Dud begs MOO to get a job, MOO refuses
July 03, 2016
SAHMOO'S with children in full time school need to get a fucking job and stop being lazy leeches. A woman I know sprogged as a teen, worked in fast food, met a guy, married him and quit work, had 2 more kids.10 years on, the man was 35 and died in his sleep. No doubt it was due to work related stress working in a high pressured job whilst MOO takes the kids to school and does laundry. 2 years on, she still doesn't work (her youngest is 7) and probably lives off of her husband's life insurance. She regularly posts pictures on her facebook of her having a beer at a bar and living off of her dead husband's cash.

Re: Dud begs MOO to get a job, MOO refuses
July 03, 2016

I want you to get a job so I don’t wake up in the middle of the night worrying that my career is
the only one between us and financial ruin. I want you to work so our marriage can feel more
like a partnership and I can feel less like your financial beast of burden. I want our daughter
to see you in the workforce and I want her to pursue a career so she is never as dependent
on a man as you are on me, no matter how much he loves her (and he will).
But mostly I want you to get a job because I want to feel loved.

This is the classical example of a moo who just wanted to fulfill HER OWN dreams
at the expense of another person - finding a sperm donor/wallet who will take care of her 100%.
Re: Dud begs MOO to get a job, MOO refuses
July 03, 2016
Why would they get jobs? Watching TV all day and having close to no responsibilities is the kind of life a lot of people dream about.

I don't have low self-esteem. That's a mistake. I have low esteem for everyone else.
Re: Dud begs MOO to get a job, MOO refuses
July 03, 2016
SAHMOO'S with children in full time school need to get a fucking job and stop being lazy leeches. A woman I know sprogged as a teen, worked in fast food, met a guy, married him and quit work, had 2 more kids.10 years on, the man was 35 and died in his sleep. No doubt it was due to work related stress working in a high pressured job whilst MOO takes the kids to school and does laundry. 2 years on, she still doesn't work (her youngest is 7) and probably lives off of her husband's life insurance. She regularly posts pictures on her facebook of her having a beer at a bar and living off of her dead husband's cash.


Old joke coming from the premise of married equals kids:

Q: Why do married men die before their wives?

A: They want to.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Dud begs MOO to get a job, MOO refuses
July 03, 2016
Why should Moo care about the pressure and stress their Duh-husbands are under when they're in clover? They get to sit on their asses just about all day and just make sure the kids don't Darwinize themselves, and that's if the kids are even home and not in daycare or school. A friend of mine had similar issues with his Moo-wife. She was a SAHM, but she did fucking nothing all day except play Candy Crush, so my friend had to bust his ass at work and then come home to clean, cook, take care of the kids and do the laundry because his wife was a worthless cunt.

Another person I know (more of an acquaintance) goes through similar shit. He and his wife married, each with baggage from previous failed relationships and they had a One Of Our OwnTM to seal the deal a couple years ago, which brought the brood count up to five. Family of seven, and Moo-wife "can't" work. She claims she's got PTSD and is on some heavy-duty medications to help her to cope with it (great parenting material right there), and she's apparently too fucked in the head to work. This means that Duh gets to put in about 60+ hours a week at a job that doesn't exactly pay a ton (I'd say under $30K) because Moo refuses to get off her ass and get a job. Seven people living off thirty grand is a stretch. But why would Moo work when she can be financially supported and blame her inability to get a job on a mental disorder that she may or may not have? No one will tell her to work when she's "sick."

I guarantee that if people all had the option of sitting on their asses doing nothing while being financially supported, a vast majority of people wouldn't work. Why? Because nobody likes to work. We know we have to work in order to live, but we sure as fuck don't like it. I personally don't know anyone who wakes up and is eager to go to their job, even if it pays well (I mean except for people who are on Prozac and are happy about everything).

Moos don't realize how stressful it is for their husbands when their family's financial well-being is hinging on a single job. There's no additional income to fall back on (and probably no savings) and that puts a lot of pressure on Duh. He may need to work overtime or feel forced to stay at a job he hates or that negatively impacts his health (physically, mentally, etc.) just to keep the family afloat. Moos don't give a shit because their men busting their asses means they don't have to get off their own and contribute to the household or to society.

