Re: A completely delusional article: Six Reasons to have Six kids
June 23, 2018
There is also the excuse by kids that they have to care for loaves of their own. I don't remember which thread it was, but there was some moo out there who wanted her cancer-riddled mother to move halfway across the country and help her look after it.

It was one where she hadn't even had a kid yet, and was wondering if she should have a kid for her mother's sake, and her partner didn't want kids. Her mother was a 10 hour flight away.

Thanks Yurble!

My memory ain't what she used to be, but now it's coming back to me. "Come and sacrifice what little comfort you have, start over in a new community, forego your medical care where you are and please mooooovvveee so you can help me look after this nonexistent loaf!"

I only remembered it because I posted it. I think they must be in different countries. The paper is a UK one, so I guess one of them is in the UK and the other maybe Canada or Australia, given the 10-hour plane flight. So it is even more absurd to think of moving countries under the circumstances.
Re: A completely delusional article: Six Reasons to have Six kids
June 23, 2018
I'm also from Tucson, and it seems like a pretty darn breederific place to me. It's good to know someone else here is CF.

Is it true there are more CF people on the coasts than in other areas?

I've met more CF since living here (most of the time between 2001-2018) versus the Midwest breederific territory. There are lots of people who have kids on the coast but they seem much less likely to care whether or not you have kids. If you say you don't/aren't going to have kids they are much more likely to respond with a simple "okay". People in the Midwest are more apt to press you to know about your procreation status and will give you unwarranted advice on breeding. The overwhelming majority in the Midwest don't comprehend that breeding is a choice and think you're making a mistake by delaying the inevitable.
Re: A completely delusional article: Six Reasons to have Six kids
June 24, 2018
I'm also from Tucson, and it seems like a pretty darn breederific place to me. It's good to know someone else here is CF.

Is it true there are more CF people on the coasts than in other areas?

I've met more CF since living here (most of the time between 2001-2018) versus the Midwest breederific territory. There are lots of people who have kids on the coast but they seem much less likely to care whether or not you have kids. If you say you don't/aren't going to have kids they are much more likely to respond with a simple "okay". People in the Midwest are more apt to press you to know about your procreation status and will give you unwarranted advice on breeding. The overwhelming majority in the Midwest don't comprehend that breeding is a choice and think you're making a mistake by delaying the inevitable.

Yes...and no. I'm in the NYC region, and nobody here gives a shit if you have kids or not. I didn't get bingoed that much at all in comparison to what I've seen on reddit or in other regions of the world. However, once you leave this area, all bets are off. A few years ago, I was in the Adirondaks, and a b&b owner gave the dirtiest look when I said I didn't have kids. Also, if you go down South to coastal areas, the culture there is more traditional, and there is a much higher probability they'll get in your business as to why you chose to not breed.

I was in Oklahoma for one month some years back, and nobody bingoed me at all. Not one person. Go figure.
Re: A completely delusional article: Six Reasons to have Six kids
June 24, 2018
My parents had four children and both ended up in nursing homes. Why you say? Mom had severe dementia and Dad had fragile bones that broke when he pulled up his socks. Both needed round the clock care at the end. You can't expect untrained people who have to work and maintain their homes to provide such care. That woman is living in a fool's paradise. She probably expects the normal siblings to care for the awtard for life too.
Re: A completely delusional article: Six Reasons to have Six kids
June 24, 2018
Yes...and no. I'm in the NYC region, and nobody here gives a shit if you have kids or not. I didn't get bingoed that much at all in comparison to what I've seen on reddit or in other regions of the world. However, once you leave this area, all bets are off. A few years ago, I was in the Adirondaks, and a b&b owner gave the dirtiest look when I said I didn't have kids. Also, if you go down South to coastal areas, the culture there is more traditional, and there is a much higher probability they'll get in your business as to why you chose to not breed.

I was in Oklahoma for one month some years back, and nobody bingoed me at all. Not one person. Go figure.

