"....We're going to Utah for a nice long visit..... And I'm a little worried. Constance (3.2) still asks to nurse sometimes, you know, right in front of everyone. She's very clear too.

I don't want to deal with the looks and questions. I don't mind at all that she's still nursing, but I don't want to hear about it from anyone else

~I've complained about living in Korea, but at least here I'm just the crazy lady who still nurses her 3 year old... that's how everyone got to know me. In Utah are all my friends and family who knew me before I had a child and well, they're gonna say something. (which I probably deserve since I was full of advice before I had a child )

Any advice on how to help your child stop asking in public, without making the child feel that nursing is wrong?


What to say when they say " You're still nursing?"

"Hmmmmm. Well, the only thought I have is to try the 'whispering game'. My lo's always loved it from about 2 yrs to about 4 yrs old. If there was anything I found embarassing in public (i.e. I have to POOP, Mommy!) I'd have them cup their little hands and whisper in my ear at home as well as while we were out. They thought it was funny and loved the fact that all they had to do was wave their hand at me and cup their hands over their mouths and they had instant mommy attention all to themselves. Maybe that would work if you started it at home before your trip?"

I have no advice, but I'm getting into this category also. DS is pretty good about not asking in public, but sometimes he forgets. (We're STILL trying to get the DO NOT LIFT MY SHIRT! manners down. Luckily, I catch him before he dives in. )

"We are going to a family reunion in July, and I'm also worried about what my family might say. They have really, REALLY big mouths and tend to confuse "teasing" with "love" .... and I just don't feel like dealing with that!....." I am fine with it right now.....but the way DS is going, he would nurse forever. And I'm just not sure how I feel about that. Granted, I never thought I'd be comfortable nursing a 3 year-old.....but sometimes I really feel like my limit might be approaching...."

"I would try the whispering trick or introducing a code word, and I would also just try to steel yourself to what your family thinks. I decided that "Pass the bean dip" is the best option unless someone is really genuinely curious about why we still nurse. I don't announce that we are still nursing, but I am honest about it if it comes up in conversation. (Like, how do you get her to sleep? Or, When did you stop nursing her? When I answer those questions, there's usually an "Oh" and then the subject changes which is fine by me.)"

eye rolling smiley "Whisper", "use code words", and "PASS THE BEAN DIP"?. Obviously they are aware that the general public thinks that they are insane, or worse. Instead of hiding it, WHY DON'T THEY JUST STOP??????????
OH! I hope the kid asks in front of EVERYBODY. And I hope she gets a rash and a half of shit for it too. I hope her trip is MISERABLE.

The thing is, these cows know it's wrong. They know it's pathetic and they know they shouldn't be doing it.

But do they stop? Nope.

Why? My guess is closet pedophilia.
One simple word will keep 40-month-old Snookums off the tit....


Or, in case that word is too painful to be uttered by Moomie, a simple, "No" will work just as well. Of course, since both of these words are considered abusive to the delicate self-esteem of The Future, they won't be uttered ever. Then again, if these Moos were actual parents, they'd have had Snookums weaned by now and they wouldn't need to be asking people these stupid questions.
kidlesskim Wrote:
>> Any advice on how to help your child stop asking
> in public, without making the child feel that
> nursing is wrong?

If these women honestly believe NOTHING is wrong with a toddler who is still breastfeeding, then they should have NO problem with the kid asking to nurse in public. If its not wrong, then its not wrong. Period.

But they know darn well its wrong and very embarassing! So why are they still doing it?
"If these women honestly believe NOTHING is wrong with a toddler who is still breastfeeding, then they should have NO problem with the kid asking to nurse in public. If its not wrong, then its not wrong. Period."

Exactly. If it's just fine and dandy, then no problem, right? THREE YEARS OLD? Time to shut down the milk factory!
I'm thinking that if the brat-ass is old enough to talk and ask stupid questions, it's old enough to eat real food, but what do I know?

This also reminds me of the commercials for the Pull-Ups, and all that diaper crap, where the kid BRINGS it to moomie to be changed. If it can bring it to you, it's ass ought to be on the pot.
Try the back of hand, maybe?
I wonder if after Snotums says, "Pass the bean dip." (Which would seem to be so out of context in most situations) moo lets him lift up her shirt and nurse in front of everyone, or if they find a private spot to suckle?
This is a job for Mr. Open Handâ„¢!

"Mommy, want titty..."

"NOOOO!" Smack!
Yep, the Open Hand works every time but you know these dumb moo bitches aren't about to do it because Snookums needs his delicate self-esteem to be maintained.

Thank doG it isn't me--that kid would be already know the milk factory is out of business.
Some of these kids are going to be breastfeeding into their teens and 20s. These are the types of people we're going to be competing against in the job market, in another decade or so. I can't imagine what kind of advantage they would have over me, when it comes to employment. After all, I was probably weaned from the breast around 12 months old - not age 13. I can't imagine a kid like this would eventually be able to hold his own in a job supporting himself, especially if he was still emotionally and physically connected to his mommy.
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