Many of my free hours are spent helping with the house and the kids...

So on top of going to work, he also does shit around the house and wrangles the kids. If one half of a relationship is staying at home and not working, a vast majority (if not the entirety) of the chores and domestic shit should be the stay-at-home person's responsibility and not so much the one that goes to work. What the hell is this Moo doing all day that makes her unable to do chores or raise her fuckin' kids?

You keep busy volunteering, exercising and pursuing a variety of hobbies. You socialise with similarly situated women who also choose to remain outside the paid workforce. You all complain about various financial pressures, but never once consider, at least audibly, that you could alleviate the stress on both your budgets and your burnt-out husbands by earning some money yourselves.

They're much too special to go to work because they're doing the most important job in the world! SAHMs seem to act like retirees, but without actually putting in their years at a job/career: no responsibilities, they can do whatever the hell they want, they have their lives paid for in one way or another. Why is Duh not putting his foot down? Or better yet, why doesn't he just take a different, less stressful job? When they can no longer afford to live, Duh can tell Moo to get off her ass and get a job instead of playing house all day. Maybe after being poor for a little bit, Moo might see the allure of working even a few hours a week. But Moo doesn't give a shit because she's got her lifestyle funded. She got what she wants from Duh already (marriage and brats), so if he keels over and dies from stress/working too much, she'll just go find another idiot to marry and begin the cycle anew.
Re: Dud begs MOO to get a job, MOO refuses
July 03, 2016
I sometimes want to skip work to go to the lake or stay in bed, but I know that I have bills to pay. Sometimes even on my days off, I wish I was scheduled because I was bored. I went a year and a half as a NEET. It was great and first and then I was very bored. Even as a kid, I would get bored during summer vacation. I suffer from chronic boredom unless I'm busy. I don't understand moos who stay out of the work force for so long.

Life insurance doesn't last forever unless they are super frugal.
Re: Dud begs MOO to get a job, MOO refuses
July 03, 2016
shy lurker
I don't understand moos who stay out of the work force for so long.

In my estimation, it's all a desperate attempt to cling on to a lifestyle that is no longer pragmatic or relevant.

The idea of a western woman serving solely as a suburban homemaker is a mid-20th century concept. The confluence of events that led to this development were multi-faceted, including the presence of: 1., a period of history that was relatively peaceful. Even as destructive as Korea and Vietnam were, they did not disrupt day-to-day life on the home front, 2. energy was cheap and abundant, 3. food was cheap and abundant, 4. unemployment remained quite low, 5. wages were high, even among unskilled workers; unions were powerful, 6. new technologies were creating jobs, not causing job loss or outsourcing, 7. government finance was stable at the local, state, and federal levels.

When it comes to human history, this period was nothing but a blip on the radar screen. It's far from being the "norm." Women did a lot more than just cook, clean, and vacuum prior to the mid-20th century. And now, this era is over. And it will not be returning, in our lifetime.

The rise of the SAHM was an outgrowth of the seven qualifiers I listed above. To what degree do any of those qualifiers still exist?

Ergo, when a household relies on one person to work, they are really rolling the dice.
Re: Dud begs MOO to get a job, MOO refuses
July 05, 2016
I believe that SAHM day's are numbered, unless of course they are a bunch of blue-bloods or the very select few that live comfortably on their hubby-wallets (but even then there's things going on in the background that they work hard to hide).

The vast majority of working adults just can't afford to have one partner stay home to look after the brats, and the few that make a 'career' out of it, are mutually content. The vast majority of breeders are in the age group where both their parents worked whilst breeding, in order to afford their lifestyle (even if it was meager). Yes, some rebel and stay home, but with the astronomical cost of living, it's impossible to continue living like this, unless they decide to ruthlessly cut out everything or duh work their guts out.

Still, I can assure you that Duh will get pissed of it sooner or later, kick their worthless Moo to the curb, or go and find themselves a hot piece of ass to feel worthy. We all know that SAHMs completely let themselves go, looking like warmed garbage to their Duhs - is it any wonder they stray (hell, all the action I got in my youth was from straying Duh's).