I don't know if you have a vibe that reads NYC area or if you just don't look like what they imagine as a breeder. Or maybe people observe you and just don't want to pry. Let me in on your secret please.
Re: A completely delusional article: Six Reasons to have Six kids
June 25, 2018
Yup, the kids will usually stick their parents into a nursing home, and then wait like vultures for them to die, just so they can collect their inheritances. When my time comes, I'll be hiring someone like a nurse, to look after my needs, and I won't have to worry about some devious shit with their hand on the plug, waiting to pull it.

I don't care where I'm buried. They can stuff me and use me as a hat-rack for all I care. Once I'm dead, it won't matter to me anymore.

The only reasons I've heard breeders give for needing or wanting multiple brats is to satisfy their own twisted needs or desires. It has nothing to do with the quality of life for the loaves at all.

Even if a kid wants to look after older parent things don't always work out. That's what happened to my mother, who was an uber PNB who literally taught me to function (mild autism). Things were going fine for the first couple of months but then she stopped breathing. She had to go on a ventilator for a year and you can't maintain one of those at home. My city wasn't even capable of maintaining a ventilator patient, she had to go to Phoenix. I couldn't visit cuz of a wicked pain condition. She died of end-stage emphysema in 2012.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: A completely delusional article: Six Reasons to have Six kids
June 25, 2018
Oh, I totally agree with you, craftyzits. My mother had severe dementia and she became violent. She went into a home, but the family was nearby and we were able to visit her on a weekly basis. She had family around her quite a bit.

I just think that breeders fail to realize that their kids will grow up and have issues of their own, OR the kids will be hateful and greedy. It's a crap shoot as far as I'm concerned. No matter HOW well you've looked after them, there is no guarantee that they will be holding your hand when you die.

I've seen many examples of kids and family members becoming extremely vulture-like in their behavior when a person is about to die. They are practically salivating at the thought of getting something in an inheritance form. These are the same family members who don't give a fig about the person at all, and somehow believe that they deserve something.

One of the BIG reasons I didn't want to have kids is that I didn't want them to decide what's best for me at the end of my life. I want to make those decisions when I'm younger and able-minded. I'm not going to let ANY greedy sprog do to me, what I've seen done to others.

Question to lurking breeders: Is it REALLY all worth it? Now that breeding is becoming more of a choice rather than reality, do you really want to put your life in someone's hands that is not a professional, or even gives a shit about you when you are going to die? Maybe someone who secretly despises you because of how you raised them? Ask yourselves that question if you are on the fence and this is one of the reasons you want them.

I had gone over to a Psychology webpage and read about childfreedom. One of the big cons for being childfree, one person wrote, is that you will not have anyone to care for you when you get old. HA! I plan on having money and using it up for my end of life care. I'm not expecting anyone to do that for me, unless they are a paid professional.

How many parents are shoved into creepy homes and never visited or cared for by their own precious children? I think one way to find out for anyone who thinks about dying alone, is to go and visit an old age home and ask how many of the people there have kids.
Re: A completely delusional article: Six Reasons to have Six kids
June 25, 2018
I just think that breeders fail to realize that their kids will grow up and have issues of their own, OR the kids will be hateful and greedy. It's a crap shoot as far as I'm concerned. No matter HOW well you've looked after them, there is no guarantee that they will be holding your hand when you die.

My parents are great people, but I would not take care of them. The life I've made for myself and the life they've made for themselves happen to be on opposite sides of the world. Fortunately they've never put any pressure on me, and they are very physically fit, and there's no family history of mental deterioration, so barring an accident, they should be able to live to a ripe old age in their own home.
Re: A completely delusional article: Six Reasons to have Six kids
June 25, 2018
Adding to "who will take care of you when you're old," Buzz Aldrin is suing two of his children for elder exploitation and slander for claiming he has dementia. Even if you're famous - probably especially if you're famous & have a bit of money - things like this happen.
Re: A completely delusional article: Six Reasons to have Six kids
June 26, 2018
Oh, I totally agree with you, craftyzits. My mother had severe dementia and she became violent. She went into a home, but the family was nearby and we were able to visit her on a weekly basis. She had family around her quite a bit.

