Moo Posts Photo of Herself Beefing on the Toilet.
April 21, 2015
Always classy, those moos. But of course the DM had to bust out the drama and compare it to the moo-moo campaign where they cry that they are told to feed their loaf in a dirty bathroom.

I find it interesting that this woman is beefing while pissing or shitting, meanwhile moos freak out about being told to take their milk sacks to the bathroom lounge.

This woman has herself in direct contact with the toilet and her baybee right in front of it. In that case, I could buy the unsanitary argument. But, in general, when women are supposedly told to 'feed their chyuld in the bathroom', it's generally meaning a lounge outside the actual toilet area, or you know, being in the bathroom on the other side of a closed door from the shitter. No one is instructing moos to drop trou and squat to feed their sneuxflayke.
The funny thing is, that campaign is ridiculous in that most people are not saying go beef in the bathroom; most are just saying have some discretion and decorum.


An image of a woman breastfeeding her toddler while sitting on the toilet with her trousers around her ankles has caused a storm on the internet.

Originally posted on Instagram and then shared on the Facebook page of Life of Dad, which describes itself as 'the social network for dads', the picture has now been shared more than 25,000 times and has been liked on Facebook more than 211,000 times.

Alabama-born mom-of-two Elisha Wilson Beach, is pictured breastfeeding her daughter in the image. The picture has divided those who've seen it with many criticizing the mother for her unapologetic approach to multi-tasking.

Wilson Beach is the wife of TV actor Michael Beach, known for his roles on Sons of Anarchy, Third Watch and ER.
Alongside the image are the words: 'This is motherhood and it ain't always pretty. What's your #momtruth? #motherhood #motherhoodaintpretty #tmi #confessionsofamom #ididthat #iamnotsorry'

The snap has divided the internet community with much of the online furore focused around hygiene.

One Facebook user, Amanda Martin, wrote: 'I would never ever breastfeed my child in the bathroom. It's unsanitary regardless.

'Stick your kid in the crib until you're done, or pump it and give it to them.'

Another, Karen Bryce, chimed in: 'How can you say this picture is beautiful? I think its very distasteful.

'Would you allow your partner to take a picture of you while doing the toilet? And then post it for all to see?'


The comments are kinda funny though; like above. Apparently a baybee can be put in the crib until moo takes a shit -- meaning it can WAIT to eat -- unless of course moo is in public; then the baybee must eat on demand.
Re: Moo Posts Photo of Herself Beefing on the Toilet.
April 21, 2015
Did anyone notice the padd on Mom's lap while she is pissing/shitting and feeding brat? I'd bet a dozen donuts Facebook or angry birds is on that lappy.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Moo Posts Photo of Herself Beefing on the Toilet.
April 21, 2015
The pic looks staged. Why is all that crap spilling out from the under sink cabinet? It looks like it has locking / child proof hinges on it too.

IF totally legit - and you are on the pot and the kid comes barreling in, and then rips stuff from said cabinet - you get OFF the pot and handle the kid. It's close enough range to where Moo could've blocked or grabbed the child before it could do that as well.

And where was the H? Owait - he took the pic? Why wasn't he wrangling the child? That's a pretty big kid too. Toadler's hungwy? Give it a slice of banana or some water until Moo exits the bathroom and can feed it. Common sense. The kid looks big enough to be off the teat anyway.

My guess? This is a contrived pic - THEY dragged all that crap out onto the floor, and then positioned the child - and they did this knowing that Mooing and Parenting BS = PUBLICITY.

The H is a bit part Actor. Gotta keep your name in the news for recognition / stay relevant.

This is a blatantly obvious publicity stunt.

smile rolling left righteyes2

the world 'fail' on flames
Re: Moo Posts Photo of Herself Beefing on the Toilet.
April 21, 2015
I don't know that hygiene is necessarily a problem—the kid isn't eating with its hands, and the milk isn't touching the bathroom—but posting a photo of EITHER activity on the internet (let alone both at the same time!) is just tacky. face saying 'error'r

I've said this before in response to breeders crying "IT'S NATCHERAL!!!11!" with regards to beefing: going to the bathroom is natural too and (unlike beefing) necessary for every human's survival. But you do that shit behind closed doors and don't post the evidence online. Ah well, I guess even taking a dump is photo-worthy to some breeders. If moomy is on the toilet, the damned kid can wait. That's why so many moos complain that they never get to use the bathroom alone - because they ALLOW their kids to barge in and don't lock the door and/or correct them, thus teaching them it's okay!

Not to mention, I would never post a photo of my bathroom if it was that big a mess...
Re: Moo Posts Photo of Herself Beefing on the Toilet.
April 23, 2015
There needs to be a word for blumpkin. two faces puking
Re: Moo Posts Photo of Herself Beefing on the Toilet.
April 24, 2015
There has been a situation in the past where men have had to do something like that. In the book In The Shadow Of The Moon one of the astronauts describes that they were so busy on the Apollo missions to the moon that it was not unusual to be crapping in one of those weird plastic bags, eating a space food from a plastic bag and using a sextant to figure out the position of the spacecraft. Hey, that's three things when moo is only doing 2! I guess those astronauts really had to multitask like all these parents do! Of course, NASA never mentioned this during the moon missions, because they knew enough not to gross out the press and everybody else on Earth.
Re: Moo Posts Photo of Herself Beefing on the Toilet.
April 24, 2015
That's just distasteful.

Who the fuck is she sharing this to online anyway?
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