Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 05, 2015

(Sorry, I'm having a tough time linking this...)

Thank God I'm not slaving away for this company while my comrades enjoy a full year off.
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 05, 2015
We were talking how pro-breeder North America is - this is just another example.
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 05, 2015
Isn't netflixs a dying company? Won't this move be bad for the company financially.
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 05, 2015
shy lurker
Isn't netflixs a dying company? Won't this move be bad for the company financially.

I don't think they are. But for me, they don't serve any purpose since I don't use them. What I have discovered is that companies will please breeders despite of loosing money. They will do it at the expense of pay raises, vacation time, anything. But companies will give breeders what they want because they feel like maternity leave is more important than anything else.
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 05, 2015
I have N*t flix.
USA, welcome to Europe!
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 05, 2015
mrs. chinaski
I have N*t flix.
USA, welcome to Europe!

I don't work for Nutfix, but the place where I work also has a very generous moo-termite policy. Breeders are welcomed with open arms in the USA.
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 05, 2015
I have no problem with parental leave IF said leave includes sick days and vacation time for the year. I've seen so many mombies come back from 3 months moo leave and start calling in sick right away, leaving early, etc. so what about other types of leave for CF employees? can we get a year off -PAID- to look after ill family members/spouses?

of course not.
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 05, 2015
myrna minkoff
I have no problem with parental leave IF said leave includes sick days and vacation time for the year. I've seen so many mombies come back from 3 months moo leave and start calling in sick right away, leaving early, etc. so what about other types of leave for CF employees? can we get a year off -PAID- to look after ill family members/spouses?

of course not.

Most societies are designed to benefit the select few at the expense of others. Why would corporate world be any different? They see which model works, why not implement it.
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 05, 2015
shy lurker
Isn't netflixs a dying company? Won't this move be bad for the company financially.

Just the opposite, actually. Their success in streaming video AND their original series (including House of Cards and Orange is the New Black), they are raking it in hand over fist. I would die without my Netflix, so I personally don't give a fuck what they do for breeders, but I think everybody else should be given the option to take a year of paid leave for whatever reason they want. It'll never happen, but wouldn't that be nice?
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 05, 2015
myrna minkoff
I have no problem with parental leave IF said leave includes sick days and vacation time for the year. I've seen so many mombies come back from 3 months moo leave and start calling in sick right away, leaving early, etc. so what about other types of leave for CF employees? can we get a year off -PAID- to look after ill family members/spouses?

of course not.

That's not what's happening here.

They're paying the parents for a year.... a year in which they are of zero productivity to the company.

Who do you think is going to make up that productivity? I'll give you a hint... if you work for Netflix, look in the mirror.
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 05, 2015
"That's not what's happening here.They're paying the parents for a year.... a year in which they are of zero productivity to the company."

yes, I know that, which is why I stated it. my point was once again, time off is not evenly distributed.
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 05, 2015
Then people should also have a year paid leave to take care of a sick spouse, SO or parent.
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 05, 2015
myrna minkoff
"That's not what's happening here.They're paying the parents for a year.... a year in which they are of zero productivity to the company."

yes, I know that, which is why I stated it. my point was once again, time off is not evenly distributed.

Point taken. Is it just a matter of "uneven" distribution, though?

It seems to me that offering an entire demographic an entire year off with full pay while offering nothing to everyone else is a form of indentured servitude.

The CF employees are not only going to be working while the breeders are off, but they'll be picking up all their slack at the office as well.

Well, I guess it's all in the name of making sure there's adequate population for the future, even though we really won't need it...
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 05, 2015
Then people should also have a year paid leave to take care of a sick spouse, SO or parent.

All companies should be able to offer whatever benefits they want to their workforce, and the employees can accept them, negotiate for better ones, or find another job.

If you read any articles about this move by Netflix, check out the comments section. Parents are raving about how wonderful this is. They really don't give a shit who Netflix will be pushing the work onto, or the fact that those same worker bees will NEVER be given a paid year off for any other family emergency.

If Netflix is so hell bent on this family-friendly stuff, they should do the right thing and hire parents only. If parents make for such good employees, surely they'll make up all of the lost productivity of their comrades when they are out, right?
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 05, 2015
Companies should be able to offer whatever benefits but only offering parents a year leave should be considered discrimination, especially since it is paid. For that matter, I believe if companies offer paid time off for people with one life circumstance they should have to offer it for all. Every employee should be able to take a year paid leave for any reason then-parenting, care of friends or family members, personal illness, furthering education full time or just going to travel around the world. They could use it if and when they see fit but would not get additional time for breeding if they have already used it.
I'm not saying company A should be required to offer the same benefits as company B.
I am saying that since parenting is a personal choice the same benefits should be offered within the same company. I really don't see why companies are allowed to have "parent only" benefits when you can't have "white only," "under 40 only," or "women only" benefits.
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 05, 2015
exactly. why can't everyone have the same benefits to use how they see fit? moo gets a year and uses it for a kid; I get a year and use it to take care of a sick family member, or recover from surgery.

but no; that would make us selfish, I suppose. luckily I'm a nurse and nobody takes even close to that amount of time off in the ER.
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 05, 2015
I work for myself. I do have partners.

