Of course, they run to the media without hearing back from the principal first!

Okay, my mantra is, the first one who runs to the media first wins in public opinion, just not MY opinion. There are two sides to the story, and I'm not gonna take your word for it just because you said it's so. 99% of the time, you're full of :BS.

Second, my guess is, he either gave the teacher lip and blew it out of proportion, or was told to put it away when it was TIME TO DO SO (like when everybody else had to).

Third, who the FUCK names their kyd LOYAL?
Marshall, Missouri. One of those middle-of-the-cornfield towns with the nearest city (Columbia) 60 miles away. I know the place, having taken 65 --> 24 as a backroads route to visit family rather than deal with the snarl of traffic once I-70 reaches Independence Mr. T: I pitty tha foold

That the story is being reported by Faux News, having taken place in one of the most blood red states in the US (with the exception of perhaps Columbia and Kansas City having an agreeable amount of liberality) makes me suspicious. In an area that comprises a population of ~13k people, I found 30 churches. No way is a teacher going to tell a kid to put his Bible away unless it was actually interfering with school work.

Unfortunately, being reported by Faux News, likely details that will be found that don't support a view of religious oppression will cause the story to quietly die.
Yup. I'm getting fileted/flayed on Fox4's FB page over it. Too many morons and not enough smart people. :/
"...he was reading his Bible to himself during class free time and not disrupting other students, but was still told to put it away by a teacher."

Been a lonnng time since I was in school smile rolling left righteyes2 but the rule was that you kept your attention on the particular course of study you were assigned to at that time. You didn't open your math book if you were done studying history, or take out a book to read if you were done with a science task. If you got your work done before the end of the class, the teacher would give you another assignment.

I don't know if study hall is still a part of school days, but that was when we were free to do stuff like read for pleasure or work on random assignments.
His rights, his rights....yeah right. They're all for "rights," as long as it's rights that they want for themselves. Let's see how much they proclaim "rights,' and "freedom," when it's contraceptives or abortion rights. Then you'll see bigots like this try to shut that down fast. Rights my ass. :BS

Need I remind those rednecks about the separation of church and state? How about the teacher pull out a Koran in school, and start reading that in her 'free" time? Whatcha think will happen then?

When I see nonsense like this, I'm glad I live in a deep blue state.
juniper jupiter
Yup. I'm getting fileted/flayed on Fox4's FB page over it. Too many morons and not enough smart people. :/

I'm looking for the comment link, and I can't find it. Where is it?


Bet they'd let a Muslim read the Koran !!!

this is a war to defeat the Bible anywhere and everywhere.

If there was more Bible reading in schools like it used to be chances are you wouldn't have children picking up guns and knives and killing each other!!!!!

You could make a drinking game out of comments to a story like that.
juniper jupiter
Yup. I'm getting fileted/flayed on Fox4's FB page over it. Too many morons and not enough smart people. :/

I'm looking for the comment link, and I can't find it. Where is it?

I'm actually doing better on there now...the (small) calvary seems to have arrived, even though there were a few that agreed.

My comment:
Yes, run to the media and cry foul where the other side can't defend themselves.

Chances are good this kid probably gave the teacher some lip and it's now getting blown out of proportion.

There were more "likers" that agreed than agreeing commenters, I think, but the ones who disagreed are also starting to sound more and more...irrelevant. devil with smile Anyway, some of them can't understand that I am not, have never been, nor ever WILL be a teacher. So, their preshus sneauflaykes are safe. smile rolling left righteyes2

I think my comment caused the longest thread...over 50 trailing comments! grinning smiley
This child is reading a very difficult text that requires a lot of wisdom to truly understand. It warms my heart and reminds me of myself. While I understand that religious texts are much more interesting that grade school bull, there is one issue here: priorities.

On one hand, he should be focusing on his studies, and should not be reading things that don't pertain to them while in school. He has over 17 other hours in which to do that, after school.

Second, the school is a state building, not a church. While I advocate literacy, I don't advocate skirting the rules. Separation of church and state is a must, as it leads to a wiser society.

Third, religion is a PERSONAL thing. While reading the bible should be encouraged (simply for history and the pearls of wisdom it holds, not religious adherence), it should not be encouraged in a public setting beyond church grounds, particularly in state buildings as addressed above.

I just hope he isn't ACTING like he's reading it just to be considered a "good boy". I rather dislike that sort of bullshit.

Bet they'd let a Muslim read the Koran !!!

this is a war to defeat the Bible anywhere and everywhere.

If there was more Bible reading in schools like it used to be chances are you wouldn't have children picking up guns and knives and killing each other!!!!!

I find this funny. Even here in Mississippi where bigotry has a home, when I was in junior high and then in high school we learned about Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity etc. We even studied Darwin's Theory of Evolution and all the other theories including Spontaneous Generation and Creationism. Nothing was off limits and even sex ed consisted of where you could get an abortion, all forms of birth control and homosexuality. Granted it was on the coast and pretty liberal, but parents for the most part didn't fuss about it. Pregnancy happened because you were too stupid for birth control or didn't want to go to Jackson or Pensacola.... and the entire time I was in school I only saw 5 girls in 4 years pregnant....2 of which were on purpose. What happened? Why did we take such a huge step backwards in the past 15 years? People were actually getting smarter, and now there seems there is no hope for humanity if people are so butt hurt over making a kid put his book up when told to and instead use it to pander more fear mongering over Islam. Morons!
From the OP's article link:

“There’s kids walking around disrespecting their teachers, kids walking around cussing and everything else and they’re practically getting into no trouble at all,” Justin said.

