Give us money so we can have a baybee
August 10, 2014
This is amongst the craziest things I've ever read:

Assorted idiots ask for money on crowdfunding webites because they absolutely need to have a loaf or else they will die. I just can't get my head around how stupid breeders are:

'Mrs Alby, who has already undergone several rounds of failed IVF and burned through their $42,000 savings, has found a Virginia clinic which promises that if after six attempts, they don't come home with a healthy baby, they will have their costs refunded.'

Well maybe your body is trying to tell you something, if the oven won't heat up after several attempts to ignite it then maybe it's broken and you'll just have to live with it. It's not a death sentence!

But I think this here just takes the cake:

Scott and Jay Paranada Fried, a newly married gay couple based in Manhattan, New York, are appealing for $5,000 to help with their surrogacy costs, and hope to have twins. As an incentive, they are offering 'a photo with the babies' to those who donate $50, and for $100, donors can have 'two free hours with the babies.'

Why would anyone want to spend two hours with two screaming loaves? I would pay not to! :smn
Re: Give us money so we can have a baybee
August 10, 2014
. As an incentive, they are offering 'a photo with the babies' to those who donate $50, and for $100, donors can have 'two free hours with the babies.'

Why would anyone want to spend two hours with two creaming loaves? I would pay not to! :smn

I bet the pedophiles will be lining up to take advantage of that offer.
Re: Give us money so we can have a baybee
August 10, 2014
The only thing dumber than e-begging are the fucktards who actually DONATE to these people's delusional causes.

As a gay lady, I find the whole surrogacy/IVF/artificial insemination thing repulsive. If you can't naturally make a baby with your partner, maybe you weren't intended to sprog. That goes for gay couples, infertile couples and anyone else. Real first-world bullshit.

Want a child in your life? Adopt or foster or mentor one. We're told to rescue pets from the shelter instead of breeding them, but humans aren't willing to do that with our own species. Selfish fucks.
Re: Give us money so we can have a baybee
August 10, 2014
Begging for money so you can have a baby….irks the fuck out of me. A facebook acquaintance linked another acquaintance's Go Fund Me adoption BS on her page. I read the story, same old "we tried IVF x number of times and now we want to adopt." Eh, at least they're trying to adopt and not create another Frankenbaby. However, if you're going on and on about how expensive these processes are, how the hell can you afford to raise a child?
Re: Give us money so we can have a baybee
August 10, 2014
I think IVF, surrogacy, and fertility drugs should be illegal, but if someone's going to go that route they sure as hell had better pay for it themselves! They want other people to pay for their life CHOICES which, in all likelihood, will never benefit anyone? (After all, I doubt a spring raised by two entitled fuckwads has much hope of being a benefit to society.)

Next are they going to ask The Villageâ„¢ to pay for a nursery, private school, their mortgage, medical bills, a vacation home, Moo's "salary" for being a SAHMoo, and college? :Violin

I mean, I really want an Audi but I can't afford one…should I start a Kickstarter for that? A car is going to suck a lot fewer resources than a bay bee anyway!
Re: Give us money so we can have a baybee
August 10, 2014
I found another one of these when I was doing some research for a work project: http://baby or (no spaces). If you can't afford a kyd, maybe you shouldn't have one.
Re: Give us money so we can have a baybee
August 14, 2014
I think crowdsourcing is sadly going the way of Freecycle- ie, a force for good which is being ruined by greedy bastards. Freecycle used to be a great way of stopping old furniture, computers and of course baybee stuff going to landfill, but then the "WANTED: Has anyone got an iPhone/iPad/Xbox they no longer want?" ads arrived and I'll never forget the outpouring of sheer naked greed I got in my inbox when I offered an old computer...

