Anonymous User
Pets..are they like kids?
August 30, 2008
With many people here having pets, I felt this deserved a thread of its own. Now, most here know we have a very old English Mastiff. She is our only dog (I have a horse and some chickens too), and everything we do revolves around her; going out to eat, outings with friends etc. She brings us tremendous joy and we love her with all our hearts. At 145 pounds (small for a Mastiff but I had to make her lose weight due to her arthritis) and 11 years old, she is beginning to require help getting up, goes potty more, whines more, needs medication, a bi-weekly bath at the very LEAST - shaves and baths are EXHAUSTING for us both - , and is generally more needy in the attention area. I am finding myself starting to feel a little strapped because of her constant needs. If I may be honest, my husband and I cannot go on not even a weekend getaway because she now has to go out so often, and she cannot be boarded. We know the end is near and have discussed it often trying to prepare ourselves for the inevitable time when she passes away. It will be a crushing time for us and we know it will be here all too soon. I am tired. I want a break from the worry and responsibility of tending to her every little need, but on the other hand I love her SO much. I feel guilty for getting a little annoyed at times because I know when she's gone, I will wish for them back. We have decided she is our last indoor pet for a very long time.

I guess my point to all this is to wonder if there really IS a strong similarity between pets (whom are adored by their owners), and kids (who are adored by their parents). If I am this tired already in only 3 years from caring for an older giant breed dog (by about age 8, they're old), I could not imagine caring for a child for 18 plus years who is even MORE needy! I'm sure one day we'll adopt again, but the emotional worry really is draining. I wanted to go out with a friend tonight for sushi but my husband is gone and Belle is now too old to be left alone for more than about 3 hours, she used to be able to hold it for 12, poor baby sad smiley. Sometimes, I don't feel like getting up at 2am, then 4am, then 6am...I get the feeling it will be bitter sweet in the end.

Thanks for letting me ramble.
Re: Pets..are they like kids?
August 30, 2008
I don't think that pets and children can really be compared as they have little in common other than both need to be cared for to some degree. In general, pet's medical, food, and education( if they need disobedience training) are WAY WAY WAY less expensive. Pets bring comfort, children take comfort away. Pets bring peace and tranquility, kyds take that away. Most pets, especially cats, can be left for days at a time as long as they have a clean box, and plenty of fresh food and water, kyds HAVE to have 24/7 supervision which means they have to go along, or care has to be arranged and often costs money.

EVEN IF you have to have someone come check on a pet, let him out, feed him,'s not nearly the time consuming job as it would be to find a sitter, so a critter sitter is easier to procure than a kyd handler. If he has to be boarded, it's not NEARLY as expensive as "boarding" a kyd and the kennel doesn't expect a favor in return like a friend or relative would. Pets make messes, but not on the consistent and extreme basis as a kyd. Pets are glad to see you when you come home and greet you with kisses and kitty head butts, whereas a kyd is angry that you did anything which didn't inlude them and demand a toy or a new dvd to make up for it.

Pets don't get knocked up unless you allow it, have freaky friends with skin heads and swastika tattoos, nor do they have to have squealing little friends over for a sleep over and then proceed to destroy your house and your sleep. Pets don't hog up bathrooms, borrow clothes and makeup, and take the keys to your car and then wreck it. Pets don't have mandatory PTA meetings, talent shows, ballgames and other boring things you are expected to waste time attending. They also don't have to be driven to piano practice, art lessons, and soccer practice 3 days a week. Pets don't bring home shitty report cards and then have to be carted BACK and forth to summer school every day to make up for their laziness during the school year.

Pets don't rebel and say they hate you and that they love their "real" moomie better, even though they haven't seen her in 3 months. Pets don't take money out of your wallet, use your credit cards, and wear your new pajamas before you can. Pets don't expect an 8 course meal every night and tell you "there is no food in the house", if you don't have any easily made microwave pizzas, popcorn, chips or other junk food on hand. Pets don't have Dominoes pizza on speed dial and your credit card number on file and charge up more pizza in a month than a house payment.

Pets don't expect anything, but they get very happy when they get attention and love and little special treats from time to time. Pets are SO much better than chyldren, that I find it difficult to compare my pets to them. While an elderly pet may be inconvenient or require more care for a short time, that's MILD in comparison to the time and energy it would take to be a caregiver for a fucked up kid who had to be taken care of 24/7 for possibly it's ENTIRE life. It seems that most kyds who have to be cared for like this by a parent ALWAYS have the happy news delivered by a doctor of, "Well, sure he won't ever walk, crawl, piss or shit on his own, be able to roll over or say much more than goooooooo gaaaaaaaa, or hold his own head up, but the GOOD news is he should live a long and normal lifespan, with proper care of course.

