It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 24, 2015
Every year the social service agencies here sponsor the "Miracle Tree." It's intended to give a happy Christmas to people who otherwise wouldn't have one, including seniors. There are a fair number of poor older people in these parts. Of course, the main focus is on the chhyyyldrun aged 2-18. One wonders how many of these sprogs get all their holiday goodies from the Miracle Tree, and for how many years. The source of those goodies is--you guessed it--those who are "more fortunate." Thank god it's purely voluntary.

This could be easily ignored, but hubby's company Christmas party is coming up. The higher-ups would love for everyone to bring something for a "less fortunate" child. I suppose we could bring something not too expensive, but I'd really like to put a box of condoms under the tree. Bah humbug!

BTW, where did that phrase "less fortunate" come from? Can't we just say "poor"?eye rolling smiley
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 24, 2015
"Voluntary" often means that you won't get fired for not doing it... but it will be looked upon quite unfavorably by everyone participating, including your superiors.
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 24, 2015
"Voluntary" often means that you won't get fired for not doing it... but it will be looked upon quite unfavorably by everyone participating, including your superiors.

This is true. So it's basically a gift grab.

It takes a child to raze a village.
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 24, 2015
Less fortunate suggests there is no personal culpability or responsibility. While I do believe that there is a lot of privilege at work keeping some people (and their offspring) wealthy regardless of their personal choices or merit, I also think it's a choice to reproduce and therefore economic problems caused by that choice are voluntary rather than a matter of chance, luck or fortune.
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 24, 2015
If you feel like you have to bring a gift you could at least make it something the kid would have to work at, like an old school craft kit or something to encourage creativity. Or socks, mittens, the essentials. The thing will probably get tossed away but you at least have not contributed to brat-grab kinder crap central.

A group in my area collected socks for elderly shut-ins and they were thrilled with that. Imagine a brat getting socks. angry smiley
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 24, 2015
I loathe those trees...for every kid who wants some reading material, puzzles and coloring books, there are 10 who want the latest X-box, iPhones and shit I don't even buy for myself.

I stick to the senior trees: they want socks, peppermints, crossword puzzles and paperback books. Interestingly enough at the mall this tree is always empty (along with the kids who want books and puzzles).

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 24, 2015
Just skip the holiday party. I haven't been to one in 6 years.
Can't make you show up and then can't pressure you into the grifting.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 24, 2015
What will be the political fallout at DH's job if you don't cough up something for the begging tree? If it means he's denied a promotion or get stuck with the shitty shifts or clients it might be worth it to pony up something.

Had to deal with this in a prior job and I donated a kiddie art set every year. I said something about motor skills and creativity. It didn't cost me anything since my uncle gave me a kiddie art set every year for Christmas so I dumped them in a closet and gave one a year until they were gone. I didn't give anything at the next place since I was the non single moo in the department and knew I would never be transferred or promoted since my job was to clean up after their incompetence. Found a different job right before they had an Enron style meltdown. The current place sees donating as a personal choice and doesn't pressure anyone to donate.
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 24, 2015
What will be the political fallout at DH's job if you don't cough up something for the begging tree? If it means he's denied a promotion or get stuck with the shitty shifts or clients it might be worth it to pony up something.

There is nothing wrong with charities, nothing wrong with donating your own time, money, or goods to a cause. That's actually a noble thing.

Workplace charities should be illegal. They're thinly veiled forms of workplace intimidation for those who do not wish to participate.

You are absolutely correct on "political fallout" being a potential hazard of not contributing to these charitable grabs. I'll throw baby showers, wedding showers, etc., right in the mix as well.

I don't think you'll be fired for not donating, but it won't make you look good. You may be told to, "Be more of a 'team player'," in your next evaluation. I had been told that at a past job, despite getting along with everyone quite well. Companies will disguise this in phrases like, "We want you to feel like you're part of our family here..." eye rolling smiley

People go to work to earn money. They don't go to work to give it away for whatever the charity du'jour is.
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 24, 2015
If you can pick the type of gift you want to buy, a bead kit is always nice. Tiny glass beads are tough for little hands to use and they end up everywhere. My sister hated it when I gave my niece gifts with tiny parts because those parts always ended up on the floor and she would have to vacuum more frequently than she liked.

A sand art kit is another messy alternative to a bead kit and is fairly inexpensive. Thinking of the clean up involved for some poor kid's parents might just bring a smile to your face on Christmas day. smiling bouncing smiley
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 24, 2015
If you can pick the type of gift you want to buy, a bead kit is always nice. Tiny glass beads are tough for little hands to use and they end up everywhere. My sister hated it when I gave my niece gifts with tiny parts because those parts always ended up on the floor and she would have to vacuum more frequently than she liked.