This generation of breeders simply don't care if the relationship splits, as they grew up in fractured families. They will tell their SAHMS to hit the road, once they have enough.
Re: Dud begs MOO to get a job, MOO refuses
July 05, 2016
If one member of the couple decides not to work or can't due to something going on like disabling depression or something that is fine as long as THEY.DON'T. HAVE. KIDS and are frugal with $$$$. I saw a commercial the other day where this breeder family was happy to shop at Walmart or Target who had one income and five freaking sprogs. I thought it must be one hell of an income.
Re: Dud begs MOO to get a job, MOO refuses
July 05, 2016
It's why so many people play the lottery, to not have to work. But at least that's not using up your husband.

How can she not feel guilty? I thought we were the selfish ones?
Re: Dud begs MOO to get a job, MOO refuses
July 06, 2016
This was a red flag here: "After gentle pressure from me, and more from the student loan payments, you puttered around in some non-legal positions more suited for someone with half your education and intelligence, and which offered commensurately low pay." Some bitches only attend college to find a future husband with a bright future so that they can continue their affluent lazy life that was granted to them by their parents. Their intentions are never to enter the work force with their degree but to go husband hunting. I bet she is spending his hard earned cash on plastic surgery, expensive gym memberships, and proceeds to fuck Juan the pool maintenance dude.
Re: Dud begs MOO to get a job, MOO refuses
July 06, 2016
She probably did go to college to get her MRS but I thought law school was a rather hard degree if one does not plan to be a lawyer. MRS degrees are usually sociology, or art history, or in the case of Vicki Lawrence, dental hygiene. She said once she decided to "go to UCLA and learn to clean teeth and marry a rich dentist."
Re: Dud begs MOO to get a job, MOO refuses
July 06, 2016
On r/childfree, a commenter mentioned how his/her brother tried to get his lazy SAHM wife to get a job and put the kid in daycare to facilitate that, but she only just stays home and Facebooks all day while the kid is in daycare. So he stopped paying for the daycare, canceled all the credit cards she has access to (since they were in his name anyway), and moved the money from their joint account into his. If all she wants to do is be a SAHM, then she's going to actually do it.

I await the update to that story.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Dud begs MOO to get a job, MOO refuses
July 06, 2016
What I really don't understand is why moos choose to have kyds "to seal the deal", in other words, have them to make the duh stay and stay home with them. There is a fairly healthy chance they will divorce. Sometimes they completely neglect the husband because they think the kyds are some kind of insurance. Or they abuse the kyds they didn't want in the first place and had solely for insurance. It seems that 99% of the time this "insurance" is a bad investment where an education and/or continuous work experience are always good investments.

Because if the duh does divorce then an out of work moo that has to support dependents and her and the duh both lose. She may be comfy for a few years with alimony and such but the odds aren't in her favor. It starts with a 24K divorce and escalates upwards.

And then, every time it seems the moo whines about the situation she put purposely created. Having kyds to save a marriage and all. And I haven't covered the many negative affects to the duh or kyds.
Re: Dud begs MOO to get a job, MOO refuses
July 07, 2016
This was a red flag here: "After gentle pressure from me, and more from the student loan payments, you puttered around in some non-legal positions more suited for someone with half your education and intelligence, and which offered commensurately low pay." Some bitches only attend college to find a future husband with a bright future so that they can continue their affluent lazy life that was granted to them by their parents. Their intentions are never to enter the work force with their degree but to go husband hunting. I bet she is spending his hard earned cash on plastic surgery, expensive gym memberships, and proceeds to fuck Juan the pool maintenance dude.

Indeed, there was a chance to see that she was not a fully contributing member of the family before there were kids, when he could have gotten out of the relationship with less of a financial hit.
Re: Dud begs MOO to get a job, MOO refuses
July 07, 2016
Yep. The lack of ambition, goals and interests is always a red flag.

@ freya: I don't understand it either. Divorce statistics don't lie :-D.
It is as if they think they are the exceptions to the rule.
Re: Dud begs MOO to get a job, MOO refuses
July 07, 2016
I think we need to change the acronym from SAHM to SHAM: Stays Home and Moans.
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