Today my toilet broke so I did not go to work.

I don't get 'sick days' or 'time off'. What I did not do today will have to be made up tomorrow. My co workers generously agreed to take my calls and handle any 'right now' things for me while I was tending to this.

My AC broke also smile rolling left righteyes2
Too much humidity, water issues.


Yes they literally did. Boss, I can't come in because MY WATERS BROKE! Owait - I am the Boss ~

This is UNFAIR!!! Who do I see about this???

Boss Says - since you decided to slack off for the rest of today you're going to have even more work tomorrow!

And I work for this ASSHOLE! Can you believe it?
grinning smiley
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 05, 2015
I read about that.

Why don't they just quite their jobs at Netflix and go on a lifetime supply of welfare checks so they can be with Crotchston and Snotelle 24/7/365.
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 05, 2015
If I worked at Nutflux I'd be tempted to take a few benefits in random Fight Club style social mayhem. Those ladies toilets sure do reqiure a lot of maintenance. My 64 ounce soft drink got spilled on my pc, whoops. Rats! I left a raw fish near the windows in the war room again. :p
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 06, 2015
I seen this on the news and made the comment to my mom about how it's not fair only parents get a paid year off. I agree, if we give it to one group it should be available equally for all employees in another capacity i.e. to care for a sick spouse or family member or yourself, to take time to travel. Why should moo's be the ONLY ones to sit on their asses at home and get paid from a job that the employer isn't even sure they are going to come back to?

Oh yeah, that's right, because breeding and becoming a parunt is more important...smug

It sounds more mundane and boring to me... :drool

It's amazing that employers have been doing this favoritism toward one group of women and now duh's too; for years, yet everyone else who doesn't sprog has to work twice as hard and pick up the slack. Yet they are the ones who get laid off first, get flack from the boss the most and work the most. They have the most stress and then productivity goes down because they aren't entitled to the same amount of vacation time as those who choose to sprog yet we are the bad evil selfish ones for not breeding?
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 06, 2015
Last night on PBS Newshour, they had a segment on this topic. They had some advocate of this policy and how good and sensible it was and how lousy it was that it wasn't government-mandated and how so few American companies don't offer it. I was seething during this whole segment because there wasn't anyone representing the other side of this issue like PBS often has.

How about, as I was yelling at the TV, the way this discriminates against those without children who have to pick up the slack for the absent parent? How about how the company is using its money to pay for a benefit that only a select group of its employees can use due to a simple lifestyle decision? How about the decline in morale in the workers who are being taken advantage of when they see their coworkers getting paid for not working (other than standard vacation time)? Apparently, these issues don't fit into the equation because those workers without children don't exist or who are, at best, second-class workers to the almighty parents.

I'm so glad I am retired and out of the rat race.
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 06, 2015
That's just nuts, and also total discrimination. I'm sure my Netflix bill will be going up shortly.

I can't think of one reason that any parent would need a year off from working.


- The human gene pool could use a little chlorine
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 06, 2015
Looks like Microsoft has jumped on the band wagon. Well, sort of:

USA Today
In a statement released Wednesday, Microsoft says it is extending leave for moms and dads to 12 weeks at full pay. Birth mothers can also earn an additional eight weeks of "maternity disability leave" with full pay.
The company says it will also allow birth mothers to use short-term disability leave during the two weeks before their scheduled due date. The changes take effect on November 1.

Almost seems like that there is a cast system in which parents belong to an upper cast and non-parents belong to the lowest cast. Those in between are with step kids and kids who are over 18.
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 06, 2015
Hypothetically, could a man claim that he was having a kid a take a year off without actually proving that he is a father?

If the answer is "yes," an action like that might be the exact kind of "civil disobedience" necessary to draw attention to this issue.

While it is a discrimination issue against the childfree, it is also discriminatory against those who physically can't have children, and older workers beyond reproductive years.
Re: Netflix offering one year of paid leave to parents
August 06, 2015
@Studio54: I don't know about other companies, but at my workplace, to get maternity leave, a birth certificate will be required along with paperwork from a doctor. If you can find a desperate single moo to hook you up with such, I guess one could pull it off. Now, paternity leave at my workplace is only 2 weeks paid, the rest is not. Maternity leave, on the other hand, is paid for all the way and is much longer. Finding all the paperwork for a 2 week free ride is not worth it. Not for me.
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