A sand art kit is another messy alternative to a bead kit and is fairly inexpensive. Thinking of the clean up involved for some poor kid's parents might just bring a smile to your face on Christmas day. smiling bouncing smiley

A lip gloss maker is equally messy! How about a rock tumbler? DAYS of mechanical rock tumbling sound delight! Lite-brit? Okay, I'll admit the lite-brite is for me....
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 24, 2015
Fuzzy socks and fuzzy gloves from the Euro shop. Or something that makes noise. It'll drive the little fucker's parents nuts.

" ... what's one more once you've already got two shedding on the couch?"
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 24, 2015
No to less fortunate famblees, who the welfare system supports. Toys and such are luxuries, not necessities. If I wanted to give to famblees in need it would be outside the country. Anyone who feels entitled to toys isn't poor in the first place. Anyone who feels entitled to more than two pairs of shoes isn't poor either. A coat can be bought one or two sizes large for a kyd so it can be worn for two or more years. Jeans/pants can be hemmed and then let out of when a kyd grows and made into cutoffs during the summer once there is no hem left.

Besides, it is common for certain shit stains to game the system by "making the rounds" going to their local church, the local church of famblee members and various other charity lists. Guarantee there is no checks and balances between these organizations. Not to mention their extended famblee often buying them gifts as well.

I'd like to see what a 18 year old "child" requests.

Elderly people who are thankful for necessities, yes.
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 24, 2015

I'd like to see what a 18 year old "child" requests.

He/she should be working an entry-level job, as I did several years before I turned 18. Money didn't grow on trees in my house, and if you wanted something you had to earn it.
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 24, 2015
I like the idea of a messy and/or crafty gift. Thanks for the tips!cool smiley

It takes a child to raze a village.
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 24, 2015
Thankfully, there was no pressure to donate to any of these things at my old company. I always thought coworkers who sent out divisionwide emails for this stuff such as Girl Scout cookies was tacky. Then again, I was always an outlier who rarely went to luncheons for those who were leaving the company and never went to a holiday party in my 23 years there. I even asked to not have a luncheon for me on my last day there when I retired 7 years ago.

It's easy to not give a shit when I never gave a shit LOL!
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 25, 2015
Thankfully, there was no pressure to donate to any of these things at my old company. I always thought coworkers who sent out divisionwide emails for this stuff such as Girl Scout cookies was tacky.

WTF? Isn't the whole idea of the Girl Scouts' selling cookies that the actual Girls Scouts do the selling? They'd be better off being honest. It seems to me that the girls aren't selling the cookies... their parents are.

Outside of raising money, I presume the whole idea behind this is to teach the girls a lesson in personal interaction and salesmanship. I think that totally defeats the purpose.
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 25, 2015
Buy something that comes in a toy sized box, wrap it so no one can tell what it is. Inside the box, wrap up a box of condoms with a label addressed to mommy and daddy. That way the kid won't automatically open it. You can also do this with any moderate sized cheap toy, just place it inside, and make sure its generic enough not to stand out.
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 25, 2015
Actually! You know what I'd love to see and donate to at Christmas time? Help your local animal shelter, volunteer, donate food and other useful stuff. Sign up to be assessed to see if your fit to adopt during this time of year (since most adoptions at this time lead to unwanted semi adult pets back at the shelter 2-6months later).

Rather donate to animals who were tossed out when baby arrived or when shitliegh got sick of it, than anyone stupid enough to breed without planning ahead financially. I do understand that some people genuinely have bad luck in life, but a human won't be put down like a pet in times of need. Already got to donating this month, soon as the signs went up about family's in need, with images of tearful kids on the posters, I thought, there is an animal shelter that needs it more.
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 25, 2015
gift this : Looks innoculus enough

Along with these craft items

But before you gift them the children should see this video Talented young man

and this wonderful version of old song

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 25, 2015
These are the times I am SO GLAD to be self employed! grinning smiley

I do have partners. And other work associates. And clients ~
Between the three of us - plenty of them ~

And we get invited to LOTS of things! And of course you need to kiss the client's asses.
But I do know of all kinds of ways to creatively bypass these things ~

I bypassed one today! Already, it's starting. I told work mates to tell them I was sick. Which I am. Effing 'cold' or whatever it is - keeps 'resurging' on me. Gah.

Most of the people I work with only go to these things to 'show face' and down booze. And free food. We had a little thing at our office last year - I got some 'deli platters' from Jewel (chain store). I thought they were OK. Oh and shrimp and nuts, crackers and cookies, wine, beer, ass'td soft drinks and water. I thought this was OK -
I got the feeling that some thought it was 'cheap' or 'not fancy enough'. Oh they sure *shoveled it all in* though - didn't they?

