Smothering: C-sections are "a cruel form of birth control"
February 12, 2015
An article/newsletter thingy from the Commode about how C-sections are horrible and awful because experiencing them can make women not want to breed again or make it too dangerous for them to. This has to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read on there (my comments are in red).

Some choice quotes:

"This is cruel. This is abusive. This is wrong. And, this is how we are treating women at the time of their baby’s births. We are literally hurting women so deeply that they are scared to ever bear another child."
I fail to see how this is a bad thing. Doctors performing C-sections are kinda like CPS taking children: they don't do it unless there's a good fucking reason to, and they won't just do it for fun like many breeders think they do. How exactly is it cruel or abusive to surgically remove an infant from the uterus in order to save its life or because it can't make it out the vagina on its own?

"To me this is one of the unspoken tragedies and cruelties of modern birth."
I bet there are plenty of women in shit-world countries who would rather have their babies cut out so they can live to see and raise them rather than sluicing the old-fashioned way, having the loaf get stuck and then mom and baby both die slow, horrible deaths.

"Whatever you think of family size and population control, it is exceptionally distasteful that the way we damage women at the time of birth is so traumatizing both physically and emotionally that they actually change their life and family plans because of it."
How traumatizing can it be? The woman is knocked out for the C-section, is she not? Why aren't these women glad that they live in a developed, baby-centric nation where they can still go home with live babies despite birth complications? Pregnancy and childbirth take an awful toll on the body, and sometimes shit happens and you have to have emergency surgery to ensure someone stays alive.

"We can talk all day about the monetary cost of the c-section or about how it saves lives or about bacteria in the birth canal and trouble breathing, but you can not put a price on the damage we are doing to women."
Fine then, let's outlaw all C-sections. If a loaf gets stuck and dies, Moo gets to stay awake as doctors decapitate it and pull its headless body out. If Moo starts hemorrhaging and dies and doesn't get to see her baby, then so be it. Who gives a fuck if Moo and/or the loaf dies during birth, at least they didn't have their bodies abused with an evil C-section!

"I must not be the only person who finds these sentiments so incredibly tragic. Women are yearning for more children. Women are being pushed into not just unwanted c-sections, but unwanted tubal ligation. Can we even describe how cruel this is?"
No, because it isn't cruel. If you want a fuckin' brat, you accept all the risks that come with incubation and hatching, which can include surgery. Doctors recommend tubals because post-C-section pregnancy and birth could present a life-threatening risk to these women. It's not recommended to be mean or hurt women - it's to keep them alive to raise the fucking kids they already have.

"We are talking about a surgery that is done about 30% of the time in the USA. We are talking about surgery that is the most common surgery for women. This is also a surgery that not too many years ago was done only about four percent of the time. The fact that the c-section is limiting family size is no laughing matter."
It's probably done more because women who shouldn't get pregnant are doing so anyway via artificial means (IVF, IUI, etc.) and suffer more complications. And from what I've read on Smothering, plenty of Moos go on to re-moo after a C-section just fine. If C-sections do limit family size, it's hardly a blip on the radar.

Linked from the article is this bullshit: 14 Tips to Avoid a Cesarean section

Y'know what, fuck these women. Let them have their precious vaginal births. I'd like to hope each and every one of them wound up with a damaged or dead infant, or died themselves. Not because I want those babies to suffer and die, but because these Moos need to see the aftermath of their choice to put the manner of birth over safety of the child. They need to be handed a stiff, blue baby and told, "We could have saved him with a C-section." They need to have an infant get stuck halfway out from a huge head while Moo's uterus ruptures and she can spend her dying moments knowing her child is dying in her cunt because she doesn't want surgery.
Re: Smothering: C-sections are "a cruel form of birth control"
February 12, 2015
No, women aren't "knocked out" for C-sections. They stick a great big needle in their spine and numb them from the waist down. General anesthesia crosses the placental barrier and so if the moo is put under general the baybee has to be yanked out in less than three minutes to not be impacted.

However, a C-section can't be done without consent of the moo regardless of what the doctor thinks. To touch a patient without consent, much less do surgery on an alert and oriented patient is malpractice at best, criminal battery at worst.
Re: Smothering: C-sections are "a cruel form of birth control"
February 12, 2015
Oh no shit? So an epidural is sort of like local anesthesia, but I assume more potent. I thought the woman was put under for C-sections and given an epidural during vaginal birth (it made more sense in my head). Learn something new every day! I admit I'm a moron. Dunce cap I can see how having invasive surgery while awake (even drugged) could be scary as shit, so I'll give them that. But giving birth means accepting the chance that one might need that surgery.