Check out this entitlemoo who wants some things for her presumably free accommodation- a TV, a microwave and a DVD player are not essentials, just as it's not essential to spawn five times:

...and this parunt who wants a free bike- and one of those nice new balance bikes at that- for their "rising three year-old":

Oh yes, and here's a moo who wants a free Apple computer because she's sick of the Windows PC she already has and can't afford to buy an essential second computer because she's inpig again and can somehow afford a sprog but not a computer:

Anyway, I'm becoming increasingly exasperated with crowdsourcing requests now. When the whole thing started you could at least contribute to, say, the reissue of a classic album and get a copy in return for your contribution, but now more people seem to be abusing the resource. A friend of mine has just started a campaign to fund his Masters degree- when I did my MSc I paid for it myself, with money I had earned, and I wouldn't have dreamed of begging other people to pay for me, and a friend I met on the same course could only afford about half the cost so he explained this... in a grant application letter submitted through the proper channels, and which got him the grant. An ex-friend of mine is currently begging for (rather a lot of) money to finish his PhD- most people take longer than the time for which funding is allocated and they manage by getting teaching or demonstrating work (which is often readily available to PhD students), applying for grants or requesting help from their university's hardship fund, etc- either none of these options have occurred to him or he's just being greedy and lazy, and I suspect the latter to be the case.

Seeing all of this makes me more than a bit misanthropic and I wish that wasn't the case, but in the UK this time of austerity we're all feeling the pinch and I find something very distasteful about being asked for money when I could do with some myself. It's like people seeing you walking home and asking if you can spare some change for the bus fare- it never occurs to them that they could walk, and that you could do with the bus fare too! My worst experience of that was of course a teenmoo who clutched her bump and did her best pleading eyes before screaming "FUCK OFF" as I realised she wanted money and walked off. Charming- why didn't she give me the bus fare, eh? I actually do research and teaching and contribute more to society than an increase in the population, why should I reward her for her failure to use a condom?
Re: Give us money so we can have a baybee
August 14, 2014
Can't feed em don't breed em. Whenever I hear the word "baby" I replace it with "Mercedes" and all of a sudden it seems more logical. Breeders are the most selfish and stupid out there period. If I can't afford a Mercedes, I can't afford a baby either.

So.. We know that food and water are running out, with overpopulation and all... Yet people keep on poppin' out those babies! I guess they want to have their baby and eat it too...

My top reason is that parenting gives you a free license to be selfish based purely on the fact that you're being selfish for an emanation of your own self. The illusion that what you do to benefit your children benefits them solely is a fallacy. Every parent benefits from the benefits that their children receive. Henceforth, it gives one a license to perpetuate a dog-eat-dog mentality that I perceive to be amoral. Parents say that their children are their greatest loves, what they forget to add is that they are their ONLY loves and only because their children are a reflection of themselves. I prefer to be able to love multiple people and have lasting relationships of many types and possess the essential core value of empathy for all than to restrict myself to an echo chamber of ego-masturbation and self-serving chicanery.

In short: Not parenting makes you a better person.
Re: Give us money so we can have a baybee
August 14, 2014
Wow. Breeder entitlement and begging never ceases to amaze me. And they call the CF selfish? Just because they're busy laying on their backs and producing offspring that they can't afford, or trying to raise money because their baybee oven won't work. Phew! You can't afford IVF you definitely can't afford a child! (Damn this spell check, it won't let me misspell child.)
Re: Give us money so we can have a baybee
August 14, 2014
screaming sausage
Check out this entitlemoo who wants some things for her presumably free accommodation- a TV, a microwave and a DVD player are not essentials, just as it's not essential to spawn five times:

I bet she doesn't have 5 kids. Probably just plans to sell any stuff she gets on Ebay or Craigslist, and go buy some drugs.

Just found this one: "Just recently in the last few days my car broje down. My transmission is toast! I work and need a way to get back and forth! If any one is willing to help me out with a vechile it would be greatly appreciated. I have a 14 month old and I am pregnant. Just don't have the funds to fix the trans right now..."


- The human gene pool could use a little chlorine
Re: Give us money so we can have a baybee
August 14, 2014
I bet she doesn't have 5 kids. Probably just plans to sell any stuff she gets on Ebay or Craigslist, and go buy some drugs.

I got plenty of not-too-credible sob stories on Freecycle so you're probably right there, I've just come to not think very highly of breeders... I wonder why... waving hellolarious
Re: Give us money so we can have a baybee
August 14, 2014
Wow. Breeder entitlement and begging never ceases to amaze me. And they call the CF selfish? Just because they're busy laying on their backs and producing offspring that they can't afford, or trying to raise money because their baybee oven won't work. Phew! You can't afford IVF you definitely can't afford a child! (Damn this spell check, it won't let me misspell child.)

Damn You Auto Correct! We have a first! A Correct Spelling Fuck Up!

hysterical laughterz


Passive Aggressive
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