While I think this guy and most of his statements and philosophies are asinine, I took delight in the hoopla he created among breeders and WIC-Welfare Whores over his most recent commentary regarding free lunches. Below are his comments followed by the angry mob of comments with my thoughts in red:drinking coffee

ObamaCare Discourages Millions from Working(Says Ryan)
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) asserted on Thursday that liberals did not understand that kids who got free lunches at school did not have parents who cared about them at home. Speaking to the Conservative Political Action Conference, the former Republican vice presidential nominee argued that conservatives should let Democrats be the "party of personality," while "we will be the party of ideas.""I'm optimistic about our chances because the left, the left just isn't out of ideas, they're out of touch," he explained. "Take Obamacare -- not literally, but figuratively here, okay? We now know that this law will discourage millions of people from working. The left thinks this is a good thing." Obama Care is a lot of shitty things, but that it will discourage millions from working isn't one of them. That's why Medicaid, WIC-SNAP, Kiddie Crazy checks, Section 8, and Cash Aid to Baby Daddyless Single Moo Kids was invented.moo with baybeem:bayybee:bayybee:bayybee

Free Lunch=Parents Who Don't Care(According to Ryan)
Ryan insisted that liberals were only offering people "a full stomach and an empty soul."He then told a story of a "young boy from a very poor family" who received free lunches at school "from a government program.""He didn't want a free lunch," Ryan insisted. "He wanted his own lunch, one in a brown paper bag, just like the other kids."
"He wanted one, he said, because he knew a kid with a brown paper bag had someone who cared for him. This is what the left does not understand." As fucked up as this may sound, I "get" what he's talking about. Back in the 70's when people still had personal pride and a sense of shame and"free lunch" tickets were bright pink as opposed to the paid(by the parents)green lunch tickets, I knew MANY kids who hid their pink tickets and paid cash for their lunch they earned from baby sitting or grass cutting. Everyone knew the green ticket holders and the brown baggers had moms to pack and/or pay for their lunches. Now though, with 75% or more of kids in public schools getting free or reduced lunches and so many restrictions on what CAN(and can't) be taken to school for lunch, I think the stigma of the "free lunch"is gone. While his commentary and stance is quite dated, it's still entertaining to witness all the public outcry about it. Therefore, for entertainment and fodder purposes I present you with the breeder outrage fallout:ranting

Breeder Comments
1)I have had people send their kids over to our place right around dinner time. We knew why. Glad to help when I can, but sometimes it was we adults that gave up our meals for someone else's kid's meal. Does Ryan have any idea how little self respect you can retain when you have to do that to your kids' friends? SURELY he isn't advocating "the village" take in neighborhood strays who knock on our door at meal time? Although I am not certain of the exact circumstances, I have had two separate cases of neighborhood kids in two different areas between 1990 and 2000 actually come to my door and ask for food and/or something to drink on more than one occasion. It was a very awkward situation, to say the fucking least! My mother would have freaked out had we done that.

2)Gee, when you take away their food stamps, their unemployment insurance, and God know what else, how in heck do you expect the parents to prepare a brown bag lunch? Seriously? Is this guy TOTALLY out of touch with reality.....apparently so!! Such horse shit. No food stamps or unemployment compensation has been "taken away", unless he's referring to the lessening of the time benefits can be paid from a year to 6 months or maybe the slight reductions in food stamp eligibility, like ONLY for five years in some states instead of for life. Regardless, if they can't even send a fucking cheese sandwich for lunch and a quarter for a carton of milk then WHY do they keep pumping out kids?

3)Do any of these assholes have any idea how difficult it is for families -- of whatever configuration -- to deal with job loss, poverty, and hunger without the oh-so-convenient and probably apocryphal "shame" stories? Or do they simply not give a flying f*ck -- revealing themselves to be the sociopaths that they are? (that was a rhetorical question)!Do any of these assholes realize Un-childed people deal with the same shit and live in the same economy and do NOT get free lunches? Impoverished people shouldn't have babies! WHY would someone subsisting in abject poverty themselves even WANT to subject a kid to that lifestyle?

4)Here's a more practical consideration. Most schools don't have refrigerator space for kids, so sending meat / cheese / mayonaise / cream cheese products invites food poisoning. This rules out most leftovers, so I would have to buy special food just for school well as brown paper bags, plastic utensils, lots of ziplocks or other food containers. It's not like sending food from home is free. Schools ban peanut butter because another child can have an allergic reaction to the presence of peanut butter in the room. Our schools are now banning lots of junk food items, even if brought from home. If I needed to send food to school on an ongoing, daily basis, I'm not sure what I would actually be able to SEND beyond raw fruit and vegetables.This one here misses the whole point. It's also not like the "free lunches" are actually "free" either.