Granted, he's only 12, but his lack of grammar is pathetic. He needs to pay less attention to the Bible and more to his English Comp text.

As for the story : He claims he was reading the Bible in his free time. If-*IF*-he's telling the truth, and he was on his own time, then the teacher was out of line. And I do not believe he is necessarily lying; there have been cases where teachers have (falsely) believed that it was "against the law" for a student to have a Bible in possession on school grounds,or to bow their heads and pray silently over lunch. All SCOTUS ruled was, that teachers cannot lead a class in prayer, require students to pray, or read to students from the Bible unless the reading is part of a lesson plan . But some teachers believe (or pretend to believe....) that the court banned possession of a Bible or private prayer on campus.

(Full disclosure : 50 years old, been an atheist since I was 9 or 10, currently living in Missouri, where I attended grades 3 through college. I see little of value in the Bible (which I've read through at least 8 times in different translations or versions) , and even less in the Koran (which I've read through 3 times,Dawood and Ali translations) , but I do not like authority figures keeping those who *do* see value in them from reading them IF they do so in their free time . )
ex lurker
From the OP's article link:

“There’s kids walking around disrespecting their teachers, kids walking around cussing and everything else and they’re practically getting into no trouble at all,” Justin said.

Granted, he's only 12, but his lack of grammar is pathetic. He needs to pay less attention to the Bible and more to his English Comp text.

Those are the words of the kids DAD!!! Wow! I bet the people are an impressive bunch!waving hellolarious

"If you can't feed your baby, then don't have a baby. And don't think maybe, if you can't feed your baby."
- The wisdom of the late Michael Jackson
"The mother of the year should be a sterilized woman with two adopted children." - Paul Ehrlich
OMG, it was a grown MAN ?!?! Even for a 12 year old that's sad, but a grown man-???? Well, that explains a lot, doesn't it?

(The use of the word "cussing" is one of my MAJOR pet peeves. The word is cuRsing, FFS. Unless you are indeed a 1840s gold prospector, pronounce the freakin' R.)
ex lurker
OMG, it was a grown MAN ?!?! Even for a 12 year old that's sad, but a grown man-???? Well, that explains a lot, doesn't it?

(The use of the word "cussing" is one of my MAJOR pet peeves. The word is cuRsing, FFS. Unless you are indeed a 1840s gold prospector, pronounce the freakin' R.)

Keep in mind that this was transcribed. He was probably leaving the 'g' off - disrespectin', cussin', gettin' ....
They froth at the mouth and cream their panties when the chance to pretend to be persecuted "Christians" shows itself.

If the kid was reading his bible during free/reading time, then he should be left the fuck alone. If he was supposed to be doing other work, he needed to be taken to task.

That being said, the kid is a fucking liar. There is NO WAY ON THIS ROUND BALL OF A PLANET that the worst piece of literature ever written is his "favorite book". I am not an idiot.

That being said, the kid is a fucking liar. There is NO WAY ON THIS ROUND BALL OF A PLANET that the worst piece of literature ever written is his "favorite book". I am not an idiot.

Heh. Makes me wonder if there wasn't a smaller, definitely-not-appropriate piece of literature tucked inside the Bible and the teacher was just covering for the kid devil with smile

That being said, the kid is a fucking liar. There is NO WAY ON THIS ROUND BALL OF A PLANET that the worst piece of literature ever written is his "favorite book". I am not an idiot.

Heh. Makes me wonder if there wasn't a smaller, definitely-not-appropriate piece of literature tucked inside the Bible and the teacher was just covering for the kid devil with smile

There is the Song of Songs, which is essentially soft core porn. And there is tell of a lost gospel of Eve that is a sex manual full of depraved (and awesome) acts. I would kill to read it.
Well, it appears the child did indeed lie , at least according to this report:



Lance Tobin, principal of Bueker Middle School, said Thursday that he had found no evidence the incident happened.

“The incident was never validated,” Tobin said. “There is no teacher involved whatsoever.”

He said the TV station aired their report before he had a chance to investigate, which he said frustrated him.

Tobin declined to say whether he believed the incident was entirely fabricated, and he isn’t sure why the claims were made.

But the principal said he spoke with the boy and his parents to explain that Bibles were not banned from the school.

/ excerpt

I found the story somewhat believable as there HAVE been cases where teachers have mistakenly believed all prayer is banned in school and that therefore mere possession of a Bible is some heinous offense. So if not a total fabrication, then at least a gross exaggeration-most likely, the kid wasn't on his own time when he was reading it.
Ha ha! I was about to post an update! You beat me to the punch! grinning smiley

He said the TV station aired their report before he had a chance to investigate, which he said frustrated him.

Checked the Faux News website and FB page. So far, no one is eating crow.
Some of the other claimed cases of school personnel supposedly taking away Bibles actually involved the kids in question being obnoxious and loud about their faith: praying aloud and loudly, trying to proselytize, trying to preach in class, etc. I find it bad enough when an adult is trying to pull that shit. You wouldn't want to walk into work one day and find your new fundie boss trying to lead all the employees in prayer in the morning, or spouting off about the Bible all day long. It's worse when a kid does this who really doesn't yet understand that most others don't want to hear the claptrap in inappropriate places, such as public schools.
This story.

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