't even that talented to earn $30 million per movie.
Re: Celeb Moms and Regular Moms Jealousy LOL
August 14, 2008
barbara Wrote:
> Not only are they overpaid, but when they are
> asked to be presenters at the Oscars, Emmy's, etc,
> they get FREE gift bags with 60-karat necklaces in
> them, and every few months, another female celeb
> launches their own fragrance or fashion line. Some
> of them aren't even that talented to earn $30
> million per movie.

I find it hilarious that a bunch of fat cows pop out their litters and then insist that they are "sexy" and that women who look good aren't "real" and of course one has to be real - fat, floppy, with tits like a spaniel's ears - to be "sexy." They rant at anyone who has the nerve to wear human-sized clothing in the single size digits and berate their men for being attracted to - OMG! - attractive women! Instead of seeing that it is possible to breed and then still resemble a woman afterwards, the stretched-out blobs whine about how they're mothers and bla bla bla and that is sexy. Mooo. They don't want to do anything, are stretched out and repulsive, but feel that the world (men) owe them the "sexy" label. Um, rolls, leaky tits that can be tossed over your shoulders and thighs that squeak together when you walk? Not sexy. Brat barf? Nope, not sexy either. Jealousy of women who work out and look good? Pathetic. Yes, stars have money and trainers. But all of that still doesn't do the bloody sit ups for them - they diet, they excercise. And as for surgery, maybe they can afford it. Maybe they actually CARE enough about their appearance - the horror! Jeez, fat, militant cows are the worst!
Re: Celeb Moms and Regular Moms Jealousy LOL
August 15, 2008
Seriously, if repugnancy and childbirth has made that much of a mess of your body and your self-esteem is now in the toilet because of it, don't these women think that MAYBE they should have taken that all into consideration before they got themselves knocked up?

It's called PLANNING - something breeders are too stupid and lazy to do.
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