Wanna Grandmoos Are Just As Pathetic as Moos
July 29, 2016
I'm thinking they could be more pathetic.

I was reading a testimonial for PureBarre. One of them was from a woman who is 54 years old. She said her life's goal was to keep in shape for the grandchildren she hoped to have someday. She wants to take these hypothetical sprogs to Disneee World. What? How pathetic that someone is structuring her life around what someone else will do with her uterus. And wouldn't you love to be this woman's spawn or DIL or SIL? She's probably one of those types who can barely have a conversation about her kids/kids' spouses without moving the topic to their reproductive plans.

I have a friend who worked for 35+ years and is now retired, only to immediately launch into taking care of her grandbrats full time. (Her daughter is not indigent and can afford daycare,although she married a loser and is predictably divorced.) My ex friend also has a very serious illness. So sad she can't enjoy her life. I'm living my golden years to the fullest and hoarding the gold right now so I can. I won't be squandering a similar opportunity.

It's amazing to me that people are finally free of raising brats, and they could have a little taste of freedom or leisure time, only to go right back to living for brats. Once a Breeder, always a breeder.
Re: Wanna Grandmoos Are Just As Pathetic as Moos
July 29, 2016
My mother was a basket case over wanting grand brats. Luckly my cousin popped a couple for her to play with.
Re: Wanna Grandmoos Are Just As Pathetic as Moos
July 29, 2016
I'm thinking they could be more pathetic.

I was reading a testimonial for PureBarre. One of them was from a woman who is 54 years old. She said her life's goal was to keep in shape for the grandchildren she hoped to have someday. She wants to take these hypothetical sprogs to Disneee World. What? How pathetic that someone is structuring her life around what someone else will do with her uterus. And wouldn't you love to be this woman's spawn or DIL or SIL? She's probably one of those types who can barely have a conversation about her kids/kids' spouses without moving the topic to their reproductive plans.

I have a friend who worked for 35+ years and is now retired, only to immediately launch into taking care of her grandbrats full time. (Her daughter is not indigent and can afford daycare,although she married a loser and is predictably divorced.) My ex friend also has a very serious illness. So sad she can't enjoy her life. I'm living my golden years to the fullest and hoarding the gold right now so I can. I won't be squandering a similar opportunity.

It's amazing to me that people are finally free of raising brats, and they could have a little taste of freedom or leisure time, only to go right back to living for brats. Once a Breeder, always a breeder.

I'd like to think a serious illness would reduce babysitting down to nothing for a rational being. Proves grandmoos are worse than moos!
Re: Wanna Grandmoos Are Just As Pathetic as Moos
July 29, 2016
My story is about what happens to a wanna grandmoo. Actually, my mother won't allow her grandkids to call her grandmother because it makes her feel old. Despite the fact that she was over 60 when becoming a grandmoo.

My sibling (the golden one) has both sets of grandparents one-upping each other to spoil the grandkids. In typical pathetic grandmoo fashion every conversation will end up about the grandkids. My parents have nothing nice to say about another sibling's kids (their OTHER grandkids) but he wasn't the golden one. I can guarantee that if I had decided to be a moo they wouldn't give a crap about any kids I had either. And I'm thrilled to not have to explain overt favortism to little kids who would deserve better if they existed.

My parents do whine about how spoiled and overindulged the grandkids are but they brought up the golden sibling that way and continue to indulge her. Spoiled sibling and her husband both CHOSE careers that don't earn much money so since she is the golden one my parents have
supplemented everything to move her from middle class to upper-middle class. She has never learned how to prioritize even though she is in her mid 30's because she has never had to. They have never had to learn how to prioritize and do stupid stuff like pay for vacations (well, partially--they pay for some of their vacations then beg for the rest) when they don't have a reliable car or clothing to wear. Grandmoo to the rescue!

Both her and her husband work but my parents have given them several cars, a down payment for a house, money for clothing, vacation(s) money, upgrade to her engagement ring with an insane diamond (they were a poor as shit and couldn't afford much of a ring, maybe $500 if that, then for the first Christmas my sibling has a gorgeous sparkler on her finger which was easily worth thousands) and although they didn't tell me who funded the ring I knew when I mentioned the ring and they both looked completely embarrassed and tried to downplay it, one-upping the other grandparents, etc.

Golden sibling didn't have the same upbringing that my other sibling or I did.
Re: Wanna Grandmoos Are Just As Pathetic as Moos
July 29, 2016
Melanie Griffith

Making a lot off assumptions, aren't you?


“Life is moving on,” she said. “I won’t have any more kids at home…It's almost like I have to throw myself out of the nest.”

But there is one silver lining: “[My children] are old enough to have kids now. So, I should have grandchildren soon!”
Re: Wanna Grandmoos Are Just As Pathetic as Moos
July 29, 2016
I'm thinking they could be more pathetic.