Anyway, "Charities" - yes we get some invites w/ suggestions of donations. In some ways - this works in our favor. Donate to the charity - have a card sent to them *with our name on it* - and we can SKIP their lame as 'party'.

PLUS - and this goes for ALL clients - you will be getting mugs. Coffee mugs. And yes - one for EVERYONE in your Co. Biz Etiquette factoid - most 'reputable' places are not allowed to accept gifts. Integrity aside - the IRS might come sniffing at that ~
One way you can get around that is - any 'gifts' that are just small tokens and *everyone* at the co. receives one. And mugs are cheap. And OF COURSE! they have our biz logo and all contact info on them smiling smiley

And that can be written off as advertising too. Can be 'expensed'.

And they remember their mugs. And for as much as these people tie on the booze bag round the Holidays - they won't remember if you were at their 'party' or not. Or if you donated to their 'favorite charity' or not.

I'm rather Bah Humbug about it all too. And it can become a strain if there are things you are expected to attend and do ~
But also - there are many ways to dodge these things grinning smiley

Post your Dodging Tips! thumbs up
It can be our Bah Humbug Grab Bag! grinning smiley
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 25, 2015
I echo the suggestions for messy and/or noisy toys. Such evil, much awesome, wow. smiling smiley I'd also be tempted to see if I could find an empty box for a toy, stick a box of condoms in it along with a note that says: "To Mommy and/or Daddy: Stop making kids you can't afford. Signed, a taxpayer." Maybe include a parenting book or a pamphlet from the nearest abortion provider. Merry Christmas, fuckers! the finger smiley

One reason I'm kinda glad I lost my job is I know there would have been an epic beg-a-thon for the poor brats, and I'm sure even the support staff with shitty wages would be expected to donate something to one of the district's many ungrateful shits. And there are a LOT - I was told that about 80 percent of the kids in the district receive free breakfast and lunch. I never, EVER would donate to a brat charity, even if I was making a colossal amount of money. Fuck, I never even did the dress-down crap on Fridays (the proceeds of which went to a fund for poor local brats). Pay five bucks to wear jeans for three hours? How's about NOPE? Why pay the school for the privilege of wearing jeans when I can just wait until my shift ends and wear them for the rest of the day and night for free? You give me a decent coffee and a doughnut on top of the ability to get away with dressing down and maybe we'll talk.

Kid bead kits can be inexpensive and huge. I used to have one that was a giant yellow plastic suitcase with thousands of beads in it, many of which became carpet casualties.

I would also suggest:
- Anything with glitter (maybe just a big jar of loose glitter if you can find it)
- Nickelodeon Floam or Gak (or any kind of play foam or play slime)
- Silly Putty (nice and stringy)
- Silly String/Spiderman web shooters (ditto)
- Any kind of toy musical instrument
- An air horn
- Legos (cheap generic kinds because no kid is worth the expensive Lego-brand ones)
- Anything that revolves around food, like Easy-Bake Ovens
- Toy guns (if the kid is school-aged, maybe they'll get expelled for bringing it in)
- Anything that requires assembly, like K'Nex (do they still make those?)
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 25, 2015
I don't think you'll be fired for not donating, but it won't make you look good. You may be told to, "Be more of a 'team player'," in your next evaluation. I had been told that at a past job, despite getting along with everyone quite well.

Confirming that, especially the "team player" part. I was forced to attend every bloody shower/party or I would hear about it.
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 25, 2015
I am my own favorite charity. grinning smiley
Re: It's That Time of Year--give to less fortunate famblees!
November 25, 2015

PLUS - and this goes for ALL clients - you will be getting mugs. Coffee mugs. And yes - one for EVERYONE in your Co. Biz Etiquette factoid - most 'reputable' places are not allowed to accept gifts. Integrity aside - the IRS might come sniffing at that ~
One way you can get around that is - any 'gifts' that are just small tokens and *everyone* at the co. receives one. And mugs are cheap. And OF COURSE! they have our biz logo and all contact info on them smiling smiley

And that can be written off as advertising too. Can be 'expensed'.

And they remember their mugs. And for as much as these people tie on the booze bag round the Holidays - they won't remember if you were at their 'party' or not. Or if you donated to their 'favorite charity' or not.

I'm rather Bah Humbug about it all too. And it can become a strain if there are things you are expected to attend and do ~
But also - there are many ways to dodge these things grinning smiley

Post your Dodging Tips! thumbs up
It can be our Bah Humbug Grab Bag! grinning smiley

Hey coffee mugs are useful! Got a source for cheep single color promo baseball caps?

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
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