California sterilization of female inmates thumbs upwink
April 19, 2014
Good job California!

Thumbs up!


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
Re: California sterilization of female inmates thumbs upwink
April 19, 2014
Had a problem with that link, but found another article here

The only problem I have with that is that the same needs to be done to men. A woman produces a limited number of children. In the 9 months that a woman gestates a baby, a man can sperminate untold numbers.

I don't want to bring back eugenics. My home state of NC has faced a shitstorm over the last decade because of what was done for almost 50 years and it is now costing the state 10 million in compensation. But it wouldn't bother me one damn bit if penalties for crimes included losing your right to bear or father children. Part of being a good citizen, who might produce another generation of worthy offspring, is not breaking the law. If you do break the law, you prove that you are likely not the kind of person who would be a good parent.
Re: California sterilization of female inmates thumbs upwink
April 19, 2014
I'm totally in favor of enforced sterilzation of violent criminals, people with sever mental handicaps and hereditary defects, and people who keep breeding more children even after previous children have been taken away due to abuse or neglect.
Re: California sterilization of female inmates thumbs upwink
April 19, 2014
I'm totally in favor of enforced sterilzation of violent criminals, people with sever mental handicaps and hereditary defects, and people who keep breeding more children even after previous children have been taken away due to abuse or neglect.
Don't forget gang members, of which breeding makes them gain 'status.'

Maybe if male prisoners were castrated, it might make them more docile and less violent? It works in dogs and other animals, why not in humans?
Re: California sterilization of female inmates thumbs upwink
April 19, 2014
I'm totally in favor of enforced sterilzation of violent criminals, people with sever mental handicaps and hereditary defects, and people who keep breeding more children even after previous children have been taken away due to abuse or neglect.

IF strict standards were kept and not corrupted by emotional sensibilities or the agenda of politicians ... yeah, maybe. The practice was even upheld by the Supreme Court


Twenty years later, Virginia’s Sterilization Act, patterned after Laughlin’s, was found constitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Buck v. Bell case, in which Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes famously wrote, about the family of 19-year-old Carrie Buck, “three generations of imbeciles are enough.”

But history shows how bogged down the process becomes.


The American eugenics movement is often characterized as a progressive folly for its faith in science and its big-government intrusiveness, but the truth is somewhat more complicated. The American Eugenics Society counted among its members some of the country’s most influential Progressive Era businesspeople, philanthropists, and activists, including J.P. Morgan Jr., Mary Duke Biddle, and Margaret Sanger, but the group of scientists and eugenicists who founded it also included well-known racists and anti-Semites. Early outreach efforts often included a mix of public health education and racist, anti-immigration messages.

And we must always keep in mind that if laws were made dictating that the most unfit not be allowed to breed, some would use the principle to say that the most fit should breed, or be penalized.

No matter that the intent would be to create a totally healthy, productive society, the process would get f* up. No doubt of that.
These sorts of cases are the only time people WON'T say "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CHIIIIIILDREEEN" sadly. No one cares about the welfare of the potential offspring of people who are hellbent on repeatedly fucking up their own lives, only that they have the right to make some. Violent offenders should be sterilized for the sake of not having more abused kids running around, I don't see how anyone can disagree with that but oh some do, some really do. Ugh.
Re: California sterilization of female inmates thumbs upwink
April 19, 2014

I'm totally in favor of enforced sterilzation of violent criminals, people with sever mental handicaps and hereditary defects, and people who keep breeding more children even after previous children have been taken away due to abuse or neglect.

I would also entertain the idea of sterilizing certain people on welfare. Not all of them, but if they have kids and have been on the dole for years with no effort to get off it or they breed while on the dole, they get snipped. People who are violent, retarded, abusive and who mooch off the system do not need to be in charge of other people's lives, period.