I was reading a testimonial for PureBarre. One of them was from a woman who is 54 years old. She said her life's goal was to keep in shape for the grandchildren she hoped to have someday. She wants to take these hypothetical sprogs to Disneee World..

Maybe she should be checking with the parents of theses hypothetical g-kids first? I've seen a number of posts from new mothers who watched with fury as Grandma appropriates all the special "firsts" that the parent had originally wanted to share with their kids.

These older cows really want to extend their parenting years by taking on all the fun stuff (as they see it) without having to do the real runt work of parenting.
Re: Wanna Grandmoos Are Just As Pathetic as Moos
July 30, 2016

I'd like to think a serious illness would reduce babysitting down to nothing for a rational being. Proves grandmoos are worse than moos!

They just are moos gotten older.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Wanna Grandmoos Are Just As Pathetic as Moos
July 30, 2016
They've had no identity other than mawm, and now that their kids are grown they have nothing. They want grandkids only to fill the void, which is incredibly selfish if you ask me.
Re: Wanna Grandmoos Are Just As Pathetic as Moos
July 30, 2016
They've had no identity other than mawm, and now that their kids are grown they have nothing. They want grandkids only to fill the void, which is incredibly selfish if you ask me.

Thank Cthulhu my mother is as averse to having grandbrats as I am to having brats. She never let who she was get sucked into the vast chasm of moohood-as-an-identity that claimed the last dregs of individuality most of these mombie cows had (if they ever had any to begin with). Wiping asses and silencing tantrums are not on her agenda. Taking up painting again is.
Re: Wanna Grandmoos Are Just As Pathetic as Moos
July 31, 2016
My mom had a full career while raising me and my sister. Both of us were expected to behave properly while in the dance studio.

Come grandkid time, the grandkids took second place to both Grandmother's and mother's animals. There were always lots of friends about.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Wanna Grandmoos Are Just As Pathetic as Moos
July 31, 2016
I have no idea if my mom wanted grandkids, as she's never brought up the topic and is smart enough to leave it alone. She's known I'm CF since I was in my mid-twenties. I guess she didn't tell my dad, as a few years ago I had to spell it out for him...which is fine, I didn't mind explaining. He asked a few dumb questions, including the grandkids concept, and I gave him the benefit of the doubt because he was probably surprised and is generally a very rational, live-and-let-live guy. He hasn't mentioned grandkids since that conversation. So both my parents are keeping any lingering grandparent thoughts to themselves, and I'm SO glad.

I love and respect my parents a lot. If they suddenly became fixated on grandkids, I'd lose a lot respect for them.

But...they were both good at having hobbies and identities besides Mom and Dad (exercise, gardening, work, ceramics, volunteering, etc). I suspect those who are ALL ABOUT TEH GRANDBABIES never really had lives outside of being a parent.
Re: Wanna Grandmoos Are Just As Pathetic as Moos
July 31, 2016
I think my mom is more interested in having puppies than grandbabies. She is more than okay with my CF stance; she's happy that I put in the thought and introspection to come to that decision. Plus, I got my OMGPUPPIES!!! attitude from her.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Wanna Grandmoos Are Just As Pathetic as Moos
July 31, 2016
My mother absolutely does not want grandchildren, but I think that's only because she assumes that, if I did reproduce, that she would "have to" raise them for me because I'm too stupid to do it. Because, y'know, she did such a fine job of raising me into a rational, contributing member of society and all. The times she's had meltdowns thinking I was pregnant, she'd yammer on about how "we can't afford to raise no baby," which proves to me that she would assume all care of any potential grandkids and then bitch about how expensive/hard it is and how she already raised her kids.

But hey, that's fine with me. She stresses me out more than enough as it is without grandbaby rabies on top of it.

Women who say they can't wait to be grandparents once they've gotten their own damn kids out of the house are pathetic. They have no identity outside of MOMMY and don't know how to live any other way except having a house full of screaming brats. Since they can't reverse time and make their own kids babies again (and most of them can't afford to get fertility treatments to have more themselves), they have to rely on their kids to make them babies. The grown kids need to breed, not because they want to, but because Granny wants to be able to play house and bounce a cute baby on her knee for a little bit before handing it back off to the parents to handle the shit work. And of course they would never dream of considering volunteering to work with kids to get their fix - it's gotta be a home-grown (not adopted/foster/step) grandchild, preferably a male one that results from a heterosexual and uni-racial union, otherwise it doesn't count.

Anyone else find it just a little creepy that, when the 'rents start demanding grandshits, they are essentially saying, "I want you to have lots of sex for me"? That's why I never understood why pregnancy announcements are worthy of congratulations because you're basically publicly admitting that you've had bareback sex. If you did that without accompanying pregnancy news, people would tell you that you're being disgusting or inappropriate. Must be the same logic that makes boobs sexual unless a baby is sucking on them. Hmm, wonder if anyone has gone on Facebook and made an announcement like "Not pregnant, but had great sex" in the midst of a pignancy announcement/baybee picture tsunami.
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