UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 02, 2015
Apparently he went to a special school and the after getting kicked out of the military was another killer coddled by mommy.

link http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/03/us/chris-harper-mercer-umpqua-community-college-shooting.html

In the offline world, Mr. Mercer was listed as a graduate of the Switzer Learning Center in Torrance, a school for special education students. He was also in the army for one month in 2008, but was discharged before he finished basic training, according to Pentagon records.
parents have been divorced for about a decade. Former neighbors in Torrance said Mr. Mercer’s mother had sought to protect him from all manner of neighborhood annoyances, from loud children and barking dogs to household pests. Once, neighbors said, she went door-to-door with a petition to get the landlord to exterminate cockroaches in her apartment, saying they bothered her son.
eye rolling smiley

“She said, ‘My son is dealing with some mental issues, and the roaches are really irritating him,’ ” Julia Winstead, 55, said. “She said they were going to go stay in a motel. Until that time, I didn’t know she had a son.”

Ms. Lucumi estimated that Mr. Mercer and his mother, who shared a small one-bedroom apartment in Torrance, lived here for less than a year. “They were always together,” she said. .

Ewwwwsad smiley
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 02, 2015
I have a cousin who is now 48, a few years older than me. When he was a little kid he was always kinda strange and . his mother baby'd him to DEATH. Once when I was seven I kicked him in the butt and ran away giggling;. his mother came at me like I was a rattle snake that was about to kill him; she had done this with other kids who would tease him. No one knows if she baby'd him because he was "special" or if he was "special" because he was baby'd. He quit or got fired from every job he ever had when he was in his twenties and now lives with his unmarried brother. The brother always had a job, and the weird cousin is on disability. The guy is on meds, is severely depressed, is obese and now has type two diabetes. It is weird that he is not mad about his situation. People tell him to at least get out and volunteer. I wonder if it is possible for a moo that baby's the hell out of her kid could cause him/her to be THAT fu&#ed up. I also wonder if genes must play some types of role. There are always people out there wilh awful upbringing that end up ok. It is complicated
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 02, 2015
Whatever the case, I hope the piece of shit is roasting

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 02, 2015
@ cfadev:
I think this is the same dynamics like Norman Bates and his mother.
He was ill and she was enabler.
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 02, 2015
mrs. chinaski
@ cfadev:
I think this is the same dynamics like Norman Bates and his mother.
He was ill and she was enabler.

That is exactly the pair who came to my mind.
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 02, 2015
I don't think gun control alone will stop this from happening again. I propose parent control - punish the moos and duhs when their 20-year-old angsty autard snowflake gets high on rage and testosterone and guns down schools. (They're always schools, you notice that? Never malls, sporting events, etc, where another adult may have a gun to challenge them. They always seek the soft targets.) These defects need to be drugged or institutionalized before another tragedy happens, and I would gladly pay more taxes to get these freaks the help they obviously need because it's a god damn public health issue now. These deluded middle-class young men aren't getting the pussy and money they believe they're entitled to and go crazy-eight bonkers. Maybe we need to dump them on a foreign battlefield, away from the internet, away from TV and most importantly, away from their smothering mothers. And the dads aren't off the hook, their defective sperm helped create a monster and then they simply walk away from the entire family mess. Fuck them too.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 02, 2015
Rats in a cage. We're around nine billion strong now. Expect more of this. Lots more.
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 02, 2015
Adam and Nancy Lanza, another fucked up duo. That is who this reminds me of. Mommy cuddling a defeco, daddy out of the picture, and bam.
I am livid. And the sheriff? Is a fucking Sandy Hook truther.

I am sorry he's dead, because I'd love for him to face the music. Thank goodness for Chris Mintz, and the two LEO that stopped this asshole.

Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Evan Davis
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 02, 2015
Another day, another gun massacre from a batshit tard. How many more massacres from these fruitcake defects is it going to take before society realises that they need to do something to prevent the predicted deluge of tards and their apparent preference for genocidal behaviour. Let's not forget their equally fruitloopy parents. Remember, these incidents are all occurring NOW before the predicted populace of 1 in 3 being tards.

Now we will no doubt hear the tard-worshippers will eventually rear their vile heads, and blame it solely on mental illness, as their "cpeshyal innocent cneuwphlaycks" couldn't possibly be responsible for this, as it must be those ebil crazies. Even though statistically, mentally ill are more likely to hurt themselves than others. Fuck them.
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 02, 2015
I don't think gun control alone will stop this from happening again. I propose parent control - punish the moos and duhs when their 20-year-old angsty autard snowflake gets high on rage and testosterone and guns down schools. (They're always schools, you notice that? Never malls, sporting events, etc, where another adult may have a gun to challenge them. They always seek the soft targets.) These defects need to be drugged or institutionalized before another tragedy happens, and I would gladly pay more taxes to get these freaks the help they obviously need because it's a god damn public health issue now. These deluded middle-class young men aren't getting the pussy and money they believe they're entitled to and go crazy-eight bonkers. Maybe we need to dump them on a foreign battlefield, away from the internet, away from TV and most importantly, away from their smothering mothers. And the dads aren't off the hook, their defective sperm helped create a monster and then they simply walk away from the entire family mess. Fuck them too.