And I'm sure people are bitching about human rights and all that by taking away these bitches' ability to breed, but how's about the rights of their potential children who they could easily fuck up? Criminal parents can easily screw their kids up, creating more criminals when the kids get older. But, you know, who cares about the parents' ability to raise their kids and not turn them into jailbirds, just so long as they can still breed because even the most violent murderers and retards deserve the most basic right of breeding. Oh people scream left and right about the children, what about the children, save the children... but they don't care if a rapey serial killer breeds and proceeds to slash their toddler into mincemeat and then violate the remains. Well, they act like they care after it happens and boo-hoo about how terrible it is, but never do they stop to think, "Hmm, this guy/woman is fucked up. Maybe we should prevent them from creating easily-accessible victims." Apparently it doesn't matter what horrible things a person does and will still do, they still deserve the right to reproduce.

The truth is some people DON'T deserve the most basic of human rights because they violate the basic rights of other people. Even if they can't help it - I don't care. I'm not going to feel sorry for some big fat retard that strangles someone to death in a Denny's bathroom because "oh he couldn't help it." Rabid dogs can't help that they got bit by something, but that doesn't mean you just let the dog run through the neighborhood biting other animals and people.

And we must always keep in mind that if laws were made dictating that the most unfit not be allowed to breed, some would use the principle to say that the most fit should breed, or be penalized.

No matter that the intent would be to create a totally healthy, productive society, the process would get f* up. No doubt of that.

Yep. CF are already penalized enough via massively higher taxes, which partly go toward funding public assistance programs that are unavailable to us. Eugenics would lead to striaght up forced breeding a la Handmaid's Tale.
Re: California sterilization of female inmates thumbs upwink
April 20, 2014

I don't want to bring back eugenics. My home state of NC has faced a shitstorm over the last decade because of what was done for almost 50 years and it is now costing the state 10 million in compensation.

My state has a similar history, and the problem is the pendulum has swung way too far in the other direction.

I have a pending pent-up rant about some charitable activities with which I was involved. The 28 year old mother had four kids, was knocked up and in prison, but she was trying to get her life back together. When her kid was born, she BEGGED them to tie her tubes and the state would not do it. I don't know whether it's policy or law, but anyone who is incarcerated is not alowed to be sterilized, EVEN IF HE/SHE WANTS TO BE. Reversible birth control is the only option.

She ended up getting her tubes clipped, because it's theoretically a reversible procedure. The procedure also failed and she got knocked up again right after she got out.
Re: California sterilization of female inmates thumbs upwink
April 21, 2014
I'm all for giving inmates the choice to be sterilized or not, but FORCED sterilizations? Not on my watch. This isn't about chemical castration of a renown pedophile, this is about sterilizing female inmates, because they can.

I don't want the government having the power to force me to give birth. Likewise, I don't want the government to force me to NOT give birth. The government needs to stay out of my reproductive system. Automatic sterilization is eugenics, plain and simple. Who gets to choose the people for sterilization? Only female inmates? Now, do we start choosing which "crimes" merit sterilization? Certain colors and races? Now flip the tables. Do you want the government forcing you to give birth because you're one of the "good" people? Or, because there aren't enough young people?

Nobody likes welfare babies. I cut a 6 figure check to the Feds on April 14th this year, so don't preach to me about who pays for it. I DO. And even with the massive taxes we pay, I will never agree to forced sterilizations of anybody. This is America, not China or Romania. I don't agree with China's forced abortions or Romania's (past) forced birthings. Being in jail doesn't mean permanently losing your rights as a human being.

Remember, if they start doing this shit to inmates, who know what they'd want to do to the CF.
Re: California sterilization of female inmates thumbs upwink
April 21, 2014
I would be against this, also. Because it could be turned in other directions. Pro Breeding, Forced Breeding ~

And this ideology already exists, in the form of tax breaks for Breeders.

Plenty of racism already exists - I was looking at some ginned up abortion BS on some wingnut tin foil hat site earlier - and I was surprised to see many Pro abortion on there stating things like - but remember, as long as it's legal, it'll cut down much darkies -

I'd like to find a map of exactly where the remaining abortion clinics are. I will bet they're in 'urban' areas. There's enough of flat out racists in power now, don't worry about it.

And give them more? Well - look at all the harm they've done *already*. And they whip up their 'constituents' too - to the point where they are now arming themselves and shooting up people they disagree with. For no real reason.

