Boundaries Quiz fails at boundaries.
June 07, 2015
I'm a psychology nut and came across this "Boundaries Quiz". I didn't get past question four before I realized the thing was crap:

No Boundaries for kids!
4. While you are out to dinner with friends, a child jumps onto your lap and treats you like a jungle-gym. Would you:*

-Shift your focus from your friends to keep the child occupied and happy.

-Continue talking with your friends while peering around the bouncing child.

-Tell the child to either sit in your lap or get down and jump on the floor.

saying 'wtf' The quiz doesn't specify whose kid this is supposed to be - yours, your friend's, some random crotch dropping? Personally, my answer would have been "Jump up in terror, dumping kid to the ground while screaming 'What the he'll is wrong with you!?!'"
Re: Boundaries Quiz fails at boundaries.
June 07, 2015
I second the jump-and-dump. It doesn't matter whose kid it is, that is not something they should be doing. The only time randomly jumping into someone's lap is acceptable is if the jumper in question is a cute, fuzzy animal (especially if it's a corgi).
Re: Boundaries Quiz fails at boundaries.
June 08, 2015
I would fucking FREAK if some random kyd decided to climb on me and use me as a jungle gym. I have very strict boundaries about being touched by strangers.

Is this quiz suggesting that it's okay for kyds to do this now? I know my moo would have killed me if I ever behaved that way, and rightfully so. I would also have never done that, because I'm not a tard. I guess modern kyds are allowed to act like tards. Sad, because these kyds will grow up to act like tarded adults.
Re: Boundaries Quiz fails at boundaries.
June 08, 2015
I'm a psychology nut and came across this "Boundaries Quiz". I didn't get past question four before I realized the thing was crap:

No Boundaries for kids!
4. While you are out to dinner with friends, a child jumps onto your lap and treats you like a jungle-gym. Would you:*

-Shift your focus from your friends to keep the child occupied and happy.

-Continue talking with your friends while peering around the bouncing child.

-Tell the child to either sit in your lap or get down and jump on the floor.

saying 'wtf' The quiz doesn't specify whose kid this is supposed to be - yours, your friend's, some random crotch dropping? Personally, my answer would have been "Jump up in terror, dumping kid to the ground while screaming 'What the he'll is wrong with you!?!'"

I very likely would have done the very same thing, if not worse depending on my swinging moods at the time. I hope these sort of questions are never mandatory for anything, also dontcha just love how theirs no option 4: get the fuck off me/ stay the hell away from me.

Is it just to be assumed that everyone is just cool with kids regardless of who/what they are and where their views stand in life on the matter? Is that a thing? Because if it is,
Re: Boundaries Quiz fails at boundaries.
June 09, 2015
I assume they're talking about your own child, which is of course a big fail in assuming that everyone has a child. In that case, the question they're basically asking is if you have BNP tendencies or PNB tendencies. Judging from my PNB friends, the solution is to put the child on the floor and tell it not to interrupt, then to return to the converstaion, which I note was not an option.
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