The US government issued a "War on Drugs" under the Nixon Administration. They promised us they'd get the drugs off of the streets. Well it's been four decades and the taxpayers have spent $trillions, and yet, drugs are more available now than they ever were. And that's just one example of government incompetence. I can give many more.

I do not trust the US government to enact any kind of "gun control" program simply because they're not good at.... well, anything. All "gun control" will do is waste another shitload of money and produce no results. And besides, the guns are already here. We've got enough guns to arm every man, woman, and child in this country right now. And I sure as hell don't want to see us become a police state. I see too many signs of that to begin with.

It's very sad what happened in Oregon and I feel badly for the seven (?) victims. But I think it's important that we remember that this is a political issue more than it is a social issue. Seven people killed is terrible. How about 215 killed in the first half of 2015 in one American city? That's completely off the hook, and yet, there's very little national discussion over the fact that Chicago averages well more than one murder per day.

What I'd like to see is something similar to the sex offender registries in terms of mental health registries. If you're batshit insane, you belong in an institution. If you aren't in one for whatever reason, I want to know who you are and where you live and what your ailment is. I think it's fair to society at large that this information become public.
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 03, 2015
Another day, another gun massacre from a batshit tard. How many more massacres from these fruitcake defects is it going to take before society realises that they need to do something to prevent the predicted deluge of tards and their apparent preference for genocidal behaviour. Let's not forget their equally fruitloopy parents. Remember, these incidents are all occurring NOW before the predicted populace of 1 in 3 being tards.

Now we will no doubt hear the tard-worshippers will eventually rear their vile heads, and blame it solely on mental illness, as their "cpeshyal innocent cneuwphlaycks" couldn't possibly be responsible for this, as it must be those ebil crazies. Even though statistically, mentally ill are more likely to hurt themselves than others. Fuck them.

Well said. Sonny boy was an Assburger snowflake still living with mommy. Don't these people ever grow up? As you said, fuck them
Look at that other freakazoid, Lanza. Rich bitch mommy coddled him, she knew he was cracked, yet, the home was loaded with weapons and ammo.
Fuck these people. And fuck the Sandy Hook Truther sheriff. He should get down on his scabby knees and beg for forgiveness.

Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Evan Davis
Anonymous User
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 03, 2015

The US government issued a "War on Drugs" under the Nixon Administration. They promised us they'd get the drugs off of the streets. Well it's been four decades and the taxpayers have spent $trillions, and yet, drugs are more available now than they ever were. And that's just one example of government incompetence.


It's not incompetence. How many federal employees would be jobless and maybe left destitute if suddenly all Americans decided to never , ever use drugs? Or state and county police officers?

The LAST thing that bureaucrats who get an income from A Problem want, is for the problem to end, to be permanently solved. There goes their steady income...Besides, the "War on Drugs" has served as such a handy excuse for restricting the Constitutional rights of ALL Americans, eg, asset forfeiture and the seizure of people's goods and money WITHOUT a trial much less a guilty verdict being required...The fun of being able to bust down someone's door and slaughter their household pets * before their eyes, and sometimes a family member or three, all without recourse, even if (as happens all too frequently) the SWAT team was given the wrong address, they misread the address, or their snitch gave them an innocent person just to give them somebody or for sheer spite ...The aggravation of being forced to sign a freaking ledger to buy flu medications, even though it is well known that ephinephrine (sp?) is being imported in bulk for meth production, the small amounts present in flu or hay fever meds that actually work is not even remotely the main source for home cookers...Rampant abuses with 'drug checkpoints', IOW, the chance to swagger about harassing motorists with roadblocks and "trained" drug dogs, who most definitely WILL alert on a clean vehicle, if Officer Friendly doesn't like the driver's demeanor and wants the chance to humiliate the person with a forced cavity search (usually this is done by having the chosen victim hauled off to hospital for the cavity search, but there have been a few cases (TX and FL, where else?) where the body cavity search was administered by the side of the road ! Yeah, the victims sued , but that doesn't erase their memories.)

I cannot begin to imagine how horrific a War on Legal Firearms Ownership would be, but I'm sure it would be used to be at least as Constitution-destroying as The War on Terrorism (a handful of Saudi terrorists=An excuse to spy on ALL Americans, an excuse to force ALL of us to submit to demeaning and humiliating scanners at the airport...

*It's so common it actually has a name : 'Puppycide'.
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 03, 2015
ex lurker
I cannot begin to imagine how horrific a War on Legal Firearms Ownership would be, but I'm sure it would be used to be at least as Constitution-destroying as The War on Terrorism (a handful of Saudi terrorists=An excuse to spy on ALL Americans, an excuse to force ALL of us to submit to demeaning and humiliating scanners at the airport...

*It's so common it actually has a name : 'Puppycide'.

