From Reddit: attempted thievery? wtf
August 31, 2017
Just found this gem over at childfree Reddit. farking unbelievable.

"I was standing in line at a large electronics store checkout. It was busy and there were only two cashiers, so I took out my old GBA SP and started playing Pokemon Silver while I waited. A woman and her 8 ish son got in line behind me. I didn't pay any attention to them until the woman asks what I'm playing. I tell her I'm playing Pokemon Silver and goes from zero to sixty and tells me that I shouldn't be wasting my life playing kids' games and then adds that her son has been wanting a Pokemon game for a while, trying to hint that I should give my game and system to him. I ignore it and tell her that if he wants a Pokemon game, she should get him a 3DS and one of the new games or any of the virtual console Pokemon games, including the upcoming rereleases of Gold and Silver. Mom stares at me for a second and then says how a current system is too expensive and she's rather get him a used system while pointedly looking at my GameBoy. So I tell her that there are plenty of used game stores that have older systems. She gets angry and tells me that I should give my system to her son because she can't afford to buy him new games and he gets bored with his iPad really easily. I'm startled because this is the first time I've been treated like this and so I start to sort of tune her out. I figure that's the end of it, but no.

Then as I'm paying for my stuff, I feel a tug on my purse. The little brat is trying to steal my GameBoy! I yank my purse away and tell him to go back to his mom.

"But my mom said I could have it!"

I told him that he couldn't have it and to go back to his mom and he does. Just as I was walking out the door, I hear "That's her! The woman who stole my son's GameBoy!" Security swarms me and demands that I show them my purse contents to see if I had a GameBoy. I was livid. Mom has this smug smile on her face, like she knows she's going to get my GameBoy. I take out the GameBoy and say that it's mine and that I brought it in with me and they could check the security footage if they don't believe me. Mom says I'm lying and that she needs to leave soon and I should hand over the "stolen" GameBoy. The security guards freaking agree with her! Mom has an even bigger smug smile on her face.

But there's one thing she didn't count on. When I was a kid, I wrote my name on all my GameBoy cartridges. In permanent marker. The words faded over time but are still legible. And I have a very girly name. I take out the cartridge and tell the security guards "That's my name on this game. I wrote it on there a long time ago." The security guards take one look at it and agree that it's mine and since the game is mine, the system was probably mine too because the store has not carried a GameBoy Advance SP system or Pokemon Silver for years. Mom's face turns from smug to horrified in literally seconds as the security guards were now asking her questions about why she lied to them. I took all my stuff and left. The last thing I heard about it was Brat shouting about how Mom promised he could have it.

I think if Brat got bored with the iPad that fast, a GameBoy with one game and ancient graphics wouldn't keep his interest long either. But I'm not a parent, so what do I know, right?""

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: From Reddit: attempted thievery? wtf
August 31, 2017
Holy shit! The entitlement!
Re: From Reddit: attempted thievery? wtf
August 31, 2017
Holyyyyyyy shite. A 2DS is like $70 bucks now-- if brat can have an iPad (that he "gets bored" with too quickly??), moo can afford a DS. I'm so glad it worked out right!

I've had kids ask me for my stuff (we have really cool toys because we're CF, after all), but NEVER had a parent do anything like that. Closest was a moo on a Disney list I'm on who saw a picture posted of one of the *giant* stuffed plushes and said if anyone wanted to GIVE her one, her "special needs" son (aren't they all) would love it. I happen to have the plushy in question (from back when I could work and had actual money) and know how much it cost-- $125. And she was asking people to just give her son one. Selfish bitch. But that's still nothing compared to what you're describing. Crazy!
Re: From Reddit: attempted thievery? wtf
September 01, 2017
That person left too soon. Should have pressed charges.
Re: From Reddit: attempted thievery? wtf
September 01, 2017
That makes my blood boil. I can't say how I would react in that situation, but on reading it I imagined I'd slap Shitleigh away from my bag. I wonder if you'd get in legal trouble for that. Probably, because moo would low that he's 'just a chyllllld.' Ugh, I hate people. Wtf is wrong with people that they are so brazen to ask stuff from strangers? When I was a kid I was taught even if you are at a friend's / relative's house, and there was food out, you STILL don't ask for any. If the person doesn't offer it, you don't eat.

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: From Reddit: attempted thievery? wtf
September 01, 2017
A future felon in the making, and moo's helping.
Re: From Reddit: attempted thievery? wtf
September 01, 2017
I had something like this happen to me as a child (little fuckers got away with it) so I think this is totally within the realm of truth. (for someone who thinks this might be so outrageous as to be phony). I may well start marking things of mine.
what was interesting was someone who replied farther down in the comments was (on line I think) waiting at a grocery store line or dept store, and felt something messing with their pocket. turned around and some snotleigh had been trying to pick their pocket. "what are you doing?" ..snotleigh replied 'wallet??". the commenter looked up in time to see some mooo and duh ducking out of sight down an aisle.

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: From Reddit: attempted thievery? wtf
September 02, 2017
What a rotten cunt! Game Boys can be had dirt cheap. I just checked eBay and found a second-hand Game Boy Color with three games for six bucks and free shipping and several more in about the same price range, but different colors. If the little brat has a fucking iPad that he gets tired of quickly, what interest would an old Game Boy possibly hold for him? If she managed to get away with stealing this person's games, I guarantee it would have gotten thrown on the floor within about five seconds when the little fuck stain couldn't figure out how to turn it on.

Parents sure are getting ballsy when they're telling their kids to go steal other people's shit. One of these days one of these little bastards will get a face full of mace (or fist) and then the proud mommy will get her udders in a knot that someone dared not indulge her precious. Not everyone is okay with a child committing a crime against them or with invading their personal space and may not respond peacefully.
Re: From Reddit: attempted thievery? wtf
September 04, 2017
Damn! Like my mum used to say, "she has more nerve in her little finger than I do in my whole body." Glad it turned out, OK but I don't get the lack of manners, or even just common civility these days on the part of some breeders. The cheek! And then to accuse the Redditor of stealing the Gameboy! Just when I think that some breeder cannot sink any lower, they do.
Re: From Reddit: attempted thievery? wtf
September 04, 2017
Press charges. Also sue for slander.
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