A very refreshing change from all the moo-centric nonsense of so many women's sites.

Inside the Growing Movement of Women Who Wish They'd Never Had Children
This is exactly why i always respond as i do to anyone who says i will regret not having kids.

If i don't have them and regret it...The ONLY one affected is me. My choice and my burden. Even if i wake up one day miserable, depressed, and suicidal and hating what i did, the only one who suffers for my choice is me.

If i had a kid and then regret it, I have potentially caused that kid irreparable emotional damage. I make myself a social pariah. I possibly forced child support on a man who maybe did not want and/or can not afford it. I have brought an innocent kid into the world to be told that his or her very existence was cause for regret and wish for a do-over.
If only they had believed us in the first place. Sigh.
These people most likely bred without actually thinking about it. They did it because it's "what you're supposed to do when you grow up," so they could have someone to love them, to try and save a failing marriage, to trap a reluctant significant other, because they had an "accident" and "couldn't" abort, because it'd be fun to "TTC" and go bareback and have something to show for it, to prove they're fuckable or because they bought into the bullshit belief that having kids is a wonderful and fulfilling way to live.

And believe me, when a kid is raised by a parent who didn't want them or who grew to regret having them, the kid will know it. Mommy can only keep up that facade for so long before it starts coming apart at the seams and she starts neglecting or emotionally, mentally or physically abusing the kid to make herself feel better. It's not the kid's fault it was born, but that's precisely who Moo will take her frustrations out on. It's not her fault for having the damn kid because nothing is ever Mommy's fault. Rather, it'll be the kid's fault for having the gall to get conceived. The resentment and bitterness Moos have toward their unwanted kids can really fuck those kids up for life too.

It might be all rainbows and unicorn taints at first because OMG baybee and attention, but then reality sinks in and Moo realizes that her life will be nothing but screaming, crying, puke, shit, no sleep, no sex and looking like a dumpster full of old pudding while her husband gets to "escape" to work all day. It's very telling when women will bitch about how their men "get to go to work" every day instead of being home with the sproggen, like Duh's going to an amusement park (well, work probably feels like a vacation compared to being home). They won't or "can't" give their kids up for adoption or find out if someone they know would be willing to take the kid because they know they'll be socially drawn and quartered for it. When some parents feel trapped enough, they'll start rationalizing and planning ways to kill their kids.

Some women are just not cut out to be mothers. It doesn't make a lady less of a woman or a human being because we're not all meant to be good at everything, though society loves to not-so-subtly imply that a woman is a waste of air if she doesn't have kids. Women often just blindly have kids, even if they have no idea if they actually want them or not, and this can result in these mothers who have lifelong post-partum depression or who sit around the house constantly drinking so they don't have to deal with reality.

Most major or life-altering decisions can be reversed, but kids are one of the few that cannot be. I mean, yeah, you can give your kid away or kill it, but there's no socially acceptable way to Ctrl+Z your kids once they're here. On top of that, it's socially unacceptable to come out and say you wish you never had kids, so women may feel like social deviants and like they have to keep these thoughts to themselves or risk being torn apart. The truth is a lot of mothers out there wish they never had kids and there's no way to undo that decision. This is why they get so shitty with childfree women: we figured out that parenthood blows without having to become parents, and regretful mommies HATE that they didn't do the same. So they try to make us feel bad for not breeding because it's no longer a choice they themselves have.

It could be slightly better if women could at least stand on the rooftops and go, "I hate my kids, I wish they were never born and I'm not ashamed to admit it!" without risking being practically murdered. Makes me wonder.... if every single mother was given half an hour where she could do whatever she wanted - legal or otherwise - and be guaranteed to not get caught, how many would use that time to kill their kids? My guess would be A LOT.
Quote from article "Laura once believed that she wanted to be a mother. She had little direct experience with children—no siblings young enough to need tending to, no babysitting jobs—and when she and her husband decided to start a family, she wondered if she knew enough about what that meant. "I asked some friends if we could get the basics from them and they ran us through the general infant care stuff in maybe 45 minutes," she says. "In retrospect, it was laughably insufficient. I really didn't know what I was in for."

