Name-checking your parental status
November 04, 2014
For the past couple of weeks I’ve been trying to set up a teleconference at work with a lot of different offices. Finding a time that everybody is available is trying. It’s been rescheduled a couple of times already due to the inability of the demonstrator to give the presentation at the last minute for one reason or another. We have finally settled on a Friday afternoon a couple of weeks from now.

One woman that I work with routinely called me up bitching about the time slot because it’s a Friday and lots of people want to leave early and go home (the conference is scheduled from 2:00-4:00). She personally has some weekend event that she has to spend hours driving to on Friday night and felt that she needed to explain this to me.

During the course of her explanation, it came out that she is SOOOO BIZZZY because IN ADDITION to being a MOTHER, she has other commitments as well, including this weekend camping extravaganza with her kyds. So, she is going to throw the whole thing off AGAIN because she has to take her fucking spawn on some weekend trip. This would be a disaster because the following week is totally out and then it’s Thanksgiving and then we are pushing the limits of when we need to have this done by.

Friday is IT, bitch, and I don’t give a shit what you have planned. If you can’t be there then delegate the task to somebody else. A lot of people are going to attend this so it should be no big deal. I just HATE it when moos feel compelled to let me know how much harder everything is for them because of their goddamn kyds. Yeah, bitch, I got it. Life is hard. But you aren’t going to fuck up my shit just because you can’t make it to a meeting.

Why is it so important to mention that she is a parent to me? Why does this shit matter? Am I automatically supposed to give her a pass because of it? Jesus H. Christ!!

Rant over.
Anonymous User
Re: Name-checking your parental status
November 04, 2014

Why is it so important to mention that she is a parent to me? Why does this shit matter? Am I automatically supposed to give her a pass because of it? Jesus H. Christ!!

Rant over.

Well, of course you are! Blah blah blah TMIJITW blah, remember? And don't forget, she's so much more productive due to that status... /sarc
Re: Name-checking your parental status
November 04, 2014
If it is within her set work hours then she (and no one else) ought have an expectation of leaving early and certainly should have more sense than to book an activity based on the assumption that they could leave early. Nice treat if you can get it but don't EXPECT it by right. I'd be incredibly annoyed if to have spent all the time planning and coordinating it only to have a person not show because they wanted to go do a personal activity.
Re: Name-checking your parental status
November 04, 2014
Do we work at the same place?

I feel your pain with scheduling a bunch of people, particularly Breeders.

A few years ago I was assigned to an office where everyone was working on a time-sensitive project, and the project managers (I was one) were supposed to attend each other's site calls so we could pinch hit for each other.

Innocent me, when I started the job I made the simple request that we share our calendars with each to make scheduling easier.

My reward was an extremely long, whiny e-mail from Breederilla, COPIED TO EVERYONE, including the managers, stating that she COULDN'T POSSIBLY share her Outlook calendar because she had HER KID'S APPOINTMENTS on her work calendar and this would invade her privacy or some shit like that.

I replied with something like, Breederilla I am suggesting you use the company supplied e-mail program for scheduling purposes. I have no desire to know your private appointments and I suggest you use the privacy feature for these.

Management had no reply and she wouldn't share her calendar so we all had to circulate e-mails among each other and call each other for availability and it all took much longer than it should have.

smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: Name-checking your parental status
November 04, 2014
And this is how people get cut out of the loop.

Start pitching to one of her subordinates. Cut her out.
Re: Name-checking your parental status
November 04, 2014
And this is how people get cut out of the loop.

Start pitching to one of her subordinates. Cut her out.

Yep, this is how subordinates get groomed for the position of their useless superiors. The useless start getting phased out by being cut out of the loop and given less and less responsibility and breeders are so stupid that they're happy about it because they think they're getting their work/family balance. They don't realize that somebody else is now doing their job. Then promotion time comes up. Breeder expects to get it because they have a family and that automatically means they deserve the raise over anybody else. Then they don't get the promotion and when they have the expected tantrum, it all has to be spelled out for them. Of course, the breeder doesn't take it to mean they should work a little harder to get back into the good graces and be taken seriously, but start crying discrimination because they should be given everything for nothing.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Anonymous User
Re: Name-checking your parental status
November 04, 2014
Yes. Cut her out. Then she can start whining about how she makes less than men, is passed over for promotions, etc. But my god, no one told her to put private appointments in her calendar and submit it for general circulation. And you shouldn't have to assume she had corrupted her work calendar with her private affairs. Nor did you ask for her to submit those tawdry, embarrassing affairs. (Lice treatment appointments, barford won't quit painting with his poo, dimbulb-leigh tried to stab duh in his sleep counseling sessions, etc).

Reminds me of selling puppies and getting calls from chyld-breeders as to how their shitleigh's pet had died, and everyone is so sad...then there is the awkward silence as they wait for me to slash prices or perhaps offer them a puppy for free. Sorry, but whatever you had going on in your house doesn't affect me and my house..

I actually enjoy being a bitch to breeder famblees because I'd rather place a dog at 2/3 the asking price in a childfree house than full price to a breeder house.
Re: Name-checking your parental status
November 05, 2014
If it's during working hours, you're available. The only excuses are other work obligations that are equally pressing, pre-arranged vacation days and genuine illness. Last I checked, the Friday work day didn't end at noon.
Re: Name-checking your parental status
November 05, 2014
I'm going forward with the time slot. I personally need to this demo so that I can do my job. I can't afford to wait any longer. As far as calendars go, you can have multiple calendars in Outlook. I use one for all of my work appointments, then I use a blank one because I like to print hard copies and write on them. Also, I'm pretty sure that privacy does not extend to company-furnished software. The company has a right to look at all your shit. Just ask anybody who has ever gotten caught looking at porn at work (uh, I'm not in this demographic, just FYI).
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