They're boxing us out of reproduction rights as is. Give them any more power? They will exploit it to the fullest, in untold ways.

I saw a comment one time, on some neutral / boring HuffPo article about Kate and Will and Prince George - some fluff thing. Really don't know why I looked at it, but I did. I liked the outfit she was wearing or something, sheer boredom, who knows? Anyway - some commenter on this article said: If it was up to me, women like this would be pregnant every two years. Mandatory.

~ shudders ~

Yeah. They're out there. Go look at any 'White Nationalist' site - if you've got the stomach for it.
Re: California sterilization of female inmates thumbs upwink
April 22, 2014
@Peace....I agree 1000%.

IMHO, it depends on the crime. Some "crimes" really should not be considered crimes IMO. At one point, it was illegal for blacks and whites to marry or for women to vote. All people do is keep squawking "she broke the LAAAAAW!". They don't seem to get it through their pea-sized brains that the law changes dependent upon the time period and who is in charge. And think about all of the people who commit "crimes" who are not caught? Think about all of the cases where people are wrongfully convicted and in prison for years. No one should have that power over another person.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: California sterilization of female inmates thumbs upwink
April 22, 2014
I am against any form of forced reproductive health care. Any prison inmate should be able to have an abortion, have her tubes tied, get Essure or any other form of birth control. She should also be able to give birth. Any society that allows forced stesterilization also allows forced birth and forced breeding. Not OK.
Making CFdom acceptable and even cool would do a lot more to drop the birthrate than anything coercive. Most people don't even realize it could be an option.
Re: California sterilization of female inmates thumbs upwink
April 23, 2014
I do lean toward eugenics, because I think there are a lot of people that shouldn't be having children (well, pretty much everybody since I'm natal-sceptic, but failing that we should at least not have people with serious health problems or who aren't mentally set for the task of raising a child to a functioning adult to stop breeding), but whenever you talk about eugenics it is hard to separate it from the racism and classism that has historically been a part of it, and whatever new prejudices might be introduced. It's simply hard to find some kind of objective system which won't be misused, even if we can all easily find clear examples of people who just should not be breeding. If it were up to me, not breeding would be the default, and breeding would require some consideration of the future person's welfare. Instead of a right to reproduce there would be a right to be born under the best circumstances possible. But again, I'm not sure how that could be fairly implemented.

I think there are things we could do now which are better than forcibly sterilizing women (and why only the women, that's pretty sexist and perpetuates the idea that men are not responsible). First, we could stop glorifying reproduction. Second, we could take away breeder privilege, and invest all the money previously spent on subsidising the lifestyle into providing female education (and access to contraceptives) in developing countries, since women's education and empowerment has a huge impact on dropping the birthrate. I'd really like to see our population at environmentally sustainable levels with every person enjoying a high standard of living. It will never be possible so long as we are so numerous. Third, we could use sterilization as an incentive, for instance offering reduced jail time in the case of the inmates. I'm not sure how I feel about that one, but it's a lot better than offering reductions in jail time for finding religion, which has no demonstrated benefit to society whatsoever and merely caters to the prejudices of those who operate the system.

I see the cultural change as the single biggest thing that could be done, and if anything, measures like this may lead to a backlash which will delay that much-needed cultural change.
Re: California sterilization of female inmates thumbs upwink
April 23, 2014
Yes, I agree with others who say any forced reproductive choices are no good because it is a slippery slope either way. I don't want a Handmaid's Tale situation either.

I also agree with yurble that all pro-breeder benefits should be stripped away. Make it much, much less attractive if these idiots actually have to pay for their brats instead of getting a free ride off the backs of everyone else.

Shrieking babbies are the most effective birth control on earth.
Re: California sterilization of female inmates thumbs upwink
April 26, 2014
I'm totally in favor of enforced sterilzation of violent criminals, people with sever mental handicaps and hereditary defects, and people who keep breeding more children even after previous children have been taken away due to abuse or neglect.

Yes, yes, yes and yes!

Preventing future lives from being fucked up or political correctness - it should be a no-brainer. Should.

I don't have low self-esteem. That's a mistake. I have low esteem for everyone else.
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