How could anyone with no real experience around children just decide to have them and that 45 minutes is sufficient preparation for a creature they have to parent for 18 years? If nothing else you'd think the $250K that will be spent to raise the kyd would require more than 45 minutes to think and plan accordingly.

I once believed I wanted to have a baby alligator as a pet and keep it in the bathtub. Thank goodness I didn't decide talking with self-proclaimed experts for 45 minutes is adequate preparation to adopt the baby gator. Same for an ocelot, fennec fox (beyond cute!) and numerous other animals that remain wild. And I was a kid when I wanted the gator.
It could be slightly better if women could at least stand on the rooftops and go, "I hate my kids, I wish they were never born and I'm not ashamed to admit it!" without risking being practically murdered. Makes me wonder.... if every single mother was given half an hour where she could do whatever she wanted - legal or otherwise - and be guaranteed to not get caught, how many would use that time to kill their kids? My guess would be A LOT.

I agree and think that many womben who can comfortably stay at home with their kids and live very well on their husband's income would be in this group. Maybe even some womben who can afford considerable outside help with household chores and nanny services. IOW even womben with every comfort and advantage a moo could have would still love a redo button and detest being a moo. It isn't just the more obvious: single parunts or the poor ones.

The Marie Claire article made it to the front page of yahoo. Lots of commenters supporting the moos. The pattern of thought there seems to be it is normal to have regrets, but since the moos can't go back in time and undo their kids, then it is ok, their lives are ruined anyway, mission accomplished. All the hate is reserved for CF women who are smart enough to escape kids in the first place. One commenter said it was fine a female commenter did not want kids, and said she had a balanced view of life for admitted she would not abort if she got in pig. So as long as it is too late or the "CF" anti abortion females live in fear of getting preggers it is "all ok"
It could be slightly better if women could at least stand on the rooftops and go, "I hate my kids, I wish they were never born and I'm not ashamed to admit it!" without risking being practically murdered. Makes me wonder.... if every single mother was given half an hour where she could do whatever she wanted - legal or otherwise - and be guaranteed to not get caught, how many would use that time to kill their kids? My guess would be A LOT.

I agree and think that many womben who can comfortably stay at home with their kids and live very well on their husband's income would be in this group. Maybe even some womben who can afford considerable outside help with household chores and nanny services. IOW even womben with every comfort and advantage a moo could have would still love a redo button and detest being a moo. It isn't just the more obvious: single parunts or the poor ones.

That's something I wonder about the movie The Purge, where the citizens of the USA get 12 hours to commit any crime, including murder, with no legal repercussions. How many moos would take advantage to off their kids? Lock up the house tight to prevent any outside Purge participants making their way in and to prevent the kids from escaping. Hell, moos would be making pacts with each other to off their kids. Shack up at one of their homes to herd all the kids in one place like lambs to the slaughter.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Quote from article "Laura once believed that she wanted to be a mother. She had little direct experience with children—no siblings young enough to need tending to, no babysitting jobs—and when she and her husband decided to start a family, she wondered if she knew enough about what that meant. "I asked some friends if we could get the basics from them and they ran us through the general infant care stuff in maybe 45 minutes," she says. "In retrospect, it was laughably insufficient. I really didn't know what I was in for."

How could anyone with no real experience around children just decide to have them and that 45 minutes is sufficient preparation for a creature they have to parent for 18 years? If nothing else you'd think the $250K that will be spent to raise the kyd would require more than 45 minutes to think and plan accordingly.

Working with kids is the best birth control enforcement ever.

People put more thought and research into buying a car, house, or fancy meal than they do into having kids.

The pattern of thought there seems to be it is normal to have regrets, but since the moos can't go back in time and undo their kids, then it is ok, their lives are ruined anyway, mission accomplished. All the hate is reserved for CF women who are smart enough to escape kids in the first place.

So true!
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