I think that pets are better than kyds, so I guess my opinion is biased.
Anonymous User
Re: Pets..are they like kids?
August 30, 2008
Uh-oh..I think you may have misunderstood me a little kidless. I concur with EVERY SINGLE THING you posted, sounds like you speak from a little experience? winking smiley But Belle is no cat! And she is no small dog who is getting old and that you can just whisk off outside to go potty because they're old and they hurt and can't get up very well on their own. She is the size of a full grown adult! Imagine having to assist a full grown adult all day, and every couple of hours all night, help them down and up a couple of steps, shave them, bathe them 365..I guess my situation is a little different in that she is a giant breed. Most people have a much smaller pet and that makes it a snap to care for them in their aging years. I've had a couple of kitty's (love bugs they were), a couple of small breeds and some large breeds (Dobermans). But nothing, and I mean NOTHING is like having a dog the same size as you to care for day in and day out! The physical aspect of it is truly exhausting. Don't even bother asking me about my monthly Heartgard, Frontline and Rimadyl bill! But the love and joy she has given us over the past 6 1/2 years is immeasurable - her paw prints will forever be on my heart. Please don't misunderstand, while I am human and I get tired and aggravated, I am grateful for the opportunity to have this special being in my life. I just couldn't help but wonder that if I am THIS physically tired (from very broken sleep for the past 3 years), and spend 350+ dollars a month on maintenance (never mind things that come up) and mentally worry myself to death over MY baby, that I couldn't imagine doing it for YEARS and YEARS with a kid...that isn't even grateful!! Fuck. That.!
Re: Pets..are they like kids?
August 30, 2008
I perosnally have considered my pets to be more than children and definitely better. The expense was far less, and even when they messed up, well, it was pretty minor and only affected them and maybe something I owned which could be replaced. They also gave me companionship and love in return for the love and care I gave to them. And that love is unconditional. They love you no matter what.

Children are a much bigger investment and tend to bring more irritation than happiness (at least they would for me). The way kids are today, I'd much rather have my pets than kids any day. They aren't constantly in your face to be given crap that they really don't need, just want. Pets are happy with food, a place to stay, being loved and petted and a treat from time to time (though I confess I've often given my pets more treats than perhaps has been good for themyawning smiley).

I would say pets are way better than children, too.
Anonymous User
Re: Pets..are they like kids?
August 30, 2008
married with rabbits Wrote:
> No matter how troublesome the pet, there is an
> awesome factor at the end of every day.

Absolutely MWR, couldn't agree more.
> They also always stay your little baby.

That they do.
> I happen to be a very maternal person and yeah, I
> call myself mommy to my critters. We are mommy and
> daddy around here.

Same here..teehee!

There are definitely days I get
> stressed, like when all the critters decide to be
> messy and have tantrums on the same day. But all
> it takes is to hear some little rugrat screaming
> and then I realize I'm totally blessed. If this is
> the worst it gets, bring it on! I say that because
> one of my rabbits totally acts like a toddler when
> she's not acting like a cat.

Thanks for that MWR, I don't want to come off as an asshole. Our baby, as we call her, is the center of everything we do. And we love it, but the physical and mental part is what is so hard for me. I honestly don't know if I can live without a Mastiff in my house. My husband laughs when I say 'no more'!, he doesn't think I can do it. But I know how I feel, and after Baby Belle, I will need time...lots of time.
Anonymous User
Re: Pets..are they like kids?
August 30, 2008
I definitely agree with the general consensus that pets are FAR more grateful with only the bare necessities of life and bring far greater joy and happiness than a kid ever would - hence why I'm adamantly cf and always have been an animal freak. I guess I'm just looking for a little support. Every morning I wake up and go straight to Belle (who sleeps right next to me on my side of the bed) to check and make sure she's still breathing. I'm always so relieved each morning to find that she is in fact still with me. As she ages, she wants 'mommy'. She loves to DEATH her 'daddy', but finds comfort in me - I'm the one who is her primary caretaker and I'm the one she wants. I'm so lucky. I'm just a little tired is all.
Re: Pets..are they like kids?
August 31, 2008
I understand str8six, it's just that when I started typing, I got carried away!tongue sticking out smiley I have an 11 y/o arthritic kitty who has trouble getting in the box and even though she barely can, she STILL tries to jump up on things that are too high for her. I realize it's only a matter of time before she breaks a hip and I doubt much can be done for her then.:bawl

I had a friend who had a 23 y/o cat who could no longer even get in her box and had to be carried and placed into it at regular intervals and then cleaned. She couldn't go anywhere the last few months of Twinkle's life because that's not exactly the kind of thing you can ask someone to do for you while you are away, although I would have had I lived closer. I know what you mean, because I would feel the same way and do the same thing for this oldtimer kitty I have! Like I said, I got WAY off what I meant to post!!!!tongue sticking out smiley

Even with all of the cat shit that ends up AROUND or ON the box rather than in it, I still like pets better too!!!!! KYDS shit themselves for a lot longer than I had originally thought, after having read all of those gross potty stories on moomie blogs.
Re: Pets..are they like kids?
August 31, 2008
I think the frustrations you can feel with pets can be like those with kids, except kids are worse because it lasts for years and years and just keeps getting worse as the kids age. It's human to be frustrated.