Hey just remember, war on drugs, war on terror, war on firearms.... it's all about keeping you safe! eye rolling smiley

I think that for the most part, police officers are doing the best job they can often under difficult circumstances. Particularly in the big cities. But they are always looking to "save" people. And if there is no actual crime, you need to invent crime for them to combat--ergo, mass incarceration for smoking pot. It's no different than the prohibition era.
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 03, 2015
I wonder if we will eventually live in a world where those that are totally harmless, but act unconventional in some way, will be harassed and forced to go through some kind of mental health screening against their will? Like..um...most introverts.
Sounds like a science fiction novel
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 03, 2015
Yeah, introverts are already considered freaks in both social situations and the workplace. I know, because I am one, and extensive socializing leaves me physically exhausted, but you have to fit in to succeed, so I suck it up. Ya think the stress of living in such a culture drives some to insanity?

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Anonymous User
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 03, 2015
"Normal" adult-children are bad enough about losing their shit when things don't go their way. Coddled autards whose parents think it's "cute" when they sit on cats and attack smaller children, shockingly, take it to whole 'nother level once they're bigger than Mommy and have to interact with the world without her once in a while.

Yet most of the screaming is about gun control, not sneauxflayke control.

In a non-breederific world, I'd be surprised. Not in this one.

Too bad they don't target one another. Then it'd be a self-correcting problem.
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 05, 2015
Ummm... Roaches in my apartment would bother me and I'm not crazy... What kind of place were they living in?
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 05, 2015
My thoughts on this bastard:
His body should be dismembered and spiked on poles outside the college. With the sign and resolve: 'This is what we will do to your dead body. Period.'

oh, and exlurker, that is the hammer on the nail: there would be no gubmint jobs in the social area if it weren't for useless asshats out there. The breeders are the biggest supplier of these druggies, psychopaths, etc for their shitty breeding behaviour. So, why prevent drugs, welfare brood sows, etc. Gubmint bread and butter.Which is why gubmnt never does any real work on solving a problem. any problem including homeless, crazies, and brood sows.

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.

Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 05, 2015
There has been only one picture of his mom, taken a day or so ago. Her Facebook reveals very little, and zero on pictures of her.
She enabled his craziness. Wonder how she feels about her guns now?

Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Evan Davis
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 05, 2015
this moo is totally guilty

Why do these Moos think they can raise tars on their own. He was a "headbanger" my gawd.

I also love how he's soon intelligent and "studying finance".

This Moo is just as crazy as her son

The best comment referring to the Moo
"Not to mention you raised a mass shooting psychopath. Everything you’ve ever done in your life was wrong."

"If you can't feed your baby, then don't have a baby. And don't think maybe, if you can't feed your baby."
- The wisdom of the late Michael Jackson
"The mother of the year should be a sterilized woman with two adopted children." - Paul Ehrlich
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 06, 2015
What I'd like to see is something similar to the sex offender registries in terms of mental health registries. If you're batshit insane, you belong in an institution. If you aren't in one for whatever reason, I want to know who you are and where you live and what your ailment is. I think it's fair to society at large that this information become public.

Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 07, 2015
I do think we need better gun laws. Nobody needs to own an arsenal unless they are an antique collection. Right now, at a gun show in Tennessee a person can sell up to 50 handguns at a "gunshow" per year with no background check, no nothing. The president of the state NRA wants the law changed.
As far a blaming parents of adults, well, that just isn't legal and is unfair since they have little control of other adults.
What we do need is better adult protective services. If some adult tard or non tard is living at home doing nothing by age 25 then they need to be assessed and sent to a national service corp where they live in a dorm type setting away from mommy and daddy. Those who are able can learn job skills and go out into the workforce. Those who can't an either be sent to an institution or supervised at home (and I mean medically dependent nonverbal adults). Those in between can live in a supervised dorm setting and do simple but needed jobs like litter pick up.
And while we are blaming the moos, I want to know where the hell the duh was and why wasn't he part of his kids life? An absent duh is just as responsible as a crazy moo.
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 09, 2015
the noodler
Rats in a cage. We're around nine billion strong now. Expect more of this. Lots more.

Rats are better to each other than this.
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 09, 2015
the noodler
Rats in a cage. We're around nine billion strong now. Expect more of this. Lots more.

Rats are better to each other than this.

Not really. Once they get overcrowded, they begin to eat each other on a regular basis.

I used to raise rats for feeders and for show (yes, rat shows!)

I learned some valuable lessons. Too bad the human race can't seem to understand them.
Re: UCC killer had "fiercely protective" moo
October 09, 2015
there was a classic study with rats done many years ago, my mom at one point did remember it.
there were two, maybe three groups.
One, the rats were given a set amount of food in their living space. No matter how much the population grew, they did not raise the amount of food.
The other, as the population increased, the handlers increased the amount of food but not the living space.
It was amazing how many pathologies and psychotic behavior increased.
Another aspect of this was the increase in rats with homosexual tendencies as well. (I am going by what my mom told me years ago)
One never hears about these studies though.

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
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