moo leaves baybe in car, guy gets it on tape, moo gets charged
September 03, 2016
smileys with beer
Re: moo leaves baybe in car, guy gets it on tape, moo gets charged
September 04, 2016
I don't see a huge deal here, it wasn't a hot car, the guy video taping is one of those annoying nosy assholes, even though she does look like a trashy breeder
Re: moo leaves baybe in car, guy gets it on tape, moo gets charged
September 04, 2016
I disagree, one its illegal two the car can get stolen 3 the baby could be kidnapped, infant abductions are common by wannamoos.
Re: moo leaves baybe in car, guy gets it on tape, moo gets charged
September 04, 2016
I disagree, one its illegal two the car can get stolen 3 the baby could be kidnapped, infant abductions are common by wannamoos.

Common? I think that's a severe overestimate, like the chance of a child getting abducted while walking to school. It happens, but common? Pfft.
Re: moo leaves baybe in car, guy gets it on tape, moo gets charged
September 04, 2016
Let me rephrase, WHEN infants are kidnapped its usually by wannamoos, regardless what she did us a bad judgement call IMO.
Re: moo leaves baybe in car, guy gets it on tape, moo gets charged
September 04, 2016
I have mixed feelings about this one. On one hand, I hate lazy negligent parunts who can't be arsed to take care of their own damn kids. On the other hand, I also hate nosy assholes who think they have the right to be in everyone's business. Lose-lose here.
Re: moo leaves baybe in car, guy gets it on tape, moo gets charged
September 04, 2016
I don't have any sympathy for her. I wouldn't leave my pet in a car with the engine running and the windows down. Yeah, chyyyld abduction isn't all that common, but car jacking is somewhat common and why take a chance?

She's 20 years old and has a kid. Should have given it up for adoption if she couldn't abort.
Re: moo leaves baybe in car, guy gets it on tape, moo gets charged
September 05, 2016
Considering how easy it would be for the car to get stolen with the kid inside, yes this is neglect. I can't stand nosy, tattletales either though so a bit torn on saying the guy did the right thing. The right thing to have done was to have picked up the phone and called the cops. Instead he decided to get his 15 minutes of fame by being a little bitch and filming this to place on fartbook for dick pats. Trash all around.


"It is better not to look like what you are; it is better to look like a bourgeois woman because then all the doors are open for you and then you can just go and make hell." - Marjane Satrapi
I agree with Odinette. Man, thank fuck I don't have some ward I have to keep an eye on and get judged on every little thing I do to get narced about in addition to being a woman. I'm so glad this will never be my problem. If I were that guy even I would make sure there were no CCTVs dumbass sub-par-ents could point to in case the fucking thing explodes or whatever 'bad thing' happens and just....strolled on by like it was surrounded by a huge SEP field.

benevolent Anti-natalist, pro-abortion, pro-smut, anti-sleeze, eat the rich, fuck childbirth. pro-black, lgbtqia? Cool. *thumbs up*
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