And I'd be freaked out about it if it happened to me, but when you do something that can hurt you, I think that means you acknowledge the potential risks and sort of sign a mental contract: when you get a piercing, you accept it can get horribly infected. If you skydive, you accept your parachute might fail and you'll go splat. If you decide to keep a huge, exotic animal as a pet, there's a chance it could maul you. Voluntary choices can be accompanied by consequences that really suck, and sometimes those consequences can limit the number of times you do that same activity in the future. In other words, shit happens.

But I'd never call possibly life-saving surgery "abusive" just because it can interfere with how frequently a woman can breed. I'm sure some Moos will claim their doctors took advantage of their delicate state of mind and scared or pressured them into surgery, which is why "birth rape" is something breeder women think exists. I'm not bitching at you, evilchildlessbitch - I'm just ranting in general because it's late and I'm loopy-tired.
Re: Smothering: C-sections are "a cruel form of birth control"
February 12, 2015
"We can talk all day about the monetary cost of the c-section or about how it saves lives or about bacteria in the birth canal and trouble breathing, but you can not put a price on the damage we are doing to women."

Dear god. What the fuck is this? Saving lives that are already here isn't as important as shitting fyooture loves? I smell a pro-liar.
Re: Smothering: C-sections are "a cruel form of birth control"
February 12, 2015
I have seen some C-sections on tv and they do the epidural and put a divider sheet up so the moo doesn't see the cutting, they tell her there will be some pressure. The duh is sometimes watching or just holding moos hand. It is a peaceful process, no screaming, no ongoing ripping vassholes and agony- they quickly pull the loaf out and cut the cord and make sure it's ok and give it to smiling moo and stitch her up. I have been told the recovery is not bad. I don't see the trauma, unless there is a complication and those are rare.
Re: Smothering: C-sections are "a cruel form of birth control"
February 12, 2015
I know someone who sprogged not too long ago. She and husband are financially well off, she had the loaf in a very expensive maternity hospital and by elective C-section. A few months later she was roasting herself somewhere hot in a bikini, no visible scars.

In Brazil pretty much all women who breed get a C-section. The next time I hear one negative thing about Brazilians being this or that I'm going to strangle the person saying it because at least Brazilians are civilized enough to avoid getting vagassholes unlike these moos who apparently have no other goals in life but to win Most Stretched Cooter of the Year. smile rolling left righteyes2

If you must breed then at least do it with style.
Re: Smothering: C-sections are "a cruel form of birth control"
February 12, 2015
My coworker just had a son via a planned c-section. She was told she couldn't safely deliver vaginally and so followed doctor's orders and had a healthy baby.

I guess all reports that she and the baby are doing well and the family is delighted to welcome their new little boy is just a cover for the awful trauma she really feels.

My friend's sister also recently had a c-section. She had planned on a vaginal birth but after a long labor failed to progress, she and her husband agreed to a c-section. I guess they had some weird thought that the baby's health was more important than her precious "birth experience". She has blogged about how thrilled they are with their cute, healthy child---- but it is also obviously a cover.
Re: Smothering: C-sections are "a cruel form of birth control"
February 13, 2015
Oh, good grief. Both my sister and I were C-sections. Considering I'm the younger child, clearly you can have multiple children after and with C-sections. My mother was in her 30s, too, so an "older" mother.

Where did women lose the plot? The point of childbirth is to get the baby out alive and undamaged. But nowadays, women are more than happy to risk their babies' health and lives for their "birthing experience." Water births, home births, avoiding life-saving c-sections, etc. And then society is supposed to care and pay for the damaged children that result.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Smothering: C-sections are "a cruel form of birth control"
February 13, 2015
paragon schnitzophonic
Oh, good grief. Both my sister and I were C-sections. Considering I'm the younger child, clearly you can have multiple children after and with C-sections. My mother was in her 30s, too, so an "older" mother.

Where did women lose the plot? The point of childbirth is to get the baby out alive and undamaged. But nowadays, women are more than happy to risk their babies' health and lives for their "birthing experience." Water births, home births, avoiding life-saving c-sections, etc. And then society is supposed to care and pay for the damaged children that result.

I literally wrote a whole blog post about that shit. The primary objective is to separate mother and baby in a preferably non-lethal way. Anything after that is embellishment.
Re: Smothering: C-sections are "a cruel form of birth control"
February 13, 2015
It is very risky to have a baby after a C-section vaginally (VBAC). I know one person who tried it and regretted it. Of course the patient is draped. Sometimes this form of anesthesia is used for hip replacements on very elderly patients who have a fracture but might not survive general anesthesia.
I have a cousin who delivered via C-section as well as been in the room with a few friends having them. I was told years ago that my pelvic bones were too narrow to pop out a baby and if I got knocked up I was an automatic C-section. Actually, if I was going to spawn, I would want it scheduled, over and done with anyway. Luckily, I Was Already CF and knew my pelvis was too narrow beforehand so it wasn't any big news or trauma.
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