My cat Bailey is the sweetest thing ever. She's a lap cat who LOVES to be around people. She's perfect...except for her nasty little habit of peeing all over our stuff if her litterbox isn't pristine clean every second of every day. We have two litter boxes for one cat! Thenk jeebus for Littermaids. God forbid if she can't find a perfectly clean litter box, she will walk into the room we are in, find something that she knows will get our attention (the couch, the bed, a pile of clothes) look us in the eye, and then proceed to unload a bladder full. She once peed on me while I was sleeping in the bed, no lie. Little bitch. I hate her sometimes. But I wouldn't trade her in for the world. And I'd MUCH rather have her than a kyd.
Anonymous User
Re: Pets..are they like kids?
August 31, 2008
LoveToLurk Wrote:
She once peed on me while I
> was sleeping in the bed, no lie. Little bitch. I
> hate her sometimes. But I wouldn't trade her in
> for the world. And I'd MUCH rather have her than a
> kyd.

LMAO!! I'm a Freddie Mercury F R E A K ! ! ! , Not sure if you're also a Queen admirer or not, but do you know that song "Delilah"?.. I immediately thought of that song when I read your post...that's some funny shit!!!
Re: Pets..are they like kids?
August 31, 2008
LOL. I didn't know of that song until you mentioned it, so I went and looked up the lyrics. That song pretty much describes how I feel about Bailey to a tee! I'll have to show it to my husband, I know he'll get a kick out of it.
Re: Pets..are they like kids?
August 31, 2008
str8six, I totally understand why you started this thread, and I'm really sorry you're feeling so bad.

I think one of the main differences between pets and kids is that kids are SUPPOSED (yeah, I know!) to get more and more independent as they get older - while pets are pretty low maintenance for the first decade or so and then become more and more dependent as their health declines.

I have two 12 y.o. kitties myself and I'm already seeing it. My chubbier one needs a little stool to jump on and off the bed now. And my tiny one is very delicate and I worry about her constantly. (My previous cat died at 12, so I'm really scared.)
Re: Pets..are they like kids?
August 31, 2008
LoveToLurk Wrote:
> She's perfect...except for her nasty little habit of
> peeing all over our stuff if her litterbox isn't
> pristine clean every second of every day. We have
> two litter boxes for one cat! Thenk jeebus for
> Littermaids. God forbid if she can't find a
> perfectly clean litter box, she will walk into the
> room we are in, find something that she knows will
> get our attention (the couch, the bed, a pile of
> clothes) look us in the eye, and then proceed to
> unload a bladder full. She once peed on me while I
> was sleeping in the bed, no lie. Little bitch. I
> hate her sometimes. But I wouldn't trade her in
> for the world. And I'd MUCH rather have her than a
> kyd.

LOLtongue sticking out smiley I have one of those who pisses on purpose and makes damn sure you know about it. She not only does it if the litter isn't turdless, but just because. She got mad one day because I locked her in an upstairs bedroom (with a CLEAN box) so she would stay out of the way when I was doing some work in my bedroom, which is directly below where she was being held captive. She just would NOT stay out if the way that day, hence the lockdown. Anyway, we have older hardwood floors up there with areas that are'nt sealed properly. My husband and I were sitting on our bed talking when this hot stream of urine came leaking down from the ceiling and onto our bed, directly between us. She did that ON pupose, no doubt.
Re: Pets..are they like kids?
August 31, 2008
I'm sorry, but reading these tales of floor-piddlers makes me laugh. Don't get me wrong - my fat cat Rolly used to like to pee in the corners of the house when he was mad. I never noticed the smell -- I lived with my grandma for over a decade and there were stray, unaltered males in her backyard all the time. I was surrounded by fresh and festering cat piss most of the day for those ten plus years and I guess I got immune to the pee smell. Mom noticed it, though. smiling smiley

I so agree that pets are much better than kids, and all for reasons already mentioned. I have a maternal instinct, but it's for animals. Particularly cats. My girl Caspurr lets me cradle her like an infant, and she actually prefers being held on her back when she sits on me (I think she does this because she will always fart in my face at least once when in my lap).

I'm thankful my kitties have been overall healthy in the 12 years I've had them (and the five or so years I've had Kip). The only problem any of the cats has had is Rolly had bladder stones a few years ago. I am shocked that Caspurr and Rolly (siblings) have not yet begun to decline in terms of their health. Both can still use their cat boxes just fine, they can jump up into the windows and onto the table and countertops and just display no signs of failure yet.

If my cats were anything like children, I would not have any. They bring me more joy than any whiny, needy bastard ever could. They ask for simple, water, brushing, a clean toilet and love. No designer clothes. No sports cars or extravagent birthday celebrations, no joining sports teams or other forms of inane childhood entertainment at the expense of my income. None of that shit. And yet, they love me more than any kid ever would.

Kids and pets need care, but the funny thing is pets are both more independent and dependent to such a degree that they are low-maintenance enough to keep you from having nervous breakdowns (when in good health anyway).
Re: Pets..are they like kids?
September 01, 2008
Cambion says, "My girl Caspurr lets me cradle her like an infant, and she actually prefers being held on her back when she sits on me (I think she does this because she will always fart in my face at least once when in my lap)."

LOL! I have a 3 month old kitten who purposely holds in her gaseous fumes until she gets cradled and then she let's it rip. I don't know how that type of stench can come from such a small kitten, but it could peel the paint off the walls.
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