5)I have got a "libertarian" at work who thinks that way. He got where he is today because of the GI bill, but thinks that the Gov't is hurting people by feeding them or helping in any way. The GI Bill has NOTHING to do with free lunches, at all. These people keep confusing the perks of working, like with comments about this and unemployment compensation, with government hand outs for breeders and their kids. Apples and oranges.

6)Yeah, cause poor loving parents would prefer their kid goes hungry at school. Bastard! No one wants your kid to go hungry, we just want YOU to feed your OWN kids. A "loving" person wouldn't keep creating children they can't afford to feed

7)How souless must someone be if they want children to starve? How evil? No one wants the little bastards to starve, they just want YOU to feed your OWN kid! They always pipe up about how everyone wants their kids to starve when it's THEIR fault the kid is even here in the first place AND hungry.

8)Is something wrong with Ryan? Is he on drugs or something? He must know that the reason some kids get free lunch is because their parent can't afford it and instead of given the family enough money to buy the food needed to make lunch they decide to feed only the children. The parents love their children they just can afford to feed them. That's because it's proven over and over again if you give the parents cash they will spend it on themselves! That, and EVEN WHEN they get SNAP and WIC they STILL apply for and get free breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner in the government subsidized after school programs! NO KID in The United States goes without food unless the parents starve them while they are at home and/or are too lazy to fill out the free lunch forms. WHAT are they spending their WIC-SNAP on if not for cheese sandwiches and carrot sticks? A loaf of bread cost 89 cents, a pack of sliced cheese $2, bag of carrots 99 cents, a dozen apples is about $4, and a pack of 100 brown bags is about $1.29. SO, for $10 they can send their kid to school, on the SNAP dime, with a fucking brown bagged lunch and money for a carton of milk ALL WEEK, with shit left over for snacks and week end lunches! Cut that cost in half or more if they also get WIC because the cheese, bread, carrots, and apples are free:sbx

9)This is a terrible argument. You never attack children and their parents.Geeeeez. NO ONE is "attacking" children, they are simply saying parents should be able to feed their own kids or STOP reproducing. VERY rare is the kid on a temporary "free lunch" program. The typical is 3 or more siblings in the same famblee on the "free lunch" program grades K-12! This common breeder mentality is since we have CHHYYYLDREN, we are beyond reproach and unworthy of any criticism, as if irresponsibly spawning gives them a lifetime get out of jail free card regardless of their careless actions and free loading life long lifestyle choicesangry smiley

10)Does Congressman "Heartless Fuck" Ryan have dead-daddy issues? I mean, he went to college because of Social Security survivor's benefits after his dad died.Again, social security benefits have NOTHING to do with WIC-SNAP and free meal programs. One was earned and the other was not. There are lifer WIC-Welfare whores with 3 or more kids and counting who NEVER worked, and never intend to, and neither did her Moo ever work! These fuckers need to learn the difference between earned benefits and freebies.:headbrick

11)The elementary kids in my school probably have no idea they are on free or reduced lunch since the parents fill out the paperwork during enrollment and the kids just go through the line like anyone else. Their names are in the computer and their purchases are recorded there. It is people like Ryan who stigmatize these students and he should be ashamed. Why does Paul Ryan hate innocent children? If the parents hated their kids they wouldn't sign them up for school lunches. They would let them starve. So called Christians like Ryan turn my stomach. Like I already mentioned, the stigma is now gone. They don't even have to use food stamps anymore, instead they just swipe their EBT card AS IF it's a debit card with cash balances they earned. More of he "hates innocent children" when that has NOTHING do to with the issue. I don't want kids to go hungry, I want their PARENTS to pay for their food! They make me sick how they pull out the kid card and claim everyone hates their kid, when in fact if they have kids they knowingly can't afford and keep having more, few actions illustrate a lack of love more than that!

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
A hungry person wants to eat.
Eating from free lunch or brown paper bag is alreasy fancy description.

I could take those kinds more seriously if they were in actual favor of things that reduce children not having food: abortion and birth control.

But what they really want is you having a ton of babbies you can't feed.
You slut.