While I was unable to physically visit, that Nursing Home was aware of my presence. I called each day and developed relationships with some of the staff, and carpet bombed the place with snail mail, that the staff read to my mother. The letters actually brought down Mom's blood pressure. (She had blood pressure as high as a kite.)


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: A completely delusional article: Six Reasons to have Six kids
June 27, 2018
I had gone over to a Psychology webpage and read about childfreedom. One of the big cons for being childfree, one person wrote, is that you will not have anyone to care for you when you get old. HA! I plan on having money and using it up for my end of life care. I'm not expecting anyone to do that for me, unless they are a paid professional.

That has got to be one of the weakest arguments for having children especially since it isn't uncommon for parents today to support their kids well into their twenties or beyond. Or the support continues if the kid reproduces and ends up divorced, addicted, etc. Chances are high that certain events will cause the parents to support their kids past 18.

Most kids aren't able to take care of their parents for a variety of reasons. The kids may not have their act together or be in a position to ever help out their elderly parents. Most adults can't afford to quit their jobs to become a caretaker or lack the qualifications of a caretaker. Or the kid is in a good economic position but lives far away from the parent and is unable to move and the parent is unwilling to move.
It can go either way. My grandmother is in her 90s, and my mother dotes on her. My mother helps her get into and out of bed, makes her breakfast / lunch / dinner every day, runs out to buy her special food, just does everything for her. My mother is my grandmother’s only remaining child. Her older brother died of liver cirrhosis and her younger brother died of a heart attack. My plan is to take care of my mom when she gets old. I’m saving money aggressively, and I own my own home. If I have to, I’ll sell it and use that to help care for her. My plan, if she ever needs care, is to help care for her in her home and help financially. That’s the good way.

Now, my dad’s mom, who I was never close to {I’m adopted and Mrs. X - no I didn’t call her grandma, but Mrs. X - didn’t believe in adoption. She thought my mom should have kids instead of adopting} ended up being treated very poorly in her old age. Mrs. X had 9 children, and none of them wanted her. She ended up staying with her youngest daughter, who spent all of her money. She’d hand over her paychecks to her daughter, and her daughter would spend them as she wanted in exchange for ‘caring’ for her. This care involved buying her groceries and wheeling her in front of the TV. That was it. Then, when Mrs. X died in her 80s, her children tore each other apart for the inheritance, for her house, for everything. They ended up SUING each other over who should get what. 8 out of 9 of her children just plain DIDN’T WANT HER, and the last one ‘cared for her,’ but in exchange for her social security checks.

Dear fence sitters, PLEASE think about having kids seriously. You are creating an ENTIRE person. They may be severely autistic, they may be physically deformed, they may turn out to be poor, homeless, drug addicts. They may hurt you physically, or maybe they wil leave you desolate in your old age. I am childfree and I am planning to care for my mother because of VERY SPECIFIC CIRCUMSTSNCES. She is a phenomenal mother and I want to repay her and care for her. HOWEVER. THERE IS NO GAURENTEE YOUR POTENTIAL CHILDREN WILL DO THE SAME. It is possible that you can be the best mom you can be and your kid will STILL not love you or care for you. So DO NOT have kids if you are hoping to have free retirement care. There are a plethora of lonely nursing home residents who can tell you why that’s a bad idea.

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: A completely delusional article: Six Reasons to have Six kids
July 03, 2018
I could definitely write some creative article about how there are six awesome reason to have six parrots. The only problem is, most people aren't equipped to deal with six parrots and I would feel like I'm doing parrots a disservice by writing such a deceiving article.
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