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
He's right. Those parents can make their kids lunches using their food stamps and EBT money. They don't have to so they don't. The freebie entitlement stigma may not be there but it should be, and a parent taking the effort to put together a lunch for the kid shows a sense of personal caring for that kid. It WAS special when my mother would make a surprise lunch with some treat in it, something personal like that shows a sense of individual attention and caring.

The parents who can afford to do this but don't, and I think this is the vast majority, are teaching the kids they don't care to put in the effort and the kids will learn this and be the same kind of apathetic parunt.
But what they really want is you having a ton of babbies you can't feed.
You slut.

Damn you for making me laugh at that. I'm going to hell.

But honestly, it is there fault. Lunches can be packed. Seriously it's not that hard especially when you get FREE food.
I really hate people going, "But don't let the children suffer!" The children wouldn't be suffering if their parents exercised some forethought before breeding. Maybe if you had to see your child suffer, it might provide a little motivation.

Food is the basic thing that keeps us alive. We need it in order to thrive and survive. If you are unable to provide food for your child without aid, you have unbelievably failed. It means that you are unable to keep your child alive. So no, it does not seem you're a caring parent if your child is going hungry.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
When I was in school, I had an insulated bag with one of those freezer thingies. My food managed to stay cold until lunch, without a refrigerator.

But yeah, I agree with this guy as well. And, as far as the whole "free" lunch thing goes, why are the welfare benefits not reduced accordingly? If you have X number of kyds, and they get free lunch (and usually breakfast), why are the food stamp payouts so huge as to basically cover feeding these kyds 3 meals a day when they are getting 2 of them at school 20 days of the month?

If you're getting $1,000 a month in food stamps, then you should be packing a lunch and not entitled to "free" school lunches. Or, if you're getting "free" lunches, then that should be deducted from the EBT handouts.

It's only in countries like this where entitled parunts think that kyds should be overindulged rather than getting enough to get by. There are plenty of places around the world where kyds are lucky to get one meal a day; and it's possibly only a bowl of rice.

Moo has no fucking clue what starvation really is. First world fucking problems.
This. The whole premise behind food stamps in the first place is to feed the family, including sprogs. If moo (and you know 90+% of these households have a single moo) then still expects the village to feed her sprogs with free breakfast and lunch in school, that's double dipping.

We all know that food stamp fraud is rife. People find ways to cash in on the benefit to buy forbidden items such as booze, cigarettes, and drugs. That's why they can't use the stamps to feed the kyds.
This topic is making me realize how poor everyone must've been in my town. NOBODY paid for school, that wasn't even a thing. shrug

Too many parunts view school as an all-day babysitting service, complete with two hearty meals and all the other bells and whistles. They could give a fuck about the actual education part, they just want to milk it for all the freebies they can get. Case in point: Many teachers now have to purchase school supplies for the entire class out of their meager paychecks.

If you can't afford a sandwich and a pack of pencils, you probably shouldn't have kids.
Another view I have related to this topic and is of course controversial since the majority don't want any child to "suffer", is this:If the child is never exposed to the results of poor life choices, then how will he learn to not make the same mistakes? Obviously kids growing up in housing projects can't help but know they are poor, but that probably only accounts for half or so. Now that they can get Section 8 and live and mingle with middle class WORKING people, their kids go to school and play with all the 'regular" kids. Since they don't think a thing of spending $200 on shoes and shit, their kids won't ever be singled out as wearing K-Mart specials and know that pain. Since they get SNAP-WIC, free breakfasts, lunch, snacks and even dinner in many cases, AND their Moos provide them with McDonalds and other junk food with all their excess cash, they don't ever know hunger either.

Then we have all the "for the chyldren" donations and other bullshit at Christmas, so their tree is always decorated with the best of ornaments and is over flowing with expensive presents, the table is dressed with a Butter Ball Turkey and all the trimmings compliments of the local Jebus Food Closet, so they won't ever be the kid who got the candy cane and the tuna sandwich for Christmas like in the old days. Add in all the other shit they get to "blend in" like food debit cards that work like actual debit cards on bank accounts, and tons of other shit they get, not to mention all the unclaimed cash and other things from the baby daddy of the month, and these kids will NEVER know or understand that going to school and working is important. WHY should they do anything for themselves? Their mothers don't and live just like everybody else, or better.

Poverty is becoming socially acceptable just like teen moms and living off the government because there's little stigma attached to it anymore and there's few(if any) repercussions for continued poor life choices. It's OKAY to shit out 3 kids before you're 21 because "The Village" will pay your bills and foot the tab for you to "go back to school" after 5 more kids and 6 baby daddys later.angry smiley

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
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